Consulting Accelerator
1. Week One
– Overview
– Setting your foundations
– Natural law & the equation
– The evolution of a consultant
– Taking a view on the market
– Picking your 2.0 niche
– Crafting your mvo
– Resonating your message
2. Week Two
– Overview
– The dark force holding your heels
– Face off with the devil
– Duality & conflict of man
– Seeing for the first time
– Alchemy of self
– New paradigm & world view
– Rolling Gods loaded dice
3. Week Three
– Overview
– The illusion of sales
– Alchemy of conversion
– Crafting your script
– Pendulum of doubt
– Igniting your flame
4. Week Four
– Overview
– Falling for the trap
– Alchemy of client attraction
– Organic attraction methods
– Paid attraction methods
– Assembling the war machine
– Planning your 30d attack
– Conquering paralysis
5. Week Five
– Overview
– Fractal Facebook evolution
– Unveiling the fb algorithm
– Facebook’s book of law
– Playbook for a new epoch
– Your ad hypothesis
– Your audience hypothesis
– Tracking swans & the polaris star
– Achieving omnipresence
– Ad & audience templates
– Campaign genesis
– Governing initial conditions
– Daily workflow of the king
– Ratcheting up the kingdom
– Facebook Ads Update (2022)
6. Week Six
– Overview
– Minimum viable service delivery
– Setting client expectations
– Hiring top 1% contractors
– Project mgmt & workflows
– Finance & cashflow mastery
– Platform growth & scale
– Marketing automation
7. Week Seven
– Overview
– Secrets of exponential scale
– Productizing your services
– What is Uplevel Consulting?
8. DM Bonus
– Overview
– What to do if no niche?
– How I got my start in consulting
– Websites & dm retainers
– Education about dm products
– Hiring dm contractors
– Setting dm expectations
Consulting Accelerator
1. Week One
– Overview
*Update: We switched from Facebook groups to the Skool Community. You made it!
In week one we cover the fundamental laws of nature, business and consulting so that you understand the science behind everything. Once a clear understanding is established we get to work on the foundations of your consulting business.
The foundations are things like: Picking your niche, crafting your offer, resonating your message and testing everything in the marketplace to get feedback and iterate/improve until offer-market fit is achieved.
Hey, everyone. Sam Ovens here, and welcome to week one of the Consulting Accelerated program. In week one, we’re going to cover the fundamentals and foundations of your consulting business. This week is extremely important because, just like when you build a house, if you build it on bad foundations … Let’s say you build an amazing house but it’s built on shoddy foundations and it’s built on sand. It doesn’t matter how awesome that house is, if the foundations are bad, it’s going to fall over. It’s going to collapse. The same is true in business. If you have the best sales schools and you have the best Facebook ads and the best everything, but the foundations of your consulting business have issues with them, it doesn’t matter how good anything is. It’s going to fall over and it’s going to fail. The fundamentals and foundations is probably one of the most important and crucial weeks in this entire training program. What I notice a lot of people do is a lot of people think, “Oh, I already know this stuff. I’ve already got my niche. I already know what my offer is. I already know what the price of it is, and I already know my message and I know how to communicate that message to my market, so I can just skip over this.” Believe me, it doesn’t matter how much money you’re making. It doesn’t matter if you’re already making seven figures, eight figures. You want to go through week one in full to make sure that you re-evaluate all of the fundamentals and foundations in your consulting business, because one small improvement here can make a world of difference in everything else. What are the fundamentals and foundations of your consulting business? I refer to these things as the foundations, and they’re things like picking a niche. In consulting, it’s so important that we don’t focus on everyone in the world, and we want to focus on a small niche instead, because when we focus on that niche, we can really hone our skills and we can really help people more than if we were just a generalist and tried to help everyone. Picking a niche is one of them. The second thing is crafting your offer. Your offer is really what you offer to the people in your niche to provide value and help them improve their business or their life or whatever their situation is. Your offer is crucially important, because that’s really what you’re selling to people. That’s really the value unit that you’re exchanging with people, and that’s really how you make money. That is fundamentally important, as well. The third one is your message, and your message is really how you communicate that offer to your niche. You can kind of see how this works. We find a niche and then we really look in that niche and we want to find a problem … We really want to get inside people’s heads, understand what makes them tick, and then see a gap in the marketplace where we can come in and provide value to people. Once we can see that, then we want to craft an offer that is going to be how we actually help these people. Once we’ve got our offer ready, we need a message so that we can communicate that offer to the niche. In this week one, fundamentals and foundations week, we really cover some crucial things with your consulting business. If you get these things wrong, like I’ve said, it’s almost impossible to make the other parts work. It’s almost impossible to sell it, regardless of how good you are at sales. It’s almost impossible to get clients through Facebook ads and things like that if you have this stuff wrong. Believe me, you want to really put in a lot of work and a lot of focus into all of the training modules in week one. I’m also going to show you the science of how consulting works. I’ve really analyzed consulting and really looked at it and really boiled it down and crystallized and understand the core forces that are really at play that enable consulting businesses to be successful and make profit. I’m going to teach you that, and I’m going to teach you things like the consulting equation, which is basically a mathematical equation that I’ve boiled consulting down to, which will help you really understand it, conceptualize it, and see how you can come in and start providing value. Week one, I would say, is probably the most important week in the entire program. I don’t say that lightly. All of these weeks are very important, but week one, if you mess this stuff up, it’s very hard to make the other things work, so I really encourage you to take your time, watch each video in week one in full, and do the work. Make sure you take action and do the work. If you get stuck in any of the parts in week one, just jump over to the Facebook group. You should’ve joined the Facebook group by now. If you haven’t, the link is, and what I want you to do right now is go over to that group, request access, and get in there. If you have trouble with anything at all, the Facebook group is going to really help you get unstuck, because I have coaches in there, there’s over 7,000 members in there who are ready to help. We’ve also got the Q and A calls, and they happen every Monday and every Friday. I really just shot this video to welcome you to week one and really tell you what lies ahead in week one and really stress the importance of doing all of the work and taking things one step at a time in this category. That’s it for this video. I look forward to working with you throughout week one, and I’m looking forward to seeing your results and your comments over in the Facebook group. Thanks.
– Setting your foundations
*Update: We switched from Facebook groups to the Skool Community. You made it!
A full overview of the program and the core parts we focus on to get results. This video is extremely important to understand the road ahead.
Here’s what we cover:
* General housekeeping and how to get the most out of the program
* Important things to remember going into this training and the biggest period of change of your life
* Overview of what the program is all about and what we’re going to cover
* Your “foundations” and why the success of your business structurally depends on them
* The only four things that matter when it comes to getting results
* The raw math of consulting and achieving your goals
4 Things pinup
Raw math spreadsheet
Welcome to the Consulting Accelerator program. Week one, video one. And this is an important video because we’re going to talk about setting your foundations and you know, just like when you’re building a house, if you build a really awesome house but you don’t build it on very good foundations, the house is going to fall over. And the same is true with your life and your business. You can’t build an awesome life on bad foundations, nor can you build an awesome business on poor foundations. And you’re fooling yourself if you think you can because you know, it might only take a piece of straw and one day it’s just going to break the whole thing down. And it’s so important that you get your foundations right, and that you make sure that they’re in check all the time, and you make sure that everything is built solid. And so that’s what we’re going to be talking about in week one. The theme, the overarching theme, for all of our training in week one, is fundamentals in foundation. So we’re going to be teaching you the fundamental laws of nature, the fundamental laws of nature in business and we’re also going to be teaching you how this program works and then how the mechanics of consulting work, and not just classical consulting, but this new consulting, which I have created, invented, which is the new age of consulting. So I’m going to show you exactly how that works, how to think about everything and how you’re going to actually go about creating your own consulting business. Whether that’s from scratch or whether you’re going to completely reshape and reform the consulting business that you already have. So what’s really important is, throughout this training, you want to keep an open mind. You know all the stuff I’m going to be talking to you about in this program, it hasn’t really been discussed by anyone else in any other training. So you know, you’re going to be hearing totally new things. Totally new concepts and ideas, new ways of thinking and you just need to embrace that. You know, if you … The things that you already know, if you were to just go and do more of them, then you would just have more of what you’ve already got right now. And everyone I know is coming in to this program because they want change and they want massive improvements. They just don’t want incremental improvements, they want massive earth shaking improvements. And in order to that, we need to totally shake everything up. And so it’s very important that you keep an open mind the whole time. So with that being said, lets dive right in and get started with this module today, which is setting your foundations. So here’s what we’re going to cover. We’re going to start off with some general housekeeping and how to get the most out of this program. And then we’re going to talk about important things to remember going in to this training, and the biggest period of change in your life. And you know what that’s going to look like and why it’s important and how to keep everything in check throughout this period of change. Then we’re going to talk about an overview of what his program is all about and what we’re going to cover. So I’m going to give you the 30,000 foot view of how this is going to work. Over the next six, seven weeks, what are we going to cover and what sort of order and what to expect. We’re also going to talk about your foundations and why the success of your business structurally depends on them. So foundations aren’t just nice to have, they’re essential, because if you don’t have them in the long term, you’re not going to have a business. So fundamental. And I’m also going to show you the raw math of consulting and achieving your goals. So we’re going to break it right down. You know, we’re going to show you how many calls you need to have. How many … What closing ratio you need to be closing at, and we’re really just going to break everything down into raw maths and raw numbers and show you what is required to achieve your goals, regardless of how wild those goals are. So, that’s what we’re going to cover. Now some general housekeeping. So this program is designed to be completed over six weeks, so you’ll notice that I’ve broken the program out in to six different module, six different categories sorry. Week one, week two, all the way through to week six and then within each category, there is a number of different training modules. So categories of the weeks and modules are the things within the weeks. Now I designed this program to be completed over six weeks, which means you do you know, one week today, then you do another week the next week and so on and so forth like that. However, that’s not to say that you have to do it that way. You do have lifetime access to this training material and you can work at whatever pace you want. So you know, if you got a really … If you’ve just had a child and you’re working a massive job and you’re renovating your house, obviously you probably won’t be able to work at the same pace that other people can. So don’t take it as it must be done in six weeks. I mean you could take up to a year if you wanted to. I just recommend six weeks and I’m sure you can just figure out what schedule is going to work best for you as well, but don’t stress about that. And each week, you should watch the videos in order, take action, complete the weekly action items and then join the conversation over in the Facebook group. So each week, we’re going to release the modules to you, and it’s really important that you do them in sequential order. So week one, week two, week three, week four, week five, go one step after the other. It is designed in that way, for a reason. You know, I just didn’t grab a whole bunch of content and just juggle it all around and throw it in to some different places. I have engineering this thing to be completed in a sequential process and if you skip a step or you muddle the steps up, it isn’t going to work. And I know you’re here because you want results, you want change, and you don’t just want to listen to my voice all day. So if you want change, and you want results, and you don’t just want to listen to my voice, then you must do all of the training in the sequential order, which I’ve laid it out for you as. And then I’m going to show you how to join the Facebook group and how the Facebook group works. And you’ll definitely want to join the Facebook group right now. So to do that, you go to Go there right now, click request access and someone will approve you within 24 hours so you can get in there and join the community. Now we have some rules for our Facebook group. And I’ve been building this group for like four or five years from when it was just me and a couple of other people, all the way through to now, and where we’ve got thousands of members. And you know, when we’ve got a community with so many different people who are at different stages, you know we’ve got people who are just joining, who are brand new to business and consulting. And then we’ve got people in there who are making eight figures with consulting. We’ve got … We must have more than 50 people in there who are millionaires. You know, we got a big mixture of people, all ages, all niches, all around the world, different cultures, different everything. And it’s really important that we have some ground rules so this Facebook group can work well and it can really serve everyone. So here are those rules. And these are vitally important so you want to make sure you pay close attention to these. Number one. No promotions. So don’t promote your own stuff in there. Don’t put a link in there to your webinar. Don’t put a link in there to a landing page with an opt-in. Don’t promote your own blog post or anything in there. And don’t promote anyone else’s stuff in there either. Just plain simple no promotions. Then no complaining or negativity of any kind. So we want to keep this a really upbeat, positive place. We want people to be excited, we want people to be positive and we don’t want anyone in there who’s negative. So if you write a negative comment in the Facebook group, we will delete it immediately, because I have people monitoring the Facebook group 24 seven. So we will delete it immediately, and we’ll ban you from the group. And we don’t give any warnings for banning anyone. If someone breaks any of the rules, we just ban them. And so that’s how it works, it’s real simple. So don’t complain or put any negativity in the group of any kind. If you have a complaint that you want to make, then that’s totally fine. Just email, and one of my customer support people will look after you, but there is no complaining or negativity to be in the Facebook group. And then seek to help others before asking for help yourself. Now this is a good rule in business and in life in general, is you know, if you want to get help from other people, then you should seek to first of all, give help to other people. So don’t just go in to the group and then start asking all these questions and demanding all these people help you. Jump in to the group first, see … You know, look at the conversations that are sort of evolving in there, see where you can jump in and help and, if you can, go ahead and do it. And always be looking to serve others because then when you need help, others will be willing to serve you. And if you break these rules, you will be banned from the group immediately without notice or without warming. So I’m just setting that standard right here, right now. So please make sure that you remember these and abide by them. And we have a zero, a very strict zero tolerance policy and staff policing the community to ensure at all Section 1 of 15 [00:00:00 – 00:10:04] Section 2 of 15 [00:10:00 – 00:20:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … Staff policing the community to ensure it all runs smoothly. How to get help and support. First of all, I notice that a lot of people ask questions that are blatantly covered in the training. Make sure you’re not one of those people. If you say, “How do I do Facebook ads?” There’s a whole module in the course that shows you how to do Facebook ads. Obviously we’re just going to tell you to go and do that. Don’t be that person who asks questions like that. First thing’s first, you want to make sure that you’ve watched all the training videos and done all the work because most questions … I can assure you most questions you’re going to have, they’re covered in the training. That’s number one. Step two is: If you’ve gone through the training, you can’t find the answer, then try searching for the answer using our very powerful Consulting Hive Mind search feature. This is a custom platform that I had developers build. What you can do is you see a magnifying glass at the top right hand corner of the screen. If you click on that, that pops up a search function which we call the Consulting Hive Mind. What this does is it searches through all of the training. It searches for words said within any of the videos and it also searches through Q&A call recordings from … It searches through thousands and thousands of hours of archived content which we have. The Hive Mind search feature can be extremely useful when you’re trying to solve a question. All you have to do is define the question and you should be able to find the answer using the Hive Mind feature. Right now you have access to the Consulting Accelerator Program, which is the first stage of evolution for this new world of consulting that I’ve created. If you’ve just got access to Accelerator, when you use the search feature you’ll only be able to see Accelerator. Then if you have access to Up Level and the Quantum Level Mastermind, when you use that search feature you’ll be searching all three products in all three programs at the same time. That’s how that one works. The third thing, if you can’t use one or two to solve your question, ask your question in the Facebook group, and one of our expert coaches or community members will help. This Facebook group, it’s extremely valuable. A lot of people say it’s worth more than the cost of admission into this program alone. I’m sure you can all agree with them once you jump in there. Make sure you join right now, it’s Jump in there and request access. Ask questions in there. Join the conversation, help other people. It’s going to become one of your most invaluable resources and assets that you have in your business and your life, trust me. Then number four. You can attend one of our two times weekly Q&A calls, which are hosted by some of my most successful students. These calls happen every Monday at 7:00 pm eastern and every Friday at 12:00 pm eastern. Eastern is New York time, so if you’re in another country or another time zone you can Google what time in New York, or what’s the time in New York, and Google will tell you. You just want to think, “When is 7:00 pm eastern on a Monday in my time zone, and when is 12:00 pm on Friday eastern time, what’s that in my time zone?” Figure out what those times are now so you know when the calls are going to be happening. Now to register for and attend the calls, you can go to the Facebook group so make sure you join our Facebook group. It is Go there right now, register, and then you can click on the events tab at the top of the screen. Then you will be able to see the upcoming events. That is how you join the group. If you do all of those things and you can’t get the help you’re looking for, if you can’t solve your question, then you want to go to number five which is: Try searching our customer help center which has FAQs, help articles, and solutions to common problems. Your question, chances are a lot of other people have had that question too. What we will have done is created documentation and a tutorial which walks you through exactly how to solve it yourself. Make sure you go there. To get to our help center, you can go to, or you can hover on top of the Help icon at the top of the screen, which talks about … Just says help. You can go up there and then select the customer help center, and you’ll be able to go in there and get any help you need. You can also submit a support ticket to my team. I have a full time team of people who are highly paid to support professionals. They’re helping me and they’re helping every customer in my community. If you need help with anything you can’t solve using questions one to five, then submit an email to, and one of my friendly support staff will help you out there. That is how you can get help and support. It’s very important that you remember this. Go through steps one to five before you send an email because a lot of the time people ask questions via email that they could have just solved themselves in five seconds if they followed these instructions. Now here’s some important things to remember going into this training. First of all is: There are no magic pills or flavors of the week in this program. This program teaches you the fundamentals of business, consulting, and mastering your mind. We’re not teaching any gimmicks in here. I’m not teaching you some loop hole I found in the law which enables you to exploit some rare opportunity for a limited amount of time until someone smartens up and removes that loop hole. I’m not telling you some hack I found on the internet to press this button that starts making money. I’m not showing you how to do any of those things. Nothing we’re doing here is a gimmick or a flavor of the week or a magic pill. What I’m actually teaching you to do here is I’m teaching you the fundamentals of business. I’m teaching you how to think like a millionaire or a billionaire. I’m also showing you how to master this new age of consulting which is happening right now. The world’s changing a lot and we’re moving into this new period. The systems and everything, and the way of thinking which I’ve created for consulting … They’re leading right now and they’re beating the traditional way. By learning how this new world of consulting works, you’re going to be able to be at the forefront of that. You’re going to be one of the leading people who is pioneering this new way of consulting. I’m teaching you exactly how that works. The cool thing about this is that these are going to last you a life time. The lessons you learn in here about business and about consulting, and about mastering your own mind … These are going to last you for the rest of your life. You’re going to be collecting dividends on this for every year of the rest of your life. That’s the cool thing about doing things properly. This program requires you to put in the work. Some of it will challenge you and push you outside of your comfort zone. Coming into a program that’s promising to completely change your life around and help you achieve your wildest dreams, it’s not going to be easy. You’re not going to sit down on your couch with a bag of popcorn, and start tapping on your keyboard and then it’s going to happen. It’s going to push you outside of your comfort zone. It’s going to challenge you. It’s going to make you question things which you have believed for a long time. Whenever someone goes into a state like this, it’s a good thing. It means that things are changing. It means that you’re growing as a person mentally. It means that your business is growing too. It’s important to understand that you will feel uncomfortable at times, and that’s essential if you want change and you want growth. You’ve got to learn to embrace it. Most important: Do the work. If you show up to these trainings, take notes and don’t do the work, I can assure you that nothing is going to change or improve for you. It’s a guarantee. If you just come here and listen, do nothing, you’re going to get nothing. I guarantee it. You must show up. You must learn, keep an open mind, and you must take action. You must actually apply the lessons which we’re teaching. You must stick to it. The most important one of all is sticking to it. No, don’t just do it for a couple of days. You’ve got to stick at it to see the results. That is really important. I know that you’re not just here to hear me speak. I know you’re not just here to make some friends because quite honestly there’s a lot cheaper ways, a lot easier ways, to go and make some friends and have a chat to people than joining this program. If you want change, if you want results, and if you want to be the master of your own life then make sure you do the work. Section 2 of 15 [00:10:00 – 00:20:04] Section 3 of 15 [00:20:00 – 00:30:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … The master of your own life, then make sure you do the work. Let’s talk about taking full responsibility because this is the most important thing to really get your head around right now coming into this program. Where you are in life right now financially, physically, mentally … This is precisely how you have designed it. You are responsible for where you are in life right now and nobody else. What you have right now, how much money in your bank account, the state of everything you have … It’s all you. You did that, you designed it and you’re the only person responsible for that. I know for a lot of people, this is kind of hard to come to grips with at first because sometimes you hear that and you’re like, “No. It was to do with the government. It was to do with this person or that person.” It wasn’t, it was you. You have to learn to accept that. Right here, right now in week one. I remember when I first read this, I wanted to fight it too. I was like, “It was this other person or this.” Then I didn’t make any progress in life or in business until I fully accepted that it was all me. Make sure you that you get your head around that one first, and you accept that. Just like you are responsible for where you are right now, you will be responsible for the results that you get with this training program. Coming into this program and then you see some of the training pushes you outside your comfort zone a little bit and you don’t do it so you’re like, “I don’t want to do that. I want to skip that and forget about it. I’ll just dust it under the rug.” You don’t get any results, and then you complain. You’re saying, “The training wasn’t laid out properly.” That’s not true, that is your fault. That means that you didn’t have the courage to stand up against yourself and push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Remember, don’t blame other things. Don’t blame other people. You’re responsible for your own life right now and you’re going to be responsible for the results you get with this program. You have to take full responsibility, 100% for everything. I’ve observed ten thousand … More than ten thousand, it’s about ten and a half thousand now. By the time you’re listening to this video, it could be a lot more. Having observed ten thousand students, it is devastatingly obvious that those who achieve success take full responsibility for their results in life. They never blame anybody else or play the victim. This is so important. People who are victims don’t get anything in life. You don’t want to be the victim. You don’t want to say it’s the government’s fault. You don’t want to say it’s my internet connection’s fault. You don’t want to say, “My computer was too slow or my back sore, or I was tired, or it was raining outside, or there was traffic.” You don’t want to be one of those people because those people don’t get anything. Those people are saying that life is out of their control. They’re basically in a pinball machine and whatever happens to them, it was poor me. You don’t want to be that person because they don’t get anything in life. When you’re someone who takes full responsibility for everything, you get everything. Make sure that you fully come to grips with this and fully internalize this right now. Accept it because it is the most important step for creating change in this entire program. Coming up against resistance. As you go through these trainings, you’re going to come up against some resistance. Most people believe that resistance is a bad thing and when they face it, they believe the right thing to do is to stop or try something else with less resistance or no resistance at all. You imagine that. You imagine going to the gym. This is literally what people do, this is how crazy people are. As someone goes out and they’re like, “I know what I want to do. I want to start my own business.” They make a phone call and they’re like, “Hey I’m thinking of starting my own business. I’m thinking of selling these things. Do you think this is a good idea?” The first person speaks to is like, “No, that’s a stupid idea. You should give up.” Then they hang up and then person who is thinking about starting a business is like, “Oh my God, that was hard. I shouldn’t start my own business. I’m going to stop. I’m going to quit right now.” That’s someone facing resistance in the business world and then quitting. Then you imagine if you went to the gym, and you wanted to get fit and healthy. You went to the gym and you laid down on the bench press machine. You put some weights on and then you pushed up, and you were like, “Oh my God, this thing is kind of heavy and it’s kind of hard to lift. I shouldn’t lift anything at all.” If you didn’t lift anything at all, if you didn’t come up against any resistance in the gym, you wouldn’t grow. The same is true in business. When you come up against resistance, it’s not resistance which you can really touch or see with your eyes. It’s not a material form of resistance. It is a mental form of resistance, but it is the same thing. You’re coming up against resistance. That resistance is what is helping you to grow and to become stronger, and to become a bigger person, and really grow the life and business that you want. It’s really important to understand this. When you’re coming up against resistance, if you think, “This is hard. This is going to be a challenge. All this is going to push me outside of my comfort zone.” That’s a good thing. You need to learn to embrace resistance. When you come up against resistance, you want to embrace it and take it as feedback that you’re doing something right and experiencing growth. These days, when I try something and if I come up against resistance, and I’m like, “This one’s probably it. This is going to be good.” I’m trying to take some big action, the universe gives me a kick in the face back, and I’m like, “It’s on now.” Now I’m going to keep pushing because sometimes when I feel that kick back, I know that that’s the right thing to do. It’s going to be a challenge and it’s really going to push me outside of my comfort zone. I’m excited now. If I get pushed back or if I face resistance, it just makes me hungrier. I just turn into an animal and the thing is going to get absolutely demolished. It’s important that you adopt that same belief. Just like in a video game, you’re choosing to play at a new level of life. This new level attracts resistance and growth. It’s impossible to grow without facing this resistance. In a video game, you can’t advance from level one to level two and then expect level two to be just as easy as level one. If you wanted to do that, you could just turn your whole video game and off and start from scratch again. We don’t want that. We’re trying to get to level two, level three, level four. When you do that, you’re going to face resistance. It’s important to remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with it. If you try to take off with the wind, you’re going to go pretty damn fast and it’s pretty hard to do. They don’t recommend it. It takes off into the wind, remember that. Let’s talk about the failure uniform. This one is very important. Like I said, I’ve observed a lot of people come through my training. I’ve noticed that the people who get into these failure mindsets, and the people who don’t get results, they all look the same. I don’t mean like they wear the same things so they look the same. I mean their behavior and their way of thinking, and their way of living, it all looks the same. I coined this term the failure uniform. It’s something that you definitely do not want to be caught wearing. Here’s the failure uniform. Number one, feeling like you know everything. If you did know everything, then you would be the wealthiest person and the most powerful person in the world. You definitely don’t know everything. If you knew everything about consulting, then you would be better at it than me. Chances are if you were, then you wouldn’t have bought this program to learn from me. You don’t everything about the world, and you don’t know everything about consulting. I can assure you of that. You don’t want to feel like you know everything. When you get to a module and it’s a module on sales, you don’t want to think, “I already know sales.” I’ve had people who are sales veterans who have come in here with 30 year careers, and they’ve been top producers, and they’re like, “This showed me things about sales that I never even thought were possible.” The worst thing you can do is think that you already know something because you don’t. You’re not going to know this new way of doing it which I have created. Keep an open mind. Put the student hat on. Let go of all those beliefs that you already know everything. Using interaction as a replacement for success and your own result. I see this as- Section 3 of 15 [00:20:00 – 00:30:04] Section 4 of 15 [00:30:00 – 00:40:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) For success and your own results. I see this as quite common with people who don’t do well. They join a group and then they jump into the Facebook group and they start reaching out to people. They’re like, “Oh, hey. How’s it going? Oh, yeah. Should we jump on Skype for a chat?” Or “Hey, are you free to chat now?” They’re pretty much just social butterflies that are having chats with each other and not doing any work and then not getting any results. What they’re doing is they’re using interaction as a replacement for success. When you get success, you get a dopamine spike in your brain and that’s what makes you feel good. That’s what happens when you make some money. If someone’s not getting their success or dopamine from that, then they’re going to find something else to do it with. Interacting with other people can be that same release. Doing that is just fooling yourself. It’s fooling yourself that you don’t need the success, because eventually it’s gonna dawn on you that you do need it and you will have just tricked yourself. Don’t be that person that uses interaction as a replacement for your own results. You want to come into this program and focus on your own results first. It’s kind of like in the aviation industry how they recommend that you put your own mask on before helping others. Well, that’s what you should do in this program, too. Before you go and become a social butterfly, focus on yourself. Get your mind set right. Get your foundations right. Start taking action. Get in motion and then you can go and join some conversations. Asking questions about how ‘X’ relates to ‘Y’ and trying to understand everything academically. This is not an academic program and thank god it’s not, because it’s quite obvious in the world right now that the sorts of people and the sorts of innovation that academic education systems are creating. It’s stagnant. It’s about to explode, really. The whole industry is completely on the tipping point and so we are going to see the whole thing get shaken up big time and it’s because the academic way of learning has become too rigid and too stagnant and it’s over. There’s a new age now and the old, traditional ways of doing things and the old traditional ways of thinking don’t work anymore. Don’t worry about how my training relates to ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and don’t try to understand everything academically, because this isn’t an academics course. Then talking to people and establishing relationships before gaining your own momentum. You don’t want to do this. You don’t want to go out and just make 100 friends before getting momentum for your business, because like I said, you’re not coming into this program just to talk with some friends or make some friends. You’re coming in here to get results and change your life. Then telling stories instead of asking questions. This is a big one. I noticed that people who failed, they tell stories. They say things like … They say, “Okay. Well, here’s my situation,” and they say where they started. They talk about all this journey they went through and it’s always this big long, complicated thing and then at the very end, there’s the little question. It’s like they feel like that we have to have all of this context before we could answer their little question. They’ve attached the question to this mess of story and they can’t answer the question when they attach it to the story, but the question is often very simple when it’s just asked as a question. But they refuse to just ask it that way. Remember when you’re in this program it’s questions instead of stories. If you’re telling a story, it means you’ve fooled yourself and if you don’t have a question, if you don’t know what the question is, it means you’re telling a story. If you’re stuck at any stage or if you’re feeling like things are hard and if you’re doubting yourself and if all of these things are happening and you just want to tell a massive story, well, stop. Pause for a moment and think, “Wait a minute. What is the question that I need answered right now?” Stop for a moment, pause, and be like, “What question could I ask that if I had the answer to this thing I would understand how to solve this problem?” Very important to stop whenever you’re stuck in a rut like that. Stop and think, “What is the question. How can I ask this question?” Now, not asking for help in the Facebook group or the weekly Q&A calls. A lot of people, they … Well, it’s not a lot anymore. It’s actually hardly any people. I’ve noticed that some people, they write in to our support channels and they ask for help there, but they haven’t asked for help in the Facebook group or the weekly Q&A calls and you definitely do not want to be one of those people, because it takes longer for us to reply to your support questions via email and you could’ve got help in less than five minutes if you wrote the question in the Facebook group. Go to the Facebook group and the Q&A calls first before you go and ask our customer support team. Then playing the victim and blaming anything other than yourself. This is a big one. This is the failure uniform. This is it all wrapped up. It’s playing the victim. It’s saying, “I’m not successful because of ‘X’.” It’s saying, “The reason why I’m unhappy and the reason why I don’t have what I want and the reason why things are the way they are, are because of ‘X’.” ‘X’ could be anything else that isn’t you, so it could be the weather. The internet. Your back pain. It could be the government. It could be this recent piece of news that’s been on. It could be anything. The important thing to understand is that ‘X’ isn’t creating anything, it’s you. The people who get success, they take full 100% responsibility for themselves and their situations. You need to take full responsibility and understand that where you are in life right now is your own doing. You did it all. Where you want to gt to and the results you’re gonna get with this program are all you as well. It’s always you. You definitely don’t want to play the victim and blame anyone else, because that is how you display the failure uniform and I know it well. My coaches know it well and everyone else in the group knows how to identify the failure uniform very well. Don’t be caught wearing it, because … This isn’t even for me. It’s not like I don’t want to see people wearing the failure uniform, it’s for you. I’m telling you this advice so that you get results. This isn’t a selfish thing from my point of view. This is me wanting the best for you. You are going to be attempted to do everything other than the work and making a sale. I mean this, this is what your procrastinators is going to do. You’re starting a new program. There’s going to be work to do. Some things are going to be challenging, pushing you outside of your comfort zone and you’re gonna want to do everything else other than the work. You’re gonna want to go get a new hair cut. You’re gonna want to go out with your friends. Go partying. You’re gonna want to do everything. Probably want to even clean your house. You’ll probably want to go clean your garage, which you never ever wanted to do either, but now that you’ve got this thing to do, you’re probably going to want to go do that. It’s very important whenever you feel procrastination to just pause for a moment and feel where that procrastination is pulling you. Where is it pulling you towards? If I sit down with the intent of, right of, coming up with my niche, and then I start getting these urges and these feelings to clean my garage and clean my house and I can feel that pull coming on and it’s pulling me over to the garage or over to clean the house. What’s important to do is feel where it’s pulling you away from. Not where it’s pulling you towards. If it’s pulling me away from doing it, picking my niche and towards cleaning my garage, I know the right thing to do is pick my niche and to not clean my garage. Whatever way you feel it pulling, go the opposite and you’ll always be doing the right thing at that point in time. You must do the work. I know I’ve said this a lot of times. I’m going to keep saying it over and over and over again until you’re just walking around on the street and you’ve just got me stuck in your brain. It’s just going to be saying, “Do the work. Do the work. Do the work.” Because it’s one thing to understand this stuff conceptually. You could go through this whole program 21 times. You could really understand everything. You could be able to recite this entire program by heart, but it’s still not going to do anything for you unless you do the work. You have to apply it. You have to understand it mentally. You have to eternalize it and then you actually have to go out and take action. You need both sides. One side on its own won’t do anything, so make sure you do the work and you must stick to it. You can’t just do the work for a day and then not do the work anymore. You can’t do the work for a week and then not do it anymore. It takes continuous and. Section 4 of 15 [00:30:00 – 00:40:04] Section 5 of 15 [00:40:00 – 00:50:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … not do it anymore. It takes continuous and consistent effort day after day. You just got to do the work, do the work, do the work, do the work. Eventually, things will change for you, just boom, all of a sudden it’s like your whole life’s changed. That is why you must stick to it. If you get a week in and you don’t have any results, yeah you’re a week into something, seven days. A lot of people do get results in seven days, but just because you don’t doesn’t really mean anything. It means you just need to stick to it. Keep at it. People start from all different stages. Some people are just on the brink of getting their first client when they join. Some people don’t know anything about business at all. Different people are going to achieve results at different stages in time. The only thing that’s important is that you must stick to it. Someone asked me in the Facebook group the other day, they were like, “Sam, if you could tell us the one most vital, life-changing piece of advice that you could possibly tell us, what would be that one thing that has resulted in your success? What is that one magic thing?” I was thinking for a while and I was like, “Oh, that’s a good question. What is that one, magic thing?” I thought about it. Then I realized that it was that I didn’t give up. What happened is I chose all of the wrong things. I did everything wrong, but by doing all the wrong things I eventually found the right things, and then I was able to remember what the right things were and the wrong things were. I just keyed through every possible variation and found out what worked and what didn’t and eventually got to this point. Truthfully, everybody is going to get to the point of success. The only thing standing in your way is sticking to it. The only way you can really possibly lose is by giving up. That really is the most important thing. You’ve got to do the work, you’ve got to learn this stuff, you’ve got to keep an open mind, you’ve got to take action, you’ve got to be consistent, but the most important thing of all is just sticking to it. Sticking to it and never giving up. You’ve got to be relentless and you have to be willing to do whatever it takes. This is your life. This is your success, your family’s life. It’s the most important thing in the world. You must get relentless and do whatever it takes. Most importantly, you must not wear that failure uniform, not even a sock of it. You don’t want to wear a single piece of that failure uniform, because it’s all bad. If you can sense yourself starting to feel like a victim, if you can sense your self starting to wear that uniform, check yourself and get rid of it. You do not want to be wearing it because it’s just all bad. It causes failure and despair and everything. Make sure you’re not caught wearing it. Important things to remember. Nothing is a failure. Some things we’ll try here will fail and some sales calls won’t end in a yes. Some ads will bomb. You might try some Facebook ads and they’re not going to work. That’s totally fine. I do Facebook ads all the time that don’t work. It doesn’t mean I get all sad and go have a cry. I just try some different ones. This is important. Society conditions us to think that any failure is bad and any failure is really bad, but the only way to achieve success is with some failure. Some things won’t work for you. We don’t even consider that a failure. We just consider that feedback. That’s feedback from the market to us saying market doesn’t really like this or that didn’t really work, probably try something else. It’s essential to have some failures, to get that feedback, and then course correct and get closer to success. Don’t look at it as a failure. Look at it as feedback. Dare to take massive action and know that it will not be perfect, like your ads are going to feel imperfect. Trust me, your sales calls are going to feel imperfect. You’re going to doubt the niche you pick. That’s a fact. I’ve seen so many different people start this program. I’ve seen so many people doubt their own niche. Everyone doubts their own niche. Everyone always thinks that another niche is better than their own. Believe me, everybody doubts all of their own stuff initially. It’s normal. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. The grass is green that we water it. Don’t think, “Oh, that niche is better than my niche.”, or “This way’s better than that way.”, because it’s not. It’s just whatever you stick to. There’s people that own $100 million businesses in the lawn mowing niche and there are people that own massive business in every different niche. It’s important to understand that when you start things aren’t going to feel perfect. Whenever you put something out there for the first time it feels all wrong. When I first created a training program it felt wrong. When I first did a video it felt wrong. When I first got on the phone and did a sales call it felt wrong. That’s just how it always feels in the beginning. It’s important that you take imperfect action because taking big leaps forward, it feels like that. What you need to do is understand that feeling comfortable is bad and that feeling a discomfort is good. If you’re feeling discomfort it means you’re pushing yourself, it means you’re growing as a person and as a business. When I started to learn this I was like, “Well that means that everyday I should be feeling uncomfortable.” Now I use it as a way to check to see if I’m pushing myself enough. If I have a few days and I’m not feeling challenged or uncomfortable, I’m like, “Oh, I’ve got to push myself harder.” Now I’ve learned to make that discomfort, I’ve learned to make that real comfort for me. If I’m in an uncomfortable situation I’m thriving. That’s what I love to do. I want to be in uncomfortable situations all day. I think a lot of other people they don’t ever want to be in uncomfortable situations, ever. That’s what comfort is for them. You can reverse these two poles. You can make discomfort your new comfort. When you do that, then you are going to just be a wild success eating machine. It means that everything that people get afraid of are things that you do for fun. When you do that you will really conquer life and business because you have completely reversed the poles on what everyone else does. You want to start doing that. Whenever you feel discomfort, whenever you feel yourself getting pushed outside of your comfort zone, just embrace it. Be like, “Okay, I’m doing the right thing. This is awesome. I’m about to grow and this is what I need to be doing so I’m going to go for it.” That’s what you want to do. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes. This is your time and this is your calling to play a bigger game and become a better person. You will have enrolled in this program for a reason. You would’ve seen my ad for a reason, clicked on it, gone through the webinar, purchased this, showing up today all for a reason. That reason is because it’s your calling to play a bigger game. It’s your time right now and you’ve probably been thinking this a little bit, like “It’s probably about time I stepped up.” It’s not just by chance. That’s why you’re here. It’s time to step things up big time. What you need to do is lose all your stories of the past because they are not welcome here. Don’t think about your past at all. Lose those stories. Keep an open mind and get ready to shake things up because this is going to be the biggest period of growth for you ever. I will be completely up front with you at all times. If you’re going to complain or blame something else, other than yourself, I’ll just tell you to quit and start working for Uber. Uber employs anyone pretty much and they pay pretty good salaries. I think they pay like 15 bucks an hour or something. They’ll take you. If you want to complain and if you’re like, “Oh, this business stuff is hard.”, then I’ll just tell you to go work for Uber, and you should if you want to complain. Don’t complain. Just suck it up. Realize that it’s all your own doing. You’re responsible for your situation. You’re responsible for where you’re going in life and who you’re becoming. You just need to embrace it and you need to just learn to grow and understand that we’re all here to win. This is a winners culture. We don’t give sympathy and we don’t all circle around the person who wants to complain and feel sad. This is different. The person who feels sad doesn’t get any attention in this group. They don’t even get to say. That person has to realize themself that they’re choosing to be sad and they have to suck it up and come and join the winners again. That’s how it works in this group. It’s important that you don’t complain and that you suck everything up and take responsibility for everything, because we’re here to win and I know that you want to win. Section 5 of 15 [00:40:00 – 00:50:04] Section 6 of 15 [00:50:00 – 01:00:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … for everything, because we’re here to win and I know that you want to win, so let’s do it. Here’s some pitfalls to watch out for. Number one, not making enough offers to people. Your income is directly related to how many people you have a conversation with. If you don’t have any sales this week, well how many strategy sessions have you done? If you didn’t do any strategy sessions, well how many promotions did you do to generate strategy sessions? If someone has a problem with their business, I can just ask them a series of questions and I can get right down to the heart of the problem. If someone comes to me and they’re like, “Sam, I haven’t made any money.” I’m like, “Okay, well what are you selling?” If they’re like, “I don’t know.” Then I’ll be like, “Well, that’s why you don’t have any money.” If someone comes to me and they’re like, “Sam, I haven’t made any money.” I’m like, “Have you made any sales?” They’re like, “No.” “Well, have you made any sales … Have you got any strategy sessions?” They’re like, “No.” I was like, “Did you do anything to generate any strategy sessions?” They’re like, “No.” I’m like, “Well, of course, how could it be any other way?” I think a lot of people think that success in life comes from some magical source called luck or chance or something, and that people just walk around in life, and some people are just struck by a piece of lightening and they got a million bucks, or some people just … Fluke things, they just take a different turn on the road one day and bam, they just got a massive business and all this money. They just think that life works this way. It doesn’t. People get what they work towards, what they deserve, and what they plan for, and what they … When they do the work, people get the reward. If you don’t have the reward, then you didn’t do the work. It’s very simple. Now we just need to find out what part of the work you didn’t do. In order to make a sale, you need to have strategy sessions. In order to have strategy sessions, you need to promote to get strategy sessions. It’s just real simple. When you catch yourself thinking, “Oh my God, I haven’t got any results this week.” Well, ask yourself why? Reverse engineer it, and you’ll find out why, and then you know what you need to do next time so that you can make some sales. Number two, overanalyzing which niche to go with. I see this one a lot. People get torn. They torment themselves when they’re forced to choose something, because your whole life, you’re kind of being taught that it’s okay to fence it. You can straddle between this job, that job, kind of being into this thing, kind of being into that thing. In business that doesn’t work very well. You can’t fence it on everything. You have to make a choice. We’re not saying that this one choice is … We’re not saying that you’re marrying this choice. When you pick a niche, you’re not marrying it. You don’t have to be with it forever. You’re not going to be surgically attached to it for the rest of your life. It’s just important that you choose something now so that we can get to work, and then that niche will either be right or it will be wrong for you. Either way, we’re going to figure out for sure. If it’s wrong, it’s no problem to swap it out for something else. If it’s right, you can stick to it, but we’re never going to get that feedback, whether it’s right or wrong, until you choose something. It’s so important to make a decision. You’re never going to have all the information to make the decision. You’re never going to be able to make a perfect decision. There’s no such thing as a human being making a perfect decision. A human being mind and a human being linear language system cannot compute all the data in the world to be able to make a perfect decision. It’s impossible. Not even super computers, quantum computers, anything, can make a perfect decision. You just need to understand that, and you need to look at the information, give yourself a reasonable amount of time, make a decision, and then stick to it, and then eventually you’re going to get enough feedback to figure out whether you should change it up or whether you should stick to it, very simple. You need to remind yourself, all the time, the best time to act was yesterday, and the next best time is always now. If you’re thinking, “When should I start making sales calls?” The right answer was really yesterday. That would have been the right time. The next best time is right now, not tomorrow, not next week, not anything, not when your new headset comes in. That’s procrastinating. Now. The third pitfall is ignoring the mindset side of the process. This program has two key parts, mental and tactical. I’ve never met a person who has achieved results without treating both sides with equal importance. You need to apply the tactics as well as reprogram your mind. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t just come in and focus purely on tactics and expect success. I promise you, you won’t have success. You can’t just come in here and focus only on the mindset stuff and expect to just lie down on your couch and have all of these things magically appear. We’ve got two schools of thought in our society these days. We’ve got this spiritual side and we’ve got the business side. We’ve got the people who need to take all day long and eat healthy food, and do yoga and everything, and then they worry why they don’t have any money and why they’re now stressed out, when their mantra is supposed to be being not stressed out. So we’ve got that side, which is the spiritual side. Then we’ve got this other side, which is the business side. The people who believe spiritual stuff is all bullshit and it’s all about taking wild action. We’ve got these guys, are awesome at making money, and they can build big businesses and everything, but they all meet limits. Some people meet their limit at 20 grand, some people it’s 30, some people it’s 40, 50. Some guys … Well, I can tell you all of the guys that make millions and more, they’ve all mastered both sides. There’s no way to get really super successful without really acknowledging both sides. You need to acknowledge the mental side of things and the tactical. If you just try and get there all on one, it’s not going to work at all. I’ve had, in this program so far, I think I’ve had 15 millionaires and it must be close to 300 people who’ve made six figures now. This course has created more success and more results than anything else. In observing all of those people, and all of their transformations, and all of the results, and how their lives have changed and everything, they’ve combined both sides, mindset and tactical. You need to do the same. In week two, we’re going to teach you a new world view and a new paradigm, which you’re going to program into your mind. When we do that, it’s important that you don’t dismiss it. You can’t just think, “Oh this is some [Oowoo 00:58:03] stuff that’s not going to make any difference. It is. Believe me, it’s going to make more different than you can imagine, if you’re someone who thinks like that. For the person who is already very adapt to mindset stuff, it’s not going … It will still make a massive difference, but to the person who’s closed off to it, it’s going to make the most difference of all. It’s going to change that person’s world. If you’re one of those people who has dismissed it in the past, you’re in for some awesome transformations when you do accept it this time. And then working on anything that is not promoting to generate strategy sessions, or doing strategy sessions and making offers to people. Once we’ve got your mindset sorted, once we’ve got your foundation set, and once you know what your niche is, and you’ve got your action plan and you’re ready to go, then the only things that are really important is promoting to generate strategy sessions, and then doing strategy session. That’s it. I mean you just need to do both of those things and you’re going to be making money. We’re at week one, video one, of this program and I’m sure a lot of people are having initial doubts. They’re like, “Will this actually work for me? I just spent this money. Is this thing going work? How do I know I just didn’t buy something which is going to be a scam or something like that?” Some people have these thoughts and that’s fine. I’m going to show you what this program is all about. I’ll start off with my story. I got started when I was 21 years old. I had just gone through college. I was finishing up my college degree ,and I was doing an internship at [inaudible 00:59:48]. I was working in a corporate job and there’s my laptop right there. I was just … I just got this job. I thought this was what life was supposed to be like. I thought this was like success, but my whole life, I’d been … Section 6 of 15 [00:50:00 – 01:00:04] Section 7 of 15 [01:00:00 – 01:10:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) Life was supposed to be like. I thought this was like success. My whole life I’d been told that you go to school, then you go to college and then you know, you get a job at a corporate, and that’s what success is supposed to be like. Like you’ve made it, that’s it, that’s success. And then I got there, and at first I was kind of excited and then I looked around and I was like, is this really what it’s supposed to be really like? Because I didn’t feel very successful, I didn’t feel very happy. I didn’t feel like the work I was doing was very important at all, and I definitely wasn’t making much money. And I looked around and I realized that it wasn’t me just thinking that, it was pretty much everyone. And it was a very weird moment for me because I was like how did this happen? I followed everybody’s advice. I was that person who went to the career planner, asked his mum and dad, asked all his friends, I listened to the teachers, I listened to what society told me to do. Society told me, you go to school, then you go to college, you get good grades and then you get an internship and then you get into the corporate world and, then your work your way up the ladder and you save and you’re going to make lots of money and that’s what success is. And I was like … It was like a pretty strange time because I was like, well I listened to what society said. I listened to what the public opinion was and all evidence is showing me that public opinion was wrong. But then I was like well, how can this be? Surely everyone can’t be wrong. Surely not, you can’t be right. I would be delusional if I was thinking everyone was wrong because how could one small insignificant person like me be more right and smarter than everyone. And it was kind of a weird situation. It was the first time I’d ever questioned everything. Or ever questioned everyone. And then I started looking. Like that question really is what sparked it all for me. That question made me start looking. Like truthfully I’d never even looked. Like I never thought well what is another way to have a job? What is another way to make money? And once I questioned it, I immediately was … I don’t know, just google this thing. So I went to Google and I was like alternative ways to make an income, other than employment. And I just started searching around. I was like how are other people even making money? And then I started thinking, oh yeah, how do those really rich people make money? Like that guy who owns that nice house on that street, what does he do that enables him to make all that money? These were just questions I’d never really asked before. I’d never even really chosen to look, let alone looked. And it wasn’t until I was confronted by this evidence, which I had in front of me, which was me and my new job. I was like this isn’t awesome, and society lied to me. Society told me that this was going to be awesome. So for the first time in my life, I really questioned society, I questioned everyone. And really questioning that and going against it is what led me on the beginnings of searching, like what are the alternatives? And I quickly found that starting your own business is a way better deal, than having a job. Like I’m shocked. You can’t even understand how different these two things are. Like a job, you’re working for someone else. You’re getting paid a limited amount, which is their decision whether that goes up or down. They can fire you at any time and they do, all the time. It’s not like it’s a really rare event and everything is out of your control and you’re basically like a slave. And with business, you’ve got everything right. Usually with decisions somethings not all awesome and something’s not all bad, but the difference with having a job and owing your own business, it’s honestly one of those ones where having the job is all bad and having the business is all good. Because you’ve got freedom, you’ve got passion, what you’re doing actually make a difference. Everything is in your total control. You’ve got full creativity. You can do whatever you want. You can live wherever you want, you can make as much money as you want and the difference is just like night and day. And after I stated researching all of the stuff, I thought man, this is … I can’t stay at this job. I’ve to try this thing out. I’m going to start my own business. And so that’s what I did. I quit my job at Vodafone and I started my own business. And I was 21 years old and I had to move back home with my parents in to their garage because they had downsized their house since I had left and I had to move back home there to save some money. And this is where I worked. This is where I lived and worked each day. I would literally go to sleep at night on that couch over there and then in the morning, I’d wake up and work from that desk supported by concrete blocks. I would just pull my chair up to there, start working and sleep on that couch. And this where I got my start. Like I had no money. I sold my car and everything I had and I think I would have scraped together like three thousand bucks or something but I had a lot of student debt. I had at least 40, 50 grand in student debt. So I mean … And I’d no income because I’d just quit my job. So this is where I started and I’m not exaggerating at all when I say that I didn’t know anything. Like I knew less than you guys would know for sure, because somehow you’ve had the intelligence to buy this program. I didn’t even have any intelligence to do anything like that. I didn’t even know programs existed to actually learn stuff like this. So I was far less sophisticated than you are right now and that’s not even an exaggeration. And I had to figure everything out myself and I started out by creating a number of different businesses. I started an online job board and that didn’t work out. That failed. I started a office lunch delivery business, that didn’t work out and it failed. And my whole first year, I was spinning my tires. I wasted all the money I had. I got credit cards and family loans and more debt and everything and you know, after that whole … I spun my tires for a year. I was like working 12 hours a day, didn’t get any results. Had nothing to show for it and was beating myself up and thinking … You know everyone was telling me, you know man maybe it’s time you went back and got a job. And you know, it was a really hard time and it was through going through all those failures and everything that I figured out what didn’t work. And as I went through what didn’t work, it taught me not to make those mistakes again and when I tried something again, and that still didn’t work, it if didn’t work but it was still worked a little bit better than the other one, I could kind of get a sense for which was closer to the truth and, which was further away from the truth, based on how bad the failure was. And eventually after going through enough failures and paying enough attention, I was able to find you know, where the truth was. Like where the true advice was. Like if someone was teaching you on how to get customers, on how to make sales, on how to make money, on how you should think, on all this different stuff, it really blew my mind and it fascinated me that what we’re taught is wrong. Like the things, which they teach you in school, the things which your parents tell you, the things which you read on the news, in the newspapers, the things that you read in books, the things that they teach you in University even, if you do an MBA, even if you go to Harvard. It doesn’t matter where you get the stuff from, it’s all wrong. And if you go on the internet and you google these things like, it really blew my mind that common opinion was not right. And it was just an ongoing discovery from when I first questioned public opinion and when I first questioned public opinion it was when I was at my job at Vodafone and my whole life everyone told me if you do this you’ll be happy, I wasn’t happy, and I did what they said. So I questioned, I questioned everyone. I was like well, how can everyone be wrong? Like surely me, little insignificant me, surely I can’t be right and the rest of the world is wrong? And it turned out that I was right there. And then throughout these different processes, it turned out that I was right with a lot of things. And it taught me that when … It taught me that you should never really listen to public opinion and quite often when public opinion says one thing, quite often you should look the other way and really conduct your own research. You know a lot of the time public opinion can be right, but seriously most of the time, it can be wrong. And I’m not saying there’s one hard rule to follow. You don’t just always deny it or always follow it, the most important thing is for you to just be able to judge and interpret situations for yourself and come up with your own conclusions. You know, conduct your own research, conduct your own … Come up with your own Section 7 of 15 [01:00:00 – 01:10:04] Section 8 of 15 [01:10:00 – 01:20:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … you know, conduct your own research, come up with your own conclusions, and make decisions for yourself. But you can’t rely on other people to tell you what to do, and you can’t rely on other people to make decisions for you. You can use people as guidance and everything, but it is so important in life that you understand how things work, and you’re able to compute information and generate results and decisions yourself. By going through all of this failure, I kind of started to figure out what the truth was, and then I was able to start my own consulting business after about 12 months. In that first year, I made zero. I lost money. And then in the first year I started my consulting business, I made a hundred thousand, then in the next year it was 500,000, then in the next year it was 1.2 million, then 2.4 million, and then it really just went kaboom last year, in 2016, where I made 18.25 million. You know, that’s pretty crazy. That’s pretty much from losing 50 grand in a year, to almost 20 million in a year in like five years, by the time I was 26. That was the massive transformation that happened. Then I ended up living in Manhattan, in New York. I had an awesome apartment, I was making more money than I ever could imagine anyone could make, and consistently making more than a hundred thousand dollars a day. That’s a lot of money. What’s pretty crazy is that I definitely, you might look at me now and think, “Oh, Sam, he must be some genius,” or, “Sam, he must have something which we don’t,” or, “He must have been gifted,” or, “He must have inherited a bunch of money,” or, “He must have a higher IQ,” or, “He must have something different than us.” I’m telling you that we’re not. Where I got started, I was definitely less sophisticated than where you are right now, I can guarantee that. The only difference is that I stuck to it, number one, and number two is I had a really good mechanism of working like a process for going through things, for figuring out whether something was right or wrong, and constantly improving. You know, I took this whole thing for granted, this system that I used inside my brain to filter through tons of information, and figure out what worked and what didn’t, and be able to make decisions, and get to where I am now. That filtration system, and that way of thinking, is now kind of, it’s become this training program. The secret weapon, which I’ve used my whole life, to go from zero, or minus 50,000 really, to more than 20 million, and more than a hundred thousand a day consistently, is what this training program is all about. So this training program really is my life’s work at this point. I’ve put everything that has helped me get here, I have rolled it up and I have put it inside this program. I’ve really taken everything that I’ve ever learned, boiled it down, distilled it, and turned it into this program. This program, it’s like an exact science for how to do something, which everyone thought was totally up to chance. The whole world thought that becoming successful, becoming rich, wealthy, starting your own business and transforming your own life, people thought that that was a fluke. And society labeled it as like, miracle story. Right? That’s pretty much what they labeled it as, and it’s not, truthfully, it’s not. There’s no such thing as a miracle, it’s just cause and effect, and it’s how you think. What I’ve done in this program is I’ve taken something, which the world thought was a miracle, and I have turned it into an exact, precise science, which anyone can follow. Anyone can use it to do what I’ve done, or more. That’s what this program really is. It helped me make that transformation, and it didn’t just help me. If it was just me that had made that transformation, then I would probably take sides with anyone and say, “Well look, yeah, that probably was a fluke.” But I was able to do this in four years. And not just me, The true test was the rest of my students. I started teaching other people how to do this stuff as well, and we’ve had world leading results like nothing else the world’s ever seen. We’ve had 15 millionaires, we’ve had 232 six-figure earners, and we’ve had 10 1/2 thousand happy customers. That has happened in like three years. All the millionaires came in one year, and I know this year we’re going to add at least 20, 30 millionaires to that list. We’re not even at the stage where we’re really even making a dent, we’re only really getting started with this thing. I have enough evidence collected now, not just from my own story and my own transformation, but through the transformation of other people, I have evidence that this thing works. And it works so much better than the current way that is being taught throughout society in the world, that it really is revolutionary. There has been no time, at least that we have documentation of, where there has ever existed a system or a science to take someone from a situation in their life where they would appear like they’re doomed, to a situation in their life where they are making more than $20 million a year. Nothing has ever existed like that, and that’s what this program is. You’re lucky enough to be in here, and made this decision. It’s obviously you’re ready for it, that’s why you’re here, and that’s why you’re listening to this video right now. It’s your time, and it’s the time where you’re ready to step up and make a massive growth transition in your life. It’s so important that you don’t doubt this program, because that’s the only thing that can really trip you up is doubting yourself or doubting this program. I’ve got enough evidence to show you that you shouldn’t doubt this program. I’ve got more evidence than the public opinion does to support theirs. So you shouldn’t doubt the program, and we have evidence to back that up. And you shouldn’t doubt yourself, because we have the evidence to back that one up, too. We have transformed 15 people from having a nine-to-five job and making 30, 40 grand a year, to making multiple millions. That’s a lot of evidence. So don’t doubt yourself, don’t doubt the program. It works, and it works surprisingly well. You just need to trust the process, trust yourself, and do the work. If you do all of that, then everything will happen for you. Here’s some of my successful students and their stories. Dave Rogenmosser. He used to make 50 grand a year working a nine-to-five job, and then he made over a hundred grand in his first 90 days. And then he went on to make over a hundred grand a month within 10 months of joining the program, and now he’s a millionaire. And from it, he was able to propose to his wife, and that was thanks to the finances and the freedom that this program provided. Here’s Paul Ryan. Well, his name was Paul Ryan, but he had to change it to Paul Xavier because Paul Ryan is some famous person in America, and when people Googled him on the internet, he could never compete with this other guy, so that’s a funny story why he had to change his last name. Paul used to make $45,000 a year as a government contractor working a nine-to-five job. Then he joined my program, and he grew his agency to over a hundred grand a month with his business partner Mark Ford. He was able to travel the world for a year, while running his business, and living totally on his terms. Here’s Andrew Argue. He used to run a generalist agency, and he was making 17 grand a month. He was helping a range of different businesses with a range of different things, working real hard and making 17 grand a month. Within 90 days of joining the program, he became a specialist in the accounting niche, and he was making more than 200 grand a month. And I’m not joking, that happened within 90 days. Since then, he’s continued to do that every single month, and he’s growing. Now he’s knocking on the doors of 300 grand a month, which is an insane transformation in a very short amount of time. Here’s Courtney Martin. She made $120,000 in her first 90 days of starting. She quit her job and completely changed her life with this. Here’s Jake Englehorn. He had a marketing agency and it was stalled at five grand a month. It had been there for years. We’re not talking about just a small little plateau here, we’re talking about a total stalemate sort of position, where he was at five grand a month. Section 8 of 15 [01:10:00 – 01:20:04] Section 9 of 15 [01:20:00 – 01:30:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) You know, a stalemate sort of position where he was at five grand a month, and then he joined the program and was able to get to $88,000 a month within six months. That’s more than a million dollars a year, and he consistently beat that month every month since. Here’s Josh Harris, and Josh Harris is one of the coaches in my program. If you’re on one of the Q&A course, he will be on there. Josh was struggling to make ends meet. He was making three grand a month. Seriously, you can ask him, he was making less than $3,000 a month and he had two kids and he had a mortgage and everything. He joined the program and he grew to $120,000 a month. That’s more than $1.2 million a year. He upgraded his family home, he got rid of his old home, he got a nice, massive home in Florida. He got a Tesla, the one he’d always dreamed of. He’s completely changed his life. If you saw Josh back when I saw him and if you saw him now, you wouldn’t even think that they were the same people. He was able to make this massive transformation. Here’s Chris Evans and Taylor Welch. They are business partners together and they were doing 20 grand a month, struggling with done-for-you clients. They joined this program and grew to over 200 grand a month in 10 months. That’s like 10x in 10 months. I just heard from them in February of 2017, and they’re close to 300 grand a month now. These guys massively transformed their life and business as well. And that’s just the start of it, seriously. There is no reason why you can’t make a return on your investment this week. I’m not joking, this isn’t an exaggeration. People have made return on their investments on the first day. Sometimes you jump into a program and you realize that you were thinking about something the wrong way or something pops into your head and you’re like, “Oh, I should try this.”, and people do something and it makes them money. Don’t feel like you have to go through this whole thing from start to finish before you take any action. If something appears to you and you feel like you should do it right now, at any stage throughout the training, do it. There is no reason why you can’t make and ROI on your investment this week, today. No reason at all. People do it all the time. I expect big things from this group and I expect big things from you as a member within this group. I know that you’re serious about success since you enrolled in this program. Now, it’s your time to reach out and grab it. You wouldn’t be here, you wouldn’t have attended the webinar, you wouldn’t have purchased this program and you wouldn’t have watched this video and got on to this point right now if you weren’t ready for it. Now, it is your time and you’ve just got to have the courage and the belief to reach out and grab it. The record for sales during this six week program is $126,000 within the six weeks. Obviously, if we were to add up total amount of time, people have made multiple millions with it, but within the six weeks it’s $126,000. It’s on. If someone wants to beat that record, you can go for and there’s a pretty big prize for it if you do. I encourage it. I like to introduce some friendly competition because in our community we are a culture of winners. All we do is win. In society it’s like they’ve formed this belief that winning should be played down and we should give all the attention and sympathy to the people who aren’t winning. All that does is it locks the people who aren’t winning in their losing positions, because now they’re getting feedback from everyone as the loser. They’re like, “There’s my sympathy.”, and it’s just making the problem worse. Society has got it around it the wrong way. The winners should get attention and everyone should be winners. If someone isn’t a winner, it’s their choice and they put themself in that situation and it’s their own doing and they should get themself out of there. Sympathy and everything, it does not help. We have different views in this program and this is part of the reason why this program works so profoundly well is because we think differently and we operate on a different set of rules. We celebrate success. We don’t downplay it. We don’t call someone a loudmouth or a showoff when the win. We give them praise because if you’re jealous of other people who achieve success and you call them a showoff, then subconsciously you’re never going to be able to have success yourself because your subconscious is telling you the whole time that other people are going to say that when you win. As a member of this group, if you want to be able to win then you need to encourage other people to win too and you need to be truly happy for them when they do win. In this group we’re all about winning and we celebrate wins. Here’s the different prizes we send out. When you get your first client, every student who gets their first client does something which we call ringing the bell. This started out as a … I don’t even know who started this thing to tell you the truth. It wasn’t me. That was the culture of this group just developed over time. Someone in the Facebook group got a client and then posted this picture of a bell, and they said, “Ring the bell, I just got a client.” I didn’t really think anything of it. I was like, “That’s kind of smart.”, and then over time more people started copying it. They’d post the same image of this bell and they’d say, “Ring the bell, just got a client.”, and then “Ring the bell, just got a client.” I was like, “Whoa, this thing has become the culture and a trend and a ritual within this program.” It’s still here today and it’s a really awesome thing to do because everyone’s looking forward to that first client. Everything changes when you get that first client. It’s evidence that you’ve made the right decision. It’s evidence to yourself that you are capable of doing this, and it’s evidence that this program works and these methods I’m teaching you work. Your first thing you should look forward to is that first client and ringing that bell. When you get your first client, you want to go into the Facebook group, say “Ring the bell.”, post a picture of a bell, and then everyone’s going to cheer you on. Then, my community manager Nick, he’s going to be sending you out a prize in the mail too. We give prizes to everyone that gets their first client. Then, to everyone who gets to six figures, the next stage, after you’re getting clients you want to get to six figures. It’s 100 grand a year. Every student who gets to six figures gets an invite to come hang out with me at my apartment and offices in New York City for a day. If you get your business to six figures, post in the Facebook group, ring the bell, tell everyone about your story, and then Nick, who is my community manager, he’s going to reach out and we’re going to arrange a time where you can come and hang out. We usually put them into groups because a lot of people are achieving six figures now, and we hold these things every month or so. Then, seven figures. This is a million dollars a year. Every student who gets to seven figures gets an invite to join me on a private jet for a day where we talk business, hang out and have fun. It’s totally on my shout, costs me a fortune, but it’s totally worth it because if someone can get themself to seven figures there’s a insane transformation and it deserves a massive reward. This isn’t something that’s that rare. We’ve got 15 people who have made more than a million dollars with this program. A lot of them started from absolute zero. Not only can it be done, but it’s done all the time. it’s done more than once a month these days. This is not an impossible thing we’re talking about here. These things happen all the time. People post about their first clients, there’s more than 10 of them a day. These things are happening all the time. When you join this program and get into it, society’s going to make out to you that it’s hard to be successful, that getting a client is a pipe dream and that making seven figures, if you think you can do that, you’re just totally whack. That’s what most people are going to say to you but I’m here today to tell you that this is normal. It is normal. People do it all the time. It’s going to become normal for you as you start, you join the community, as you start associating yourself with other people in this community who think this way that we think, when you work on your mindset, when you reprogram your mind to all of this stuff. You’re going to realize that it’s not only possible but it’s actually surprisingly easy. You want to start thinking this way and you want to put these goals in mind. The first thing you’re shooting for, the second thing, the third thing. Know the journey that’s ahead of you. Know the different milestones which you’re aiming for, and always keep that end result in mind. Throughout applying these different processes … Section 9 of 15 [01:20:00 – 01:30:04] Section 10 of 15 [01:30:00 – 01:40:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … because throughout applying these different processes, going through the training, it’s a journey, and you’re going to have … Throughout a journey, there’s ups and downs, there’s times where you feel a little bit outside of your comfort zone and challenging times, but it’s all worth it if you keep that end result in mind, so you always want to keep that end result in mind, and you want to use it as a way to help yourself get through everything. Here’s just some of the results. You can just scroll through the Facebook group right now, if you’ve just joined. It’s just back to back to back … we’re talking thousands of testimonials, thousands, and I’m not even joking when I say thousands. There’s more than 1000. Here is one of the meetups. Here’s my apartment in New York. Here’s some of my students. Here’s us all hanging out, so these things really do happen. The students who get the results are real. Their businesses are real. They have real clients. I’m real. What I’m teaching is real, and these meetups happen all the time, and all these people really do make all of this money. Here’s the private jet trip which we went on, and this was one to Miami. Here’s all of these guys here, and girl, got into seven figures with this training, so it really does happen, and it happens all the time, and it’s actually normal, and it should be expected by you. You’re probably thinking, “Well, what is it about this training that is so damn good, because I don’t see other programs that really produce results like that? What is it that makes it different? Why should I trust this thing? What is it?” and what it is is it’s the perfectly engineered change agent. What I’ve done is I’ve really looked at what’s required in order to make someone change, and not just a small, little change. I mean profound change, like taking someone from who they are to a totally different person, and I don’t mean that in a weird spooky way, like, “Oh, my God. He’s changing people.” I mean in a good way, like taking someone who doubts himself, taking someone who’s down and depressed, who feels like they’re worthless and worth nothing, and turning them into a proud, healthy, fit millionaire, literally changing someone like that. This is what it requires to do that, and I’ll tell you why most people get it wrong. Most people get it wrong is because they just teach you information. They just teach you some tactics. They’re like, “Oh, you need to start an e-commerce store. You need to sell this thing, you need to sell that thing, and then you’re going to have success,” but it’s not … Just the information alone won’t work, because what will happen, if you just have good information, you’ll apply that, but then you’re going to stop working for the day, and you’re going to go down into your living room, and you’re going to sit on the couch, and then you’re going to turn on the TV, and the TV’s going to start flashing colors at you, and you’re going to watch Game of Thrones and all this other stuff, unaware of how that’s programming you, and then you’re also going to start talking to the rest of your family or your friends, and they’re going to ask you what you been doing, and you’re gonna say, “Oh, I’ve been working on my new business,” and they’re going to be like, “What, Dave? You’re starting a business? You serious mate? You sure you’re not getting your hopes up too much?” This is what people do. People are pretty crazy. Your friends and society and your family and everyone around you has only seen you as you are. They only know you as you exist right now, so if you tell them that you’re wanting to do something awesome and something amazing then they’re going to doubt you. They’re going to question you and they’re going to make you try … They’re going to try and pull you back down to their level, because if you do that, that means that they should do that too, and maybe they don’t want to do that. Maybe they’re too frightened. They’re going to try and pull you back down to their level. You might have some good information, but then you go into your living room, then you go hang out with your friends, and the community you’re around is just going to pull on you, and then you’re going to run into some questions, and you’re going to have some uncertainties and some issues, and then there’s not to be anyone there to answer those questions. There’s not going to be any mentor or any experts to help. Then you’re going to self-sabotage in ways you can’t possibly imagine. You’re going start doing irrational things which seem totally contradictory to what you want to achieve. You’re going to start being late to meetings. You’re going to start spending money on things you knew you shouldn’t do. You’re going to start waking up late, not being able to get out of bed. You’re going to start doing all sorts of things which are very strange because they seem in total contradiction to what you want to do, and you’re going to self-sabotage. Any good work you achieve, you’re going to end up just breaking it all back down again, and it’s going to be a constant battle of building up a wall and then smashing it down, building it up, smashing it down, building it up, smashing it down, and it’s never going to get built, and it’s going to be painful to see it get half built and then see it get demolished, over and over and over again. That’s all happening in your mind, and that is what we call your paradigm. A paradigm is a basically a collection of beliefs and concepts and models and frameworks, and it’s all of this conceptual stuff which you glue it altogether and you stack it all on top of each other, and that’s how you perceive reality. That’s how you see things, that’s how you think, and if you see a situation, that is how you make your decision to react from that situation. That’s a paradigm. I’ve observed, when trying to help other people and trying to help myself, that you need all four of these things. I’ve tried to just learn information, and then I’ve ended up not doing very well. I’ve ended up breaking that information back down or not being able to apply it. I’ve tried to work on mindset, but then I go out with my friends again, and they pollute my mindset back to where it was in the first place. It seems like, no matter what you do, it seems to get smashed back down again. The important thing that I’ve learned is to create change you need all four of these things, and I’ve learned and observed. I put a painful amount of observation into psychology and into society and what makes everyone do what they do, and come up with what I call “the perfectly engineered change agent,” which is this program, and it is the combination of these four things. Number one is the proven process. I turned the unknown gray area of how to start a consulting business and turned it into a precise science. While others use guesswork, we use a predictable, proven process, and we’re certain that it’s going to make you wealthy. It’s not even up to chance. The thing that’s up to chance is whether you’ll do it or not. We’ve got a proven process. The other thing we’ve got is number two, is a new paradigm. I engineered a new way to think and reprogram your mind that is so profound that it’s like seeing for the first time, and people say this. People are like, “I see the world differently. Things are different now. My life’s changed,” and I’m not kidding with this stuff. When you go through and you do this and you reprogram your mind and you install this new paradigm which I created, you’re going to see things differently, you’re going to behave differently, and you’re truly going to become a different person, and for the better. Successful people take lifetimes to build their mental comprehension mechanisms, like billionaires. If you’ve ever wondered what makes a billionaire a billionaire, they think different. They see the world different. What you see as a problem, they see as an opportunity. What you see as disaster, they see as something else. You don’t see the same things they see, and you definitely don’t have the same thoughts that they have. People who are really successful, they have these paradigms and these worldviews which are profoundly different than the ones which society has adopted and installed into us, and there hasn’t been really a time before where someone has gone out and really given everyone the right … or at least a more right paradigm, so that everyone can think properly. That is what I have done here. I have created this paradigm, and we’re able to get it installed in just a few weeks really, and in most people … It took me my entire life to figure out how to do this, and it takes billionaires their entire lives too, but we literally get you thinking differently. We get you seeing the world differently in just a few weeks. Then we’ve got our winning community. Section 10 of 15 [01:30:00 – 01:40:04] Section 11 of 15 [01:40:00 – 01:50:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) … Just a few weeks. Then we’ve got our winning community, so it’s hard to change your life when you’re surrounded by people you’ve always been with. All of our students join a worldwide community of people on the same path so that their dreams aren’t laughed at, but achieved on a daily basis. Like I said, society gives sympathy to people who don’t win and it frowns upon winners, which is really messed up if you think about it. In my society here, in our group, our community, we only celebrate winners. People who lose, they’ve got to choose for themself to come be a winner. So you get access to the Facebook group and you want to start hanging out in the Facebook group. You can still be friends with the people you’re friends with. You can still be friends with your parents and your family and all that. I’m not saying you have to leave them or anything. You don’t need to leave them at all but what you do need is a healthy balance between people who believe that they can win and your family and your friends because if you just have your family and your friends they’re going to pull on your beliefs again and you’re going to end up coming back down to their level. You need to have a healthy balance and so always remember that. Most of the time it’s not a good idea to talk about your dreams and your business ideas in front of people who aren’t in business for themselves because they will criticize it and they don’t have any way to really judge it. How can they judge it? They’re not in business themself. So probably a good idea to ask business questions and talk about your dreams and everything with people who are in our community and then when it comes to hanging out with your family and stuff and your friends, totally do it but keep them nice and separate, and that way you can keep your mind in the right place and in expert mentorship. Everyone needs advice and help when you’re tackling new challenges, but true experts are out of reach for most people. You know experts cost a lot of money. I don’t even sell my time anymore. People routinely offer me five, six grand for an hour and I say no every time. If you don’t believe me, you can try it. So you could email through and I guarantee 6K for an hour, it’s going to get rejected. I’m not even just making that up. People who have really good advice, they’re expensive and most of the time for most people experts are out of reach. However, I’ve figured out a way to get expert mentors in touch with ordinary, everyday people in a way that is really economic and works and that our Facebook community and our group calls. I jump in the Facebook group, I comment in stuff, I’ve got millionaire experts and coaches and who jump in and they help on there too and that’s the way we can provide expert mentorship to everyone. This is what I call the perfectly engineered change agent. At a high level this is the four elements that go into this program which I created. We’ve got the proven process, the paradigm, the winning community and the expert mentorship. As you’re going through this process, it’s important to remember these four things, remember that one thing on its own isn’t going to get you where you want to go. You can’t just have the mindset without the process. You can’t just have the mindset without the community. You can’t just have the community without the mindset. You can’t just have the expert mentorship without the process. You need it all. All four things are as important as each other and if you take one out, the whole thing will fall over, so you must keep all four at all times. Now, here’s an overview of how this program works. Here’s the 30,000 foot view of what we’re in for over these next few weeks. On Week One, that’s where we are right now, I’m going to teach you Natural Law and your Foundations. Natural Law is the laws of nature, why do things do what they do? If you throw something up in the air why does it come back down? What are the rules that this universes operates on? Because you need to understand that if you want to be in control of your life. So I’m going to teach you Natural Law, I’m going to teach you your foundations. I’m going to teach you things in here that are obscene, they are not found in this modern day and I can’t even explain how I was able to learn all of these things because it took a lifetime to figure out all of this stuff. I’d to learn things which are insane, so much stuff to figure this out. It just must have been what I was supposed to do because I was able to figure it all out and now that’s what this program is all about. In Week One, which is this week, I’m going to teach you all about Natural Law, all about cause and effect and how you are the person that has hold of the steering wheel in your life, not anyone else. I’m also going to show you how to set your foundations, so that’s like the foundations that your business is going to be built on, so that’s like your niche, your offer. Who are we selling to? And then what are we selling to them? Then what message are we using to communicate with these people and show them what we’ve got for sale? All the basic stuff and all of things which are critical to building a solid business are we going to cover in Week One and it is very important. I think a lot of people think “Oh, Week One it’s overview, we just skip it.” Not true. You have to do everything in Week One and put a lot of effort into it. Then on Week Two, next week, we will cover the New Paradigm and World View. Here is where I am going to show you a new way to think and that is pretty rare, it’s become pretty rare these days that someone teaches someone how to think. I find that society and everything says that the way we think is right and we just need more thinking to be able to solve problems. But we’ve had world-leading and scientists and experts on the same missions for 100+ years now using that old way of thinking and it still hasn’t found a result. I found that the current way of thinking is wrong. I know that many of the billionaires and everything, we share the same world views. I’ve been able to figure out what these are, how they came up with them and everything and I’m going to teach you that. I’m going to teach you from … It doesn’t matter where you are, you could be broke, you could be in some third world country and it doesn’t matter, I can teach you how to start thinking like a billionaire and seeing the world through new eyes. That’s going to change everything for you, it’s going to completely shake up everything and you’re going to learn that obstacles that you thought were obstacles aren’t obstacles at all and this is really going to unlock the gates. Then in Week Three, I’m going to actually teach you the Alchemy of Client Conversion. So this is the science of taking someone from a total stranger to a paying customer in the shortest possible amount of time with the least possible amount of effort possible. I’ve worked on this science for a long time, figured out, keyed through all the different variables, I’ve tested so many different things and I’ve literally found out the science and the psychology behind taking someone from a total stranger to a paying client with one call. One phone call, no joking. I’m going to teach that to you in Week Three. We’re going to show you the sales script, we’re going to show you things to watch out for, how to handle objections. I’m not talking about sales the way you’re used to, I’m talking about this new age of sales which I’ve created. It’s like Sales 2.0 and I’m going to teach you that. Then at Week Four, the Alchemy of Client Attraction. This is how to attract customers to you. In Week Three we teach you how to convert them from a stranger into a customer, but then on Week Four I’m going to teach you how to attract them. How to get them to notice you. How to get them to kind of put their hand up so to speak so that you know that that is who you want to have a conversation with. Because most people, they look at the world and they think everyone’s got their hand up, but they don’t. You need a way to sieve through lots of people to find out who is more likely to buy that’s not then someone else, and that’s what I’m going to teach you in Week Four, the Alchemy of Client Attraction. I’m going to teach you in here, Facebook Ads which is a paid method and I’m also going to teach you three organic methods. Organic methods are things that you can do right away which are free. You don’t have to spend money on ads, you don’t have to learn all this technology, you don’t have to do these things which are really complicated or technical. In Week Four, we’re going to focus on things you can do … Section 11 of 15 [01:40:00 – 01:50:04] Section 12 of 15 [01:50:00 – 02:00:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) In week four, we’re going to focus on things you can do immediately which are free, and that’s we call the Alchemy of Client Attraction, and that’s going to help you get a client real quick. Then, in week five, Fractal Facebook Evolution. Now, I’ve even questioned whether I should release this here or not, because this is pretty insane stuff. The way everyone has been using Facebook ads is totally wrong. I’ve purchased the best programs from the best people in the world. I’ve learned under the best people in the world at Facebook. However, I’ve realized that they’re doing it wrong. The way people think about Facebook, the way people run ads, the way people do everything with Facebook ads, it’s wrong. There’s a new way to look at Facebook. There’s a new way to use it that is … It’s profound. It’s like night and day compared to the old way of doing things, and I’m not just saying that. I’ve spent millions on Facebook. Sometimes I’ve spent close to a million dollars in a month just on ads, and it makes me millions, and I spend millions on it. I at least spend more money than anyone else I know in this entire industry on ads, so it comes with some [infidence 01:51:29] that I say, when I say that this is a new way of doing Facebook. I questioned even putting it in this training, because I was like this might be too damn good to put in here, but I thought, no, that’s stupid thinking. Let’s just put it in here anywhere. This is going to be awesome. This is going to change the game for everyone, because once we’ve got your foundations set properly, like if we understand who we’re selling to, what we’re selling, and how we’re selling it, we understand our message, that’s our foundations, once we have that, once we’ve reprogrammed our mind to think accurately instead of the wrong way, which is constantly causing us to self-sabotage, then we can take action. Then we can do things to generate appointments. We can conduct those appointments and convert the people into clients. Now all of a sudden, we’ve got something to sell. We know who we’re selling it to. We know what our message is. We know what to say, and we’re thinking straight, so we’re not drunk like most people. Then we are converting them, too. Now we’ve got a whole system together, which is from start to finish. It’s working, and it’s all working together. You’re out there, you’re doing things, and you’re generating clients. You’re generating money. That happens just in the training from week one to week four. However, I didn’t put this program together just to help someone get one client, two clients, whatever. I put this program together with no limits in mind, so with how many results you’re going to get. I want to teach you Fractal Facebook Evolution. It’s how you can use Facebook ads to become a automated way of really scaling your business. Once you’ve figured out how to get week one to week four together, and you’re making money, you’re getting clients, with this new way I’m going to show you of doing Facebook ads, it’s going to show you how to literally just scale this thing right up, crank it right up as high as you want. I’ve been able to scale my consulting business to more than a hundred grand a day, so this year we should make over 50 million dollars, which is a lot of money. Next year I plan to make over 100 million, and I won’t even be getting near the limit at 100 million. I’m in for a lot more, and so that’s the sort of … To be able to achieve those things, you can’t use the traditional model of selling, the traditional model of consulting. You certainly can’t use the traditional model of Facebook ads. I’ve invented this new way of doing Facebook ads, and I’m going to show you how it works and show you how you can put it to work in your business to really scale things further than you ever thought were possible. Then in week six, I’m going to show you Minimum Viable Service Delivery. Once we’ve got a client, we’ve got to deliver the value. I mean, we’ve got to do what we said we’re going to do, and we’ve got to help them create their transformation. We’ve got to deliver on the work which we said we would do. In the traditional way of doing things is hourly. I’m not joking. Literally, most consulting firms still charge per hour. They’re like, “We’re $120 per hour.” I mean, my legal firms who help me … I’ve got a lot of lawyers that help me with stuff, and in lots of different countries, and they help me. They’re on retainer, and they send me their bills at the end of each month, and they all just do it hourly. I’m like, “This is madness. This is how everyone is charging for things is hourly?” If I charged hourly, I’d be in a lot of trouble because I wouldn’t make much money, and I’d be constantly depressed because I just wanted to work all the time, but I couldn’t. I have no control over making more money without having to spend more time. It’s just locked. That way of thinking is locking time to money. When you’ve locked two things together like that, there’s no way out. It’s just like being in prison. I’ve created a new model of service delivery, which we call Minimum Viable Service Delivery. I’m going to show you how that works so that we are only offering the smallest, most simple, most refined, and most repeatable and most systematic service in a way that requires as little of us as possible. We’re looking for a way to deliver services to people where we have to do as little as possible. The way that the current world works, the way that the current school of thought works out there in the world, is that the more stuff you do and the more hours you do for the client, the more money you make. Well, I’ve gone and flipped those poles and decided that time has nothing to do with money. It’s all about creating the minimum viable service delivery. It’s all about offering that one core essential thing that sets off a chain reaction and causes a massive result for your client. I’m not talking about how to con your clients here. I don’t want you to think, “Sam is saying we should do no work and charge lots of money.” I am saying that, but I’m saying you still need to deliver the result. I’m saying your client doesn’t care if you do no work but deliver the result that was promised. Your client never cared about how much work you did anyway. All he cared about was the result, so we’re going to play with some different things here, and I’m going to show you how to engineer your own minimum viable service delivery so that you can work as little as possible and make as much as possible with no limits. It’s a pretty profound six weeks. Nothing that you learn in these six weeks is going to be taught to you anywhere else, because I didn’t copy this from anybody else. This isn’t like I think most of this industry works is someone sees … It’s something I call monkey see, monkey do. It’s like monkey see something happen, monkey do thing, monkey teach other people how to do thing. This is pretty much how the whole industry works, and it’s gone and got itself all out of whack. I mean, there’s people copying things that aren’t even right. You’ve probably noticed this now out in society. A lot of things people are saying are right or wrong, and a lot of people are saying something is wrong, and it’s right. When that sort of chaos starts to happen anywhere in the world, it means that things have gotten out of order. It means that things are at a tipping point. It means that things have gotten too distorted, and they need to be shaken up and reformed back to what is right. That has certainly happened with a lot of online education. It certainly happened with a lot of online courses and things out there. I mean, I know because I’ve bought a lot of them. I know because I hear the voices of all of my customers. Most people are teaching people how to do what they do, and then they learned that from someone. If you follow the node all the way down to where that person learned it from, the source which they got it from just made it up, and it wasn’t even right to begin with. It’s distorted. When you go through this program, everything you learn in here is going to be different. The way I think, the way I have engineered this, every single way of doing things in here is different. A lot of it contradicts the normal way of doing things. It’s important that you know that I just didn’t make this stuff up. I actually figured it out from practice, from actually trying it, and not just trying it, but trying it with a massive amount of people. I just didn’t collect a small … Section 12 of 15 [01:50:00 – 02:00:04] Section 13 of 15 [02:00:00 – 02:10:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) But trying it with a massive amount of people. I didn’t just click the small amount of data and think, “Okay this works.” I needed a ton of data, more data than you could possibly imagine. These things work, and even though they’re going to contradict things which other people are saying, I can tell you I’d be at millions on it, this stuff is going to be more effective. This is going to be a profound six weeks for all of you going through this program. I just encourage you to keep an open mind and do the work, just one step at a time. It’s designed to six weeks for a reason. You’re supposed week one in week one, week two in week two, week three in week three and just walk through one step after the other. Make sure you do the work and make sure you take the action. I have thrown in two bonuses just to say thanks for putting your trust in me and this program. I have put in two bonus modules. One is called week seven and that’s just leveling up to evolution stage 2.0 of this new world of consulting. You’re going to notice very quickly that this traditional consulting and traditional business, which is the way things have always been done, then there’s this new way of doing business, in this new way of thinking, in this new way of consulting which I created. Inside this new way of doing things, there is different roles, there’s different levels, it’s a whole new world to learn really. There is multiple stages of evolution for a consultant to go through. In accelerator I’m teaching you level one. That’s how to really get started, that’s how to get your first few clients in. It’s really how to go from anywhere from getting started all the way up to about six figures with your consulting business. That’s about 100 grand a year. When you’re at that stage or you’re close to that stage, then you want to look at leveling up to evolution stage 2.0, then I’m going to show you some strategies and some tactics on really how to scale things up to the next level. There’s a big, big difference in thinking to go from 100 grand a year to 100 grand a day. I did that in three years, so it’s pretty big. If you put a marketing message out on the internet and you’re like, “How I went from 100 grand a year to 100 grand a day,” most people would just write scam on that ad. Most people write scam on the ads that say they make hardly any money. Some would definitely write scam on the ad. I figured out exactly how to do that. I’m going to show you all of the thinking and all of the engineering behind making that happen. That’s what we call evolution stage 2.0 and I show you that in week seven, then we’re going to have a DM bonus. This is a digital marketing bonus. This is going to show you specifics of digital marketing. Throughout this process I encourage you to pick your own niche. The reason why I encourage you to do that is because every person is slightly different. Every person has different passions, tastes, experiences, all sorts of stuff. It’s not always a good idea for everyone to do the same thing. That’s how you create distortion. In this program, I don’t just say, “Here’s the niche everyone and here’s what we’re selling,” because if I was to do that for a couple of years, then the thing wouldn’t work anymore because there would be too many people selling the same thing without any differentiation. That’s how you cause a mutated species. If you do that with mutations of crops, animals or anything, you’d end up making the thing sickened or die. The same thing happens in business too. I’m not going to force the evolution of your guy’s businesses. Every single one has to have it’s piece, which has got you in it, which is unique, in order to create a wide variety of different businesses, a wide variety of different species and to really create innovation in the world instead of just the thinking which has gotten us into a lot of trouble in the past, which is doing what everyone else is doing and ending up with overcrowded industries, and ended up in businesses that have no differentiation and no profit. That’s not fun, that’s not cool. I encourage everyone to pick their own niche, however I’m also going to show people some things about digital marketing. When I went through the different stages of becoming a consultant and everything, I chose digital marketing to be my niche. There’s lots of different niches within digital marketing too, so it’s not totally jamming it into one thing. I’m going to teach you exactly how I got into digital marketing, the things I had to learn, how I was structuring my office, how I pricing things, how I was outsourcing work to contractors. I’m going to show you everything I was doing when I got started so if you’re brand new and totally unable to pick a niche, then you can use this as a fallback plan. You can use digital marketing in following my footsteps and learn what I did and do what I did so that you can get your start too. I only want you guys to use this if you absolutely can’t come up with a niche on your own. I encourage coming up with a niche on your own first because I’ve noticed the people who pick a unique niche, they have a passion for it and they care for it, they always end up making the most money, having the most fun and it’s like they don’t even have any competition. The people that end up copying a niche off of everyone else, they often end up with the least amount of money, the least amount of fun and the most competition. I encourage unique thinking here. I encourage coming up with your own stuff, but if you do need a fallback plan, I will teach you digital marketing and everything as well. You can still make decent money in digital marketing. You can still make six figures, but you know it sort of starts to get hard to make more than about four or five hundred grand a year with the digital marketing stuff because the marketplace is a bit more crowded. I do encourage, and I know that I’m starting to sound like a robot now, but I do encourage that unique thinking. We want people to have unique businesses because that’s what this world needs. It’s all about these four key things really. We’re going to learn a whole bunch of different stuff throughout this training and I’m going to teach you a whole bunch of different things, and your head’s going to hurt. It’s really important to just come back and simplify everything down to four key things. Really, we’re doing all of this different stuff, but it all falls within four key categories. These are the categories. Number one is solid foundations. You’ve got to have solid foundations. That is, you’ve got to have your niche, you’ve got to figure out the problem that your niche has, you’ve got to figure out the solution which you’re providing, the offer, your message, all that stuff. Those are your foundations and you’ve got to have them set solid. Number one. Number two is your paradigm and your world view. You’ve got to adopt this new way of thinking. The way we have thought in the past, is society has got us to a point where we are stuck and it’s the wrong thinking. In order to evolve more, we need a different way to think. I’m going to teach you that new way which I pioneered. A new way to see the world and we’re going to get that installed and we’re going to get you seeing clearly in week two. In week three, sorry we’re not talking about weeks anymore, we’re talking about the four most important things. The second most important thing is the paradigm and the world view. The third most important thing is generating strategy sessions. It’s so important that you’re just generating strategy sessions every day. You want to be doing something to generate strategy sessions. That needs to be so drilled into your mind that you’re doing it every day. You need to be doing strategy sessions, not just generating them, you need to be jumping on them, you need to be talking to these people, you need to be improving your process, you need to be thinking how can I improve, what went wrong, what went right. You need to be doing this every day. These four things together, that’s all you need. You want to just remember these four things. Every single day your effort and your attention should be on one of these four things or a combination of these four things. If you do that, then there’s no way that you can’t be successful. You show me someone out there in the world that is doing these four things right that isn’t- Section 13 of 15 [02:00:00 – 02:10:04] Section 14 of 15 [02:10:00 – 02:20:04] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) Show me someone out there in the world that is doing these four things right that isn’t rich. I know that you won’t find one. I haven’t found a single human in the world that is doing these four things who isn’t disgustingly rich and very happy. That is what you need to do. You want to always keep it simple. The only thing that should be on your mind is your foundations. Who is your target customer? What problem do they have? How does that affect them? What do they desire? What are the prevailing trends in the market? How can I better solve my customer’s problem? How can I help my customer achieve their desires? Your paradigm and world view. Am I confident in my plan in the future? Are the thoughts that occupy my head during the day constructive or destructive? What are they, and where do these thoughts come from? What bad habits do I need to break? What good habits do I need to form? Then generating strategy sessions and closing strategy sessions. What can I do this week, this month, and today to generate one new strategy session per day? Once your foundations are in place, this is all that matters. You just want to be doing these four things. These should be the only things on your mind. If you’re thinking about anything that isn’t one of these four things, it’s noise. Block it out. Forget about it. A lot of people are on a ton of different people’s email lists. Just unsubscribe from them all. I’m telling you you don’t need anything else other than what’s in here to make a lot of money. You can ask the other people, as well. They’ll tell you the same thing. Just block out all the noise. If you’re a person that watches TV all the time. Stop watching it. If you like watching Game of Thrones, stop watching it. You might think, “Oh, I don’t want to give that up,” but you have to give up the things that are noisy and distractive if you want to have a calmer mind. You can’t be doing a million different things. You want to keep things nice and calm and you don’t want to be listening to too many different messages. The things that I do, I never listen to ads either. If I’m in the car and someone has ads on, I have to either turn that radio off or I have to put some earphones in because I can’t listen to that and can’t listen to talk back. I can’t listen to the news, can’t read the news. I can’t really listen to most people’s conversations about things because they’re polluted. Their world views and what they say is not true, and a lot of the time when you get surrounded by that stuff, you start thinking it, too. Once you start thinking that way, it’s impossible to start thinking the right way and achieve success. Those are the only four things you want to have on your mind. If you find that other things are popping up and getting on your mind, you need to work at getting them out, the TV, ads, news. Definitely stop watching the news. That things has become very harmful. Strategy sessions equal money. If you want to know how do some people make so much money as a consultant and how do other people not make that much money, it’s real simple. They just do more strategy sessions. This is back from when I was doing 350 grand a month, which was a year and a bit ago now. When I was making 350 grand a month, this is what my calendar looked like. This isn’t just made up or photoshopped. I took this screenshot back then when I was at 350 grand a month for the first time either. This is what my calendar looked like on a typical day. You can see all of those different strategy sessions there. It’s just back to back to back, just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, just all packed with high quality conversations with people who were interested in my services. If you want to make a lot of money as a consultant, your calendar should look like this. If you’re not making a lot of money as a consultant and you look at your calendar, then it’s probably not going to look like this. It’s pretty simple. Lots of strategy sessions equals lots of money. You want to keep that in your head. Here’s some testimonials from different students. Here’s Dave and he said, “Had our first $10,000 day today. Eighteen coaching calls from our list lined up in the next three days. Pulling for a 40K week.” I won’t read all of these out to you, but the key thing you’re going to notice, the trend across all of these different testimonials, is that they talk about a lot of money and then they talk about a lot of strategy sessions. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the two are related. Lots of money, lots of strategy sessions. Here’s Andrew [inaudible 02:15:26]. “Twenty-one strategy sessions and five sales this week.” The two are related. Lots of strategy sessions, lots of sales. Here’s Naomi. “7K month recurring for 12 months.” Not a bad deal. That’s almost 100 grand from one deal. She’s talking over here on the right-hand side. She says her course is filling up. “Doing these high ticket sales course can be a real game changer for your business, and I have to thank you for that.” The reason why she’s doing the best month she’s ever had is because she’s doing a lot of calls. Here’s Jeff [Simmus 02:16:06] on the left, and he’s doing a lot of sales, too, because he’s making a lot of calls. Here’s Chris Evans. This is back when they were doing a 100 grand a month. They’re close to 300 grand a month now. How did he achieve this? Strategy sessions. It’s that simple. If you want to make a lot of money, you got to do a lot of strategy sessions. If you want to generate a lot of strategy sessions, then you got to do a lot of promotions to generate strategy sessions. It’s really, really, really simple. The only four things that matter, solid foundations, paradigm and world view, and generating strategy sessions and doing strategy sessions. It is that simple. These four things are so important that I made you a printout to put on your wall. I want you to print this one out and I want you to stick it up on your wall somewhere where you’re going to see it every day next to your computer, just to remind you because I know that your memory is going to forget. All of our memories forget. Mine forgets things all the time, too, and I have to really try hard to remember the things that are important. You want to keep reminding yourself every day of the only four things that matter, your foundations, your paradigm, your world view, generating strategy sessions, and doing the strategy sessions. Pin this up on your wall, print it out, make sure you do it right now. Just pause this video. If you look below this video in the resources section, you will see that it says Four Things Printout. Download that. Print it out. Put it on your wall right now. You can see the quote below. It says, “You will be tempted to do anything other than the work in closing a sale.” Keep it simple and execute on these four things daily. That’s as simple as it is. If you feel yourself getting pulled in other directions, you know what to do with your inner procrastinator. You just flip it. You just reverse its poles. If it’s pulling you towards something, feel where it’s pulling you away from and do that. Don’t go with it. Don’t go with that thing. When you feel something pulling, go against it. Let’s talk about the raw math of achieving your goals. I like math because a lot of people think that you set goals and it’s just a fluke or luck and then goals happen or they don’t happen and you don’t know why either way. This is how most people think. It’s pretty crazy, but I like to divide it down into some simple math so we can see what’s involved for achieving our goals. This is a spreadsheet, and you can open this on Microsoft Excel or you can use Google Docs, which is You can see these two tabs here. One says recurring revenue metrics and the other says one off revenue metrics. You’ll learn what both of these are very soon in this module … In this category, sorry, in week one. We will have further training on this, but basically recurring revenue is when you charge a monthly fee and your clients pay you just that recurring fee every month. Let’s say you do digital marketing and you sell … Let’s say you do Facebook ads for realtors. All right? I just made that up. If you do Facebook ads for realtors and you charge, say, 3 grand a month or 2 grand a month, that’s recurring revenue. However, if you have a training program or a coaching program, let’s say it’s a 6-week program, which you help people for 6 weeks, then that might be a one off purchase where they pay you, I don’t know, 3, 5 grand, 10- Section 14 of 15 [02:10:00 – 02:20:04] Section 15 of 15 [02:20:00 – 02:31:01] (NOTE: speaker names may be different in each section) They pay you, I don’t know, three, five grand, ten grand, and then that’s one-off, so it doesn’t recur month after month. Pretty simple. So I’ve created two models here, so whatever your business model ends up being, you can play with them to see how much money you’re going to make over time. The first thing that we do is we set our starting revenue, which is where we are at, right now, and then we basically set our targets, so pretty simple. Say, right now, I’m making zero dollars a month. I’m starting from the very beginning. Let’s say that I want to add three grand a month in a new, recurring revenue each month. I can use this model, so if I plug in three grand here, over here, it says, “Clients needed.” This is using a $1,500 per month average for a client. If you were charging more, then you can change this around. I recommend for people just getting started, 1,500 bucks a month is a good price to really get started with. I don’t think it should be any less, and it definitely can be more if you feel confident, but if you’re someone who’s not confident charging any more than 1,500, then start at 1,500. In order to make three grand a month, we need to get two more clients. Strategy sessions needed – this is using a one in four conversion rate, so 25% conversion rate. That means I need to do eight strategy sessions in order to make $3,000 a month, so that is eight strategy sessions will get me two clients, which will make me $3,000 a month. Then, if we divide that by days, you know, judging by how many days there are in a month, that tells me how many strategy sessions I need to do per day. It’s coming up here was 0.4, so that’s less than one a day. That’s like less than one every second day, so if you were to do a strategy session every second day, and if you were to close one in four, and if your price was 1,500 bucks a month, and if you were to start from absolute scratch, here’s what you would make over the year. You’d be making 432 grand by the end of the 12 months. You see, it’s pretty crazy, like I think a lot of people don’t do the math to actually figuring out how to achieve their goals. They set a goal. They’re like, “Oh, I want to make six figures,” and then they wonder why they don’t make six figures. It’s because they never really looked at kind of the mechanics of it. If we just stick to something as simple as this, like selling our services as 1,500 bucks a month, doing eight strategy sessions a month, which is less than one every second day, and if we do that consistently over 12 months, we’re going to be make 432 grand by the end of the year. You can play was these numbers. Like if your business was already, for example, at $20,000 a month, and let’s say your new revenue target was 10,000 a month, instead of three, and if we would extrapolate that out over the whole year, I mean, we’ve got 1.7 million: way bigger, right? You can play with this. You can play with the stuff. You can see where your starting position is, you can see what different variables you can plug into the system, and you can see what your end result is going to be at the end of a year, at the end of six months, all that sort of stuff, so definitely go in and have a play with these. One of our business metrics … Just zoom in a bit. Here, you want to set your program price, and then you want to set your monthly revenue target, and then this will tell you how many clients you need and how many strategy sessions you need, and then how many that is per day, and then what your annual revenue will be at the end of the year. You can play was both of these. If you sell both, you can play with the one which relates to your business model. Totally up to you, but right now, what you definitely want to do is you want to start thinking about your goals. Like first of all, how much money are you making right now? We’ve got to get crystal clear on that. Write that down. Then, you want to think, “Well, how much money do I want to be making at the end of the year?” You really want to give that some thought. Don’t just say the first thing that pops into your mind. Don’t just ask your uncle or your friend how much he thinks you should make. Figure that out for yourself. How much do you want? Then, play was these models and figure out what is involved to get there, because when you look at where you want to go, and then you look at where you are now, this thing will tell you what’s involved each step of the way, so that you can get there. It’s a very powerful, very simple little model, so definitely take the time to do that. That pretty much brings us to the end of this introductory video. I know it’s pretty long, but it’s a really important video, because I really need to tell you how this thing is different. Like if I don’t tell you how this thing is different at this crucial, first point of the program, then your mind is probably not going to be open to the different things which I’m going to say, and the different things which we’re going to be learning. You need to understand exactly how I came up with all this stuff. I just didn’t sit down in front of my computer, and make some stuff up so that I could sell it on the internet and make money. That’s what a lot of people do. A lot of people make a program purely so that they can make money themself, and they rush it, and they make it in two days. It’s not tested, not proven, and they have little thought our care for the results that the people get. That is not true with my one. With my one, the most important thing is the results the people get, not the … I’m not trying to make people feel good with my training, because I know that if I make people feel good in the short term, then I’d just sugar coat everything, and I’d just tell them some nice things. But I know that they’ll feel good in the short term, but in the long term, they won’t feel good. I know that in order to have long-term happiness, long-term success, the things which we have to go through now are a little bit challenging and push you outside your comfort zone a bit, so I just want you to understand how this training was put together. It’s my life’s work. It’s taken me my entire life to figure all this stuff out. I’ve rebuilt this program more times … Well, it’s not more times than I can count, but we’re probably up at like 15, 16 times I’ve rebuilt this program and really thought about this with a disturbing amount of thought to figure out how I can create as much positive change as I possibly can. It’s really important that you keep an open mind to this stuff, and that you follow this process step-by-step, one video after the other. If you need to get support anywhere throughout your journey, use the search feature first. Check the content. Most things are covered in the content. Go to our Facebook group. Use the weekly Q&A calls. Use our help center. There is tons of places to get help. Use these first, before submitting a support ticket, because it’s way faster, way easier, way better for you if you solve your own problem, instead of having to ask our customer support, which there will be a small delay in reading it and replying back. This program is the absolute real deal, and there is no other program out there with results anywhere close to this, not even 10 times less, so we’re talking about a literal night and day difference. This process is proven and all you need to do is do the work. That’s it. Follow the process, one step after the other, do the work, and you’re going to be good. Make sure that you avoid the failure uniform at all costs. Understand the failure uniform. Understand what that person looks like. Make sure that you are not that person. And the only four things that matter, and the raw math to achieving your goals. We covered those four things. Make sure you really internalized that. Make sure that you print that out and put it on your wall next to your computer. Definitely print that out and put it on your wall next to your computer, because I guarantee you that by next Wednesday, you’re going to have forgotten those four things. Our memory is like a sieve. I’m not just saying that about yours. It’s about all of ours. Our memories are very, very, very inaccurate. We need reminders of things that are important. Those four things are important, so you want to print it out, right now. Stick it on your wall, and you know, let’s keep things simple, and let’s make sure that we keep you on track the whole time throughout this program. That pretty much wraps up this first introductory video. I want to thank you for choosing to invest in yourself through this program. It’s an amazing decision. You’re going to definitely appreciate the results, once you go through all this stuff. It was a very wise decision, and I’m really looking forward to working with you throughout this whole program to implement everything, and to really bring about some awesome exponential change. Thanks for watching, and I will see you in the other video, right now.
– Natural law & the equation
*Update: We switched from Facebook groups to the Skool Community. You made it!
This lesson is on natural law and the consulting equation. These two things are fundamentally important. Natural law is the law of nature, the law of how everything works. The consulting equation is the fundamental equation that consulting works on. If we boil consulting down to a simple equation, I’m going to show you what it looks like and how it works.
Here’s what we cover:
* What “Natural Law” is and why it is of extreme importance
* Cause & Effect and the governing equation of fractal evolution/human life
* Why most people suffer as a victim to life due to fallibility from three key things
* The eighth wonder of the world you haven’t been using in your life/business
* The “Consulting Equation” and how you can use it to create value as a consultant
Hey everyone, Sam Ovens here and welcome to the second video of week one in the Consulting Accelerator Program. This lesson is going to be on natural law and the consulting equation. These are two things that you definitely haven’t heard of before. This is going to be a lesson that you want to pay close attention to. These two things are fundamentally important. Natural law is what governs, it’s the law of nature, the law of how everything works. It’s extremely important. It is probably the most important thing there is. The consulting equation is the fundamental equation that consulting works on. If we boil consulting down to a simple mathematical equation, I’m going to show you what it looks like and how it works so you’re never going to be stuck in a situation where you can’t figure things out, because this equation is quite literally responsible for everything. Very powerful lesson, so pay close attention and let’s get right to it. Here’s what we’re going to cover today. First of all, we’re going to talk about what natural law is and why it is of extreme importance, then cause and effect and the governing equation of fractal evolution and human life. We’re going to talk about cause and effect and how that comes into your everyday life as a human, as a business owner and as a starting out entrepreneur, and the governing equation, like the master algorithm of evolution. How does the human species evolve? How do animals evolve? How do plants and everything in the world actually evolve over time and what is that equation? It’s really important to understand this. Then, why most people suffer as a victim to life due to fallibility from three key things. We’re going to talk about why most people suffer as a victim. Why do most people think, “Oh, poor me,” or “Things are happening to me,” or “The world is against me,” or “I just seem to have bad luck.” Why do people seem to think that? Why on the other end of the spectrum are there people that just seem to have the best luck in the world? What is fallibility? Humans, are we invincible or are we really fallible? Fallible, I’m going to explain what that means and the three key things about why we are so fallible and how to fix that. Then I’m going to talk about the eighth wonder of the world. This is something that you haven’t been using in your business or your life. This is something that we as human beings forget all the time. The eighth wonder of the world. Finally, I’m going to introduce you to the consulting equation. So very similar to the governing equation of human evolution. I’m going to show you the governing equation for consulting and how we can boil consulting down to a simple equation and figure out exactly what the solution is in any given situation or scenario, and how you can use it to create value as a consultant. A lot of people, they think, “How do you create value? How do you go out into the world and make money?” Let’s say I’m in a poor situation right now, I’m broke, I’m living at home with my parents and I don’t know much. I don’t feel like I know anything. Okay, how do you go from that position where you are now to someone who does know something and being someone who can make money? That’s what we’re going to talk about with the consulting equation. This is a very important lesson, so let’s jump to it. What is natural law? I found this quote on natural law by Albert Einstein and he says, “The harmony of natural law reveals an intelligence of such superiority, that compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is utterly insignificant reflection. What that means is natural law is so powerful, it’s the governing laws of this entire universe. It’s the governing laws of everything. Natural law is so powerful that is every single human being on the face of the earth got together and put their thinking minds together, it still would not have a chance compared to natural law. It is the most important thing but we seem to forget it sometimes. Here is a couple of quotes from me on what I see natural law as. Natural law applies to every participant in the universe at all times regardless of any effort on their behalf. There is simply no escaping natural law. No human, government, culture or force can fight it or change it. In simple terms, natural law is the ultimate truth of existence. What I mean is that it doesn’t matter if we’re more evolved now. It doesn’t matter if we’ve got 1000 years of technology. It doesn’t matter what technology we have. It doesn’t matter if we’re in a different culture, in a different society, if we’re in a different country, it doesn’t matter how hard we try, we can’t change natural law. Natural law is just the fundamental truth of the universe. As humans we go through life experiencing challenges, setbacks, wins and losses. Every experience provides us with feedback and the ability to acquire worldly wisdom that helps us do more of what works and less of what doesn’t. This results in a happy life we’re in full control of. The problem is that most people go through life repeating the same mistakes over and over again expecting a different outcome, then blaming other people or forces for their misfortune. Most people choose to believe a false reality that opposes natural law and they end up living sad existences they believe are out of their control. The great masters of all time learned to observe their lives as a series of never ending scientific experiments. With each experiment they reflected on the outcome and learned from it. The person who lives in this way ends up getting closer and closer to the ultimate truth and lives a life and harmony with natural law. A person in harmony with natural law dreams of something then creates it. This is some quotes from me on what natural law is. You probably want to take a screenshot of this or print it out, you want to remind yourself of this. As we go through life, we get feedback, we make mistakes, we fall over, we graze our knee and it hurts, and we learn. Okay, don’t be so clumsy, or maybe when you’re running around, don’t have your eyes close or don’t be looking at your phone when you’re running across the road or something like that. When we fall over, when we make that mistake we get feedback. It’s not a failure, it’s feedback and the feedback is painful and we learn, okay, let’s not do that next time. Then we blame ourselves, we’re like, “Yeah, I was clumsy. It wasn’t someone else’s fault that I fell over on the road and got a grazed knee,” so we learn and we’re able to grow. We make a lot of mistakes and we figure out what the truth is, then eventually we end up pretty much never falling over and grazing our knee and never cross the road while looking our phone. A person who does that and a person who constantly reflects on things, and is constantly in search of what the truth is, lives an awesome life. However, there are some people, this is probably most people in the world who experience misfortune, then instead of taking responsibility from it and learning from it, they blame something else or they blame someone else. What happens is once you do enough of that, life’s out of your control. Now you’re looking to someone else or some other force as the only thing that can provide you with the life what you want. It’s the governments fault, something is happening in the news, it’s this event’s fault, it’s this other person’s fault, it’s my families fault, I don’t have enough time. Whenever you put the blame on something which isn’t you, that is when you become a victim. The people who master everything in this world, they are people who take responsibility for things and when they fail, they reflect on it and they learn. When they learn what the truth is, they remember it. They remind themselves and they keep getting closer and closer to the truth. When you live a life very close to natural law, you quite literally dream of something and are able to create it in real life. That’s what this program is going to teach you how to do. I can quite honestly dream up something I want in the future and go about making that happen. I do, and I do it year after year. Sometimes it even surprises me. If you wonder how I got to this point where I made a significant amount of money, moved countries and got it into the apartment and everything, it didn’t just happen. I designed it, I built it and it was built to plan, it was built to spec, just like you build a house. The way I was able to do it was by understanding natural law and understanding everything. That’s what we’re going to be talking about. Quite simply, natural law is cause and effect. It looks like this, this simple diagram. This is a diagram you want to keep in your mind. You want to imprint this in your mind. This is all that life is. We have three stages, we’ve got a thesis at the beginning, then an antithesis which is the red. We have two things, we’ve got a thesis, then we’ve got an antithesis which is the red thing, then the two come together, the two collide. That’s what we see in this middle stage, then something becomes of the antithesis in contact with the thesis and that is the synthesis. The synthesis becomes the new thesis, it comes back around and it just keeps going. This is really the law of nature, this is the law of the universe, evolution and everything. If you are in your current situation, then you come into contact with some sun, then you would be the thesis, coming into contact could be the antithesis, then the synthesis is going to be you sunburned or you with a tan right? It’s all of these things, they follow this rule. This is basically the equation of cause and effect. If we have a situation and we apply something else to the situation, then something comes of that situation. I know this might seem way too simple to even be of value, but this really is it. Most people think we’ve overcomplicated everything. This really is the governing formula of all evolution and all existence. It can be reduced to a simple equation like this for us as consultants and for us as humans. C+PE^T=D. Now stick with me while I walk you through each one of these steps. D is your dream. D is what you want. C is your current situation. P is your plan. E is your daily execution of that plan. T is time. That little upwards facing hat thing, that represents an exponent. An exponent is like when you put something to the power of something, it’s a power law. If I put five to the power of ten, I get 9,765,625 and you’re probably like, “Whoa, how does five to the power of ten equal such a massive number?” Yeah, this is what exponents do. It means it’s five times five, then it keeps times’ing upon itself. These are what we call power laws. These are the laws which earthquakes work on, like Richter scales. A lot of things work on these sorts of scales. This is why if you look at the gap between the rich and the poor that follows a massive steep curve, it’s like the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. That’s why once you have a lot of money, it’s way easier to make a lot of money because things compound. Most people don’t take this into account. This is the equation of cause and effect and I’m going to walk you through it. Don’t worry if you’re a little bit confused right now, but I’m going to walk you through each step and show you how simple it is. The main thing is people think that life just happens to them. People think that if someone gets rich it’s lucky, or it’s because they did something wrong. People have just gotten out of touch with reality. They don’t understand that it’s all actually quite simple and it’s all cause and effect. We can use this equation and we can figure out exactly how to get to where we want to go. Let me show you, watch this. Here’s our formula. C+PE^T=D. My dream could be to have 1,000,000 dollars in the bank. C+PE^T=D, so I’ve replaced D with 1,000,000 in the bank right? We all can define our dreams, that’s the first step. We just need to think into the future. What do we want? What is our dream? This is the first step. Most people actually never even go about this. I’m not kidding, most people don’t even think, what do I want? If you don’t think about what you want, then you’re most certainly never going to get it. If you go to the airport and you don’t know where you want to go and you just walk into that airport and you just get on some random flight, you might end up in Africa. You might end up in Africa and you might go, “Wait a minute, I didn’t want to be in Africa.” Yeah, that’s kind of what happens to most people’s lives. If you don’t define what you want, if you don’t go through life everyday with some kind of intent, then you’re going to end up in some random place, then wake up one and and realize, “Shit, this isn’t where I want to be.” Step one is to define what you actually want. What is your dream? It can be anything, you just have to define something. You don’t need to worry if it’s wrong because you can always change it later, but you must define something. C+PE^T=Dream, that’s one million in the bank, anyone can come up with that. Now, we define C. C is our current situation, so everyone can define that because current situation is what you have right now. That’s what’s in your bank account right now. If I have 500 dollars in the bank right now, then my dream if to have 1,000,000 in the bank, now all that’s left of this equation is +P^T, now PE is your plan times your execution of that plan to the power of time. All right, so let’s keep going. I’ve got 500 in the bank now, then here’s my plan. Pick a niche, focus on acquiring the skills and knowledge in that niche, get clients, scale up and have a mentor times execution of that plan to the power of time equals one million in the bank. Now we’ve got our current situation, we’ve got our desired situation, our dream. Now we’ve got a plan, something that we think can get us there. The next step is to put an E which execution. There’s no point in just having a plan, we need to execute on that plan, we need to do the work. The best plan in the world still won’t do anything if we don’t do it. We’ve got our current situation, 500 in the bank, then our plan, pick a niche, focus on acquiring the skills and knowledge in the niche, getting clients, scale up and having a mentor times our execution of that plan, which is no TV today, no alcohol or parties today, saving and putting every waking minute into execution today, focusing on wild execution to the power of time equals 1,000,000 in the bank. Now we’ve filled out our whole equation and all we’re missing is to the power of time. Here’s our last piece, here’s where we put to the power of time in. 500 in the bank, that’s our current situation plus pick a niche, focus on acquiring the skills and knowledge in the niche, get clients, scale up, have a mentor times our execution of that plan, no TV today, no alcohol or parties today, saving and putting every waking minute into execution today to the power of 365 days, that’s a year. If we put in that execution of that plan everyday for 365 days equals 1,000,000 in the bank. Now, that is this equation. That’s natural law and it’s actually pretty simple. How come most people don’t control their lives and live their dreams? Well, it’s all to do with knowledge, memory and time. Here’s why most people suffer as a victim to life. Here’s why most people swear that it’s more complicated than what I just said it was. Number one is knowledge. Most people don’t seek the truth in things and they have no interest in gaining knowledge in worldly wisdom. Knowledge is literally power and without it, one will suffer immeasurably. Knowledge really is the most important thing in the world. Without knowledge, you don’t even know if you should be happy or unhappy. You could be unhappy and not know it, not know why. You completely have no idea what to do without knowledge. Knowledge is the most important thing. You need to understand yourself, you need to understand your mind, you need to understand how the world works and you need to understand how to find the truth. That is the most important thing. Most people don’t even want to learn, or they go to college and they think, “My learning is done,” or they get to a certain age and they think, “Oh, I don’t need to learn anything anymore.” The second one is memory. Most people believe their memories about past events are accurate and are not subject to misinterpretation and change. Our memories are dangerously fallible, but most believe them as fact and this is a huge one. Most people think that their memories of things are accurate and truthful. They don’t think that memories change and they don’t think that at the time which they stores their memory, they could have been wrong. What we’re starting to find out about the human brain is that memories change. What happens as a human when you set a memory, you’re a person and you’re walking through life and you see something happen, then what happens is to store that memory in your brain, you need to reduced that experience down into a sentence. You need to convert an experience into a sentence, into a string of words. Those words are using your language system like English, Chinese or whatever. You take this complex situation and you reduce it down to a sentence, like this thing happened. Someone did something mean to me, I fell over and it was all their fault, they’re horrible. That’s my memory of something, then we store that memory, but what happens over time is our language gets bitter and we learn different things about the world. At the time which we set that memory, our language might not have been developed enough to accurately store that memory, or our understanding of life might not have been the same and this new understanding of life means this memory was totally inaccurate. This is happening a lot. We’re finding that our memories of things are totally inaccurate. Human beings, as they develop and as they grow older, their brains develop. Their brains grow different neural pathways, adapt and fuse together. When that happens it can actually change memories completely. People need to understand this. Just because you can remember something being a particular way doesn’t mean that it was that way. One of the most dangerous things humans have is their own memory. A lot of people when they come into trainings and they’re trying to become successful is they can’t escape their past. They’re constantly thinking back to their past. I’ve heard a lot of people say, “Oh, Facebook ads, I’ve already tried Facebook ads and it didn’t work, therefore Facebook ads don’t work.” Do you know how crazy that is? Someone’s memory is telling them that they tried Facebook ads and it didn’t work, therefore Facebook ads don’t work. Well how come other people can make so much money with Facebook ads? Someone could say, “I tried some sales calls and they didn’t work, therefore sales calls don’t work, therefore I’m not going to try sales calls again because they obviously don’t work.” Well, that’s madness. Maybe they’ve fused that in their memory, so they’re saying that this thing is this particular way but they’re completely wrong. It’s very important that we understand that our memories are very fallible and most of the time human memory is completely wrong. The third one and this probably the most important of all, is time. Most people can’t associate cause and effect because the two are distanced from each other over time, where effect gives little clue in the short term, but exponential clue in the long term. Simply put, most people give up because they can’t see effect from cause immediately, or they see effect from cause, but forget what actually caused it due to memory fading with time. What I mean by this is someone takes an action now and they can’t see an effect from that action. Someone might invest a whole day into starting their business, but they don’t see a whole bunch of money come into their bank account, so they’re like, “Oh I know, this was a waste. This was a waste of my time. I spent a whole day on this thing and I didn’t make any money, therefore it doesn’t work.” What people don’t understand is that cause and effect are spaced out over time. If you take an action today, you’re not going to see the full effect of that action until years down the track. You’ll start to see some effect but you don’t see the massive effect until later on down the track. It’s the same about compound interest and I’m going to talk to you about that in a minute. We call this human fallibility. Knowledge, memory and time. The fact that humans don’t have very good knowledge and they definitely don’t seek out knowledge. The fact that human beings have horrible memories, but they consider their memories to be the absolute truth and fact. The fact that most humans don’t understand how time works. Time compounds things. An action taken today has exponential effect in the future. If you just save a dollar every day now, all you’re going to see is a dollar in your account, then another dollar in your account, but later on in your life that is going to be worth millions. Most people don’t see that, most people are only looking in the short term and they can’t see that. We call this human fallibility. What we mean by this is that humans are fallible. You’re fallible, I’m fallible, all of us are. We are extremely fallible and it means that we make mistakes and we believe things that aren’t even true. Let’s look at time in more detail. Time is probably the most misunderstood forces in the entire world. I know that you might be thinking, “Sam, why are you teaching us about something so basic. I know how time works, there’s 24 hours in a day.” Well trust me, you haven’t looked at it this way before … because you have never thought about time like this before because no one else will have ever told you about this. Here’s effect versus time. Here’s what it looks like. It follows an exponential curve. If I take some sort of action now, right now today. I’m going to start my business, put in a whole bunch of research and all of this stuff. I’m only going to see a very small effect today. I might look at my piece of paper and I might be like, okay, good, I came up with five pages of niche research, where’s my results. That’s all I’ve got, just these five pages? Well, over time that effect starts to look like this. Quite often, earlier in my journey, I was working on things and I couldn’t see the reward right away. I was like, man I’m doing a lot of research on this niche, or I’m doing a lot of hard work here. I’m reading a lot of books, I’m taking a lot of action, but I’m not seeing a whole bunch of results. A few years later, boom, all of a sudden, oh my god, where is all of this money coming from. I even wondered, I was like, “Where is this all coming from? How did this just come out of the blue?” That’s when I really realized that I was starting to collect compound interest on all of the things I had done over the past five years and my growth curve started to look like this. I lost money in my first year, I made $100,000 in my second, or my first year of having my consulting business, I did $100,000, then I did $500,000, then I did 1.2, then I did 2.4, then I went up to 18.25. This year I will do over 50 million and next year I’m sure I will do over 100 million. You might wonder, “Well how the hell does that happen? How does someone go from being broke to that?” Well, it starts to curve like this. I’m telling you, the money I make right now, it isn’t from the work I did this year, it’s a compounding effect from the work I did from the very beginning. This is how cause and effect works. It’s like we take an action now and we do get some effect from the actions which we take now. The effect curves, it goes exponentially. Truthfully, when I’m 60, 70, 80 years old, I’m still going to be collecting dividends on those actions which I took when I was younger and I wondered if it was ever going to be worth it. When I read that book, was it ever going to be worth it? This is how it works. It curves up like this. Here is the other force against it which is our memory. A lot of people don’t think about it like this but this is how human memory looks. If you look at any sort of scientific research, this is how memory looks in terms of it’s accuracy. Our memory is really good right now. If we take an action today, then we’re pretty good at remembering what we did today. As time goes by, our memory fades away and our memory gets worse and worse and worse. It curves exponentially like this until we literally get to a point in time where it’s very hard to even remember what happened at all? Here’s a good question. Two Wednesdays ago, what did you eat for lunch? Without looking at anything, what did you eat for lunch? Just think about that. If you’re most people, 99% of people couldn’t figure that one out, I can’t figure that one out, I don’t remember. What about two months ago, minus two days off that, what did you have for breakfast? Without looking, what did you have? You don’t know, you can’t remember. What did you do on August 13th when you were three years old? It’s blank, we don’t know. This is what I’m talking about. Most humans, they think that their memory is some awesome thing that doesn’t get anything wrong, but really it is so so inaccurate. It can’t remember things. It can’t remember very much at all. Our memory curves like this. What’s really interesting, this really just hit me one day and I figured it out, I was like, “Oh my god, this is why humans are so fallible with everything.” It’s because these two curves work like this. Cause and effect is the governing thing that the world works by. People don’t just get rich by chance and people don’t just get fit and healthy by chance. People don’t just win marathons by chance. People don’t just live happy lives by chance. Society is made out that if you’re rich, you’re just lucky and it’s pretty much a miracle or impossible to become rich, become wealthy and live how you want. Well, it’s not, it’s cause and effect. Here’s how we keep forgetting that it is cause and effect. It’s because these two exponential curves work on opposites to each other. If I take an action right now today and I don’t see very much reward for that action, if I spend a day working on my business and I don’t see much reward for that, I’ve got a very good memory collection of that. I’m like, “I did a lot of work today and I didn’t get much result today.” Over time, that work I did starts to get more and more result. In say, one year from now, I get this result. I get a phone call from this guy who I spoke to a year ago and he’s like, “Oh hey, you remember how we talked about your ideas for my business? I thought about it and I want to sign up with you,” and the guy signs up with you. You’re like, “Man, that just came out of the blue, where did that came from?” That’s because you forgot what you did one year ago. One year ago, you might have spent that one day working on your business then gave up. Now you’re like, “Oh, that was a fluke, I wonder why more things like that don’t happen.” That’s because someone gave up and they can’t remember what cause caused that effect. Quite often by the time we get exponential effect from an action, we’ve forgotten what action we actually took that caused it. This is what makes human beings so fallible. I’ll try to make this a bit clearer for you. An action taken here at this moment in time has little effect and strong memory to witness it and build belief systems. However, that same action has an exponential effect at this latter point in time, with little to no memory to remember what caused it. If we save a dollar a day now, at the time when we can remember it, we’re like, “This is useless, this sucks because I’m not getting any money, I’m not rich, I don’t see Ferrari’s and I’m only just saving a dollar a day.” That’s what our memory says to us, but if we were to stick to it over a long number of years, then we’re like, “Whoa, where did all of these millions of dollars come from?” Well, you can’t remember back to when you were taking those actions that caused that effect. I’m really trying to make everyone understand this. An action taken here has little effect at this moment in time and strong memory to witness it and build belief systems. This same action has an exponential effect at this later point in time with little to no memory to remember what caused it. Simply put, by the time a memory has faded, only remembering small effect, effect grows exponentially with little to no memory of what cause created it. Here’s why most people fail. This is why most humans aren’t successful. They think it’s because of something else, this is it. People start a journey and they can’t see effect from cause immediately, so they give up and quit before they reach the point where effect starts compounding. Someone wants to start their own business, or something picks a niche and they start researching into the niche and they’re like, “I’m not seeing any money, I’m not seeing any customers or massive rewards. This niche must suck,” so they chuck it out and they choose a new niche. Someone might start and think, “Oh, this business idea it doesn’t work, I’m going to throw it out.” Someone might start with Facebook ads, “Oh Facebook ads don’t work, throw it out.” What happens with these people is they keep looking for effect in the short term and they never stick to it long enough where effect starts compounding. Number two, people who stick at it long enough to experience compounding effect often forget what cause was responsible for creating it. This makes things appear chaotic and out of their control. The second reason why people fail is they stick to something, they stick to something for long enough, but then they start seeing the compounding effect. They forgot what actually caused it, so they go and change things and they change things that weren’t broken. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen successful business people stop doing the things that made them successful and completely forgotten about them, then they wonder why their business isn’t successful anymore. This is the dangerous thing which we have as humans. Cause and effect is distanced over time and it has an exponential curve looking that way. However, our memory fades and it has an exponential curve looking the other way. It means that an action we take now, we won’t see the full effect of it until years in the future, however our memory isn’t going to remember what cause we took that made that effect happen in the future. This is the massive thing that human beings haven’t been able to grapple with and they haven’t been able to get their head around. If you wonder why I have so much money now and why I’ve been so successful now, and how I completely took over the entire consulting industry, it’s because I stuck to it. The fruits which I’m seeing now are the compounding effects of all the hard work I did over those years. I only saw 100,000 in year one. In my first year of starting I really didn’t see anything. When I started consulting I only got 100,000, then my second year I was only 500,000, then my third, and it started curving up. I didn’t start collecting massive payoffs until I had stuck to one thing. I stuck to my niche, my consulting. I stuck at it, I didn’t give up. Most people don’t stick to things. Most people don’t even stick to business, full stop. Most people try one business idea, it doesn’t work, so they give up completely and they’re like, “I know, business doesn’t work.” First thing is, you’ve got to stick to business. The second thing is, you have to stick to a niche. If you keep checking out your niche and you do what I call, niche jumping, and you keep grabbing a new niche, then a new niche, then a new niche and you’re like, “I know, this niche doesn’t work, this niche doesn’t work, this niche doesn’t work.” You’re just keeping on going through this model which I’ve got on the screen. You’re not sticking to a niche long enough to get exponential effect. I stuck at consulting and I doubted it, but I doubted it every day. I thought, “Oh, this other niche looks good, or this eCommerce niche looks good, maybe I should start this business doing this, maybe I should start my business doing that.” I even did start a couple of other businesses. I ended up slowing down my progress, then realizing, oh my god, what an idiot I was. Getting rid of that business completely, then coming back to consulting. Most people, they keep forgetting. Their memories are bad and they forget what got them their success and they don’t stick at things long enough to start seeing the compounding effect. Society has made business out to be this massive gamble of the 1% who are lucky. Society says that the people who make a lot of money, they’re lucky, it’s all a fluke. Most people would think that my luck is a fluke. Most people would think that my luck is because I’m privilege or something, like I was just given a whole bunch of money by family or somebody just gave me a whole bunch of stuff. That’s not true at all. People who are successful, it’s not due to luck. I don’t believe in luck, I don’t believe that is such a thing as luck. I’m here today to tell you that there is no such thing as luck and I truly believe this. I don’t think there is anything called luck or chance, only natural law from cause and effect compounded exponentially over time. Most people might be able to get their head around cause and effect. I eat pies and I lie on the couch, then I’m probably not going to be very healthy and I’m not going to look the best. What they don’t understand is, even if someone does understand cause and effect like that, they don’t understand the exponentially compounding effect of time. If you eat one pie today, you don’t know what effect that’s going to have on you in ten years, five years. See, we tend to look at things only today. We’re like, “Oh if I eat this pie today, I won’t look that much different today.” How do we know what that one decision to eat that pie, how do we know what that’s going to cause for us in five years? You don’t want to mess with things like this. Time compounds everything exponentially. The one decision I made to quit my job at Vodafone, that one tiny decision, when I made that decision and I quit, I doubted myself, I was like, “Well maybe that was the wrong decision. I’m not feeling too good,” so my memory is starting to be like, “Okay, quit job, and what I can remember is I think I made the wrong decision.” There’s my memory, it’s going and doing it’s analysis on things right now. It made me kind of feel like I had made the wrong decision. That one decision I made at that point in time, if we were to look at it’s effect, if that was the cause and today we were to look at the effect, it’s more than $20,000,000. That’s massive. If we look at that point in time, I was worried. That’s how things work. Everything in this life is cause and effect and it’s compounded exponentially over time. When you’re taking action every day, when you choose to put an hour into your business today, when you choose to write down your goals today, or when you choose to do this training today, or when you choose to make a call to a prospect today, when you choose to do any action today, you have to think it’s effect in the long term. If you just make one small little move today, I can’t tell you how life changing, the effect of it in your future is bigger than you can possibly imagine. If people just choose to watch Game of Thrones today, or just go out and party today, you don’t know what sort of effect that’s having on you in five years from now. As the human race, we’ve pretty much been brought up to forget about the future. Everyone is like, “Just live in the now and forget about the future.” I agree, we should live in the now, but we shouldn’t forget about what we’re doing to our future. You want to be putting in deposits into this future bank account all the time. This is what you’re doing working on your mindset, working on yourself and working on your business. Honestly, you will not see massive results in the short term. You’re going to see results, believe me, this course shows you how to get clients, how to start a business and how to make money and everything. You will see those results, but don’t expect massive things to happen on the very first day. Things compound over time. The biggest thing that is effecting all entrepreneurs is time and they forget that. Albert Einstein said this, “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t pays it.” At first I was like, “This doesn’t make much sense. Compound interest, everyone knows about compound interest.” I read about this years ago, then it really struck me and it dawned on me. He was talking about everything. Time on everything in this world has interest on it. The way time works, when I actually understood how time works, most people don’t understand how it works. I won’t get into it in this because it would take me a day to describe it to you, but time has compounding effects on it. Whatever you do today, it starts to exponentially compound on itself. The same way compound interest does in a bank account. If you save a dollar today and that’s all you do, at first you’re going to be like, “Well I’ve hardly got any money, I’m only saving a dollar a day,” but if you were to use a compound interest calculator and you were to work that out over time, oh my god, it would blow your mind. If you were to look at Warren Buffet’s wealth over time, I’m actually going to look this one up just so I can really drive this point home. I’m just pulling this up right now, I want a screenshot of Warren Buffet’s net worth over time. Look at this. Why does Warren Buffet’s wealth look like this? A lot of people, they look at Warren Buffet and they look at how much money he’s got, like 62 billion or however much it is and they’re like, “I wonder how he got that?” You look at it across time. You look at every wealthy person’s money across time and it looks like this. Most entrepreneurs have forgotten, or maybe what they’ve never learned. I think what most people in the world have never learned is the effect that time has one everything. Not just on money, but on every single cause and effect relationship in the world. This is what what Albert Einstein was getting at. He said, “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world, he who understands it earns it, he who doesn’t pays it.” Those who forget about compound interest end up paying for it dearly. I don’t just mean money wise, I mean everything wise. Here’s how this applies to you. Here’s how to master natural law. I’ve told you how it works, but here’s how to master it. Knowledge, knowledge is literally power and understanding oneself in the governing laws of nature should be the highest priority in order to live a happy and purposeful life. Here’s what you must promise to me, to yourself and to everyone else right now. Number one is you must promise to become a keen learner with a passion for acquiring worldly wisdom. You have got to open up your mind and you’ve got to decide that you’re going to learn some things. You have to have a passion for acquiring wisdom. If you don’t know how the world works and you don’t know how things work, then you’re always going to suffer as a victim. Make this promise right now. Second promise, memory. Beliefs and stories about the past are extremely inaccurate and are the root cause of most people’s issues and limitations. Undoing the knots and reprogramming your brain is of extreme importance. Here’s what you must promise. You must promise to work on confronting the belief systems and installing a new paradigm and world view. The way that you see things right now is not accurate because people with belief systems that have been worked on and people with accurate paradigms and world views, they make a lot of money and they live exactly how they want to live. They don’t see life as a pinball machine of chance. They see life as what they make of it. Someone who doesn’t see life like that is going to have a faulty paradigm and a faulty world view. You must promise to work on confronting belief systems and installing a new paradigm and world view. The third one, time. Understanding the non-linear compounding effects of time and how to use it to your ultimate advantage is essential to making large sums of money. You must promise to stick to this process and take consistent action until compounding joins your side. Remember Albert Einstein said, “The 8th wonder of the world is compound interest.” Well, if it’s so powerful, if it’s literally as powerful as the 8th wonder of the world, you definitely want to have it on your side. You want to have all of these forces on your side. Compound interest is one of the greatest forces there is. In order to get it on your side, you need to stick to something. Not just stick to business, but stick to mindset. The mindset work I’m going to get you to do, stick to it. If I tell you to do mindset stuff every day, do it every day, don’t just stop doing it after four days. You’re not going to see that exponential effect. If I tell you to read your goals each day and you write down that you want a Ferrari in your goals and you don’t see a Ferrari on day four, well don’t stop, just understand that curve. Believe me, I wrote down that I wanted a Ferrari on my goals and I thought that I was really pushing it. I forgot how old I was when I did this. I think I was 22 years old. I wrote down that I wanted a red Ferrari and I thought, “Sam, you’re being an idiot,” but I was like, “I may as well try it right? I might as well write it down and see if it happens.” I still thought, “Man, you’re being an idiot.” I kept it on my goals, I read the thing every day and I didn’t give up on it. What’s crazy is that, I think at some point through that year I must have given up on reading the goals. What happened is I found it on my computer and I read through it, I was like, “Oh my god,” because I had that Ferrari. I was like, “Well, these things are powerful.” I had forgotten quite a lot, quite often we achieve our goals at a time when we forgot that they were actually even our goals. This is what’s dangerous and this is what makes people stop reading goals, stop setting goals and they stop believing in cause and effect and they start believing in chance. It’s memory that makes you do that. Sometimes we can believe in cause and effect and we’ve got it, then we forget about it. Now we think it’s just up to change again. It’s so important that we understand how fallible we are, knowledge, memory and time. We forget about all of these things. We forget that every action we take today is going to have an exponential effect in the future. We forget that the way we remember things is wrong and that sometimes we can’t even remember anything. We forget that we are always learning and the only way to really lose is to think that you don’t need to learn anything else. You must promise to stick to all three of these things if you want to master natural law and be in control of your own life. The eyes are useless when the mind is blind. Your current understanding and knowledge got you here, but it will not take you where you want to go. Throughout this journey, you must keep an open mind. I’ve just shown you some things about time, cause and effect, natural law, and I can tell you that a closed mind will tell you this stuff is useless, this stuff is too basic. Where’s the Facebook ads? That is what a closed mind would say. An open mind would say, “Wow, I never thought about time like that. I can now see the point.” You must keep an open mind. Now let’s talk about the consulting equation. I showed you the governing equation of all evolution of human species and, well, everything in nature. Here is the consulting equation. This is how we go about creating value in the marketplace is a consultant. If you’re new and you don’t have a niche, if you have never started a consulting business before and you’re like, “What am I going to do? How am I going to make any money? I don’t know anything. I don’t know any problems to solve. I don’t even have a niche.” I’m going to show you how it works. I’m going to show you how it’s really quite simple. What is the consulting equation? It looks like this, just like we had our law of nature which was the thesis, antithesis and synthesis. We have niche offer and result. We choose a niche and then we look at the niche and we’re like, “What is the problems of this niche?” What are your problems, then what are your desired situations? Then we try an offer. We try selling them something and doing some services for them, or teaching them some things. The niche comes into contact with this offer, then there is an end result. That really is how simple it is. It’s a niche, an offer and a result. The niche collides with the offer, then comes about a result. It can also be reduced into an equation like this Niche x Offer = Result. Let’s go through each one of these. Niche is a specific group of people who cluster together with similar attributes. These users can be clustered in any way, shape or form. It can be b2b, b2c, or what I call b2p, because really there’s no such thing as b2b or b2c, it’s just business to people. The main thing is that it’s specific and participants have similarities. We’re looking for a grouping of people together. We must start with a group. We don’t want to start with everyone because everyone is different. If we focus on everyone, then our offer is going to work for some people and it’s not going to work for some people, and we’re going to wonder where we went wrong. Where we went wrong is we focused on everyone instead of on a group. You must choose a niche which is a group of people. We want to make sure that they’re similar and we must identify a painful problem that they want to solve. What’s a problem that they have, then we must identify a powerful desire for a solution or transformation they have. What is their current situation and what is their desired situation? Then we have our offer. An offer is the promised solution, service, information or advice that you provide. It should be designed to solve the problem and achieve the desire of the niche. When you create an offer, you don’t just make some stuff up, you don’t just throw some stuff in a bag. You look at your niche and you look at where their current situation is, then you look at where their desired situation is. You didn’t make those up, you actually went to the niche and asked them. Now you’ve designed an offer that is designed to help someone get from their current situation to their desired situation. It should be designed to solve the problem and achieve the desired result of the niche. It should be minimal in terms of your time and should be repeatable as possible. Most people design an offer and they’re like, well we’ve thrown some stuff in the bag. Let’s throw as much stuff in this bag as possible so people feel like they’ve really got a lot. That’s madness. The world has gone mad. You’re not throwing some stuff in a bag when you have an offer. You’re looking at what the market needs and you’re only putting the one little thing in that bag that actually achieves the result. You’re thinking in terms of as minimal as possible. You want to offer the smallest thing as possible and it should use as little of your time as possible and it should be as repeatable as possible. That’s the offer. Then the two collide. The niche and the offer. Here, the way to think about it is literally just like a chemical reaction. Imagine if we had the niche, the current situation and the desired situation, then we put it into contact in a test tube with an offer that we’ve designed. Now the two are in contact with each other, they’re reacting. There’s going to be some change. The person is told to do this thing, the person is told to do that thing, then the person tries doing that thing and they try doing that thing. Now things are changing, change is taking place, things are shaking up and there’s a reaction. After the reaction comes the result. The result is the end situation/state after the niche collides with the offer. After the collision has happened and things are shaken up, what is the result? The result should be the solution to the niche’s problem and the desires. Remember in the beginning when we picked the niche and we found out what the current situation was and the desired situation, well if our offer was right, then the result should have been the person solving their problem and the person achieving their desires. If it wasn’t right, then they didn’t achieve those things. If it was kind of right, then they might have gotten half way. This is how we understand if we get something right or wrong here. The end result should be what desires at the start were and nothing else. The result should be as profound as possible in the least amount of time possible. We’re looking for results that are profound. We don’t just want to help someone make a small little increase. Let’s say we chose the niche dentists and I did not choose this niche for any reason, so don’t think, “Oh Sam used dentists, so I’m going to use dentists.” I didn’t, I chose it at random. Let’s say I chose dentists and I talk to them and what’s their desired situation? Well, I wish I could make an extra $10,000 a month with my company. If I went out and I designed an offer to help them do that, then we apply the offer to the niche and the current situation and the end result is they’re able to make an extra $5,000, well that’s not very awesome because it’s only half of what someone wanted. Eventually that person is going to cancel that service, if not, they might cancel it right away. A profound result is something that exceeds someone’s expectations. Let’s say we chose dentists, they want an extra $10,000 a month, let’s say they did it. They hired us and they ended up making $100,000 a month, that’s profound. When you have a service or when you have a consulting offer that literally has an effect and result like that, that’s how you make a lot of money. That’s how things go viral, that’s when every dentist in the world starts telling every other dentist about this thing. That’s when things go boom. That’s exponential. As a consultant, this is all we’re doing. We’re looking at these three things, niche, offer, result. We’re constantly working on these things. We’re thinking, we’re talking to our niche, we’re like, “What’s your current situation? What’s your desired situation?” We’re keeping our fingers on the pulse on the niche, the near needs, the near wants and near desires, then we’re looking at our offer. We’re like, “How could our offer be better? Could we take this thing out of our offer? Could we do more of this? Could we do less to that? Maybe we should try doing this?” Improving that offer, then looking at the results. What results are these people getting? Are the results fading down or are they getting worse, or are our results getting better? This one client we had, they got a massive result, but how come these other clients we have didn’t get much of a result at all? What did they do different? As a consultant, you’re just playing with this constantly, you’re thinking niche, offer, result and you’re trying to make it as profound as possible. Not only as profound as possible but in the least amount of time possible. This is what people want, they want as much as they can get in the shortest amount of time. That’s what every human being wants. If you ask them what they want, they want everything and they want it now and they’re allowed to want that. The more that you can give them in the shortest amount of time, that’s how you create an amazing offer. When you’re designing, when you’re working through this and you’re thinking niche, offer, result, you want to be thinking how profound is the result and how quick am I able to deliver it? If you can deliver a profound result in a short amount of time, you’re going to make a lot of money. It doesn’t have to start profound. I don’t think anyone’s offer or anyone’s result starts being profound. When I started out as a consultant, I started out just helping people with websites and stuff. I can tell you that the results people got, they were not profound. The amount of time it took was a long time, but over the course of years and over the course of me really focusing on this and thinking about it, I was able to get the results more and more profound, and the timeframes, I was able to tighten and squeeze into a shorter and shorter amount of time. That’s how I started getting clients like Andrew Agnew who went from $17,000 a month to $200,000 a month in 90 days. That’s obscene, that is a profound result. I’ve had tons of other people like that. I’ve taken a lot of people to more than a million dollars within one year. That’s profound. That’s what you want to do. You want to always be looking at that. How can I squeeze the timeframes, how can I make the result more profound? Let’s look at some example to really cement this. This might seem way too simple to some people, but I can guarantee you the people whose minds are closed off to this are the people that are going to have non-stop issues with this, so you must keep an open mind. Here’s an example, niche, a small one to five person account firm. That could be the niche, now we ask them what their problem is, it’s struggling to get clients. Their desire, they want to make more money than what they could at a big firm. This is quite true with a lot of accountants. They’re always comparing the income to what they could make if they went and got a job at like Deloitte, EY or one of those. They’re always comparing it to that, so their desire is to make more than what they could at a big firm. They’re struggling to get client in a small one to five accounting firm. We want to also grade the urgency, how bad do these people want it? How bad is their problem and how urgent is their desire? The higher we get out of 10 on this one, it means we’ve found a good niche and a good problem within that niche. We’ve got a way to grade the niche and the niche’s problem and desire, so we give this a rating out of 10. I’m going to say this one is 6 out of 10. Now we’re got our offer. We could come up with a message and it would be, “We will build your funnel, Facebook ads and get you clients in 30 days.” I might have done my research, I might have come up with some different things and figured out I could help accountants with Facebook ads in a funnel and I could help them get clients in 30 days. Now the model, how are we delivering this to them? I’m going to teach you about messages, models and all of this stuff very soon, so don’t worry if you don’t understand this right now. This is just an example. The model might be done for you, which means we will do the work for them. Now the economics, how is our business model working? What’s our price like? We say, $2,000 a month. Then resonance, this is a way of grading our offer. How well does the market receive our offer? When we make our offer to someone, which is the combination of our message and what we’re doing, how potent is it? How much of an effect does it have on accountants when they hear that? Is it something that they just brush off and they’re like, “Oh, I’ve heard it, this sounds useless,” or is it something that makes them kind of sit up in their chair and they’re like, “Well this sounds awesome.” That’s what we call resonance and we grade this out of 10. The better your offer is and the better your message is, the higher this resonance score gets. We might say this is resonance 7 out of 10. Then the result. The desired result is getting more clients and making more money they could at a big firm. The complexity, the possibility and the timeframe. This is how we grade our results. In order to get the desired result, how complex is it? We’re doing Done For You, building funnels and doing Facebook ads, complexity is pretty high. It’s like a 9 out of 10. How possible is it? If I’m being truly honest with myself, how possible do I think it is to get accountants more money than they could at a big firm with my offer? Well I’m going to give it a ranking for possibility, then the timeframe, how quick can I deliver it by? Well, it’s going to take me about 40 days. We come up with these. The desired result, the complexity, possibility and timeframe. This is basically how we do it. We look for a niche, then we look for a problem and a desire, then we grade the urgency. How bad do these people want it? This is the first step, we have to have a niche. We can’t start a consulting business without having a niche, it’s impossible. We have to identify a problem and a desire. We don’t know what to get them if we don’t know what they want. If someone just walks into an airport, we need to know what they want, we need to know where they want to go before we try to sell them something. Otherwise if we walk up to them and just try to sell them a ticket to China, Africa or whatever, they might not be interested at all because it’s not where they want to go. This is what a lot of consultants do. A lot of consultants are out there selling people tickets to China when they want to go to France. If you’ve got an offer that’s telling someone to go to China when everyone wants to go to France, it’s going to be damn hard to sell. You’re not going to be able to sell it to anyone. This is literally what most people have. You need to find out what the niche is, then you need to find out what their problem and desire is, then you need to rank on a scale of 1 to 10, how much urgency is there? How much desire is there behind this niche wanting it? Is this niche extremely hungry for this? Are they just chomping at the bit for this, or do they just barely even want it? You have to give it a grade. Then the offer. What is the message? What are we doing for them, then what model are we using? Are we using Done For You, are we using invite 101 coaching, what is it? What are the economics? How much are we charging? Is it recurring revenue or is it one off? What is the resonance of this offer? Is this a really really on point sexy offer that just makes people sit up in their chair, or is this just an offer where people are like, “Meh, I’ve heard that before.” Give it a grade, something out of 10, 1 to 10. Then result. How complex is it for you to deliver? How possible is it for you to deliver and how fast can you deliver it and what is the result? This is the consulting equation and the difference between a good consultant and a bad consultant. The clearer you are on this formula and the higher you are on these different grading scales, the better your consulting business is going to be. If you want to know why my consulting business makes more than $100,000 a day and is on track to make $50,000,000 this year. A lot of people may think, “Oh because Sam has a New Zealand accent. He’s got a nice apartment and people see the New York view and just give him money.” People might think, “Oh it’s because he does something with Facebook ads. It’s because he has this one thing on his landing page or something.” People are crazy. It’s not because of any of those things. People go and focus on the wrong things. People think it’s all about Facebook ads, people think it’s all about what someone’s wearing in a video. Oh it’s because he wears a suit, oh it’s because his hair is long, it’s because his hair is short, it’s because of his accent. People are mad. It’s not because of any of those things at all. It’s purely because I absolutely nailed this thing. I made sure that I understood my niche better than anyone else. I made sure that I understood their problems and desires better than anyone else. I could accurately write a day in my niche’s diary better than they could themselves. I could write a day in their diary, they could find it and they would think, “Oh my god this person knows more about me than I do,” and I know more about their desires than they do. I know that I have really picked the best thing here. On an urgency, I’m like on a 9 out of 10, 10 out of 10, so I’ve really got that dialed in on the niche side. On the offer side, I’ve got this offer dialed in. I’ve got the message razor sharp. I’ve got the model totally optimized. I’ve got the economics dialed in and the resonance of my message, it makes hairs stand up on people’s arms. That didn’t happen by chance, it happens over time and by constantly thinking about this. Then the result, my stuff gets results. If people bought my programs, my training and people hired me as a consultant and they didn’t get results, I wouldn’t last very long. Results are the most important thing. My people get results. They take my programs, they get results, we have stories of people getting profound results in a short amount of time. We do get profound results, we do get them in a short amount of time. The possibility is very high because a lot of people get results. The complexity is pretty low because I don’t have to do a huge amount of work. Quite often I don’t even need to talk to someone and they can just go through my programs and end up with profound results in a short amount of time. That’s the science behind successful consulting. That’s the science behind a business that makes a lot of money. It’s not what everyone thinks. It’s not because of some doing YouTube ads and someone doing Facebook ads. It’s not because of someone’s accent, their haircut, the fact that someone wears green sunglasses instead of black. People have gone mad. They think it’s all of these other things and it’s just this. If you get all of this stuff right, it doesn’t matter what you do. If you look at my Facebook, I’m horrible at social media. I don’t have an Instagram account, it just has nothing on it. I don’t blog, I haven’t done a blog post in more than a year. My branding is pretty bad. If you look at my website, it looks pretty bad. I pretty much do everything wrong. I haven’t written a book, I haven’t been in New York Times Bestseller, I don’t speak on stages, I don’t do anything. I don’t do any of stuff which everyone thinks you should be doing. In the modern world, we’ve gotten it confused. I read an awesome article on this the other day. It said American actors are starting to fade and European actors are starting to poach bigger roles off of them. I forget who said it, I think it was Dustin Hoffman who wrote this article. He said, “What’s happening is American actors are starting to care more about their image and social media appearances than they do about their craft.” Actors are starting to put more effort and attention into their Facebook, their Instagram and Snapchat than they are to putting practice into a good actor. What’s happening is, over time, other people who are focused on the right thing are getting better at being an actor, then they get overtaken all of a sudden. You’ll notice that the best actors in the world, they have really bad social media accounts. Go look at Leonardo DiCaprio as one. The dude is out of the spotlight. The dude is mysterious. You don’t hear about him much, he’s out of the radar. How does he win? He’s just the best damn actor there is right now. The best basketball players like Michael Jordan, they’re not out there doing the things that don’t matter, they just do the thing that matters and they let that speak for them. They’re just the best and they let the rumors spread everything. We’ve gotten confused. A lot of people think it’s the wrong things. People are trying to be famous without having an substance. That’s madness. I don’t care at all about being famous. In fact, I would like to be as least famous as possible, but I care about substance. I care about my work and methods. I care about them being the best in the world. I want that to be the best in the world, then my social media image, I don’t care. I prefer for it to be the worst in the world. We’ve gone and gotten confused. If you ever wondered what makes a company so successful, what makes a consultant so successful. How am I going to make million in my business? It’s about mastering this. This is the core of everything. This is the cause and effect. This is the equation, your niche, understanding it, how urgent is it? Your message, your model, your economics, the resonance of your message with your market, then your result. How profound is it? Can you deliver on it? How complex is it for you to deliver? How possible is it for you to deliver? What sort of timeframe can you deliver it in? This is what it all is. If you get this stuff right, you don’t even need Facebook ads. People will just be lined up outside your door, knocking on the door, ready to buy. If you don’t believe me, let’s take this to the extreme all right? Niche, offer, result. Let’s say we’re a big need in the world right now. Would probably be like a cure for cancer. Niche would be people who have cancer. Their desire is damn high, that’s like 10 out of 10. That’s the niche and the urgency is 10 out of 10. Offer, we have a pill you can take, one single pill and it removes cancer. Okay, that has 10 out of 10 resonance and you could charge any amount of money for that pill. You could charge $10,000 for it and people are going to find $10,000 for that pill. The model is just giving people a pill and the message is just simple, it’s just cure cancer with one pill. Then the result. Cancer cured. Complexity is pretty much 1 out of 10 because they just swallow a pill. Possibility is 10 out of 10 because it happens every time. Timeframe is over night. That’s an extreme example. I’m using an extreme example just to give you an idea. If you could come up with that, believe me, you don’t need to know how to do Facebook ads, you don’t know how to do anything. You could have the worst website in the world. You could literally create a website that just says, please don’t buy from me, just one sentence on the page. You could have no social media presence, nothing and you just don’t need anything and you’re going to be the richest person in the world. That’s what it’s all about. It’s about getting these things right. It’s about getting the foundations right, then using Facebook and stuff to spread the word. When we go to Facebook and we go to spread the word, we want to make sure that the word we’re spreading is good. Most people go to Facebook, try it, and their message is so lame, they’re not really solving any problem that Facebook doesn’t work, then they think Facebook doesn’t work. They don’t think it’s their fault, they think, “Oh Facebook ads, they don’t work.” No, no, no, it’s your niche, your offer and your result. That’s what sucks. Most consulting business I look at, this is what’s all messed up. Most businesses I look at, this is what’s messed up. It’s never a fact of Facebook messing up, it’s never a fact of any of these other things, it’s always this. I know I’ve gone on this for a long time, but this is so so important, I cannot drum it in anymore. This is it, you want to make sure you get the stuff right and you want to make sure you’re non-stop constantly trying to improve on this. It doesn’t have to be business either. It’s not always about making money. I know that in what I teach, is a lot of how to make money and a lot of my students, they’re about how to improve revenues too. Trust me, you don’t need to be selling something which is about money. I’ll give you an example. One of my students Brittany, she’s in a personal niche. Her niche is binge eating. Brittany, her niche is young women who struggle with binge eating issues. Their problem is their struggling with binge eating, health and well being. The desire is to be free from this destructive habit. The urgency is pretty high on this one, I’d say it’s 9 out of 10. She’s got a good niche, it’s unique and they do have a real problem, they do have a real desire and this is serious to them. This is high on their priority list and it’s 9 out of 10. Offer, so the message is to beat binge eating in 60 days or less. Her model is an online group coaching program, so she has an online program that she helps people with and her website is, you can even go and have a look at it and everything. Economics is $4,000, one time fee. Resonance. Now the resonance of this message is pretty strong. Beat binge eating in 60 days or less. Okay, this is pretty powerful for the right person who hears this, so probably give her a 9 out of 10 on resonance. The result, the desired result. We’re free from binge eating and have it in 60 days. The complexity of delivering this, it’s not very complex. Some online group coaching, of 4 out of 10, possibility 8 out of 10, pretty good success rate with it. Timeframe, 40 days. She can deliver it better than what she is saying. Okay, this is pretty good, now this is a good offer. This is a good consulting business. Brittany has a unique niche that’s specific, they have a problem, they have a desire, it’s got a high urgency, she’s got a good message, a good model, strong economics and the resonance rating is high. The result is she can achieve the result, it’s not very complex to deliver and the timeframe in which she can deliver it by is pretty quick. This adds up to a good consulting business. That’s why Brittany has been able to do extremely well. When she started working with me, I think she was making like two or three grand a month, hardly anything. She was run wild all over the place. She was offering like 50 different things, doing one on one coaching and all sorts. She was making like two or three grand a month. Last time I checked which was a few months ago, I think she’s up to $60,000 or $70,000 a month, so she’s pretty close to $1,000,000 a year. I’d say she would definitely go more than $1,000,000 a year this year. She’s not teaching people how to make money. Look here at her result, it’s not about how to make any money. It’s just how to be free from a binge eating habit in 60 days or less. When you’re coming up with your niche and everything, don’t think that it has to be about money. There are a lot of things that people care about more than money. Believe me, if someone had a binge eating issue, they would rather fix that than just learn how to make an extra 3000 bucks. A lot of people in the relationship niche, the health and fitness niche, the pain relief niche and all sorts of niches, people care about things more than they care about money. Don’t feel like you have to do something which is to do with money. You get it right? It’s just a simple equation. Niche x Offer = Result. Don’t worry about picking your niche just yet in this video. I’m going to show you in this week, week one, we’re going to go over in detail how to pick you niche, how to construct your offer, how to construct your message and all of that stuff. Don’t worry about that, we’re covering it soon. Let’s conclude this training video. We started off with what is natural law and why it’s of extreme importance. I told you how natural law is the governing laws of the universe. Why do things happen the way they do? It’s just cause and effect. That’s how things happen. Cause and effect and time. Cause and effect is the governing equation of everything. When we put time in there and time is now how people think. People think time is just a straight line, they think it’s linear. They think if they don’t save a dollar today, that in 10 years time, the only difference will be a dollar. It’s a lot more than that. If you choose not to save a dollar today, the different in 20 years time can be millions of dollars. One action doesn’t just have the same reaction over time. It exponentially compounds. Cause and effect in the governing equation and that equation is C+PExT^D. That’s current situation plus our plan times our execution of that plan to the power of time equals our dream. We want to play with that formula until we can figure out exactly how we can achieve our dream. Why most people suffer as a victim to life due to fallibility from knowledge, memory and time. We talked about how most people don’t seek wisdom. Most people go to school, go to college and they’re like, ” I don’t need to know anything else,” then they’re walking around on the street and they wonder why things aren’t going their way. “I wonder why I don’t have any money. I wonder why I don’t live in the house I want to live in. I wonder why my car is useless and breaks down all the time. I wonder why things seem to be out of my control.” Most people wonder these things. They don’t stop to think, well maybe it’s because I haven’t learned how things work. Maybe it’s because I forgot. Maybe it’s because I just don’t know how to time thing works. Knowledge is extremely important. You must keep an open mind, you must learn. Memory is extremely important and understanding that your memories can be wrong. I had so many memories of how things were that I had to completely pull back up and I figured out they were actually wrong. I had to let go of those memories. In time, I had to figure out how time works. I had to understand that you can’t really cheat time. I had to understand that if I choose to put off my dreams today, then I could be putting them off three years, four years, five years. I realized that taking an action today is so, so, so important. The 8th wonder of the world which Einstein said was compound interest on every single action you take in your life. When you’re going through life from now on and you’re thinking of watching Game of Thrones today instead of taking action on your business. Instead of picking your niche today, instead of making some phone calls today, instead of doing this training today, instead of doing anything today. If you put that stuff off, you have no idea what you’re doing to the future. You could be putting that stuff off for years. You want to think like that. It sobers people up when they think like that. Consulting equation. Niche time offer equals result. What’s the specific group that we’re targeting? What’s their problem? What’s their desired situation? Now offer, what are we offering to them and what result are we getting? We’re grading that. We’re trying to get that combination as potent and powerful as possible. We’re understanding that this is the most important thing out of everything. This is more important than Facebook ads, more important than YouTube ads, social media, tweeting or going to speak at some event. This is everything. If we get this right, you can mess everything else up. This pretty much sums up our training today. That’s it for this video. I hope everyone enjoyed it and I will see you in the next one.
– The evolution of a consultant
In this video we’re going to talk through the different stages of evolution that a consultant goes through. We’re going to start off by talking about the definition of a consultant and what a consultant really is and then discuss how consultants actually add value to people in the marketplace and why people hire them so that you can understand the driving forces at play.
Here’s what we cover:
* The definition of a consultant
* What makes the global economy tick and how value is created in this world
* Why do people hire consultants?
* Why you can’t fight the market and why swimming with it will make you rich
* The evolutionary stages of a consultant and the different business models used at each stage
* The journey that lies ahead for you as a consultant and what to expect along the way
Hey, everyone. Sam Ovens here. Welcome to this training video. This one’s called The Evolution of a Consultant. In this video we’re going to talk through the different stages of evolution that a consultant goes through. We’re going to start off by talking about the definition of a consultant and what a consultant really is because a lot of people have all these different views and opinions on what a consultant actually is. They’re quite wrong. We’re going to kind of get very clear on what a consultant actually is. Then we’re going to talk about the different stages of evolution because you start off this journey doing consulting one way and as you develop more knowledge and as you learn more, you are able to evolve and you’re able to use different models and you’re able to really leverage your business right up. Most people thought that it was impossible to have a consulting business that had about 10 or 12 people and made like $18 million a year. Most people thought that was impossible. If you went and asked anyone, they would say that was impossible because most consulting businesses they charge per hour. It’s people on seats. That’s how consulting businesses grow. In order to have an $18 million consulting business, most people would tell you that you need like probably a few hundred people and you’d need to be massive. You’d have to be some massive corporate thing. That’s not true. I’m going to show you the different stages of evolution as a consultant. I’m also going to show the definition of a consultant. This is going to bring a lot of clarity to people because I’m sure you’ve looked at people before and you’ve been like, “How did that person get there? What path did that person follow to get to where they are?” This video is going to help shed a lot of light on that. Here’s what we’re going to cover. The definition of a consultant. We’ll start off with like what the public opinion is of consultant. The public opinion that society has is one thing, but the actual definition of a consultant is something else. I’m going to show you what that is and then I’m going to show you what makes the global economy tick and how value is created in this world. I found when I first got into business that I really had no idea how value was created. Why do people pay a certain amount of money for some things, but then they refuse to pay a dollar for anything else? They don’t even want it for free. It’s quite amazing. Some people will pay all the money they have for something, but then something else they don’t even want it for free. You couldn’t even pay them to have it. How does that that happen? I really needed to get my head around that before I could understand business and make any money. They don’t teach this in school or college or in any other training program on the internet anywhere. In this training we’re going to show you the fundamentals of value and how value is actually created in this world so that you can understand how the global economy ticks and you can take a place inside the global economy as a supplier and a seller of services so that you can actually start making some money for yourself. Then we’re going to talk about why people hire consultants. Why do people hire consultants? Is it just some fluke chance thing or is there a reason? We need to understand this. If we are aiming to create consulting businesses and sell services to people, we really need to understand why people hire them. Why you can’t fight the market and why swimming with it will make you rich? We’re going to talk about the market and what it is. We’re going to talk about why if you try and fight it, you’re just going to end up drowning. People who fight the market, it doesn’t matter how smart they are, it doesn’t matter how much money they have. They’re just being people with billions of dollars and they’ve been near the point of genius and they’ve tried to fight the market and they just get it handed to them. It doesn’t matter. You cannot fight the market and I’m going to show you why you can’t. However, if you get it right and you go with the market, if you swim with it, it’ll make you rich. I’m going to show you exactly how you can start getting a sense for the market and trying to position your business as something that doesn’t go against it, but something that really takes advantage of the flows with it so that your business is effortless. Then we’re going to look at the evolutionary of stages of a consultant and the different models used at each stage. We’re going to talk about how consultants get started. We’re going to talk about how they evolve over time and how they use different models. We’re going to talk about the different models of service delivery used because a consultant … The traditional, classical definition of a consultant is someone who sits down and gives someone advice by speaking to them person to person. Those times are over. You don’t have to be sitting next to the person. You don’t have to be speaking to them anymore. Advice can be given in many different ways. I’m giving you advice right now via this video. This allows me to scale exponentially and this allows me to serve way more people. It allows me to really consult tens of thousands of people at one time without any effort on my behalf. I’m going to show you why this here, this training program which you’ve got, this is consulting. Just because the advice is delivered over electronically or over a video, it’s no different than me delivering it in person. It’s still giving advice. I’m going to show you the different stages of an evolution which a consultant goes through in order to go from being a complete novice, not knowing anything, all the way through to being a niche consultant who’s got a niche and is a specialist, through to group coaching whether they’re doing coaching and giving advice instead of doing the work for them, all the way through to selling online training programs and making hundreds of millions of dollars. I’m going to walk you through the evolutionary stages and the different models used at each stage. We’re also going to talk about your journey and the journey that lies ahead for you as a consultant and what to expect along the way. When I show you the consultants journey, you’ll be able to determine where you are in it right now. You might be just starting. You might be quite advanced already. You’ll be able to determine where you are in the consultants journey. You’ll be able to figure out what that next stage is and what things you need to achieve in order to keep evolving and keep growing and keep scaling up your business and evolving through the different stages. This is going to be a really eyeopening training because no one else has ever addressed any of this information here. It’s quite new. Consulting has changed. It used to be a traditional sort of thing where people would become a consultant and they would sign up a client and then they’ll drive over to their office and they’d sit next to them and they’d explain some stuff to them. Time’s have changed. I’ve really shaken up this consulting industry the way I’ve set different rules for it. I’m going to show you the different rules in how consulting is going to change. You really want to understand these different rules if you want to be able to play the consulting game long-term because the old way is totally on its way out. It’s already pretty much out. It’s really important to understand this. Now let’s start with the definition of a consultant. Here’s some common misconceptions about consulting. If you were to go and ask the general public, the society and the public opinion on what is a consultant and what do they do, you would end up with a mixed sort of responses. The bias is really towards this, most people think that consultants have Harvard MBAs and they advice on corporate strategy. They’ve got fancy credentials and everything. They know a lot about business and they wear suits. They go and talk to different corporate companies and they advise on very complicated things. They also believe that they need loads of qualifications, degrees and certificates like all sorts of fancy things to put behind your name like MBA, MBC, MBLA, I don’t know, whatever. They’ve got letters for everything these days. Just keep racking them up behind their name. That’s what people think. You need a fancy office and lots of staff. You need one of these fancy Manhattan offices, all sorts of fancy people wearing suits and ties and things like that. You consult in person and travel all over the place meeting clients. You’re constantly driving on the road, on airplanes, all sorts of stuff. They pretty much think a consultant is someone who works for a company like Boston Consulting Group or something like that. This has been the public opinion of what a consultant is, but it’s distorted. This isn’t actually what consulting is. This is just everyone’s opinion or a perceived understanding of what consulting is. It’s actually wrong. Let’s look a the actual definition. Well, if you go and look at the actual definition of consulting, it kind of looks like this, engaged in the business of giving expert advice to people working in a specific field. It doesn’t say anything about corporate, doesn’t even say anything about business. It doesn’t say anything about fancy degrees or certificates or wearing a suit or giving advice in person or anything. It just says engaged in giving expert advice to people on a specific field. That’s what the definition is, but the distorted view of it is this thing here. Simply put, a consultant is somebody who gives advice to a specific group of people. That’s what you could say. That’s consulting. Let’s break this down so we can really clearly understand this. A consultant is somebody who gives advice to a specific group of people. Somebody, well, this is you. The advice, this is what you’re selling and in a specific group of people, well, this is who you’re selling it to, a.k.a your niche. It’s pretty simple. You’ve got three things. You’ve got somebody, advice and a group of people. Now the somebody is very simple. We can cross that one out. That’s you. The advice, this is what you’re going to be selling. In a group of people, this is who you’re selling it to. All we need to really figure out if you’re staring a consulting business is the advice and the group of people and then we’ve got it. That is how simple consulting is. Why do people buy advice? Let’s tackle this next one. We’ve figured out somebody. This is you. Now let’s figure out advice. This is what you’re going to be selling. Why do people buy advice? We need to understand why people buy advice before we can determine what we’re going to sell. Because a lot of people they want to start as a consultant and they don’t even think for a minute like, “Why do people buy advice?” They just come up with some stuff and they’re like, “I know I’m going to sell this.” They never asked the question ask why do people buy advice. Maybe I should understand this first before I create this thing. Well, let’s start with why people buy anything because this is going to be a big, big breakthrough moment for a lot of people because they don’t teach you this in economics and they don’t teach you this in school or on any other info products. They don’t teach you this anywhere. It took me a long time to get a thorough understanding of why people buy. This is how most people see the global economy. When most people look outside their window and they look at the world and they wonder why people buy things and why people sell things and why some people end up rich and why some people end up poor, they pretty much think it just looks like this. Just a big tangle of stuff and they’re like, “It’s too complicated. I don’t know how that works.” They just ignore it. It’s too much information for the brain to handle so people are just like I don’t know. This is just how they see the global economy. It’s time to start seeing the world the way I see it. It’s time to put on what I’m going to call the glasses. When you put on the glasses, things are clearer. I’m going to teach you how I see the world and how I see the global economy. Because when I look outside my window and I look at things, things are clear. I know why people are doing things. I know why someone’s buying that and I know why someone’s selling that and I know why things are trending one way or things are trending another way. I know how to take a position in this marketplace as someone who’s adding value and making money. This is a fundamental understanding which everyone needs to know if you’re going to go into the marketplace and take a position. This is the way I see it. We’ve got these different circles and each one falls within another one. It starts off with the self. This is the person. We’ve got a singular person and then we’ve got their family. This is the first social circle that they’re within. Let’s say there’s me. Well, I have a family which I’m in. Then my family, they have the their group of friends and then I have my group of friends from school or from whatever. That forms the next social circle, our family’s friends and our friends. Then we have society which is the society we’re in in these different countries, these different cities. Then within each country and each city there’s different classes and there’s different areas and there’s different geographical locations. Depending on any one of those different things, you’re going to fall within all sorts of different social circles. It kind of looks like this. Then each one of these things have different views and beliefs. We’ll start off with the self. You yourself have different views and different beliefs on things. Like you think something’s right and something’s wrong or you lean towards one side on things whether that’s what sort of music sounds good, what sort of art sounds good, how your hair should be, whether you’re into Motocross or whether you’re into classical ballet, all sorts of different stuff. All right? Every single person has different views and different beliefs on things. They think some things are right, some things are wrong and on different decisions they will lean on different sides. Then every single one of these different circles have kind of different sort of views and beliefs and different understandings of what’s right and what’s wrong. Each one of them will heavily influence your own. If your family sees things one way and has views and beliefs one way, that’s going to have a heavy effect on you. I’m not saying they’re the same. Quite often children within a family, they have slightly different views, but I’m saying that your family’s views are going to have a big impact on what your views are. Then same with your friends. People generally find friends groups who have values and beliefs that are similar to their own. It would be quite hard to be friends with a friends group where you just got totally opposite views. Then society. That’s kind of where you fall into society too. It’s kind of people choose their locations and people choose all sorts of different things based on what they believe in and what they see as right and wrong. We’ve got all of these different things within each other and they all sort of affect each other. Different views of what’s right, what’s wrong and so on and so forth. You can understand this, right? It’s pretty simple. Now if we drew a line through this in between like what’s right, what’s wrong because there’s different varying degrees of things. People have different views and they kind of slant one way or they slant another way or we can kind of draw a line through each of these different ones and get an understanding of what someone’s views are on something. We can do this at the self level, at the family level, at the friends level, at the society level. Then we’ve got the present which is how they see things right now. Right now in the present someone’s views are a particular way. Now people don’t just have views about the present. I mean people have views about how things should be right now, but they’ve also got views about how things happened in the past. Different people have different beliefs about the past. Some people think the history went one way. Some people think history went another way. Different people actually have different beliefs about how things were. If you don’t believe me, just go ask people. Different people believe different things not just about right now, but about the past too. People believe different things about the future too. They believe in the future things will be kind of like this or things should be like this or things definitely shouldn’t be like this. They have different views about how things should be and how things shouldn’t be and how they think things will be. All sorts of different views. You’ve got to look at this like it’s on the self level, the family level, the friends level and the society level. All sorts of different views and beliefs. What happens is the sum average of all of these different views and beliefs … If we were to take all these different views and beliefs and kind of take the sum average and draw a line trajectory through it and put it out into the future, overtime we can kind of get a point, we can kind of get an understanding for where this is going to fall, where people want things. If we were to look at a social group and get a sum average of all of their different views, we can figure this out. Now I’m not saying that this thing is 100% accurate. This is used for estimating. We can kind of get an understanding of where people want things and where people desire things to be in the future. We can call this like the current self and the desired self. We are somebody as right now. We can get a view on where things are. Then we can get a view of where someone wants things to be in the future. We call this the current self and the desired self because all the person really … What makes the person get up and do what they do each day is because it’s heavily affected on how someone thinks things are and how someone wants them to be because a person’s going to get up everyday and they’re going to behave in accordance to how they think things are and they’re going to be actively trying to make things become how they want them to be. Simply put, people are just trying to become their desired self everyday. They’ve got their current self and their desired self. Whatever that is they’re trying to make it happen. These are heavily affected on all sorts of different social circles, yourself, your family, your friends and society. Different people fall within different things and this is kind of how these beliefs and these desires come about. Because someone who lives in say China in some village somewhere, they’re going to have a totally different view of things and a totally different desired self than someone who lives in California. It’s important to understand this because it helps you understand what influences people and what influences different niches and everything because not everyone wants the same thing. If we do this, we can get a good kind of understanding of the current self and the desired self for different people in society. There’s always a gap between these two things. I call this the gap and it’s also known as desire and demand. Because if you’ve ever wondered what causes or creates … Why does some people want things? I always used to wonder why does some people want to spend $100,000 on a stereo and then why do some people want to spend $100,000 on their teeth and make them so white and perfect? Why do some people want to spend 100 grand on a car? Why do some people just want to give away 100 grand and they don’t want anything with it? Some pretty different behavior, right? If you look outside and you look at … People do different things. How can people have such totally different behaviors and such totally different desires and everything? Well, it’s because people have their current self and their desired self and everyday they are simply trying to bridge that gap. They’re trying to grow into and become their desired self. That gap in between the two things is what creates all desire and all demand. People wake up everyday and they buy things and they do things and they consume things and they take action. This is what drives people is they want to become their desired self. The entire global economy ticks on people waking up each morning and trying to buy a version of their desired self. This thing which they put in here I call them vehicles. What I mean by this is people use vehicles to try and get themself from their current self to their desired self. People are looking for vehicles to take them from where they are now to where they want to be in terms of their self image. People have their current situation and their desired situation and they’re just trying to get to their desired situation. We call them vehicles, things which are used to help get them there. Smart businessman figure out what the gaps are and then create and sell vehicles to help people achieve their desires. This is what smart businessman do. They don’t just fluke it and they don’t just think like, “Oh, I’m going to sell this thing because someone else is selling it.” Selling something because someone else is selling it is that monkey see monkey do sort of logic, right? It’s never going to end to making much money. If you sell something because someone else is selling it, you ain’t going to make much money. The sum average of that over a period of time is going to be zero. You have to learn to look at the market and get an understanding and a feeling for a particular niche. How are things trending for them? What is their current situation? What is their desired situation? Get a really good understanding of that and sell a vehicle to help people achieve their desires. This is what makes the global economy tick. Or reduced to it’s simple form if you want me to make it just as plain simple as it could possibly be, find out what people want and then sell it to them. Most people they go out into the market and they look at what people are selling and they think, “Which one should I sell?” Totally mad. They go and look at what people are selling and they’re like, “Which one could I copy? This one. This one doesn’t look like very hard to copy so I’ll copy this one. This one doesn’t look very hard to copy. I’ll copy this one.” It’s totally mad. They’re looking at the wrong thing. You’ll want to look at what the market wants and then sell them that. Don’t look at what people are selling the market and then sell that too because quite often the person who is selling that thing could have gotten it wrong or you’re not going to understand everything about it and you’re going to get it wrong. People need to learn to look at the market. Find out what they want and then sell it to them. It’s so simple and it can be so easy, but people kind of get things muddled up. You want to look at it like this. Someone has their current self which is who they are now, how they see themself. Then pretty much every human being on the face of the planet has a desired self which is who they want to be. It’s natural for human beings to desire something which is more than who they are. Everyone who is in their situation now, they want something more and I’m sure you can agree with this because you bought this program because you want to have a better understanding of things. You want to be able to make more money. You want to be able to quit your job or have more time freedom. You want to live a better life. People have desires and they have a desired self. All people are doing in the economy is buying a better version of themself. This can be all sorts of different things because for some people they might want a bit of experience when they listen to Mozart at home on their couch. For other people they might want to make a difference for children in Cambodia. For some other people they might want to be as bulky and as muscular as humanly possible. They might want to look like The Hulk. Not everyone has the same desired self. Everyone has different desires. That’s why it’s so important to pick a niche. When you pick your niche, you need to figure out the current situation and then the desired situation. What we use to help people bridge this gap is our advice. This is where your advice goes. Let’s talk about the big three reasons why people buy consultants. You’ve got someone in their current self and then you’ve got someone in their desired self. Well, reason number one why they would hire a consultant because you might be thinking, “Well, wouldn’t they just get to their desired self on their own? Why would they need any help doing that?” That’s a good question. Well, three reasons. Number one is inability to get there on their own. Someone might have their current situation and they might have their desired situation, but they might have tried to achieve it but they haven’t been able to. Someone might want to lose weight and they try it. They go to the gym. They try different diets. They buy different running shoes. They try different things. They just can’t seem to get it, right? Reason number one is inability to get there on their own. People have tried and they failed. They’re unable to get there on their own. People in business. If someone’s desired self is to make 100 million and their current self is only making 100 grand, you could say, “Well, why doesn’t that person just do it on their own?” Well, that’s great, great to say that, but I mean how are they going to figure that one out? They need help. Reason number two is they want to get there faster. People want to achieve things as quickly as possible. Really smart people and people who are intelligent they understand that if they try and do things on their own, that they’re going to miss the mark because they haven’t done them before. If I’m trying to grow my business from this stage to that stage and I go about trying to do that, I know that I’m going to make a whole bunch of mistakes and I know it’s a lot smarter to just go and hire someone who’s done that and they’re going to show me how to do it. People use reason number two is people want to get there faster. Reason number three is they want a proven system, map or advice from somebody who’s done it. They want someone who has been through that transformation. If someone was a certain weight and now they’re this weight, they want someone who can help them achieve that and they know. Someone that understands the obstacles and the process and everything that’s involved. Brittany who I was talking about before who has, she had issues with binge eating and she’s totally open with it. That’s how she positions herself in her market. Because she was able to get herself through it, she developed her own proven system and everything, well, now she helps others with it. She has a proven system instead of someone just trying to do it on their own. These are the three reasons why people hire consultants is one, inability to get there on their own, two, they want to get there faster and three, they want a proven system, map or advice from someone who’s done it. Now I want to talk about why my first three businesses failed and how I abruptly changed my fortune for the better. Actually let’s call this the most important business lesson I have ever learned and I don’t think anything will ever beat it. This is the most important thing I ever learned and I want to make sure I never, ever, ever forget this because it is so important. You want to pay close attention to this. Here’s why my first business has failed and here’s why most other people fail. Most people fail because they come up with ideas which they think are cool or which they think people might want. They think that in order to have a cool business, you need an idea. Go and ask most people why they haven’t started their own business. Just go on and ask someone. Be like, “Hey man, how come you don’t start your own business? Why don’t you quit your job and start a business?” Well, I guarantee you most people will say, “I don’t have an idea. Everything’s already been done before. I had an idea once and I looked it up on Google and some guy was already doing it. I had the idea for Facebook, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Instagram, but then some people just stole the ideas and did them.” This is what people say. They think they need an idea and they think that there are no ideas left and that all ideas are done. They think in order to create a business that they need some unique idea. Something which has never been done before. They think about something that’s never been done before or they think about imitating something that has been done and giving it a unique twist or they just blindly follow their passion without anything else. They’re like, “Well, I really like cupcakes so I’m going to sell those. I really like surfing so I’m going to teach people how to surf.” This is how people do things. They literally just think, “I’ll follow my passion or I’ll copy this other person or I need to come up with some random unique idea which no one else has ever done.” Here’s the problem with that, it’s all about you. These are selfish ways to come up with ideas for businesses. You’re looking at yourself and what you think everyone else wants. How can you know what everyone else wants without getting inside everyone else’s heads? How can you just sit on your couch at home and figure out what everyone wants? That’s pretty selfish. That’s just really you coming up with what you want and then thinking everyone else in the world is like you or following your passion. You’re like, “Well, I really like cupcakes so everyone else will really like cupcakes.” That’s still all about you. Copying someone else, that’s pretty much still about you because you don’t understand, you didn’t ever go to the market. You just think, “Oh well, I can do that.” It’s all about you. When you make it all about you, it always fails. Then one day I read this sentence. It was in this book and I read this sentence and like a light bulb just came off me. I was like, “Oh my God. I know why things haven’t been working. I know why things had been so hard for me.” Here’s the sentence. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work comes from the market itself and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people and focus those already existing desires onto a particular product. This is the copywriter’s task, not to create this mass desire but to channel it and direct it. Now let me explain this to you a little bit. Copy is what they call like marketing. When you write ads, the advertising words which are in an ad, that’s called copy, ad copy. This here is talking about that the overwhelming urge to own something, to buy something, to buy a service, to buy a product, it comes from the market itself and it doesn’t come from the advertising. It’s saying that advertising can’t create desire. You can’t use advertising to make someone want something unless that desire was already there with them. All advertising does is it just channels that desire from the market onto a particular product. The desire has to already exist and then the ad just channels that desire down. This was a massive breakthrough for me because I was thinking, “Yeah. No wonder all my other things haven’t worked because I just came up with something which I thought everyone wanted and then I went out and tried to advertise it and then I wondered why no one else wanted it. I tried to get real creative with my ads and no one wanted it.” Most people, most consultants out there, most business owners they’re like, “Facebook ads doesn’t work or Google ads doesn’t work. This doesn’t work or my niche doesn’t work.” It’s because you haven’t figured out the desire properly. You haven’t found something in the market. You haven’t found a force in the market and channeled it properly. You can’t just go to the market with some random thing and then use some fancy advertising to convince people that they want it. Most of the power of advertising comes from the desire, not from the ad. This was a massive breakthrough moment for me. Here’s a recipe for disaster. Most people come up with ideas which they think people will want and then they spend their time convincing the people that they want it which they don’t. This is what most people do. Most people sit down at their desk and they’re like, “Mm.” They wreck their brain. What do people want? They try to answer that question. How on earth can you answer what people want when you are not people? You can only answer what you want and you’re not people. It’s fundamentally flawed. You can’t sit down at your desk and figure out what people want because you’re not people. You’re a person. If you do that, whatever idea you come up with in your own head, it’s going to be wrong and then you’re going to go out to the market and then you’re going to try and convince them to want something which they don’t want and it’s not going to work. It doesn’t matter if you have a billion dollars behind you. It doesn’t matter if you have the best Madison Avenue ad agency behind you, a billion dollars, the best investors, the executive board of directors, it doesn’t matter what you have. If you go and do this, it won’t work. Here’s a recipe for success. Find out what people actually want. Understand it better than they do themselves and then sell it to them with ease. Instead of sitting down at your desk and trying to wreck your own brain for what people want, why don’t we actually go ask them? Why don’t we go and talk to the people and see what their problems are, see what their desires are, see what they want and get a really clear understanding of what these people want and such a clear understanding that we know it better than they do. Then once we understand what they want, why don’t we figure out how to get them what they want? When we craft an offer, why don’t we figure out some services or product or whatever to help people get that and then why don’t we just sell it to them? It’s a lot easier. This is where people go wrong. People come up with something in their own head and then they’re just gobsmacked as to why people don’t want it when it’s all pretty obvious. You can’t fight the market. If you try and fight the market, you’ll always going to lose. If you swim against it, you will drown and it’s so important that you understand that. If you ride it, you will have the time of your life. I’m not kidding. You will have a seriously good time. When I fought the market, I had three failed businesses back to back. I had my job board, failure. I had my office lunch delivery business, failure. I had this loyalty card app for cafes, failure. Bam, bam, bam. Just nonstop rejection, nonstop failure and lost all sorts of money. I spent 12 hours a day spinning my tires. I didn’t get anywhere and it’s because I cooked up these ideas in my own head. I thought what do people want? I figured it out and then I found out I was wrong because I’m not people. I selfishly looked in myself for what people wanted. It was as easy in going out and looking at people and talking to people and figuring out what they actually want. Then when I actually started going with the market instead of against it, I started making a fortune. The more accurately I understood the market and their desires, the more money I actually made. This is what it’s all about. It’s about picking a niche. It’s about understanding that niche, understanding the current situation and the desired situation better than they do themselves and having a relentless never ending pursuit and hunger for more clarity on an understanding for that niche. Just because you’re making a million dollars doesn’t mean that you now forget. You still go and look at what that niche needs. What is their current situation? What is their desired situation? You want to keep selling something better and better to help them bridge that gap. If you ride it, if you go with the market, you will have the time of your life and your money will just be flying in. Somebody. This is you. Advice. This is what you’re selling. The group of people. This is who you’re selling it to, a.k.a your niche. We understand why people want advice, but how do we go about giving it to them? We’ve gone through understanding why people want advice. People want advice because they want to go from their current situation to their desired situation. They want to do it fast and they want to do it using a proven process. They want to do it with the guidance of someone else because they’ve tried to do it on their own before and it didn’t work. We’ve got the why, but now we need to know how. If we understand why, how do we give people this advice? How do we package it up? How do we know how much to give? Do we give people 50 thesis textbooks or do we go over to someone’s office and spend a year with them? How do we deliver the advice? Well, the how we refer to as our model. This is what we refer to as our model. Here are some different consulting service delivery models. Once you know what your niche’s current situation is and then what their desired situation is, we need to give them some advice to help them get there. There’s all sorts of different ways we can deliver that advice and here’s what they are. There’s done-for-you. This is when you actually deliver the services yourself. If you’re helping accountants get more customers, then you are doing this for them. You’re setting up their landing pages. You’re setting up their Facebook ads. You’re setting up everything for them and you’re doing it for them. You’re actually delivering the services yourself. Now you could do this yourself or you could use staff or contractors to do the work for you like you could use other people or you could outsource it, whatever. This it called done-for-you. This is when you’re doing the work yourself. Then there’s done-with-you and this is when you’re doing some of the work and giving the clients some of the work. You’re kind of dividing it up. You’re saying, “Hey look, you’re going to be doing this stuff. I’m going to be doing this stuff.” This is a different way of delivering services. You might say, “You’re going to come up with all of the website copy. You’re going to come up with all of the images and everything. You’re going to come up with the copy for the ads. You’re going to build out the landing pages and stuff and then we’re going to be running the ad campaign management for you.” You’re kind of dividing it up. done-with-you. It’s you doing some. Client’s doing some. Then there’s 1on1 coaching. This is advising the client on what to do on a 1on1 setting. You could be going to visit the client in person, sitting down and having a conversation with them. You’re saying, “Look, here’s what you’re going to be doing. I want you to try this. I want you to try that,” and then the client is going away from that meeting and doing all of it themself. You’re not actually doing any of the work. You’re actually advising them on what work they’re going to do and then they’re going to do it. You could do 1on1 coaching in person. You could do it on Skype. You could do it on the phone. It doesn’t matter. There’s different ways to do it, but it’s 1on1. Instead of doing, you’re advising. Then there’s group coaching. This is advising a group of clients on what to do at the same time. Instead of doing it 1on1, you could do it in groups. You could sign up like 10 people, 20 people, have them all in one group and then have calls. You can have a call every week and all these people could jump on this call and ask different questions. It would kind of be like a group of people being coached at the same time. It doesn’t have to be done 1on1. You can do it in groups because people have similarities with other people. If you’re teaching a group of people how to lose weight, they might get more benefit of being in a group than they might being by themself because other group members might have a problem and they’re like, “Oh, I’ve got their problem too,” or other group members might have figured out a solution to a problem and they’re like, “How’d you figure that one out?” Sometimes you can do things in groups. This is when you advice a group of clients on what to do at the same time. Then there’s online programs which just when you’ll create an online training like the one which you’re doing right now, Consulting Accelerator, and then letting the clients learn themselves. This is totally hands off. Instead of doing the work for the person, they’re doing all of the work themself. Instead of advising the person 1on1 or advising the person in a group, you’re advising them in a prerecorded online training. You’re letting the client do it all themself. Totally hands off. These are some different consulting service delivery models. Here are what I call the Evolutionary Stages of a Consultant. How do consultants evolve over time? Where do they start out and what are the sort of stages? How do they develop and evolve? How do you go from doing done-for-you services where you’re like literally doing all the work for your client to the point where you create an online program and the client’s doing all of the work themselves? How do go from one side to the other? These are the Evolutionary Stages of a Consultant. This is how it works. You start out with done-for-you and then you go through the different stages and you end up evolving into online programs. The reason why you start with done-for-you is because it’s the most desirable and it’s the easiest to sell. What most people want is they want someone to do all of the work for them. If you have a problem and you want it fixed, most people want someone to do all of it for them. You’re like, “Hey man, can you do all these for me?” If someone’s like, “Yeah,” then you’re like, “Awesome.” That’s what most people want. They want someone to do all the work for them. This is what makes it the easiest to sell which is why it’s the best place to get started. If you’re a consultant and you’re just getting started, done-for-you is where you want to start because this is where you learn things. When you’re doing the work for someone, you learn how it’s done and you learn how to do it and all of that stuff. It’s the easiest to sell which means it’s the easiest way to start getting some clients and the easiest way to start making some money. However, it has trouble scaling. It has some pros and some cons. The pros are it’s desirable and it’s easy to sell. The cons are at a certain number of clients, you kind of get maxed out. Once you have say 30, 40, 50 done-for-you clients, because you’re doing so much work, you can’t really take on more clients. The done-for-you model sort of reaches its limits. It reaches it’s limits at a particular point. That’s when you evolve into the done-with-you which is when you kind of divi up the some. You give the client some. You take some. That allows you to serve more clients. However, it makes the pitch not as desirable because on the other end of the spectrum is online programs. This is like the one which I’m teaching to you right now. These are the least desirable and the hardest to sell. Why? Because the person has to do all the work themself and they have to go through and teach themself too. If someone does done-for-you, it’s just like someone’s doing all the work for you, right? An online program is the least desirable and it’s the hardest to sell, but the positive of it is that it can really scale because you’re not doing the work for everyone. You can really sell a lot of it. You don’t really have limits like you do with done-for-you. Where most people go wrong is they try and get into online programs immediately. I see people and they come into a niche and they just jump right into an online program. They’re like, “Oh, I’m going to teach …” Imagine someone coming in and trying to teach people how to start a consulting business without actually knowing how to start a consulting business or without doing it themself or without teaching other people how to do it. It would not only be impossible, it would also be fraud. You can’t go in and say how to start a consulting business if you haven’t taught anyone like how to start a consulting business. You need to work through these stages. What I did myself is I started out in done-for-you. I started out helping local businesses with their websites and online marketing. I used different contractors. I used different people and I did the work for them. That’s how I learned. I learned how things worked. Then as I got more evolved, I moved into done-with-you. We split up the work. Then when I got really good at things, I was able to advice. All of a sudden I noticed that people were willing to pay me purely for my advice and I didn’t actually have to do any work anymore. When you don’t know that much, people only see value in your work. When you start getting really knowledgeable on something, people see value in your advice. They are willing to do the work themselves. When your advice is really good, people are willing to get in a group with other people. When your advice isn’t that good, people want 1on1 because they want a special experience. When your advice gets really good, people go into a group. Then when your advice gets really, really good, people are willing go through a program, an online training program. Where people go wrong is they try and do an online program first. Trust me, that ain’t going to work. I’ve seen it time and time and time again. Someone comes in and they’re like, “Sam, my online program isn’t working and it teaches people how to sell.” I’m like, “Well, would you look at this? Someone can’t sell their online program on how to sell.” I’m like, “Well, how do you know how to sell things if you can’t sell things?” You see we end up with this problem. When you can’t sell your online program, it often means that your online program isn’t very good. When your online program isn’t very good, it probably means that you haven’t gone through these evolutionary stages. There’s no such thing as an online program that’s good unless someone goes through these stages. You have to learn it. The best way to learn it is to do it yourself first. Do the done-for-you. Actually deliver the services. Get hands on with the client. Talk with them. Learn things. See what happens and then evolve through the different stages. This is how you should do it. Now let’s talk about the evolving consultants journey. This is pretty much the same stages of evolution. However, we’re talking about … I break it down and I show you the different income levels at different stages and also the different models. Most consultants start out as what I call a generalist consultant. Now a generalist consultant is pretty much a consultant who doesn’t have a niche. They’re pretty much doing anything for anyone. They’re really a glorified human body for hire. If someone doesn’t have a niche, then they’re a consultant to anyone, I mean they’re pretty much like a handyman. They’re pretty much like someone who’s just available for anything. It’s like, “I’ve got a fridge. Can you help me move it downstairs?” If doesn’t have a niche, then that’s pretty much what they’re asking for. This is what a lot of people set up and they’re like, “I’m a business consultant.” Okay. What sort of business consultant? “I just help people with businesses.” Okay. Well, can you help me move this fridge downstairs because this fridge is in my business and I need it downstairs. That’s the sort of stuff that generalist consultants get hit with. Then they wonder why people demand all sorts of different stuff from them. Then they wonder why that their clients bully them and their clients expect the world of them. They don’t like what they’re doing and they wonder why they can’t charge much money for things. They wonder why everything. It’s because they’re generalists. A generalist consultant. This is what I used to be. Most people start out as a generalist consultant. There’s no harm in starting out here. The key is there’s no harm in doing any of these stages. The key is just learning how to evolve because everyone goes through them. You just got to learn how to evolve. In the generalist consultant stage, you’re doing done-for-you services, DFY. You’re typically making less than 100 grand a year. Then we have the next stage of evolution on the consultants journey which is niche consultant. This is when you’re still doing done-for-you work. You’re still doing the work for people, but now you have a niche. Now you’ve got a focus and a specialty. Now people stop asking you to move the fridge downstairs. They stop asking you to help them clean up the driveway at the office. They stop asking you to do random things because all of a sudden you’re an expert at something. You don’t end up with all sorts of random different clients. You end up with a group of clients in a particular niche. I started out as a generalist consultant doing pretty much anything for anyone. Then I focused on service businesses. I help service businesses get more clients. I was working with a range of different services. It’s still not very niche, but it was more niche than anyone. Then the next stage is niche mastery, done-with-you or 1on1. This is when you’re using a different model, done-with-you or 1on1. Niche mastery is when you have a focus on one niche and you’ve totally figured everything out. You know this niche better than anyone else. You have this thing locked down. You typically get to the stage after you’ve done a lot of work with one niche. After you’ve worked with a whole bunch of different clients in a particular niche, you get really good at it. Then when you’re really good at it, that is when you’ve got niche mastery. Now all of a sudden people are willing to pay you for your advice or they’re willing to do the work with you. They’re willing to take half of the work and you can take half of the work. When you evolve to this stage, you’re typically making in between 400 grand and 600 grand. Then you’ve got proof of concept which is the next stage. This is when you’ve totally understood this niche so much. You’ve worked with this niche for so long and you’ve solved their problems for so long that you understand a system or a process or a way to solve things. You can develop what I call a proof a concept. A proof of concept is like a … What’s a good way to describe it? It’s like intellectual property. It’s like different frameworks, different processes that you can give to someone and they can go through that and they will get a result. It’s like creating best practice or something. The Consulting Accelerator Program is kind of like proof of concept of how to start your own consulting business. It’s intellectual property which I developed over years and got it really refined. This here is when you can go up to that next stage and that’s when you’re doing done-with-you or 1on1 and you’re typically making in between 600 grand or 800 grand. Typically you can’t get to these stages until you’ve got proof of concept. Then you’ve got coaching. This is when you fully move through into coaching. This is when you’ve escaped done-for-you and done-with-you. You’re no longer doing the work for anybody. You’re totally evolved out of doing the work. Now people come to you purely for advice and they know when they come see you that you’re not doing any of the work. They know you’re just going to advice. We call that 1on1 coaching. It’s when you’re kind of moving on into this next stage. When you’re in that stage, you’re typically making in between 800 grand and a million. Then we’ve got the group coaching. This is when you’ve gotten even more evolved and you understand your proof of concept so well, you understand your niche so well that people are willing to go on the group with other people and share you and share your advice. The reason why they’re willing to share you is because your advice is so damn good. Now sure everyone wants 1on1, but the really good people you can’t get 1on1 because you can’t afford them. If I was to do 1on1, I would want more than 6 grand an hour. It gets pretty expensive. It’s probably better to buy my online training program because it’s got like how many hours of me in it, right? As you get better and as your advice gets more powerful and more potent, people are willing to use different ways to get your advice because it doesn’t become affordable to hire you 1on1. I mean it wouldn’t be very smart for someone to hire me to help them carry their fridge downstairs because it would cost more than 6 grand an hour. That’s why the generalist consultant gets asks to take the fridge downstairs because they’re pretty much just a glorified human body for hire. The person who’s got proof of concept, the person who’s mastered it to the point of group coaching, man, people will fly around the world to just listen to you in a crowd, in an audience. That’s because your advice has gotten sharp and has gotten dangerous. It can only get that way by going through these different stages. People don’t just all of a sudden popup out of nowhere and have a dangerous eye of their market and they have a dangerous understanding of things. That just doesn’t happen by chance. People go through the stages. Then you’ve got at the top of the stages of evolution, online programs. This isn’t when you’re not coaching at all. You’re not coaching people. You’re not advising anyone. You’re creating a training. Your intellectual property and your advice has become so valuable and so unique that you’re able to record videos and package it up and sell it as a training and people are willing to listen to it and do it themselves and pay money for it. The only way people will do that is if it is really, really, really good. If the generalist consultant packages his information into an online program, no one’s going to buy that. Imagine putting into a program, how to take your fridge downstairs. Packaging that into a training program. How much money do you think someone’s going to pay for that? Someone isn’t even going to watch that because that’s not even worth watching. That’s the problem that people end up with. They don’t master anything and then they go and put it into a program and then they wonder why it doesn’t sell or they don’t go through these stages. If you want to understand why I’m able to put my information into an online program and why it’s able to sell so well, it’s because I have gone through every single one of these stages. I was the person who had to help people take their fridge downstairs. I was the person who did all of these lame jobs. I’m pretty sure I got caught up at one point and one of my clients asked me if I could take a barbecue, like an outdoor barbecue, over to his office. That’s the sort of stuff you get asked to do when you’re pretty much someone who does anything, right? This is how it works. This is how you go through these different stages. There’s no real shortcuts through here. You’ve got to work through them. The good news is is this program shows you how to pretty much become niche mastery and proof of concept stage. This program shows you how to quickly accelerate through here. The key is is to pick a niche. I’m guessing most people they aren’t even a generalist consultant. I’m guessing most people are either a generalist consultant or they aren’t even a consultant at all or people are a niche consultant, but they haven’t really mastered it. We’re going to really show you how to master it, how to pick a niche and how to evolve through until that third level there, niche mastery. Another thing which is really important to understand is that remember how we talked about public opinion and how most people think a consultant is someone that gives complex advice and wears a suit and sits down across the table from someone and tells them how to do stuff? Well, the current public opinion says that consulting is different from coaching and that info products are different from coaching and consulting. A lot of people would say that what I do and what this is here, what this program is, a lot of people and the public they say that isn’t consulting. That’s training programs or that’s online information products. They might put any sort of any different label on it. They will say that that isn’t consulting. They will say what Sam is doing isn’t consulting, but remember what the definition of a consultant was? I’m here today to tell you that public opinion is wrong. They’re all the same thing. All of these different things are addressing the same problem and aiding the same transformation. Simply different levels of mastery and different models of distribution. When I started out as a generalist consultant, when I became a niche consultant helping service businesses, I’m still doing the same thing up here in online programs. However, it’s just the model. The advice I’m giving would be the same advice I would give to someone if I was to sit down with them in a room. The world’s gotten confused. Society’s gotten confused. They think just because the model of distribution is different that what we’re doing here isn’t consulting. It is consulting. It fits the definition. It’s public opinion and society that is wrong and this which is right. Think about that as you’re going through because people don’t pay you for the model of distribution. People pay you for the result which you’re getting for them. People pay you to help them go from their current situation to their desired situation. You really need to get that into your head. Let’s talk about your journey through these different stages of evolution. Consulting Accelerator, which is the program you’re in right now, it really helps you go through these first three stages. It helps you get started if you’re brand new. It helps you work through the stages of generalist consulting. It helps you become a niche consultant. We really want to just totally skip the generalist consultant stage all together. I help a lot of people do that. We try and get you to pick a niche and we try and get you to solve a particular problem. We can shortcut generalist consultant real quick and get you right there into niche consultant. Then we work on getting you into a niche consulting master. Those are the stages which we cover in Consulting Accelerator. Pretty much how to go from zero up to where you’re making like 400 grand to 600 grand a year. Then in the next stages, forming that proof of concept, how do you get real crystal clear on that proof of concept? How do you develop really razor-sharp intellectual property that people pay money for? How do you get out of done-for-you into done-with-you? How do you escape done-with-you completely and get into group coaching? How do you get into the advising instead of doing? Because in the first stage we’re doing. In the second stage, we’re advising and our client is doing. To help with these next three stages, I have a program called Uplevel Consulting. Uplevel Consulting basically shows you how to escape done-for-you and done-with-you and evolve into someone who is really, really tight proof of concept, really good intellectual property and who is able to make that jump up into someone who is an advisor instead of a doer. That’s that Uplevel Consulting is all about. In the third stage of evolution which is the online programs, that is the Quantum Mastermind. That is another training program which I have where we really show people how to take things up to that next level. Typically how it works is if people are zero to 100 grand, they typically buy Consulting Accelerator. Then people who want to get up into seven figures, people who are typically making 100 grand or close to a 100 grand and they want to get to seven figures, that’s when we do that in UpLevel. Quantum is when someone’s already making seven figures or real close to seven figures and they really want to take things just sky high. They want to crank things right up. Just totally open the throttle. That is Quantum Mastermind. This shows you the different stages of evolution and the journey which you’re going to go through. I’ve told you how I went through these different stages. Well, I want to give you another example. Something like Beachbody, right? Beachbody is an online product which shows people how to get a fit body, right? It’s a really successful training program which I’m pretty sure you can do online or you can plug it into your TV. I’m pretty sure they sell DVDs too. We’re talking like hundreds and millions. Beachbody makes hundreds of millions of dollars. Well, how do you think Beachbody got their product? How do you think they got to the point where they could sell an online program and make hundreds of millions? Well, I went and did all my research and it turns out that the person who started that started out as a generalist consultant. They started out as someone who was just interested in fitness and then became kind of like a personal trainer. They were a personal trainer for like 20 bucks an hour. They’re at a local gym. People would pay them 20 bucks an hour and they’d teach them how to workout. Then they picked a niche. The niche was like developing lean muscle or something. They had a different type of workout which they taught people. Now they were able to charge more money because they were a specialist. All of a sudden they had a niche. They weren’t just helping anyone workout. They were helping a particular type of person workout. They were able to increase their prices from $20 an hour up to about $60 an hour. Then they had niche mastery. They totally figured out how to master this niche and they came up with their own sort of training. Then they were able to go into group training. Instead of now teaching one person 1on1, this personal trainer would coach two people at once. If you wanted to do personal training with him, you had to go to the gym with a buddy and it was like $100 an hour. Then the next stage is proof of concept. This is when this guy was like, “Wow. I’ve really figured something out here. This works.” He took the time to really write it down. Give things names. He was like, “Okay. We call this one the ab crunch whatever and then we do six strips of this and then.” He mapped it out and turned it into a written documented process. Then he was able to go into classes, like fitness classes, which is kind of like group coaching. Then he was able to hold classes. He’d do like three a day, one at 9 a.m., one at 12 p.m. and then one at say 7 p.m. at night. They were classes and up to 30 people at a time could come and attend and you paid per class. Now his advice was so good that he was able to teach people in a group. When he didn’t have a proof of concept and stuff, no one would go and listen to him in a group. They wanted to hire him 1on1. Then we got really good and then when people were starting to attend his groups, the lines were out the door, right? He could no longer do enough classes in a day to help people because it didn’t matter how many classes he did, there were more people that wanted his advice. He maxed out the limits of himself teaching people. Then what he did is he turned it into an online program. He recorded videos. He created the whole process just like the Consulting Accelerator. Then he started selling that program and that program just went nuts. It sells hundreds of millions of dollars of it every single year. That’s how this happens. If you wonder how Tony Robbins is able to get people to pay him lots of money for his online programs, it’s because he started out as a generalist consultant and then he worked his way up through this process. There’s no short cutting it. You just can’t come in and decide to sell online programs. You have to go through the different stages of evolution. Hopefully this brings some clarity to you on how this works and it shows you the journey that’s ahead for you. It shows you that throughout these different stages of evolution, I have different programs which help you each step of the way. Accelerator, its focused is on this first stage of evolution. Uplevel is on this next stage and Quantum is on really cranking up that final stage. When you log into the platform and you look at the programs, you’ll see that you have access to Consulting Accelerator. That is the program which you have purchased and that’s the program which you’re watching right now. You’ll see your training programs and it says Accelerator, Uplevel and Quantum. You can see that you’ve got access to Accelerator. Uplevel it says learn more and Quantum it says learn more. When you’re ready to go through those next stages of evolution, you can just click learn more and you can learn more about the programs and you can learn more about what’s involved. When you are ready for those ones, we can walk you through those and keep helping you evolve. Because once you’ve evolved through evolution stage 1.0, you’re going to want to go into Uplevel and then you’re going to want to go into Quantum. The way things work, it changes at each stage. You’re in the right stage right now in Accelerator and then when that times comes you want to upgrade through those different versions. For now let’s conclude today’s lesson. Let’s kind of wrap up what we’ve talked about. We talked about the misconceptions that most people have about consulting. We talked about how most people think that consulting is giving complicated business advice and wearing a suit and working for a company like Boston Consulting Group with lots of degrees and lots of certificates. Well, it’s not. A consultant is actually just somebody who helps someone go from their current situation to their desired situation. They solve problems and aid a transformation. You want to really just get clear on this. A consultant is someone who helps someone go from their current situation to their desired situation and their advice is the vehicle that helps bridge that gap. The most important lesson you will ever learn in business, it’s certainly was the most important lesson I’ve ever learned and it still is, only sell what the market wants and needs. Never fight the market by trying to convince them to want something they don’t want. It’s going to be an uphill battle. You’re going to run out of money. You’re going to run out of energy. You’re just going to completely conk out. Don’t try it. Go with the market. Never fight it. Then we talked about the different models consultants can offer to clients to help them solve their problems and make a transformation. The different models of service delivery. We talked about done-for-you, done-with-you. We talked about coaching, group coaching. Then we talked about proof of concept and going into that final stage which is online programs. Then we talked about the evolutionary stages of consulting from done-for-you all the way through to selling online programs and how it’s all simply by mastering one niche and one transformation. The secret to this game is to pick a niche and stick to it. When you stick to a niche and overtime you get really, really good at it. It’s impossible to be the best in the world at a range of different things. What most people don’t understand is it’s surprisingly easy to be the best in the world at something specific. You definitely want to pick a niche and you definitely want to stick to it and evolve through those different stages because at each stage of evolution things get easier for you and you start making a lot more money. That’s when things get a lot more fun. You don’t want to be that generalist consultant who gets asked by their clients to help carry the fridge downstairs or help move the barbecue from his house to his office. Believe me, there’s nothing more degrading than that. You know how to escape that and you know how that is caused. That’s it for today’s lesson. I hope everyone enjoyed and I’ll see you in the next training right now. Thanks for watching.
– Taking a view on the market
In this video, we’re going to talk about taking a view on the market. The people who are successful, they don’t mimic everybody else. They don’t just copy everybody else because if you copy other people, you’re not going to end up making much money at all. It’s the people who create things and the people who bring innovation that really get everything. This module is going to show you how to take a view on the market so that you can be unique and not follow the crowd.
Here’s what we cover:
* What “Taking a view on the market” means and why it’s important
* The madness of crowds and the fallibility of participants within them
* Learning to take an objective view on things as an observer instead of as a fallible participant
* Searching for market distortion where perceived truth differentiates from objective truth
* Seeing yourself as the Protagonist, Change Agent or Catalyst required to bring the market back to truth
Look out window pinup
What do you believe pinup
Chart of truth exercise
Chart of truth worksheet
Hey, everyone. Sam Ovens here. In this video, we’re going to talk about taking a view on the market. Now, this is something totally unique which you definitely wouldn’t have taken training that has told you to do this before but it’s really important because as the people who are successful, they don’t mimic everybody else. They don’t just copy everybody else because if you copy other people, you’re not going to end up making much money at all. It’s the people who create things and the people who bring innovation that really get everything and the people who mimic everyone else, quite often gets nothing. When you do copy everyone else, it’s very hard to get customers, your message is weak. It’s really important to learn how to take a view on the market and form your own unique decisions. Instead of just following what everyone says, you want to be able to look at the market and make your own decisions because the people who make millions and the people who make billions, they don’t do what everyone else does. They do what they think is right after doing their analysis and often they’re able to see a version of the truth which no one else sees but is actually more true than what everyone else believes is true. Now, I know this is kind of hard to get around but in this training, in this module right here, I’m going to teach you how to do this. I’m going to teach you how to take a view on the market. This is going to be a profound thing for you to learn because most people can do this. This is really going to be teaching you how to think like a billionaire, regardless of what stage you’re at and it’s going to totally teach you to see the world in a new way. Here’s what we’re going to cover. We’re going to talk about what’s taking a view on the market actually means and why it’s important. Then we’re going to talk about the madness of crowds and the fallibility of participants within them. It might sound kind of weird but just be with me. We’re going to talk about why crowds are crazy and why this is something like when people are in crowds, they don’t behave properly. When people are in crowds, they can do weird things. When people are on their own, they’re much more likely to make accurate decision. When you think people are in crowds, things get distorted. I’m going to show you how you can really start to see this for yourself. Then we’re going to learn to take an objective view on things as an observer instead of a fallible participant. Your whole life, you’ve probably taken a view on things based on how everyone else takes a view on things. That can be okay to lead you through life but there comes a time when if you want to do something, when you want to do something which is different than what everyone else is doing, you need to learn how to form your own views. Because if you just want to … If you did what everyone else thinks you should do then you’re going to end up like everyone else. Most people end up with a job and which they don’t like and then they end up not having any money left and worried about retirement and kind of sad that they didn’t do anything spectacular. That’s how most people end up. If you listen to most people’s advise and you do what most people do and you believe what most other people believe, then that’s how things will end. It’s very important that you learn to step outside of the crowd view and outside of the view within yourself and really see things for as they are. Then we’re going to talk about searching for market distortion where a perceived truth differentiates from objective truth. So I’m going to teach you how there’s really two truths. There’s what people believe is true and what is actually true. These things actually differ quite a lot. You can look through history and you can see that doctors used to recommend smoking. They were like, “I recommend this pack of cigarettes.” If you just listened to what everyone else thought, then everyone thought smoking wasn’t bad for you. People, there is countless times throughout history where people believe something to be true and it’s not. This happens again and again and again and again and again. It never ends. It doesn’t matter whether we’re in 2017, it doesn’t matter we’re in 2040. People are going to end up with some distorted versions of the truth. I’m going to show you how to look at the market and see … When we pick a niche, I’m going to teach you how to look at that niche and see if they’re being distorted or whether everyone in that niche is believing a lie or whether they’re actually pretty close to what’s true. I’m going to show you how to spot that. This is a very, very unique skill to learn as a businessman. Most people don’t know how to even … Most people don’t know how to do this, even millionaires, most millionaires don’t know how to do this. So I’m teaching you how to do this. I’m teaching you how to … I’m going to teach you a way of doing business which is quite profound, it’s quite … It’s [inaudible 00:06:02] than most millionaires do business when you can see things like this. Then I’m going to teach you how to see yourself as a protagonist, a change agent or a catalyst required to bring the market back to truth because you don’t always have to go and teach everyone how to do what everyone thinks they should do because quite often what everyone thinks they should do is wrong and what they actually need to do is something else. So instead of just being someone that comes along and joins the party and adds fuel to the fire of the trend, sometimes you need to be the person that comes in and is like, “Hey look, everyone’s kind of a bit crazy in here and we need to start doing something else.” I know this sounds quite different and because it is. This is totally, totally different stuff. It’s going to really teach you how to think differently because in this world, most people just copy each other and what happens is when everyone does that in an ever accelerating rate, things get distorted and this is what’s happened. In most industries, there’s too many businesses and most people’s business message is just exactly the same as the guy next door. Most people can’t get clients. Most people have things set up wrong. This is how I’m going to teach you to differentiate yourself from everyone else. What taking a view on the market means and why it’s important. Here’s a quote from me about what taking a view on the market means. Taking a view on the market is when you learn to step outside of the pinball machine you call life and view things as an observer rather than a participant. The observer takes an unemotional, objective view on things and ask what caused or why are things trending that way. The observer questions everything especially authority and the status quo as he knows that they are the largest distorters of the truth. The observer asks the question, is everybody believing a lie? The participant takes an emotional, subjective view on things depending on their self image and the social circles that they’re in and has a tendency to believe lies to support their beliefs and fit in with social circles. The participant doesn’t question anything and always their views and beliefs as the ultimate truth. Now, you can write this down or you can take a screenshot. This is something you want to remember, this quote by me on the difference between the objective … The observer and the participant. Because I’m sure you’ve realized this before. When you’re in a situation and it’s traumatic, it’s very hard to make the right decision. Quite often we make the wrong decision. Most people most of the time make the wrong decision when they’re in the heat of the moment and they’re within them self. They can’t objective on things. But when you’re looking from the sidelines, it’s quite easy. You’re like, “Okay, dude, no. You’re getting a little emotional. This is what you need to do.” We have a totally different perspective when we’re not within ourself. However, what happens, when we’re within ourself, we get distorted and when we’re within ourself, within a crowd of people, my word, are we distorted. When we’re within a crowd, we kind of tend to do what everyone else is doing and then we’re within ourself and we have a very distorted view of things and we can get carried away and we can believe things that aren’t true. It’s very important to understand the difference between an observer and a participant. When you take a view on the market, it’s when you step outside of yourself and when you step outside of the crowd and the madness of it all and you learn to take a very, very, very clear unemotional view, you’re looking for what the truth is and what the right thing to do is without getting carried away by social circles, your self image, what your family, what society believes, all of these other things. You’re just looking for the truth. You have to learn to look outside your window and observe the world thinking what lie are these people believing and what trends are prevailing? I provided this to this one screen here as a printout so you can print it out. It’s attached down in the resources section below this video. You really have to learn to do this because what happens with most people is most people just get caught up in the busyness and calls of day to day life. They’re rushing around and they never have the time to really sit back and think like, “What’s going on?” They never really look outside their window and observe people and think, “Is everyone out there nuts? Is everyone out there believing something to be true that isn’t true?” I know this might sound kind of weird to you guys. You’re like, “Who are we to think that everyone else might be thinking or might be believing a lie? Who are we to think that?” Well, seriously, it takes these sort … It can take strange people to actually uncover things. Like when doctors were recommending smoking. I mean, who is anyone to question a doctor? Like doctors are supposed to know everything. So would someone to be maybe their doctor is wrong saying that everyone should be smoking? I mean, who was I to question consulting? I mean, I’m some kid from New Zealand, some young dude, who was I to think that consulting was done wrong? Who was I to come in here and change everything around to be more accurate and more close to the truth? But I used to think that too but when I looked out my window and when I looked at consultants, I was like, “Surely, this isn’t right. Surely, we don’t have to sell time for ours. Surely, we don’t have to deliver advise in person. Surely, the most important thing is the result, isn’t it? It’s not us being there in person. I’m pretty sure people don’t pay me just to look at me and listen to me speak. I’m pretty sure people pay me for the results. Sometimes, you really need to understand this, like you need to learn to look out of your window and you need to observe the world and think. It doesn’t matter if at the beginning it kind of feels weird but you need to start thinking this way, you need to think differently. You need to think what lie are these people believing and what trends are prevailing. In this training, I’m really going to teach you how to do that. Let’s start off by looking at the participant’s view of reality. This is when you’re within yourself and you’re in a situation. Let’s say, let me give you a very basic understanding, a very basic example. Let’s say that you and your assistant are in a heated argument over something. Now, how are you going to choose how to act here? Well, you’re in an heated argument with your assistant. Your choices of actions, they’re going to be not the best. That’s when you’re a participant. You’re involved in it. Let’s say your brother who’s standing at the door, he is going to be an observer and he’s going to have a more objective view than what you do. At that moment in time, most of the time, not always but most of the time, the observer is going to have a more accurate view than the participant. Let’s first of all look at the participant’s view of reality. It kind of looks like this. It goes up and down, it’s like a rollercoaster ride. Don’t worry. This is not complicated so don’t let this chart freak you out. This is what a participant thinks. If I believe it’s the truth, it’s the truth, quote from the participant because that’s what they do. If they believe something is true, then it is true. They end up being like, “Man, this is one crazy ride.” Because they keep finding out that, oh, that thing which they thought wasn’t actually right. They might hear from someone like, “Oh, did you hear that this person … Did you hear that your sister said this about you?” And all of a sudden, the person gets all angry and goes over and retaliates to the sister and then they find out that the sister didn’t do that at all. Well, that’s because that person, the participant believed something to be true that wasn’t true. What happens is their version of the truth goes up and down like this. They find out something to be true, overreact and then they find out that they’re actually wrong and it’s up and down. It really is like a crazy ride. People are like, “Man, this is one crazy ride.” That’s a participant. Now, let’s look at the observer’s view of reality. The observer’s view of reality sees two things. They see the subject of truth and then they see the objective truth. Then they see thinking, interacting participants. Let me walk you through this. Don’t worry, it’s not confusing at all even though this chart might look kind of confusing. At the top, it sees multiple subjective realities. This is a group of people, a crowd and then they’ve got what they believe the truth is and then that truth is moving up and down so they might be pushing away from it or they might be pushing towards it. Then down the bottom, you’ve got objective reality and that’s what the reality truly is but quite often and in fact most of the time, groups of people are wrong. The groups of people are most of the time what they believe to be true is not true at all. The more people that are in a group, the less accurate their version of the truth really is. These two things are always moving. They’re going towards the truth or they’re going away from the trust. It’s kind of like up and down, up and down, like a rollercoaster. Then we have a point where two of them cross and that’s called the temporary equilibrium. This is where the subjective truth meets the objective truth. This is a rare moment in time where what people believe the truth is, that actually is the truth. These are very rare moments in time, as you can see, these crossovers only happen every now and then. Now, a good way, a good example to teach you about this would be like the stock market. It’s always going up or down. We’re either going into a bubble or going, we’re recovering out of the bubble. It’s going up and down, up and down, up and down. Now, that would only happen if what we believed the truth was different than what the truth was and every now and then we end up kind of coming back to an equilibrium. That’s what it is. That’s how people’s lives are too. They’re up and down, up and down. They kind of believe something then they’re doing it then they figure out it’s different and it looks like this. Now, I’ll give you some examples in a second. The observer thinks participants are trending away from the truth, believing a lie or a set of lies. If they see things going away from the truth then they’re like, “Oh wow, participants are believing something that is a lie.” Or they see participants trending towards the truth by dispelling myths and lies and so an observer thinks that something is either going away from the truth or coming towards the truth. They don’t know precisely what the truth is by they’ve always got a good feeling for what the truth is. Now, let me show you. Now, here’s where participants perceived truth matches the objective truth and this is very rare. This is an equilibrium point. The participant is on a rollercoaster ride they believe is out of their control, “Man, this is one crazy ride.” This is literally what the participant sees because they don’t understand that they could be wrong. A participant never actually asks that question and they’re not open to it or when they do, when they are open to it they’re biased. When someone has made up their mind on something, they’re pretty biased. I mean, you try and tell someone that they’re wrong when they’ve made up a very clear decision on something, it’s near impossible. Quite often, that person actually ends up finding out that they’re wrong. I’m sure you can think of a million different examples like this, like someone was fixed in their view of something and they wouldn’t budge regardless of what you showed and every time you try to tell them that they were wrong, they pretty much beat your head off. Then eventually, that person ended up finding out that they were wrong. All right. This is what happens. This is when you’re a participant, what you think is the truth, you think is the truth and you’re not open to any other interpretation, closed minded. That person ends up going on a crazy ride like this. The observer steps outside of the market and himself or herself to get an objective view. The participant is stuck inside themself and they’re stuck within a crowd, like they were inside themself and they’ve got their own beliefs about what’s true and what’s not and then they’re within their families and their families have got their own beliefs then they’re within their friends’ groups and their social circles and then they’re within their society and everything. All of those things have an effect. When you have all of those forces pushing on you, it’s very hard to make an accurate observation about what the truth actually is because you have a tendency to want to fit in and all of that stuff. However, that makes you biased. To have a true objective view of things, you have to step outside of yourself and you have to step outside of all social circles, all of everything and you have to just look and be like, “I’m not going to hold any bias. I don’t care what this is. I just want to know the truth here,” and you look at it like that. The observer steps outside of the market and himself to get an objective view. The observer is always looking at things like this. What is objective reality and what is the subjective realities? They’re always looking at the crowd like, “Is this niche believing the right things or believing the wrong things? Is this niche distorting away from the truth or is this niche coming back towards the truth?” They see two realities instead of one. The observer knows that opportunity lies in places where markets are distorted from the truth. The smartest, richest people in the world make their fortunes by restoring truth to distorted markets. Why are all participants so fallible and distorted from the truth compared to observers? Well, it’s something I refer to as the madness of crowds. Madness is the exception in individuals but it is the rule in groups and there is being tons of science, scientific and psychological studies into people in groups and they are totally mad. When someone is within a group, they get carried away. They can end up going down a path which is totally distorted and it’s because we want to fit in, it’s because we might now see things this way and what psychologists and stuff have done and scientists have done is like when people are in groups, they are way, way, way more distorted and it’s like if you’re walking down a street and you see just a whole bunch of people start running the other way, I mean, your chances of running the other way all of a sudden are pretty high. But if you’re walking down the street and you see a group of people do anything, like there’s a high chance you’re just going to follow suit and you’re just going to do what they’re doing but you don’t actually know if they’re doing that for any reason or not. It’s really important to remember, just because a group of people is doing something or a mass of people is doing something, it doesn’t mean that they’re right and it actually means that they’ve got a higher chance of being wrong. Here’s how the madness of crowd happens. People believe the way it’s being done and has been done before is the way to do something now. I’m not kidding. This is how people work. People believe that the way it’s being done and has been done before is the way to do something now. A lot of businesses, you ask them, “Why are you still doing that?” They’re like, “Well, that’s the way it’s always been done.” I remember going to see a lot of businesses and they were like, “Our yellow pages ads aren’t working anymore.” I was like, “Why are you doing them?” I was like, “Do you look at the yellow pages for anything? When was the last time you needed something and went into a kitchen, dug out the yellow pages, flipped through it, found someone and gave him a call?” He was like, “I don’t even have the yellow pages. I use Google.” I was like, “No kidding. This is what everyone’s doing now so why are you still advertising in yellow pages?” The guy was like, “Well, that’s the way we’ve always done it.” Here, the madness of crowds, the way it’s being done before is the way it should be done now. That’s not the way it should … That’s not a good idea. Another one, people believe that if everybody believes something or is doing something then it must be right. That’s kind of normal person mentality, “Oh, everyone’s doing it so I should do it.” It’s like when I was growing up, everyone got a job and everyone went to uni so I was like, “Maybe that’s what I should do then. I should go to a job and I should go to a university.” Then I ended up going to a university, spending like 50 grand or something going through multiple years of stuff that’s useless. Never going to use it ever. Had to unlearn it all. Then going and getting a job which I didn’t like and then realizing, “Damn, why did I listen to everyone?” Then I actually went against what everyone said which was … As soon as I dropped out of uni, everyone was all lapping arms, they were like, “Oh my God, Sam, what are you doing?” Like, “You need to have a good degree. You need to have a full back plan. You need to have like a degree. No ones trust anyone with a degree.” Now all of a sudden, as soon as I do that, I have everyone on me. I’ve got my girlfriend at the time’s parents, they’re like, “Everyone in our family history has always had a degree. What are we going to tell people at dinner if Sam doesn’t have a degree?” My mom and dad were worrying. Everyone was worrying. My friends, they were like, “Sam, you’ve got to have a degree.” Now all of a sudden, I’m going against what everyone says. I followed what everyone said and fitted, I didn’t like it. I didn’t end up being very successful at all. Then all of a sudden, I go against it and I do my own research for the first time. I’m like, “Or maybe everyone’s wrong. Maybe starting a business is a better idea.” I believed in myself. I did my research. I mean, I did a lot of research before I had the courage to go and quit my job and quit university but I was pretty sure that what I found in my research was true and I believed that … It was hard to believe but I thought that most people were actually wrong and I thought that I had done objective research and found out what the truth was and I had enough courage in myself and my research to go against all of those social pressures that were on me, my girlfriend’s opinion, my friends’ opinion, my family’s opinion, society’s opinion, everybody’s opinion and it’s pretty hard to go against that stuff sometimes especially when you don’t have any record of achieving anything. But I went with it and it ended up being totally right. I ended up making a fortune, having the best time of my life, everything. People believe that if everybody believes something or is doing it then it must be right but it’s not. Then the third one, people believe in alignment with their families, friends, social circles and society itself. If they’re saying something on the news then that must be true. If it’s seated in the newspaper then it must be true. Or everyone on the news says that starting a business is really risky and that it’s pretty impossible and it’s a miracle if you win, if you have a successful business. I’m like, “This is not a miracle. We have too many thousands of people getting customers and starting their own businesses for this to be any form of a miracle.” I found that it wasn’t luck of any sort, it was just cause and effect and sticking to something and having a plan. People want to fit in with social circles and adjust their believes to fit in with the group. No, when you do something different to the group, the group is kind of like, “Are you sure you should do that?” People don’t want to cause conflict with their social groups or be disowned by them so they never question anything. They join the pack in attacking anybody who ever tries to question the collective beliefs of the group. In my friends group, when with my family, when I first told them that I was going to start a business, they were like, “Oh Sam, are you sure? Like, are you sure you’re not getting your hopes up too much? What about if it fails? Isn’t its something like nine out of 10 businesses fail? Like are you sure you should do that, Sam? We don’t want you getting your hopes up. We don’t want you getting your feelings hurt.” One person said that in my family, like my mom, I don’t know who it was, I can’t remember but someone said that. Then everyone jumped in because that was their belief so everyone wanted to jump on and join in with that because that was their belief and they wanted to really push it in. Then my sister’s, “Well, Sam. Are you sure this is a good idea? You were doing well at university. What about your job? What if you can’t go back and get another one?” It was like, man, I just had the whole pack on me. This is what happens. This is the madness of crowds. People have what’s called like a collective group thinking and most people don’t actually do their own thinking or their own analysis. Most people just join in and think what everyone else thinks. That is not a good recipe for anything. As an entrepreneur, as someone who’s going to go out and start their own consulting business and someone who’s going to go out and make awesome amounts of money, you need to learn how to take an objective view on things because a lot of the time you’re going to think one thing and you’re going to have a lot of pressure against you from other people to say that you’re wrong. When I started, when I decided to choose … When I decided to start my business, I had everyone on me saying that that was a dumb idea, everyone. Every single person I knew, friends, family, everything. Then when my first business failed, oh, it reassured them. You have this pressure on you. Then all of a sudden, just boom, it just explodes. Then everyone’s like, “Oh, yeah. I knew you would always do it. Oh, I knew you were going to do it.” I was like, “Yeah, right.” Like I don’t blame them for anything. I still love them all but I’m just saying like this is what happens. You have a ton of people who are going to question things and they’re going to push against you but you need to be able, as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to conduct an objective analysis of things, form your own viewpoints. You’ll notice throughout this training, I teach you how to form your own views. I don’t even push my views onto you. I’m like, “Here’s a way to look at things and here’s how to do your own analysis.” Because you need to become an independent thinker. You need to be in control of yourself if you wanted to do well in business. I would be wrong to force my views and everything on you. I’m just teaching you how to think for yourself. So simply put, crowds are biased and delusional. That is a fact and there is a ton of evidence to back that up. If you want to be successful, make a ton of money and live a beautiful life that you hold the steering wheel of, you must become an observer. You have to. Participants just get stood all over. Participants just get nothing. You have to learn to become an observer. Let’s teach you how to take an objective view on things rather than a fallible participant’s view. Let’s use the bodybuilding market as an example because I find this one hilarious and fascinating at the same time. Here’s our objective view. We’ve got two truths. We’ve got the subjective and the objective and it always go on like this, crisscross and up and down, up and down. Now, here’s some beliefs and trends which used to be in the bodybuilding market. I used to look at this because I had a couple of friends that were in this market. I had a couple of friends who all of sudden decided that they wanted to go to the gym and get big. I was fascinated at what happened. They had the belief … This is what the beliefs used to be a few years ago. Eat as much as possible. This is what everyone said in that niche. You’re like, “You need to eat. You just need to eat anything, just eat like an animal. You need to have like 10 eggs for breakfast. You need to have a whole turkey for breakfast and you just need to eat.” I have these friends who were just like just gagging every breakfast, just they couldn’t fit it in. Like these guys were choking all day just trying to eat as much as they possibly could. Then they said, “You need heavy supplement use.” Like you need to just take supplements on supplements on supplements. I have my friends, they’re like shaking all sorts of drinks. They had so many different supplements that they didn’t even know what they were taking. They spent thousands of dollars on these supplements. Then they said that you needed to lift really heavy in low reps. Like massive weight and very low repetitions. The belief was to get as big as possible, bigger, better. So they would get so big that they looked ridiculous. They would get so big that they couldn’t fit normal pants. They just looked like a square. Then the other belief was wear as little as possible, wear like ridiculous clothes. The belief was become a monster. They wanted to look like the hulk. What’s amazing is that a lot of the people who joined this niche is they joined it because they wanted to get more attention from girls and then in the end, they ended up not getting any attention from girls and getting all these attention from other bodybuilding dudes. I was like, “Man, what is going on in this niche?” What it is is it’s distortion. At a particular point in time, let’s say people who wanted to … Let’s say at a particular point in time, people looked like this dude down the bottom. They were kind of scrawny, kind of pretty skinny. They needed to be a bit bulkier than what they are then. Then the believed truths which people were saying with these, eat as much as possible, heavy supplement use, heavy weights, low reps, get as big as possible, wear as little as possible, become a monster. These were the beliefs. This would have been good for a while as we went up on this curve here. But then as we keep going up on this curve and keep going and keep going and keep going and keep going and keep going, eventually we get to a point where we get dudes that start to look like this at the top here, pretty much like not a human. Then at that point, it’s going too far. We are now way too far that way. Then what happens is things tip and they start … Someone else will come in and they’ll be like, “Wait a minute guys, everyone’s got things wrong. We’ve gotten a bit crazy here,” and that’s what now happened in this niche and you can look for yourself. This is actually going on right now. This used to happen and now there is a new people who have come into the marketplace and this is … They’ve said, “Wait a minute. Maybe we don’t want to be that extreme. Maybe there’s kind of a way which is about halfway.” Now, these prevailing beliefs and trends is don’t eat until 2pm. Now people are literally saying that … I think it’s called … Was it called the Kino? There’s some sort of diet and it’s called ketogenic diet or something. It’s when you literally starve yourself until 2pm. I’m not kidding. These bodybuilders, they used to say that you should eat six eggs and a whole turkey and all other stuff for breakfast and now the belief is don’t eat anything, starve yourself till 2pm. They used to say eat as much supplements as you should as you can afford and I have my friends spend like three grand a month on supplements. Now, the prevailing trend is supplements don’t work. Don’t have any of them at all, nothing. It’s about good food. It’s not about supplements. It’s about starving yourself and then eating in the afternoon. Now the workouts, instead of doing heavy weights and low reps, it’s cross-fit style workouts. A bit more … Because we ended up with dudes who couldn’t move their arms very far, like people were getting kind of stiff and rigid and they were kind of bulky but kind of useless, they couldn’t really do much. Now we started getting some different types of workouts. Then people thought, “We should get big but not too big because then like it’s kind of silly.” People started getting a more normal sort of big and then they were wearing normal clothes. The belief instead of become a monster, it was let’s become a normal person. Let’s become fit and healthy. This is what the prevailing trend and belief is now. What happened is everyone started going to distorted on this one angle and then some people looked at that as an observer and they were like, “Hey, wait a minute. Maybe we’ve got … Maybe thing have gotten a bit too crazy. Maybe we should kind of … Maybe we shouldn’t do everything which everyone say.” This is what’s happened. Now, things are coming back the other way. Bodybuilding got distorted from the truth for a while and now it’s getting pulled back towards the truth a bit more. It’s absolutely going to happen. It’s a hundred percent fact that this trend will get to a point where it’s gone too far and it will have gone too far the other way and people will be not eating enough at all and they won’t be … They will be doing workouts which are way too all over the place. People will end up pretty much getting back to the stage where they’re not even working out. Then someone’s going to be like, “Wait a minute, we need to bring it back to the truth.” This is how all markets evolve. We used to have doctors saying that you could smoke. You used to be able to smoke on airplanes. You used to be able to smoke in restaurants. They used to smoke all the time. It was what everyone was doing. Now, everyone’s like you shouldn’t do it at all. This thing keeps happening. As soon as crowds get onto things, they start getting … They start going a bit out of control. What observers do is they look at markets like this and they think, “Where is everyone right now?” Like, “Where is everyone’s beliefs right now?” Are things going distorted from the truth or are things kind of being corrected and pulled back towards the truth? That’s what an observer does. They form an objective view. This stuff might look complicated but seriously, it is really simple stuff. What is this group of people and what do they believe to be true? That’s really the question you need to ask. So first of all, you need a group of people. You need a niche. A niche could be anything. It could be bodybuilders. It could be people who do yoga or it could be people who do meditation. It could be people who are vegetarians. It could be people who are vegans. It could be anything. You just need a group of people. Then you need to figure out what do they believe to be true? What is their group belief system? Because in order to become part of a group, you quite often have to adopt their belief systems and that’s how groups form. Groups of people form because they believe the same thing and that’s how they get on. That’s all you need to do. You want to step outside of the group and that’s why consultants are quite powerful because we have external views. When someone used to talk to me about their business problem, I was external. I wasn’t involved in the day to day. I didn’t have to worry about making payroll. I didn’t have to worry about the fact that Susie was late to work today and that Jane was angry and that the coffee machine was broken and that someone have parked in someone else’s driveway. I don’t have any of that. I’m just totally clear headed from an external point of view and I’m listening to someone’s problem. At first, I used to listen to their problems and think that what they said was what they actually meant. Then I didn’t get very far when I listen to that. I used to ask people, “What’s the problem?” And they’d tell me something, they’d say, “I need to figure out how to do Facebook ads.” I’d be like, “Okay, well, let’s figure out how to do Facebook ads.” Then I’d teach them how to do that or we’d go and do that and it would end up not working. Then after a while, I was like, “Wait a minute. These people, what if these are wrong? What if what they think their problem is isn’t actually the problem at all? What if there’s something underneath that?” If someone’s saying, “I need to do Facebook ads?” I mean, why. I learned to ask why. As I learned to ask, “Why do you need to do Facebook, why do you think you need to do Facebook ads?” “I need to keep more leads.” I was like, “Why do you need more leads?” “Because I need to get the sales guys, I need to get the sales guys on the phones more.” Then I’d be like, “Why do you need to get the sales guys on the phone more?” He goes like, “We need more sales this quarter.” I was like, “Why do you need more sales this quarter?” Then I’d end up uncovering something like, “Oh, I just started this new product line and it’s sucking all of this money off and if we don’t start making more money soon then we’re going to be totally out of business.” I was like, “Okay, well, that’s why. You don’t actually need Facebook ads. This is the problem.” You see, what someone sees they need isn’t quite often what they actually need. You need to learn to understand this because when you’re looking at a market, you need to learn to listen to what they say but also ask why and kind of look underneath it for thing to see what they believe is true isn’t or it might be. We’ve got to look at that. You have to question things. People who are really good in business, they don’t always just take what the word says and believe it to be that. If you do that, you’ll always get mislead in business. What is this group of people and what do they believe to be true? That’s a good exercise. Let’s try an exercise to get your brain ticking on this and cement this understanding. Now, with all the stuff, I’m trying to teach you how to think different. Because everyone just … No one actually asks stuff. Everyone is just like monkey see, monkey do. Everyone just copies everyone and it just ends up … No one ends up with unique businesses. No one ends up really making a difference and no one ends up having much fun, no one ends up adding much value to the world and no one ends up making profits that are there also. I can tell you, out of all of the people who have got awesome profits in my programs, they’ve learned how to think different. They went and did something which is a bit different. They didn’t just join the crowd. This is why I’m trying to get your brain ticking. This is why I’m trying to get you to think like this. Here’s a quick exercise. What is this group of people and what do they believe to be true? What I want you to do is you can print off this page. There is a page in the resources section that looks just like this. You can download that PDF, print it out and you want to go through this exercise. You want to start off by picking a niche or a market. Don’t worry, this isn’t your niche or your market. It can be if you want to but you can just pick anything. All we’re trying to do here is get you thinking. Pick a niche or a market and now define the niche or market’s characteristics. How do we kind of gather these people together on a group? What is their characteristics? Are they people who do crossfit? Are they mothers who do Pilates? Are they people who are into some sort of type of cooking? Are they accountants? Are they lawyers? What is the niche? What is the market? Then how do we categorize them? Do they typically tend to be in between a particular age group, particularly a man or a woman, particularly in this one type of area or location? I mean, get a little bit of information about them. Now, what do they currently believe to be true? We want to come up with some things which they believe to be true. So like if we were doing the bodybuilding market a while ago and still today most people probably think this in a bodybuilding market is that the more you eat, the better, like that’s what you do. You just eat like an animal and that was the belief. There’s a range of different beliefs. In the marketing market right now, in the internet marketing and all of that craziness, whatever we call that market, floor marketing, internet marketing, people believe that the lower the cost per click, the better. That’s the belief. The belief is that the lower the cost per leads, the better. The higher the opt-in rate, the better. They believe that the number one metric of all is lifetime value. What a whopping set of beliefs that is. We are going to learn when we get into the marketing stuff that all of those are wrong, every single one. Every single one of those metrics is wrong. Every single one of those beliefs is wrong and it’s just because everyone’s followed everyone in the mad crowd like fashion and that’s what everyone’s saying at all the seminars, that’s what’s everyone’s saying in all the training that now everyone now believes that to be the truths and I’ve gone and tested with millions of dollars in ad spend and I know that those things are wrong. This is quite crazy. I found this out with a lot of things. With sales. The way everyone used to think sales was done or the ways still most people think sales is done is by talking a lot, being really controlling, talking over the top of people and being the person who talks the most and just yaps on like a crazy person. That’s not the right way to do it. Turns out the opposite way is true. Actually turns out to be speak less. You see, I’ve gone in and questioned everything and I’ve found out that a lot of people are wrong, like I figured out that a lot of the sales trainers were wrong. I figured out a lot of or pretty much every single internet marketer was wrong and I figured out the people who taught the ads were wrong and all sorts of different things. When I started questioning things, I could not believe it. That’s how I started to get really good is because I no longer just followed what the crowd said. I figured things out properly and formed my own views. I’m going to teach you all of those things. We’re going to teach you how to do sales the proper way. We’re teaching you right now how to build a consulting business the right way. We’re going to teach you how to do marketing and advertising and Facebook ads and all of those things the right way. This is going to be a revolutionary training because the things we’re going to uncover in here are really the objective truth and pretty much everything that’s being taught out there has gotten distorted. It’s going to be quite a ride. So you want to do this exercise. What do they currently believe to be true? I’ve given you lots of examples just then. Then what do they currently believe to be false? What are things which they think are false? What are their deepest fears and desires? What are they really afraid of and then what do they really want? Then is the market distorting away from objective truth or towards objective truth? You want to plot your market on this chart. You want to look at all these different beliefs and you … I mean, you want to plot your market on this chart. You want to print this out. There’s a printout in the resources section below this video. You’re going to print this out and then you want to write down belief one, belief two, belief three, belief four, belief five, belief six. Like what are the prevailing trends and beliefs? Where are thing heading? Now, you want to sort of point where the truth is, like where is the truth and where are people distorting. Like for this niche, whether it’s bodybuilding, yoga, meditation, whatever. You want to do this. Don’t worry if this isn’t your niche. You seriously just want to get your head thinking. Pause this video, complete those exercises right now. Don’t be one of those people that doesn’t do it because remember what I told you about cause and effect. What this exercise now and getting your brain to think this way right now might be worth a billion dollars for you in a few years time. Don’t skip it out. Congratulations, now you’re thinking like a billionaires. Billionaires look at markets and they wonder if everybody is wrong. They don’t just jump in and do what everyone else is doing. If you want an example, if I was to look at the taxi market, like in New York, the yellow cab taxi market. I’m like, “Okay, everyone’s got a taxi and they’re driving around and they’re doing jobs for people, they driving people around. So okay, well, I’m going to join the taxi market and my way of competing is I’m just going to have a more yellow, yellow car. So I paint hub caps yellow. I paint the windows yellow. I’ll just go more yellow.” I’m like, “Well, if yellow cars is what’s working, I’m going to have a more yellow car.” So I have my more yellow car and I go out to the market and I try to compete. Now, imagine what my chances are going to be like. Probably not that good. Probably get the same amount of business as everyone else, might get less. Now, that’s the sort of thinking most people have. They go out into the market and they do more of what everyone else is doing. They literally have a more yellow car than the rest of the yellow cars and it doesn’t work. Then someone like Uber comes along and they’re like, “Well, what if we did it this way? Isn’t all people care about like getting from A to B? What if we use an app instead of people waving on the side of the road or making phone calls and then what if we didn’t have to pay with a card or have cash? What if it just kind of auto charge?” It’s different thinking. It’s looking at everyone and thinking, “Well, maybe they’re doing things a little bit. Maybe they’re … Maybe they’re wrong.” Now, let’s talk about what this has to do with you and your role as a consultant. What market views have to do with consulting? When most people look at the market, they use a strategy called monkey see, monkey do. This is monkey see, monkey do is what distorts markets from truths and causes bubbles inevitable busts. It looks like this, monkey see thing, monkey do thing. Monkey teach others how to do thing. Never once did monkey question whether the thing that they saw was right. If someone, it’s like, someone invented these things called the tripwire funnels. It had a nice name. Then they talked about it and everyone was like what tripwire funnel? I know, this is awesome so I’m going to do a tripwire funnel. They did a tripwire funnel and then they taught everyone else how to do a tripwire funnel and then before long, everyone was doing a tripwire funnel and then everyone was like, “Hey, wait a minute. Has anyone been able to get their tripwire funnel to work?” Everyone was like, “No, mine hasn’t worked either.” Then everyone was like, “Oh shit, is anyone’s tripwire funnel working?” Then they’re like, “No.” Then they’re like, “Why are we all doing this tripwire funnels?” “I don’t know.” That’s what happens. Just because something is part … Just because something is people are talking about it a lot or a lot of people are teaching it, doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do and this is how things happen. A lot of people started saying the right way to sell was to be real hyped up, real loud talking over the top of the other person and it just … That’s what everyone said. It’s like, “Man, if you want to sell, you’ve got to be ruthless. You’ve got to be pumped up. You got to be like a madman. You got to be hungry.” I was like, “Man, all these sales people are like, it’s like they’re being on … They’re on steroids. They just keep getting wilder and wilder and more aggressive and more aggressive.” I was like, when I tried to figure out how to do sales, it turns out that it’s not about that at all. So you see, people get distorted. People see things and then they copy people without ever doing their own analysis and then they teach other people how to do it and it ends up being wrong. Honestly, quite often, someone … People go out and they learn something and then they do it and then they teach other people how to do it and then they find out that the original person that they saw do it copied it from someone else who copied it from someone else who copied it from someone else who made it up. Who just totally made it up and didn’t do any research. That’s what we end up … That’s what ends up happening with human beings. We end up copying each other and then once so many people have copied it, we assume that must be the truth when quite often it could have just started from someone just making some stuff up. This is how it happens. In any given market over a period of time, the imitators make a grand total of zero dollars. I’m not joking. There’s been proper studies done into this. In markets, over a long enough period of time, people who just imitate end up making zero. Sure, they might end up making money short term but over the long time, they always end up back at zero. All money and common rewards in markets go to people who innovate. Remember this, business rewards value and value comes from bringing market participants back to truth from whatever side of the bias they’re distorted on. Whatever side of the bias people are on, maybe people are on the bottom or on the top side, whatever they are on, people who make money bring people back towards the truth. If you do what everybody else is doing and how they’re currently doing it, you’re going to have a hard time getting any attention and getting any clients and making any money. Imitators get zero%. Innovators get 100%. When you go and you look at your niche, let’s say you choose dentists, when you look at what dentists are doing, you don’t want to think, “Well, I’m going to teach them how to do more of that.” Because we don’t know of what dentists are doing as right or not. You’ve got to be willing to question things. You’ve got to be willing to look at a market and say, “I wonder if things could be done a bit better.” Because I can tell you that groups of people get distorted and quite often it outsiders like you and me to come in and restore things back to the truth. I honestly turned the tides on consulting and psychology of the self. I completely turned the tides on consulting. I came into it and I thought things were mad. So I turned things around and I’m bringing them closer towards the truth. Same with the psychology of the self. A lot of people someone is someone, someone is something and that they can’t change and that’s who they are forever. We have got sayings in the Western world which is like be true to who you are. Stick to your roots. Or be authentic. Like we think that someone is something and they are fixed in that state. We do not believe that people can change. With consulting, everyone thought things were you were supposed to charge hourly, you are supposed to have a lot of certificates and a lot of degrees and everything and they also thought you had to go out and write all these books and go and speak on stage and do all of these different things. I didn’t do any of it. I totally flipped these things. So I turned the tides on consulting and psychology of the self. I’m about to start reforming our era in the largest shake up since the Renaissance. It’s a new day out there and this training is going to up you at the forefront of it all as a consultant who restores truth. It’s a new world of consulting. It’s a new world of a lot of things out there right now. The whole world is shifting in terms of how things are done. We’re moving from the industrial revolution where things came from manufacturing things and selling things which we could touch. Now, things are moving towards information optimization and things which are intangible. Most of the SMP 500 is intangible these days. Most assets are intangible. We are moving from a time when things were valuable if you could touch them and see them to a time when things are valuable if you can’t touch them and see them. Things are changing big time. The awesome thing is is that this training is going to put you at the forefront of it all in this new revolution as a consultant who restores the truth. Now, how do I make a lot of money in my market doing what I do? Well, I do it by bringing people closer to the truth. People don’t need to go and drive a thousand miles and fly around the world and go and speak one on one to people. People don’t need to go and do six Harvard MBAs and put all these letters after their name to go and help someone solve their problem. There’s so many things. People don’t need to be all pumped up and on steroids and shouting at people to sell stuff. People don’t need to write a book in order to help someone solve a problem. People don’t need to go and speak on stage in order to help someone solve a problem. People don’t need a YouTube channel and Instagram. People don’t need any social media to help someone solve a problem. Solving a problem is solving a problem and we’ve come to believe that you need all of those other crap to do it when you don’t. You just need to be able to do it. It’s just like why Leonardo DiCaprio was one of the best actors in the world because all he is is a good … He just focuses at being a good actor and everyone else is out there trying to be good on Instagram and all of these other stuff and everyone gets confused. It’s a new day out there. This training is going to put you at the forefront of it all as a consultant who restores the truth. Throughout this training, when you’re researching niches and researching yourself and your own beliefs, understand that perception of the truth doesn’t always mean the truth. Be open to taking a contrarian view on your market and be open to questioning everything you ever knew because your current beliefs and your current way of doing things will only get you more of what you already have. It takes change to get change. If you continue to believe what you believe and do what you do, then you’re only going to get more of what you already have. It’s very simple. It takes change to get change. Here’s a printout from this one, something to put on your wall, something to store somewhere so you can remember this because it is important and I have to remind myself this all the time because I keep getting sucked into group thinking. This is something you want to print out. It’s available in the resources section below. What do you believe to be true? Understand that perception of truth doesn’t always mean the truth. Be open to taking a contrarian view on the market and be open to questioning everything you ever thought you knew. Your current beliefs and your current way of doing things will only get you more of what you have now. If you want change, it takes change. If you want to change the world, then you better start by changing yourself first. Because if you want to change a market, if you want to help a market, well, you’ve got to work on yourself first. You want to ask yourself this everyday. What is something you believe to be true that no one else agrees with you on? This is something which we ask a lot of the employees which we hire. Whenever I’m looking for someone who knows how to think like objectively, I will ask them the question, I’ll be like, “What is something you believe to be true that no one else agrees with you on?” You ask anyone this question and they squirm, they can’t come up with something. Man, it drives people nuts. They cannot come up with an answer to this question because they’ve never even tried to challenge group thinking. They’ve never tried to come up with a view on something which isn’t the view of everyone else. This is a really good exercise to start doing. I don’t even mind if you can’t come up with anything right now. All I mind, this is just something which is going to start triggering your brain to think differently. This is going to start triggering parts of your brain which have never been triggered before, ever. When we start triggering these things, we’re going to start turning you into a very, very, very powerful consultant and a very powerful entrepreneur because people make billions by answering the question at the bottom, what is something you believe to be true that no one else agrees with you on? It’s people who understand that the majority is wrong and sometimes … I’ve got to be clear here. The majority isn’t always wrong. Quite often, the majority is right. But sometimes, the majority is wrong and it’s someone, some outsider who comes in and restores things to the truth and that’s how massive fortunes are made. It’s really important for me to teach you this because when you’re looking at your niche, when we teach you how to pick your niche and do your market research, you can’t just listen to what the people are telling you. If people are telling you, “I need to do more ads,” or whatever, you need to start thinking why, what’s underneath the surface here. You need to start thinking differently. Because I want to help you create a consulting business that’s really going to fly. I want to teach you … I don’t want to just teach people how to create mediocre consulting businesses. I want to create a totally new species of consulting business which is going to be out there and actually make massive changes in the world and make massive improvements to things because I think the way things are being done is wrong, like there’s a lot of distortion out there in the market. I want to create a new breed of consultants that is going to pull things back into line and back into the truth because it’s going to do everyone a lot of good when we can pull things back towards the truth. It’s your time. You’re in this training for a reason. You didn’t attend a webinar, join this program and turn up today and watch this training for just some random reason. It’s your time. You need to start thinking differently. You need to look at your market and question things. It’s okay if your market is believing lies and is actually close to the truth, there’s nothing wrong with that. But what you want to make sure is that you know. You don’t want to be caught believing a lie because it always gets people into trouble. You want to always make sure that you know what you believe is true is at least close to true. In the upcoming videos, we’re going to be talking more about this. When we pick your niche, when we craft your offer and your message and all of these things and especially when we get into the mindset training in week two where I teach you all about the new paradigm and the new world view. It’s really, really important that you have an open mind and you are willing to start looking at things differently. It’s your time. Let’s do this together. Let’s create some awesome consulting businesses.
– Picking your 2.0 niche
In this video, I’m going to show you how to pick your 2.0 niche. I’m going to explain what a 2.0 niche is and the process we use to find one. We’re going to start taking some action, doing some exercisers, and we’re going to actually pick your niche. You want to have a pen and paper handy, and you want to pay close attention to this video. Let’s get to work.
Here’s what we cover:
* Specialists earn more money, get more respect and have more fun
* The general practitioner VS the brain surgeon
* Your marketing is more powerful, conversations more meaningful and it’s much easier to get clients when you know exactly who you should be talking to
* It’s hard to be the best in the world at multiple things however it’s surprisingly easy to become the best in the world at something specific
Client avatar worksheet
10 Smart market questions
Niche definition worksheet
Email template
Hey, everyone. Sam Ovens here, and welcome to this training video on picking your 2.0 niche. You’re probably thinking, “What is a 2.0 niche? Like I know what a niche is, but what’s a 2.0 niche?” It’s a very good question, and in this training video, I’m going to introduce a new idea, which is that traditional niches, they’re old, and it’s time for a new way to pick niches, and it’s time for a new way of categorization and a new way of niching, so that we can end up coming up with unique businesses, unique propositions, unique solutions, and really evolving the marketplace as much as possible, because things have gotten stagnant. When I look outside and I look at things, it’s just too many people in too many classical niches, all just monkey see, monkey do, just copying each other, and it’s a massive problem. No one can stand out from each other. Everyone thinks they’re targeting the same people, and it’s just pretty crazy, really. In this video, I’m going to show you how to pick your 2.0 niche. I’m going to explain what a 2.0 niche is, and then we’re going to go, and we’re actually going to start doing some work in this video. In the other videos, in week one, leading up to this, we have been talking a lot about the theory of things and getting you thinking right, understanding, conceptually, how a consulting business works. Well, now we’re going to start taking some action. We’re going to start doing some exercisers, and we’re going to actually pick your niche. You want to have a pen and paper handy, and you want to pay close attention to this video. Let’s get to work. Why pick a niche? Why not just target everyone? I mean, wouldn’t it be better to target the whole world instead of just a small, little group? Well, here’s why you should pick a niche. My first point is the man who chases two rabbits catches none, and the man who catches every rabbit certainly catches none. So if you go and target the whole world, then I guarantee you, you won’t get anyone. However, if you were just to target a specific group of people, then you’re going to get a lot of people. It’s kind of the reverse to what most people think. Everyone thinks they should make their audience as big as it could possibly be, however, in doing that, they get nobody. You just imagine this, for example. Let’s say you’re at a train station, and you’re trying to get people’s attention, you’re trying to get someone’s attention. You’re standing over on the side of everyone walking past, and you’re just yelling out, “Hey, everybody! Hey, everybody! Hey, everybody, can I get your attention, everybody?” Everyone’s just walking past, and they ain’t looking at you. However, then you were just like, “There must be someone in this crowd called Henry.” So you’re just like, “Hey, Henry!” Someone is the crowd is like, “Oh, what’s that?” He turns over to you, and he looks at you, and you’ve got his attention. Well, that’s how it works. Or if you said, “Hey, is there a doctor in here?” The doctors are probably going to look. This is what happens. When you target everyone, you get no one. However, when you’re specific, you get people’s attention. That is why it’s so important to pick a niche. The man who chases two rabbits catches none, always remember that. Specialists earn more money, and they get more respect, and they have more fun. That’s a fact. I tell the story all the time about the general practitioner versus the brain surgeon. A general practitioner, a GP, like a doctor who sees a whole bunch of patients and is a generalist doctor. Typically, they sit in an office which is very small. It usually has no windows. It’s a pretty depressing little office, and they work very long hours, and they just see back-to-back patients all day long, for like 15 minutes at a time. It’s a numbers game. They’re just seeing as many patients as they can, just rolling them through. A patient comes in, they diagnose their problem, and then it’s onto the next one, onto the next one. They have to see a lot of patients. They have to work long hours. They get worn out. They work in a very small, not a very nice office, at all, and they don’t get very much respect. You never hear about a general practitioner getting praised for their work in the newspaper and magazines. You don’t hear about them being geniuses or anything like that. They don’t get paid very much, either. That’s the general practitioner, the generalist. Then, you’ve got the brain surgeon. So the brain surgeon is still a doctor, but this time, it’s a doctor with a specialty. The brain surgeon typically works in an awesome office. It’s designer. Everything’s laid out nicely. It looks amazing. Then, they only have to see a couple of patients each week. Sometimes, it’s only two patients a week. They don’t have to work as many hours. They just come in for those two surgeries, and that’s it. They come in, work their magic, then they’re out. They are often praised as geniuses and celebrities. They get write-ups in the news. They get put in the newspaper. They get put on the news. Everyone respects them for their work and their craft. They think that they’re just a total genius. They get paid, on average, 30 times as much money as the general practitioner. Imagine that, 30 times. We’re not talking about a small little pay rise here. We’re talking about someone making 30 times as much money. They’re both doctors. Both of them went to med school. Both of them are doctors. They’ve both got the D-R thing in front of their name, so why is there such a massive difference? The difference is because one’s a generalist and one’s a specialist. A general practitioner is a generalist, and a brain surgeon is a specialist. In business and in life, specialists earn more money, they get more respect, and they have more fun. This is a really important thing to understand, because when I got started in business, I thought that it was best to just cast my net as wide as possible. I was just like, “Well, the more people I target, the better, ’cause it’s the more possible people I could get.” However, I ended up getting no one because of that. Your marketing is more powerful, your conversations are more meaningful, and it’s much easier to get clients when you know exactly who you should be talking to. When you choose a niche, your marketing gets 10 times more powerful. If you go onto Facebook, and you run an ad, and the headline of the ad says, “Hey, everybody,” it’s not going to work very well. However, if you write an ad on Facebook, and you’re like, “Are you a doctor?” and then you target doctors, it’s already, just by picking that niche, it’s already 100 times more powerful. By picking a niche, you actually get everything in your favor. Everything is going to start skewing towards you, and things are going to get a lot, lot better for you. It’s hard to be the best in the world at multiple things, however, it’s surprisingly easy to become the best in the world at something specific. A lot of people, they look at experts, like they look at someone who’s really good at something, and they’re like, “Oh, that person must be gifted or something.” Well, that person just focused on one thing and forgot about other things. If you want to know how I got so good at consulting and teaching consulting and everything, it’s because I didn’t do a whole bunch of other stuff. If you go and look at my social media profiles, they’re barely existent. I don’t post a lot on social media. I’m not a social butterfly that posts all sorts of photos and comments on things. I don’t even have a Snapchat account. I refuse to install that app on my phone. I don’t have any posts on Instagram. I don’t have anything. The reason is because I focused on this. I was like, “I’m just going to master the craft of consulting. That’s what I’m going to do.” I didn’t master Snapchat. I had to say no to a lot of things in order to focus on this. That’s not really picking a niche by choosing not to do Snapchat, but it’s the same sort of thinking. It’s not doing everything. It’s doing something specific, so that you can be really good at that, and letting go of the other stuff. You’re sacrificing everything to be good at something. That’s what you have to do in life. You have to sacrifice everything in order to be good at something. Everyone’s like, “Well, I don’t want to sacrifice everything.” Well, it’s like if you don’t sacrifice everything, then you’re going to get nothing. But if you sacrifice everything, and you get something, at least you get something. It’s a different kind of way of thinking. If you go out and you try and target everyone, and if you make everyone your customer, you’re going to end up with no business and no money, and you’re going to end up an expert at nothing. However, if you focus on something, you will get it. That is like the same story of the man who chases two rabbits, catches none. The man who sets out trying to chase both rabbits, he’s like, “Screw just having one rabbit. I want all those rabbits.” He ends up getting no rabbits, and he’s like, “Damn, should’ve just chased one of them.” The same thing happens in life, same thing happens in business. It’s very, very, very important to think like this, and this is why we pick a niche, and this is why we are very focused with what we do. Let’s remember why people hire consultants. We covered this in the previous videos here in week one, and if you haven’t watched those videos, go back and watch them right now. Just pause this video, go back and watch them, because seriously, this video is not going to make any sense unless you’ve watched the other videos in full, so don’t be that person. Believe me, it’s not going to make sense. Remember why people hire consultants. Why people hire consultants is because they want … They have a current situation, which is where they are now. This is their current situation, their current self. They’re like, “This is me. This is my situation. This is where I’m at now.” Then, they have their desired situation, which is where they want to be in the future. This is their desired self, their desired version of themself, their desired situation. Then, there’s a gap between these two things. The gap is what creates all desire, all demand, all everything. A consultant is an expert at solving a particular problem and helping somebody make a particular transformation in their life or business. A consultant is someone who helps someone go from their current situation to their desired situation, or their current self to their desired self. They’re pretty much the same thing. Remember that’s why people hire consultants. To start a successful consulting business and help people make a transformation, you must pick a niche. Everyone in the world doesn’t want the same things. Not everyone wants the same thing. Some people want to make a lot of money. Some people want to give away a lot of money. Some people want to be fit and focus on having abs, and they don’t care about how much money they have. Everyone’s got totally different wants, totally different desires, totally different problems. People are different. They just have different desires. So when you target everyone, you can’t get their desire right, and you can’t get their problem right, because all of them have different problems. You’ll see one client today, and they’re going to tell you that life’s like this. Then, you’ll see a different client the next day. They’re going to be totally different again, and you’re going to be like, “Man, this thing is so complicated, because everyone is so different, and everyone’s so unique, and we have to offer such bespoke things.” But it all changes when you pick a niche. When you pick a niche, everyone falls into line, and all of them have similarities. What their desired outcome is pretty much the same as everyone else, and this means that you now have focus. Now, I need to warn you of some things first, because this is a major hangup point for most people, and it doesn’t need to be. When we go to pick a niche, it’s quite funny, because it’s … Well, it’s not really funny for the people who can’t pick their niche, but I’ve observed that people have never really been forced to make a decision on things. They’ve kind of been told it’s all right to be in limbo all the time on every single decision all the time as they go through life, and now all of a sudden, they need to pick something. It just destroys them, because they can’t pick something. It’s so simple. You just need to pick something. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. This why I’m going to just give you a brief warning. When you’re picking your niche, I want to warn you of some things first, because a lot of people get hung up here, and they don’t need to get hung up here. There’s simply no reason to. Don’t fall victim to these niche mistakes. Number one is don’t think that you’re marrying your choice of niche for the rest of your life. This decision which you make for your niche, you’re not married to it. If you pick plumbing, you’re not stuck with plumbing for the rest of your life. If we choose plumbing, and then in a month or two, we find that this other niche is better, we can just change it. It’s easy. Don’t think that you’re marrying your choice of niche for the rest of your life. Don’t fall victim to not being able to decide and being torn between multiple things. Everyone can come up with four or five ideas for a niche, and then they can pick one from those five. There’s absolutely no reason why someone can’t pick one, because it doesn’t matter if you get it wrong. You can always change it later, but you need to pick something to start. Then, feeling like you have nothing to give and no ability to create value. Don’t even think about whether you can help the niche or not now. When you’re picking a niche now, you don’t want to think, “Can I help them or not?” You don’t want to think, “Am I able to create value for these guys?” or, “What solution am I going to offer?” or, “Will they pay me money?” You’re already thinking too far ahead. All you need to do is pick a niche. There is absolutely nothing else to it. You just pick one. Then, copying what other people are doing or have done, instead of owning this decision yourself. I notice a lot of people, whenever they can’t make a decision, they try and offload it onto someone else. They’re like, “Hey, man. Do you have any suggestions for good niches? Does anyone know what a good niche is?” You’re probably wondering, “Wow, Sam gives us so many things in this program. He tells us exactly what to do, but how come he doesn’t give us a list of niches?” Or, “How come he doesn’t tell us what niche we should pick? Why does he leave this one kind of up to us?” It’s a very good question. If I was to give people a list of niches, what do you think would happen? Everyone would go in and choose those niches, and then everyone would be marketing, and it would be totally distorted, and they wouldn’t work, and everyone would just be furiously competing in those niches for no reason, other than I just told people to do it. This is how things have gotten distorted. People have said, “This niche is where everyone should be,” or, “This is what everyone should be doing,” or, “This is a good niche. This is a bad niche.” It’s not like that, at all. The grass isn’t greener on the other side. The grass is greener where you water it, and that’s true when you pick a niche. It doesn’t matter what niche you pick. You can create opportunity in that niche. It’s really important that I leave this one thing up to you to be able to choose, because otherwise, I’ll create distortion in the marketplace. I don’t want to create distortion. I need to make sure that we have variation between our different businesses. Otherwise, I’ve got so many people in my programs. If I told everyone what niche to pick, I would end up distorting the marketplace, big-time, and no one would be able to make any money. Don’t think you have to copy what other people are doing. Don’t look at what others are doing in the Facebook group. Don’t look at what other people are doing in different places. Own this decision yourself. If you’re wanting to become a businessman and an entrepreneur, now is the time to start taking some responsibility and owning some decisions yourself. I’m going to give you pretty much every single thing you need to start your consulting business, but there’s a few key decision you’re going to have to do on your own. Being too afraid to be you and do what you know you want to do just to conform and fit in. A lot of the time, people know what they want to do. They know what niche they want to choose. They know it. However, they don’t do that, and they pick something else, just because they want to conform with everyone and fit in. Sometimes, someone might really want to do something in the health and fitness niche, but because everyone else is doing something to do with digital marketing, they go and do digital marketing. I’ve noticed that the people that do the best, they don’t just conform and fit it. They don’t do what everyone else is doing. They think for themselves, and they conduct their own analysis, and they choose their own niche, and they provide their own offer, and they’re unique. So don’t be too afraid to be you. Seriously, it doesn’t matter whether you pick the wrong niche or not, and I’m being totally serious here. Let me tell you a story of how I got started, so that you understand how things evolve. I’ll tell you how I picked the wrong niche like a hundred times, and how it doesn’t matter, because I still ended up here. Here’s the journey I went through to get here. I started an online job board for job seekers, and that failed. Then, I started an online lunch delivery business that failed. Started property inspection for property managers. That was successful. Look at all these niches. I started off with the job seekers niche. Then, I was in the lunch delivery business or lunch delivery niche. Then, I was in the property inspection niche. Then, I was helping local businesses, so that’s not really even a niche. That’s like I was a just a generalist. Then, that evolved to doing digital marketing for different types of businesses, no niche. Then, I kind of went into service-based businesses, which is a kind of niche, and then, that evolved into doing digital trainings on how to start the digital marketing business, and now, I was in the digital marketing niche. Then, that evolved into helping people start a consulting business, and that’s when it evolved into the consulting niche. Then, since then, it’s evolved 10 times, probably more like 20 times, and I’ve improved the programs. I’ve improved the methods. I’ve really refined my niche again, and again, and again, and again, and again. It’s gotten to the point now where it’s really razor-sharp, crystal clear. I know my niche better than anyone else on the face of this earth. Not only that, but I understand their problems better than they do themself. I could write a day in their diary, and they could pick that up, and they would be like, “Oh my God, something … This is spooky. This person must be a psychic.” I understand their current situation and their desired situation better than they do themself. I know that niche so well. Look at how I got here. I picked the wrong thing, and it didn’t matter. I eventually ended up getting closer and closer to what I was good at, and I ended up in the right spot eventually. The key here is that you have to start. If I had never picked anything, if I hadn’t started a business, if I didn’t start my job seekers website, I would have never ended up here. I would still be back at the starting line, looking forward and thinking, “Oh my God, there’s so many different choices. What niche should I pick?” I would still be there. Truthfully, I had a few friends who I met, who were starting their own business back then, and they were paralyzed with the decision, too. They were like, “Oo, I can’t really make a decision on which niche to pick or which idea to pursue.” I’ve looked them up recently. It’s been like five years since then, and guess what? They’re still trying to pick the perfect thing. These guys are still trying to think, what’s that perfect thing to pick? They haven’t even started. I’ve gone and pick 10 of the wrong things, gone through them all, ended up finding the right one, and ended up making more than $20 million. These guys still haven’t even chosen anything. You can see that the key is that you have to start. It doesn’t matter if you pick the wrong thing. You have to choose something. It doesn’t matter where that is, you just have to start, because you’ll never know things for sure until you get in motion and start moving forward. I like to think about it like a car. If you’re sitting in the car, and you turn on the steering wheel, and you turn left, or you turn right, or whatever, it ain’t going to be able to move. It can’t turn left or it can’t turn right. The car has to be in motion for the steering system to work. The car has to be moving forward in order to move left or move right. That’s true with business. A lot of people think that they can move left and move right, and get their decision perfect before they start, but you need to start moving in order to be able to use the steering system. The steering system doesn’t work until you’re in motion. That’s why it’s so important to pick something, start moving forward, and it doesn’t matter if it’s wrong. You can change it. What is a 2.0 niche? Right now, we’ve talked about why you need a niche. I’ve driven that point home. You know you need a niche, because the man who chases two rabbits catches none. You want to be the brain surgeon, not the general practitioner, because you want to work in a nice office. You want to get praise. You want to be considered the genius, and you want to make a ton of money and have a lot of fun. Why wouldn’t you? You want to pick a niche. you want to be a specialist, and you know why that’s important. You know that in order to pick a niche, you can’t get paralyzed by the decision. You can’t think, “Well, what if I pick the wrong one?” Who cares? It doesn’t matter. Picking the wrong one is better than not picking anything, because in the act of picking the wrong one, you’re going to pick the right one. Think about it like that. Now, I want to introduce a new idea to you called a 2.0 stage niche. This is something totally new. You definitely would not have heard about it anywhere else, because no one else has ever talked about this. No one else has ever done any sort of training or anything like this. Everyone thinks that niches are niches, and that if you go out there and you pick a niche, like accounting, or go out there and you pick a niche like lawyers, and that’s it. Well, that’s really, really, really dumb thinking, and I’m going to show you why the world has gotten distorted, and why we need new ways of thinking and new ways of categorizing business industries and niches. Here’s the classical definition of a niche. Traditionally, niches were thought of as industries and industry verticals. You could scatter all of these different people onto a chart, and the people that came together like this, you’d be like, “Okay. Well, these are the accountants, because they have accounting degrees, and then they work in accounting firms, and these are lawyers.” People defined them as things as they currently are with no regard of what they want to become. It’s kind of like things with defined static. It’s like in order to define a niche, we would just freeze things in a moment of time, and then we would look at things as they are, and we wouldn’t really look at what they’re becoming. We had two different ways that people looked at businesses and niches. They were called B2B and B2C, business to business, and business to consumer. This caused a lot … This still causes a lot of chaos in the market, because a lot of people, who think they’re a B2B business, think that Facebook ads doesn’t work for business to business. They’re like, “Well, I’m B2B. Facebook ads doesn’t work for B2B.” Then, a lot of people are like, “Ah, no. We’ve been asked. That won’t work for B2B,” or, “Ah, no. That is too personal for B2B. In B2B, we wear suits and ties, and we go and visit the client in person, and we charge per hour.” You see, this thinking of B2B and B2C has really, really deluded everyone. Some different examples of classical niches, so accountants, lawyers, plastic surgeons, dentists, insurance, real estate, just really cut-and-dry, black-and-white things. This is how people think of niches. Now, the problem is if you just think like this, then you’re going to end up in a market with a ton of competition, and you’re always going to end up just copying what everyone else is doing, because you’re just thinking the same way everyone else is thinking. Classical niche categorization assumed that the only way to cut a cross-section was vertically or horizontally, which assumed linear binary systems that are static. Categorization is assumed B2B or B2C, and in verticals or horizontals using one criteria. What I mean by one criteria is we’re like, “Well, are they accountants? Okay, well they’re accountants.” That’s how you chose a niche, were like, “Well, we’re in the accounting niche,” and that was it, or “We’re in the legal niche,” and that was it. This binary way of categorizing complex data resulted in a limited number of possible categories, and overcrowded industries, lack of innovation, poor advertising, and lifeless, stagnant businesses that just did what everybody else was doing. I want to introduce the 2.0 stage niche. This is a new thing which I’m introducing. I invented this thing, and I’m bringing it in here, into this new way of thinking, to help people break free of all of these old ways of thinking, which is just limiting everyone and turning everyone mad. 2.0 stage niches, or 2.0 niche categorization assumes complex, non-linear systems that are ever-evolving. Instead of asking what is something, we ask what is it becoming? Because let’s think about this all of a sudden. B2B and B2C, it’s really quite mad. People think, “Well, I’m in B2B, and so Facebook ads doesn’t work for me,” or, “I’m in B2B, and we have to wear a suit and tie.” But if someone was in B2C, they’re like, “Oh, well I’m in B2C, so Facebook will work for me.” Well, people have just gotten pretty crazy, because in my understanding of niches and what I’m bringing forth in this 2.0 stage niche categorization is we’re merging B2B and B2C together, and we’re considering it B2P, which is business to people. Really, we’re not even really a business. We’re really just people, too, so it’s really P2P, people to people, because that’s how you’ve got to think of it. As soon as you start thinking of yourself as a business talking to a business, well, you’re not actually talking to a business. You’re a person talking to a person. People say, “Well, we do B2B, and so Facebook doesn’t work for B2B.” I’m like, “What?” I’m like, “Who owns the business?” They’re like, “Well, people.” I’m like, “So you don’t think there’s people on Facebook?” This is people have gotten pretty crazy. We don’t assume B2B or B2C. We just call it B2P, business to people, and this allows us to have … We can think more clearly. Then, we use clusters instead of cross-sections to categorize different industries and niches, and we do this with an infinite number of criteria, meaning there are infinite possible combinations and mutations. This might sound a little bit confusing right now, but trust me, it’s really simple. I’ll give you a couple of examples in just a minute. Let’s look at some examples, classical niches versus 2.0 niches. Classical niche examples, as they are with limited categories, the classical school of thought is business to business or business to consumer. In business to business, we’d have accountants, lawyers, insurance, printing, manufacturing, shipping, really cut-and-dry boring stuff. Then, we’d have business to consumer, and people would categorize them as high income, low income, teenagers, adults, couples, families, just frozen. It’s static things. Now, with 2.0 niche categorization, we look at things as what are they becoming? We have infinite categories. We look at things as not static, but evolving, because people, consumers aren’t the same, and they’re evolving. We’ve also got businesses. They’re evolving, too. Sometimes, someone wants to be in a niche, but they’re not in a niche. If we just use the traditional niche categorization, if we’re targeting accountants, then what about the people who want to be accountants? It’s kind of like they just fall outside of that. With 2.0 stage niche categorization, we’re looking at something as where they are now, and then where they want to be. We’re looking at their trajectory. We’re looking at their evolution and their movement, and where they’re trending. We’re looking at things as they are evolving, and that’s how we’re categorizing things. We’re not just looking at a dot on a map and saying, “This is what it is.” We’re looking at a dot on a map, and then a desired dot on a map, and we’re grouping people by desired outcomes. We’re looking at desired evolution, instead of where they are right now. Now, let me give you an example of this. So we just throw away, we totally throw it in the trash, business to business and business to consumer, stupidity. Throw that in the bin. It’s business to people, and really, it’s just people to people. We’re just some people here with a business that are talking to some other people with a business, or we’re people talking to other people, real simple. It helps you get out of that overly formal business to business sort of thing, where people start writing … They start typing things like they’re typing some sort of Shakespearean letter to someone, because they think that they’re a business. They’re like, “Well, just ’cause I’m B2B, I have to speak all formally and put all of these ridiculous words in here that no one else can read.” But it’s like no, it’s a person that’s reading that on the other end. This is how advertising and everything gets really distorted. People need to understand that they’re always writing to people. They’re always selling to people. With business to people, with 2.0 stage niche categorization, we could have these different examples, people who want to become accountants, accountants that want to do things differently. With classical niche categorization, if someone targeted accountants, then they would probably just sell accountants what every other accountant’s doing, so they’d be like, “Okay, well, we’re going to help you make more cold calls, and we’re going to help you do more billable hours,” right? Because that’s probably what most accountants are doing. They’re like, “Well, this is the accounting niche, and this is what the accounting niche is doing, so I’m going to enter this niche, and I’m going to help them do more of what they’re already doing.” That is old thinking. That’s the thinking which I’m getting us, as a community and as a group, to leave in the gutter, because that’s where it belongs. You could come in with 2.0 stage niche categorization. You could say accountants that want to do things differently. You could target accountants, and you could help them escape charging per hour, so accountants that don’t want to charge per hour, or accountants that want to work virtually, or accountants that want to work for themself instead of for their firm, all sorts of different things based on people who want to become something and escape the standard way of doing things. When we think of things binary, which we used to in classical niche categorization, all we end up doing is helping people do more of what they’re already doing. We pick a niche, accounting, and we’re just helping someone become a better accountant using … But what that means is we’re going in there and we’re just helping them do more of what they’re already doing. However, sometimes, people might want to actually do things differently. Then, we could have low income earners who want to be high income earners. With 1.0 stage niches, classical niche categorization, we would say, “Oh, someone’s low income, therefore we don’t target them, because they’re low income, therefore they’re always low income.” Well, it’s like, “Well, what if they want to be high income?” I’ll give you a really good example of this. An example of this would be Apple and the iPhone. When Apple first was coming up with the iPhone, they had lots of meetings and everything, and they said that the iPhone was going to cost $1,000. Everyone was like, “You guys are stupid.” They were like, “No one is going to pay a thousand dollars for a phone.” They were like, “We’ve done the tests. We’ve looked at the market, and you know, the only people who buy a thousand dollar phones are like princes in Dubai, who buy these solid gold phones with all these diamonds on them.” They’re like, “No one else spends a thousand dollars on a phone. No one has a thousand dollars to spend on a phone.” They were like, “You guys, this is going to flop. This won’t work.” That thinking is thinking of things as they are, like at the current state of the market, before, no one spent a thousand dollars on a phone. It wasn’t normal. People had very cheap phones, like a couple of hundred dollars. If someone said to you, “Are you going to buy this phone? It costs a thousand bucks,” everyone would be like, “Hell, no. There’s no way I’m buying this phone for a thousand bucks.” It’s just like coffees. They used to be like 50 cents or something, and if you went to someone and you asked them, “Would you pay $5.50 for a coffee?” They’d be like, “No. Are you stupid?” Now, look what’s happening. Everyone’s spending that for a coffee. Using the old thinking, we just say things are the way they are. However, Apple knew that if they created a product and a phone that could be as beneficial as the one which they created, they knew people would find the money, and they knew people would buy it. They made a product so spectacular, and that had so many benefits, that even people that didn’t have a thousand dollars started finding a thousand dollars to come up with it and buy it. Now, pretty much everyone has a iPhone, and pretty much everyone spends a thousand dollars on a phone. Who was right there, the people how used the old, classical way of thinking, or the new way of thinking? Just like when Starbucks came in and revolutionized America with fancy coffee, now every American’s lining up … I live in New York. If you go into New York, I swear there is a Starbucks on every second block, and they’re always jammed. All these Americans are just queued up out the door to spend five bucks on a coffee, but if you’d asked them this a couple of years ago, no one would have spent that much money on a coffee. This is the difference. This is the difference in thinking. You’re not looking at something as it is. You’re looking at something as what it is becoming. We’re using two different ways to categorize. We’re saying where are they now, and where do they want to be? We’re looking at the evolution of it. Low income earners who want to be high income earners, adults who want to live like children, couples who do yoga and want to be rich, single people who want to have families, these are the different ways to think. What do people want to become? This will start to unlock different possible niches for you. Classical niches are static, plain, and limited. They look like this. It’s a bunch of dots on a screen, and we’re just freezing them. We’re like, “People are who they are. They never change. Businesses are what they are. They never change. And people always want to do things the way they’ve always done them.” We’re just like, “That’s it, static.” However, 2.0 stage niches are evolving, new, interesting, and infinite, things are moving around. So why not just keep it simple and plain? Why am I telling you to start thinking like this instead of just picking … I could just hand you accounting, and be like, “Here you go. Accounting’s the niche to go for.” This is why we need to think differently about niches. Imagine there’s 7.4 billion people on earth, which there is. There’s probably than that by now. Then, imagine there’s 125 million businesses, then 16 classical industries. Now imagine that there are 7.8 million businesses per niche. Now imagine trying to stand out and get customers. Classical niches say there’s only this many industries. There’s accountants, lawyers, dentists, plastic surgeons, they say there’s these different things, and that you’ve just got to pick one, and then compete with the other 7.8 million people in there. That’s because people are thinking wrong. We need to think of niches in different ways. Admittedly, it would be much easier for me, in creating this training, to just hand you a niche like accountants and say, “Here’s a good niche. Go for it.” However, that would be wrong for me to do, because it would put you in a market that seriously limits your ability to make exponential profits. I’m going out on a limb with this training and getting you to think for yourself in ways which have never been done, so that you can get massive results. Now, let’s talk about how to pick your niche. You’ve got the skills that you have or can learn, the industries that you know, and the market’s needs and desires. We’ve got these three things. We’ve talked about these three things before, the skills that you have or can learn, the industries that you know, and the market’s needs and desires. You’ve got these three circles. Your niche is really the perfect overlap of these three things. It’s the spot in the middle which perfectly combines all of these variables. It’s like where your skills can add value to an industry, and where the value that you’re adding is actually solving a problem or helping achieve some desire. Out of all three of these different things, most people, with the traditional school of thought, they think that the most important thing out of all of these is the skills. They think that the better your skills, the more money you’re going to make. Most people are out there just trying to get really skilled. We see this all the time. Most people go to college, and they’re getting 10 degrees. They’re getting 2 MBAs, they’ve got all these letters behind their name, and they’re just getting more skilled, more skilled, more skilled. They’re getting more certificates. They’re doing so many workshops. They’ve got so many degrees that they can’t even remember what degrees they got. Then, they wonder why they don’t have any money. They wonder why no one’s hiring them, and they’re like, “Everyone’s so stupid. If only everyone knew how smart I was.” Whenever someone says that, there’s quite a funny thing. If only everyone knew how smart I was. That’s when someone’s got things around the wrong way. It’s not about the skills, and it’s not even really about the niche. Most people think the niche or the industry is really important, or they think their skills are really important. Truthfully, the most important out of all three of these things is the market’s needs and desires, this one I’ve got the arrow pointing to right now. The market’s needs and desires are more important than anything else. You can choose hedge funds, and you know that’s going to be one big, rich niche. They’ve got a lot of money, hedge funds. In your skills, you could have a Harvard MBA with first class honors in every single paper you’ve ever done, right? Now you’ve got pretty good skills, and you’ve got the best niche there is. However, if you just … I mean, you go try. Go try pitching your services to hedge funds with just a Harvard MBA. No one’s going to even take a meeting with you. You can see the traditional way of thinking is wrong, because we could take the most skilled person there is, and we could take the richest industry and niche there is, and still, they can’t get any business or get any clients. That means that the most important element, by far, is the market’s needs and desire. When we do this correctly, we could take someone with no skills, and we could put someone in an industry which supposedly isn’t even that great, and they could get clients. This is how it works. I don’t have any degrees. I didn’t finish my university degree, so I have no letters to put behind my name. I don’t even have any certificates. I don’t have any qualification, at all. I’m not certified to do anything. Somehow, I am in the consulting industry, which is where there is more MBAs from Harvard, and Yale, and all of those things, than you could possibly imagine. Somehow, I still beat them. Somehow, I still make a whole bunch more money. How does that happen? How does some young person with no degrees, no qualifications, go out and beat the other people in this industry which they’re supposed to know and conquer? Well, it’s because I look at the market. I look at what the market wants, I look at what the market needs, and I see the current situation and the desired situation. I see where people want to go, and I see that desire in there, and I just focus on that. It’s not about me, at all. I don’t think about how I can get better certificates and everything. I just think about how can I solve my customer’s problem better than anybody else? That’s what you want to start thinking like. You’ve got to stop thinking about yourself, and you’ve got to stop thinking about picking the perfect niche, and you’ve got to start thinking about finding out what the people in this niche really want. What is their desire? What problems are they facing? Because this is the most important element, by far. We’ve covered a lot of theory by now, and this has been really important, because a lot of people, when they come in, and they want to start a consulting business, they have no idea what makes up a consulting business. What are the forces at play that make a consulting business successful or unsuccessful? A lot of people just think, “Well, it’s because they use Facebook ads,” or, “It’s because they use Sam’s sales script.” Those things are powerful, but believe me, if you mess up your foundations, it’s not going to do anything. If you have a business with poor foundations, it doesn’t matter if you’re the best salesman in the world, it doesn’t matter if you have five million dollars in your bank account that you can spend on Facebook ads. It’s all going to go in the trash. You’re going to get wiped out. It’s all about the foundations, and then Facebook ads, and sales scripts, and things like that, that just adds fuel to the fire. It’s like pouring gas on a fire. If we get a strong flame going by getting your foundation set correctly, then when we get into sales, and Facebook ads, and stuff like that, it’s just like we’re opening a firehouse of gasoline onto that fire, and it’s just going to go boof. That’s how you get awesome results. You get your foundation solid, you get a really strong flame burning, and then you add the accelerant to the fire. We’ve covered the theory now, and that was important stuff to do. Hopefully now we’ve got you thinking clear, how a consulting business is made up, and how it works, and what the dynamics are. Now, it’s time to actually do some work. Now, let’s get to work and find your niche, but I’m going to remind you once again, don’t fall victim to these niche mistakes. Don’t think that you’re marrying your first choice of niche, and don’t get torn in between some decision, and don’t the feel like you have nothing to give this niche or no ability to create value. Don’t even think about that. You just need to pick something right now. And don’t look at what other people are doing and be tempted to copy them. Don’t be too afraid to be you. Don’t just try and conform with everyone else. Do what you know you should be doing. Step one, really easy, this is super easy. Now, don’t think about your niche, at all. This is just listing five things that you’re good at. This can be anything. Forget about whether it’s business related or not, just write down five things. I don’t even care if you write down surfing, cooking. I don’t care what it is, just write down five things that you’re good at. Pause this video right now, grab a pen and paper, and write down five things. It could be something like math, accounting, engineering, snowboarding, personal training. Just do it, write down five things. We’re just getting you taking action, and we’re just getting you warmed up. Most people never actually stop and think about what they’re good at, so write these down. Do it right now. All right, step two, ask five to 10 people what they think. This step is extremely important as we often can’t identify our own strengths because we tend to undervalue them and take them for granted. This is why we need to step outside of ourself and gain an objective view from a group of other people, so we can hear what they think. Let’s do this right now together, and don’t delay it. It’s a simple five minute exercise that will get you surprising results that can help you find your niche. This has unlocked the gates for a lot of people. A lot of people, when they do this, it’s like boof, they’ve got it, so make sure you do this exercise. First step is list five to 10 friends. They could be family members, friends, or just anyone that knows you well. Pause this video right now, grab a pen and paper, write down five to 10 friends. Now, open up your email account, whether that’s Gmail or whatever, and let’s send these emails right now. Don’t delay it until tomorrow. Don’t delay it until anything. We’re doing it right now. Here’s the email template. I’ve put in the resources section a document where you can just copy paste this. It’s simple. You can just copy paste it, so it’ll say email template. It should be in the resources section. Download that, copy paste this, go into Gmail, and then you just need to change the name, and that’s it. You’ll say something like this, “Hi, David. I’m attending a training program that’s helping me figure out my own unique abilities, and the person who was directing the training encouraged us to ask a close friend to provide some feedback on what you believe I’m skilled at and not skilled at. Here’s the questions, number one, what are my strengths? What can you count on me for? Please state three to four things,” real simple. “What are my weaknesses? What can you not count on me for? Please state three to four things. And what is my unique ability? What am I the best in the world at?” That’s it. That’s all the email is. You just need to copy paste this into Gmail, send it to those five to 10 people, and the only thing you need to change out is the name, so hi, Bob. Hi, David. Hi, Ben. Hi, Ashley. Hi, whatever. Go ahead and do that right now. Pause the video and do it. I’m not joking around with this email. It’s seriously powerful, and if you don’t send it right now, you’re only hurting yourself and your results. You’re only letting yourself down. Now it’s step two. Now, we want to list five industries, niches, or groups that you know. This can be anything. Forget about whether you can add value to the niche or not. Just write some things down and get into the habit of taking action. Grab a pen and paper, pause this video right now, and write down five industries, niches, or groups that you know. This could plumbers. It could be newlywed couples, young women experiencing binge eating issues. It could be anything. It doesn’t matter if it’s business related, consumer related, none of that matters. Remember I said we’re doing business to people. We are in the business of dealing with people. We don’t deal with businesses or consumers. Both of those people are people. Just write some things down. Now, ways to think of this is, throughout your life and your career, you might know some different industries because of your job, so a lot of people, they might have worked in advertising for a long time, so they know advertising. They might know aviation. They might know the snow removal industry. They might know the hospitality industry. They might know the casino industry. Based on your life experiences so far, you’re going to have learned a few things, so write down those niches. Or you might be really interested in some niches, like you might work as a lawyer, but you might be fascinated with this other niche and research it all the time, even though you work as a lawyer. You might just be interested in it. Or you might know a lot about a niche because your parents have been in a niche, and at home, you’ve just observed them. Quite a lot of the time, someone has ended up wondering what their niche is, and then all of a sudden, they realize, “Oh my God, both my parents are dentists, and I know everything about dental industry, because I hear about it every day. My dad’s one of the most successful dentists and most respected dentists in the industry, and I know everything about dentists, and I used to work at the dentist when I was a kid, so I’ve even worked there. I fully understand this thing.” I’m like, “Okay. Well, it’s probably a good idea to pick as your niche, because you already know quite a lot about it, so let’s just choose that one, and let’s start doing some research in it.” It doesn’t have to be that scientific. You just pick something. Right now, we’re not even picking something. We’re just writing down five niches. You’re just writing down some niches. Now, to the third step. The industries that you know, the market’s needs and desires, and the skills that you have or can learn, these three things. The most important element, by far, is the market’s needs and desires. This is the most important paragraph that you will ever read, and it goes like this. Let’s get to the heart of the matter. The power, the force, the overwhelming urge to own that makes advertising work comes from the market itself and not from the copy. Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears, desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people and focus those already existing desires onto a particular product. This is the copywriter’s task, not to create this mass desire, but to channel and direct it. I talked about this in one of the previous videos, that all desire comes from the market itself and not from the business owner, not from the person who creates the marketing, not from the person who’s selling it, not the salesman. All the desire comes from the market itself, and that’s why the market’s needs and desires are the most important thing out of all of these forces. Step three is researching the market’s problems, needs, and desires. Once you’ve listed your industries and skills, it’s time to start getting inside their heads and figuring out what makes them tick. To do this, you need to do some research and get outside of your own head, because you’re not them. When we’re researching another industry, we need to get out of our head, because we’re not our industry. I see this time and time again. Entrepreneurs, they sit down at their computer, and they just rack their brain again and again. They’re racking their brain. They’re going back and forth, back and forth. They’re like, “What do people want? What do these guys want?” I’m like, “You don’t know. How could possibly know? You are not them.” Let’s say we’ve got Suzy, and Suzy’s across the road, and she’s sitting at the bus stop. We’re on the other side of the road, and we’re like, “Hmm, I wonder what Suzy wants for lunch.” It’s like, “Dude, we can think about this as much as we want. We could go into some seriously intense thought. We could consult every expert in the world on psychology and thought, and we could use every model. We could research for years, and we’re not going to get it. We’re not going to get it right. We don’t know what Suzy wants for lunch, because we’re not Suzy.” This is what entrepreneurs do. They come up with a market, and then they try and guess what Suzy wants for lunch, and they don’t know. A smart entrepreneur just walks over and just goes, “Hey, Suzy. What do you want for lunch?” Then, Suzy says, she’s like, “I want Japanese.” It’s like, “Okay, cool. Now I know.” This is how you do it. It might seem like, “How could this be so simple?” Well, everything is always this simple. It’s you that makes things complicated. So when you are picking your niche, and when you are researching your niche, you need to get outside of your own head, because you’re not them. You’re not Suzy. You don’t know what she wants for lunch. You can think you’re as smart … You could be Albert Einstein. You ain’t going to guess what Suzy wants for lunch, believe me. You now know … Sorry, I read that wrong. You know you have done this exercise properly when you can accurately write a day in your prospect’s diary. This is what I mean when you really understand this niche well. When you really understand a niche well, you can write a day in their diary based on what you know about them, and if a person within that niche picked up that page, they’d be like, “Oh my God, this person knows me better than I know myself.” That is when you know your niche well, and it doesn’t come from thinking inside your own head. It comes from talking to the market, and getting outside of your own head, and seeing what people want, and seeing what people need. There’s an exercise I like to complete for researching any niche, and let’s look at that now. We’ve got the 10 Smart Market Questions worksheet and the chart of truth. Let’s start off with the 10 smart market questions. Below this video, in the resources section, you can grab the download, which is called 10 Smart Market Questions. It’s a PDF you can grab, and here’s what it looks like. It’s 10 simple questions which you can answer that get you inside the heads of this market. It’s like starting to think what they’re thinking. First question, what keeps them awake at night, indigestion boiling up in their esophagus, eyes open, staring at the ceiling? What is really bugging these people? What is keeping them up at night? You want to start researching this. What are they afraid of? What are their deepest fears? What are they angry about? Who are they angry at? What are their top three daily frustrations? What trends are occurring and will occur in their business or lives? What do they secretly ardently desire the most? Is there a built-in bias to the way they make decisions? Example, engineers are exceptionally analytical. Do they have their own language, or do they have their own jargon which they use? Who else is selling something similar to them and how? Is anyone else selling things to this niche? If I’m choosing accountants, who else is selling things to accountants? Or if I’m choosing yoga, people who are into yoga, who else is selling things to people who are into yoga? Who else has tried selling them something similar, and how has the effort failed? If someone’s been trying to sell something to people in yoga, has it failed, or has it been successful? What do the failures look like, and then what do the successes look like? We want to start to get an understanding of how people can get in touch with this niche, how people can get in touch with this market and get their attention. That’s how you complete that exercise. Then, we’ve got the chart of truth. This will make sense to you if you watched the Taking A View On The Market video, which was in week one. It won’t make any sense to you if you didn’t watch that video, so you want to go back and watch that video. Now here, we want to complete the chart of truth, the beliefs and trends. We want to get a really good idea of objective reality and subjective reality. We want to understand what are the beliefs and trends of this niche? If we’re choosing accounting, what are their beliefs and trends, and are these beliefs distorting away from truth, or are they distorting it back towards truth? Which way are things trending? You want to plot this on here, kind of like the body building example, how I had the really scrawny dude at the bottom, and then the overly bulky dude at the top, and then the happy medium in the middle, and how the market’s kind of pushing or pulling away between these things. Now, where do we get this information from? You’re probably thinking, “Oh, I’d love to complete these exercises, but where do I get this info?” Well, here’s some ideas where you can get information from. Start by reading the top 10 blogs in this niche. You can use a tool called, B-U-Z-Z-S-U-M-O, url’s on the screen. If you use that, BuzzSumo, it’ll tell you what the most popular blogs are in a niche, so you can type in, for example, accounting. It’ll tell you the top 10. Then, you can start looking at those top 10 blogs, like what do they have in common? Then, you can look at the most popular posts on those blogs, so the most popular posts on the most popular blogs. What do these things have in common? Now, we’ll go to the comments section of these blogs. What are people saying? What things are people agreeing with people on? What things do people say, “I don’t agree with that.” Are people taking sides? If people are taking sides, how are those sides positioned? What arguments are being started, if any? What are the top 10 books in this niche? What do they say? What you want to do is you can go to, and you can go to the books section, and you can search for your industry, and you can see what the top 10 books are in the niche. Then, you can see what they have in common. Are these top 10 books, are they kind of on similar topics? Or look at the table of contents, like are the different chapters and topics inside these books, do they similarities with the other books? Then, who are the top 10 influencers in this niche? Who are the gurus or the thought leaders, or the people who other people look up in this niche as leaders? Who are they? What are they saying? Look at their Facebook or their Twitter. What things are they saying? What things are getting the most likes? What things are getting the least likes? What things are getting the most comments? We can start to get an idea of what things people say which strike nerves, and what things people say that don’t really strike any nerves. Then, what are the top 10 most popular books in this niche? Oh, we’ve already talked about that. We’ve already talked about the top 10 most popular books. We’ve already looked at all of these things, and now what you want to do is start thinking like, “What sort of trends are happening here?” Because I’ll give you a massive piece of insight right now, which will totally change the way you look at everything from now on. When things get popular, when a book reaches the top 10 bestsellers list, or when a blog gets in the top 10 blogs, or when a tweet gets a lot of tweets, or when an argument starts to form in comments, it always means that the topic has struck a nerve. Good authors and experts, and people who write blogs, good authors, good news presenters, people who really know how to create good content, they know that it needs to strike a nerve in the market. If it doesn’t strike a nerve, then they know that no one’s going to read the content, and it’s just going to go unnoticed. People know that they need to strike nerve. What you’ll notice is things that are popular in any niche, whether that’s a blog, a book, an influencer, whatever, you’ll notice that they strike nerves with their topics in their books, with the posts, with the angles of their posts, with everything. When something strikes a nerve, it means that it’s related to their fear, or their problem, or their desire. Remember what creates desire in a marketplace. Someone has a current situation and a desired situation, and they’re just wanting to bridge that gap. They’re wanting to evolve into their desired situation and into their desired self. If someone’s going to create good content that strikes a nerve, it’s going to be about that transformation. Popular information on the internet, like this, can give us really good clues and insights into what the fears, problems, and desires of the marketplace are. But sometimes it’s not that easy. Some niches don’t have much information available on them when you search online using BuzzSumo, et cetera. If you pick some different niches, they don’t have a bunch of content online, like there isn’t a lot of blogs. There isn’t a lot of gurus. I’m totally aware of that, so don’t worry if the niche you pick doesn’t have a whole bunch of information available online. It’s okay. What you want to do is you want to consider emailing 50 to 100 people in the niche personally and asking them some questions to thoroughly understand their situation and what problems they face, as well as what desires they have. You can even meet them in person for coffee or lunch, or ask them what problems and desires they have. Sometimes, there’s no better way than to get offline and out of your head, and go talk to somebody in person, because sometimes, you … Well, actually, all the time, you can’t find the answer in your own head, and sometimes you even go onto the internet, and you can’t find the right answer. Seriously, you need to go and talk to people. You need to ask the market what they want. When I tell you about how most of my businesses failed, my first business, it failed because it was online job board, and I came up with the idea. My second business failed, is because it was an office lunch delivery business, and I came up with the idea. I was thinking, “What do people want?” And I was like, “Ah-ha, I know what people want.” Then, I was like, “I got it wrong. Actually, I didn’t know know what people wanted.” So I sobered myself up with that. It was a sobering experience. I thought I knew everything, and I found out that I knew nothing. Then, I decided, “Well, I’m not going to take that gamble again. Why don’t I go out and I talk to people and find out what they want?” Then, I went out, and I started talking to property managers. I just chose that as a niche, started speaking to them, and I was like, “Hey, I’m just trying to do some research. Tell me what’s the most painful problems that you have on a day-to-day basis?” They would tell me. They would just tell me their problems. It didn’t take long before I realized that most property managers hated property inspections, and that they were doing them manually by pen and paper. Then, I thought, “Well, I could make an app.” Then, I did, and that was my first successful business. Then, I went out, and I wanted to start a business with consulting, and instead of coming up with a service, I thought, “Well, why don’t I go and ask people what they want?” So I started talking to different business owners, and they told me that they wanted more customers, and they told me that they didn’t understand digital marketing. They told me that it used to be as simple as taking a Yellow Pages ad up, or buying a space on the local radio station, and that’s what they’d always done, and the customers just showed up. Then, they were telling me how that doesn’t work anymore, and they don’t understand digital marketing, and they want more customers. So I thought, “Okay, well I’ll become a digital marketing consultant, helping these people get more customers.” Every time I’ve tried to think what the market wants, I’ve failed, and I’ve lost money. Every time I think that I know something, I find out that I don’t know. Every time I go and talk to someone else, and actually figure out what they want, I get it right. I know it sounds pretty simple, but it really is. It is like that. It’s just like trying to guess what Suzy wants for lunch. You don’t know. There’s no amount of thought that you could possibly do that could ever figure out what Suzy wants for lunch. The best way is just to go and ask her. Now, I’ll tell you about my plumbing story. This will help you understand a lot about having a good niche. The plumbing story, how it happened is I basically had a broken tap or something at my apartment, I forget what it was, and it was basically … I remember what it was. It was actually the water feeder thing for the dishwasher, like the pipe had split open, and it was leaking, and we had to shut off the water. We needed a plumber. I hired a plumber online. I found one, called him up, said, “Can you come out here and fix my tap?” He came out and he was fixing it, and while he was fixing it, I was just really curious. I’m always curious. I always ask lots of questions, because I really want to understand people, and I really want to get inside people’s heads and understand how things are for people. He was fixing my tap, and I started talking to him. I was like, “How do you guys get customers? How do you go about growing your business and everything?” He was telling me, he was saying that, “Oh, we use different things. We’ll use AdWords. We’ve tried AdWords. We’ve tried Facebook. These things didn’t work.” He said, “Most of it’s just through referral.” Then, he started talking to me about how … He was like, “Most of these guys, they just get us random jobs.” They were like, we’ve tried different marketing companies, but they just get us these random jobs. Like they’ll get us a leaky tap, which is out in this area, or … It’s all these leaky tap jobs, or these jobs which are really, they don’t pay much money, and they’re not really what they want. The previous companies he had worked with just got him random jobs, and he didn’t want that. I was like, “Okay. Well, what jobs do you want? What is it that you guys actually want?” He started telling me, he was like, “Oh, hot water cylinder repairs.” He was like, “That is the holy grail of plumbing.” He was like, “Those things are everything.” He said that, for a hot water cylinder repair job, he said, they’re real easy to do, and he said they make a lot of money on them. He said that what he would prefer to do is just hot water cylinder repair jobs and nothing else. I started thinking, and I was like, “I wonder why hot water cylinder repairs.” Then, I asked him, and he said, “Well, it’s real simple. When someone has a hot water cylinder that blows at their house, they don’t have any hot water left. Now, their whole house has got cold water running.” He was like, “Imagine if you’ve got a family, and the whole family needs to have a shower, and the whole family needs to continue with their life, like they need to go to work. They need to wake up in the morning. They need to go to school, and all of these different things, and then imagine there’s no hot water. This is a serious situation.” He said that they’re the best jobs, because when someone calls up and they need their hot water cylinder repair fixed, they’re not going to price shop. They’re not going to go and call every other plumber and compare all the prices and choose the cheapest one. He said, “They need that thing fixed now, and they don’t really care how much it costs, because they can’t wait multiple days or anything.” He said that they make decisions quickly. He said that they pay a lot of money to have it fixed urgently, and he said that they’re actually quite simple jobs for plumbers to do. I was like, “Wow, this is amazing.” So plumbers really want hot water cylinder repair jobs. I knew some things about digital marketing and stuff, so I just told him, I was like, “Hey, I know some things about digital marketing. I’ve got a digital marketing consulting business.” I was like, “Can I try, help you get some clients, some hot water cylinder repair clients using what I know?” He was like, “Yeah, sure,” and then paid me for it. Then, I went to work figuring out how to get hot water cylinder repair clients for this particular plumber. I figured out how to get hot water cylinder repair clients for this plumber, and then he ended up getting clients. He loved it. Then, I ended up going out to the other plumbers in the industry, and I said, “Hey, look. I know how to get hot water cylinder repair clients.” They just looked at me, like their eyes just lit up, and they’re like, “Really?” I was like, “Yep,” and I signed them up. Then, I ended up signing up a whole bunch of plumbers back in Auckland, and we even ended up signing up some that weren’t in Auckland, in New Zealand, because we understood what made plumbers tick. I understood, because I took the time to talk to one of them. I understood more about plumbers than anyone else who was doing digital marketing in New Zealand, because most other people who were doing digital marketing in New Zealand, they just helped plumbers get jobs. They never took the time to understand what plumbers wanted, and so they just got them jobs. They thought that’s what they want. They’re like, “Oh, they just want more clients, more business, more jobs.” Then, they would get them more jobs, but that’s not what plumbers wanted, at all. They didn’t want more leaky tap jobs. They wanted more hot water cylinder repair jobs, and no one else took the time to figure that out, but because I figured that out, I won. I could take anyone’s client off them. It didn’t matter if someone had a contract. People would cancel their contracts to come work with me. It didn’t matter whether some other company was voted Google this or that, or had a fancy office. It didn’t matter what any other company did. There was nothing that could beat me, because I understood the most powerful force that there is, and that’s the marketplace’s needs and desires. It doesn’t matter if some dude has a Harvard MBA and has a helicopter that he goes to meetings in, right? I’m using an extreme example here. Let’s imagine there’s a dude who has a Harvard MBA, and he goes to visit clients in his helicopter, right? He’s this fancy dude. He could have all of this fancy stuff, but if he doesn’t understand that plumbers want hot water cylinder repair clients, I’m always going to win, and I don’t need to have a Harvard MBA, and I don’t need to have a helicopter. I just understand the client better than he does. This is how we’ve gotten things wrong a lot of the time, is we think it’s about us. We think we need to be fancier, we need to do different things, but it’s never about you. No one cares about you. All the client cares about is themself, and when you’re in business, all you want to care about is your client and their problem, and solving their problem, and getting them their desired situation. Really, when you pick your niche, you’re looking for the perfect storm of variables, so these three things, a niche market, which is a specific group of people, a painful problem or a powerful desire, and a skillset which you have or can learn. You can see here, I’ve underlined or can learn, because you don’t have to have the skills right now. If you find a niche market, like let’s say you pick plumbers. Then you find their powerful problem or desire is that they want more hot water cylinder repair clients. You don’t have to know how to get them more hot water cylinder repair clients, because you can figure that out. Don’t get scared just because you don’t know how to do something right now. You can always figure out how to do it. It’s quite easy, and I’m going to show you how. The most important two things really are the niche market and the powerful problem or powerful desire. If you have those two, you can always figure out the other one, which is how to solve the problem for them. You can either posses those skills right now, or you can go out and learn them. It doesn’t matter. Skillset you have or can easily learn, so you want to take inventory of your current skillset first, to see if you can use them to solve people’s problems. But don’t stress out if you don’t currently have the skillset, because when you focus on solving one problem, it’s amazing how easy it is to solve it and acquire the skills necessarily to do so. You want to find a niche, find a painful problem or powerful desire, and then believe in your ability to figure it out and acquire the skills necessarily to do it. The key to this is to believe in your ability to figure it out. That is really the key to everything in life. When you find opportunity, or when opportunity knocks on the door, you’re not going to be ready for it. You never are. That’s always how opportunity comes. Most people are hit in the face with opportunity every single day, and they just, because they think that everything should be perfect, and they should already be ready for it, that it just passes them by. But when you find out a perfect niche, and when you find out a problem, quite often, you’re not going to know how to solve the problem. The most important thing is that you believe in your ability to figure it out. You want to take a screenshot of this, and you want to print this out and put it on your wall, because you have to start believing in your ability to figure things out. If business was a game of people already knowing how to do things, then no one would be able to start a business, because no one knows how to do things from … I think a lot of people think that in order to start a business, you need to know how to start a business, but the only way you learn how to start a business is by starting a business. It doesn’t really make sense, does it? People think that people already know how to do things, but quite often, how people learn how to do things is by doing them. All that the people who are successful have, that the people who are unsuccessful don’t, is they believe in their ability to figure things out. They see something they want, they start the journey towards it, and then they figure things out along the way. They don’t paralyze themself with fear, and they don’t just stand at the starting line thinking of every possible situation ahead. Now, let’s do some work. We’ve got some different worksheets now. We’ve got some things which we’re going to print out. We’ve got some things which we’re going to start completing. We’re going to get into action mode now. We’ve got these worksheets, the Niche Definition worksheet, the 10 Smart Market Questions, the Client Avatar worksheet, and something which I called A List Building Exercise. Let’s jump into this right now. The first thing we’ll do is the Niche Definition worksheet. It’s available for download below this video in the resources section. It’s a PDF, so you can grab it, download it, print it off, and this is what it looks like, Niche Definition Worksheet. Step one is to list five industries which you know or are passionate about. List them down here. You should’ve done this before during the video, so just list them out, one to five. Don’t think too much about it. Step two, list five skillsets which you currently have. You might have taken an inventory of yourself and come up with some skills you have, or your friends and family, because we sent out that email, remember, what did people say back to that email? What did they identify your skills as? Then, what you did you identify your skills as? Write them down here, five things. Then, list the problems, fears, and desires of the industries which you selected. The industries which you found, and when you did your research and talked to people, what are their problems? What are their fears? What are their desires? Write them down. Now, the most important factor is the problems and desires, remember? Out of all of the problems and desires you identified in step three, which one do you believe is most powerful? From here, which one do you think is most powerful? If you had to give it a rating out of 10, which one has the highest rating? Which one was the biggest urgency? Which niche has the biggest hunger and appetite for their desired situation? Pick that one. Step five, now take the problem or desire from step four and define how this looks on the transformation chart. What’s their current situation, and then what’s their desired situation? We need to get some separation here. We need to define these things. Where are they right now? Let’s clearly describe that. Then, where do they want to go? We could say, if we were using binge eating, we could say young women who have binge eating issues which they can’t seem to break. Then, desired situation is to be free from binge eating habits. Or it could be accountants who want to escape the time trade for money. Current situation would be accountants who are currently charging per hour, and desired situation is accountants who have escaped time for money and are now charging on value. Or it could be accountants who want to quit their job and start their own practice. You could say they’re currently accountants what work at accounting firms. The desired situation is that they work on their own from home, virtually, and they have enough clients so that their income exceeds what they made at their firm. Current situation, desired situation. Step six, do you currently have the skills and knowledge to solve this problem and help this person make this transformation? We know the niche, and then we know their problem, and now, we know their desired situation. Do you currently have the skills necessarily to do this? I’ll use an example. I picked the plumbing niche, and then I did some research, and I found out that they wanted more hot water cylinder repair clients. At that stage, I didn’t possess the skill to help them get more hot water cylinder repair clients. I didn’t know how to do that. If you do, if you do currently possess the skill, awesome. Now, you have your niche selected. If you don’t, if you select no, don’t stress. Most problems, when clearly defined and isolated on their own, are very easy to solve and the knowledge needed to do so can be easily acquired. If you selected no, please continue to the next step. If you selected yes, you are done with this exercise. Step seven, let’s start working on solving this problem and acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary. Let’s start by writing the problem down in one or two sentences. Most people get overwhelmed. They’re like, “Oh, I can’t solve this.” They don’t even write it down. It’s way simpler than you think. Trust me. You have to just write it down. What is the problem? I could write down plumbers want to get more hot water cylinder repair clients, and they’ve tried things like AdWords and different marketing companies, and they just get them a whole bunch of additional jobs, but they don’t get them hot water cylinder repair clients. Or we could write down the problem, most young women who have binge eating issues have tried to quit it on their, and they can do so for a certain amount of time, but then they relapse. You could just write it down. What’s the problem? Now, you can think, “Has anybody solved this problem, anybody on the face of this earth?” Because truthfully, pretty much everyone has solved a problem. They don’t have to be from the same industry. They don’t have to be someone you know, but most of the time, someone has solved a problem. For Brittany in her binge eating niche, has anyone on the face of the earth quit their binge eating habit? Of course there has been, so she can start looking at those different sources. Has any plumber in the world figured out how to get hot cylinder repair clients? Of course there is, so we start looking for them. Has any accountant who works at a firm been able to quit his job and start his own practice? Of course. Has any accountant in the world been able to go from charging per hour to charging on value? Of course. These people exist. You just need to look. You write down the problem. Has this problem been solved by someone else? Then, how have they solved this problem? What are they doing? Start looking at what they are doing. If some girl has figured out how to stop binge eating, what has she done? Read her book. Read her blog and her resources. How does she do it? If someone was able to quit his job at an accounting firm and start his own practice, how? We want to figure out how. Do they have a book on it? Do they talk about it on the internet? Are we able to ask them? Are we able to talk to them? Are we able to interview them or send them an email? We need to figure this stuff out. Now, can you copy this to solve the problem for your clients? Are you able to do what they do in order to solve this problem for your clients, yes or no? Now, you want to make a list of the things you need to learn in order to copy the winning solution from people who have already figured this out. You want to write down the different things you need to learn, list them out. Like if we’re going to teach an accountant how to quit his job and start his own accounting practice, we’re probably going to need to teach him how to sell. We’re going to need to teach him all sorts of things, and that means we’re probably going to need to learn how to sell to accountants. We’re going to need to learn all these different things. You want to write them down. We might need to learn Facebook ads. We might need to learn landing pages, or funnels, or whatever. Then, what steps are you going to take over the next seven to 14 days to learn this? Now that we’ve defined what we need to learn, now let’s make a commitment to learn it, because I’m not joking. This stuff is really as simple as I’m making it out to be here. A lot of people find a niche, and then they find a desire in the niche, and then they’re like, “Oh, but I don’t have the skills to help them.” They’re like, “Oh, I can’t do this one. I give up.” That’s pathetic. Pretty much every opportunity you find, you’re not going to have the perfect capabilities and skillsets right now. It doesn’t happen like that. When opportunity comes knocking, it’s hard work that opens the door. Don’t think that when opportunity comes knocking, it’s just going to open the door itself and let itself in, and just give you a whole bunch of money. It’s work, and it’s figuring out how to take advantage of that opportunity. When you find an awesome opportunity by selecting a niche and finding out what their current situation is and their desired situation, you want to write it down, and then you want to figure out, do you have the skills to solve this or not? If you don’t, then write the problem down. Has somebody else in the world solved this? I’m sure somebody has. You just have to look. Then, how have they solved this? How are they doing it? Write it down. Can you copy this, yes or no? Then, make a list of the things you need to learn in order to copy the winning solution, what’s involved, and then just make a commitment to learn it, because you would be surprised. When you define something specific, you’d be amazed at how quickly you can learn it. Like when I defined the problem as helping plumbers get hot water cylinder repair clients with digital marketing, man, it was pretty easy to figure that out, because it was so specific. It wasn’t like I was helping plumbers with everything. I was just helping them with one very micro specific thing. I was able to look at what other plumbers were doing. I was able to specifically focus my ads and everything on hot water cylinder repair clients, hot water cylinder repairs. It was laser focused, and I could pick up the skill real quick. Remember what I said, the most important thing is, in entrepreneurship, and something which you really want to write down, is the key to this is to believe in your ability to figure it out. You want to write that one down. You don’t want to forget that, because that is the key. Now, we’ve got the 10 smart market questions. I showed you this worksheet before, so I won’t go through it in full detail, because we’ve already walked through it. Once you’ve found your niche, and you’ve picked it, you want to define these things. You want to really understand your niche. You want to get inside their head, and you want to understand what makes them tick. When you understand your niche properly, you should be able to write a day in their diary, and it should be spooky. If your niche found that random page on their desk, they should think, “Wow, this person understands me better than I understand myself.” Then, we’ve got the Client Avatar worksheet. This is a worksheet that I like to complete, available for downland. This puts a name and a face to your ideal customer. I call this Aaron Avatar, and what we do is we give an avatar to our customer and our niche, so that we can clearly understand who they are. We write down where do they live, how old are they, what is their level of education. We give them a name. You can make the name up. I can be anything, but you kind of what to describe who this person is. Accountants, they have their quirks, and accountants have their things which accountants have. Then, girls who have binge eating issues, I’m sure they have their things which are noticeable, as well. Plumbers, they have their things. I find that most people, they think that every single person is totally unique. They go and talk to someone, and they’re like, “Whoa, this person’s so much more different than this person.” When you pick a niche, if you zoom out, and you look from a distance, pretty much everyone has a lot in common. You want to kind of encapsulate that similarity which everyone has here. You want to tell us about your avatar. What do they do? How do they spend their week? What do they do outside of work? Where do they get their news? How much money do they make? How do they feel about their job? What are their concerns about life? What aspects of their life or personality affect how you market your product to them? Really take some time to define who your market is. Give them an avatar. Complete this worksheet here. Now, whenever you’re doing your business, whenever you’re working on your business, or writing an ad, or doing anything like this, you can pull this sheet back up. You can be like, “Oh, okay. This is my avatar.” When you’re creating your ads, or when you’re doing anything, you’ve got a picture of who you’re talking to and who your ideal customer is. Because if you don’t create an avatar, and if you don’t understand who your customer is, then you will never be able to speak to them properly. This is a crucial exercise which you definitely want to take the time to complete. We’ve got these three worksheets, Niche Definition, 10 Smart Market, and the Client Avatar, and then we have this final exercise, which I call a List Building Exercise. This one’s important. If your ideal client is a business, can you start searching through Google right now and building a list of potential customers? If you’ve chosen plumbers, can you just go to Google and start searching for plumbers, and find a whole bunch of different plumbers? If you can, awesome. Now, you want to think, “Do these plumbers match my avatar?” You want to start making a list of these people. Or are there any ideal clients in your current network of friends? Now that we’ve got our avatar defined, is there anyone in our friends list, on Facebook or on anywhere, that fits this description? If there is, you want to make a list. You want to start making a list of people who are in your market. If you can’t start building a list of your ideal clients right now, don’t stress. Individuals are a bit harder to locate at this stage for list building, but we have many methods for building lists of them, which we will get to later in this training program. For now, this is just an exercise to put things in motion, build confidence, and get you thinking. You want to start making a list of these people, because it starts to get your brain ticking. Once we start looking at real people, real businesses out there in the world that match our avatar description, we’re starting to connect the dots in our brain, and we’re putting things in motion. It’s a really, really, really important exercise to do. I’m not saying you have to reach out to these people. I’m just saying you have to make a list. Start looking. If you’ve got a consumer market, start looking just on Facebook for people who kind of fit your description, or start looking on Instagram for people who fit your description. Or if you’re in the business side of things, then you want to start looking for businesses on Google. Now, I know that I usually say that B2B and B2C, it’s the exact same thing. It is 100% accurate. However, often people, they don’t go and create a website or rank in Google for different things, because people are a bit more private than businesses. The way we market to them is still the same, but for this list building exercise, we have to do things a little bit differently. This is a really crucial exercise. I don’t want you to skip this one. I want you to make your list of 10 people or 10 businesses who fit your ideal client avatar worksheet. Then, I want you to list them. Write them down, one to 10. Let’s make a list, because creating this list is putting things in motion. I know it doesn’t seem like much of an action to take right now, but believe me, this one action, putting things in motion right now at the beginning of this program is going to compound. Remember how I told you about cause and effect, and how it compounds over time? Just doing something as small as this right now is going to start compounding over the next few weeks, and it’s really going to impact the results that you’re able to get with this program, so don’t skip this one out. That pretty much concludes this exercise on how to pick your niche, so you need to have completed your Niche Definition worksheet. You must do that. You need to have completed your 10 Smart Market Questions. You need to have completed your Client Avatar worksheet, and you need to have built a list of at least 10 people or businesses that match your ideal client avatar. Now, don’t cheat yourself on this stuff. By not completing these exercises, by not taking the action, you’re only cheating yourself. Just like I told you in the beginning of this program, it doesn’t matter if you listen to me and go through this whole course. You could listen to this course a hundred times, you could understand it off by heart, but if you don’t take any action, you’re not going to get anything. I could sign a letter that personally guarantees that. If you don’t do any action, you ain’t going to get anything. You’re not going to have a business. You’re not going to have money. You’re not going to have clients. So don’t fool yourself. Don’t cheat yourself. Take the action. Do the work. Make sure you complete all of these exercises and be decisive when you pick your niche. Remember, you’re not marrying it. It’s not the end of the world if you pick the wrong one. The person who picks the wrong one is still going to end up finding the right one faster than the person who doesn’t pick anything, just remember that. That wraps up this training video. Thanks for watching. Make sure you complete these exercises, and I’ll see you in the next video right now.
– Crafting your mvo
In this video, I’m going to explain the traditional, classical way of thinking and how most consultants put together their offers. Then I’m going to talk about this new way of thinking and this new way of crafting an offer. The traditional way of thinking is to provide as much information and as much hours and time as possible. The new way of thinking is to provide as little of you and as little of your time as possible.
Here’s what we cover:
* What people in the marketplace truly care about
* What is a MVO and why it is a crucial part of your business
* Saying goodbye to the classic, old, traditional ways of consulting
* Three cardinal rules of a Minimum Viable Offer
* Pricing your coaching/consulting offer
* The scientific method of consulting
The MVO worksheet
Niche-offer-result hypothesis
Hey everybody, Sam Ovens here and welcome to this training module in the Consulting Accelerator Program called Crafting Your MVO. MVO stands for Minimum Viable Offer. This is something which I introduced to the consulting industry which is shaking things up, and it’s a different way of thinking about our offer and our services. In this video, I’m going to explain the traditional, classical way of thinking and how most consultants put together their offers, and how most consultants provide value. Then I’m going to talk about this new way of thinking and this new way of crafting an offer, which involves as little of you as possible. It’s a totally different way of thinking. The normal way of thinking is to provide as much information and as much hours and time as possible. My way of thinking is to provide as little of you and as little of your time as possible, so totally different way of thinking. Let’s jump right in and get started with this training. At this point in week one, you should have done all of these things. You should’ve watched all of the training videos in week one, which is videos 1 to 5. You should’ve watched them from the start to the end. You should’ve watched them in full, and you should’ve done all of the worksheets. This video here, it’s not going to make any sense to you and you’re not going to be able to complete this video and it’s totally a waste of time watching this video or going any further past this point unless you’ve done videos 1 to 5 and done all of those worksheets. If that’s you, just quit out of this right now. Go back and do the work. Remember, you don’t want to be here just to listen to my voice. You’re here to get results. You’re here to get clients. You’re here to make money. You’re here to make a change, improve things. You’re not going to do that by just listening to my voice or skipping through some videos. Don’t fool yourself. Go back and do that now. You should’ve watched all the videos in week one, videos 1 through to 5 in full. You should understand what a consultant is, the true definition of a consultant, and you should understand what types of services they offer and what forces drive them. You should really start to understand conceptually how a consulting business works, all these different concepts, all of these forces which all tie together to put together a successful consulting business. Most people think that business is just by chance or some sort of luck. Most people think that really successful businesses are too complicated or that they just happen by sheer luck or something. Well, if you’ve watched videos 1 to 5 in full, you’ll know that there’s nothing to do with luck here. It’s just cause and effect. We’ve refined consulting down to an exact, precise science. You just have to do the work and you just have to follow the process. You should understand the difference service models and all of that, and you should’ve selected your niche and completed all three of the market research worksheets. You should’ve picked your niche. You should’ve completed those worksheets, and don’t be one of those people that really fence sits on the picking the niche thing, because I can tell you that everyone, every single person I know, pretty much, has ended up changing niches a couple of times. Don’t worry about it. The people who I’ve seen who sit at the starting lines, trying to pick the perfect niche and overthinking it, they never pick a niche. I look back three years later, four later, they still haven’t found that perfect niche. However, I find the people that pick a niche, they find out whether it’s wrong or write, and then they adjust and pick a new niche. Even if they’ve cycled two or three niches, well, they’ve ended up on the right one and they’re already making money before the other person has even made a choice to start. Don’t fool yourself. Just pick a niche. You don’t need to put that much thought into it, because this is an iterative process where we test things and sometimes we have to change things around. There’s no such thing as a wrong decision when you pick a niche, and you should’ve completed all of those market research worksheets. Now, like I said, this video is not going to make any sense to you unless you do that, so please go back to that right now. If you’ve done all of that, awesome. Let’s go. Let’s start with the big mistake most people make when it comes to crafting a consulting offer or when it comes to coming up with what services you offer. Most consultants and most service providers and coaches and all of those people, when they come up with what it is that they’re going to sell, they do something like this, they think of their offer as a bag, like a brown paper bag, and they think of value as just more stuff in the bag. Imagine your offer is a bag, and then if someone is like, “Well, how can I provide a lot of value to my client, how can I charge more, how can I get people better results,” like, “What is the fundamental driving force of value,” and most people think it’s just more stuff in a bag. This is a totally flawed way of thinking. I mean, sure, this sort of thinking was correct when people were buying a whole bunch of sand or gravel or something back in the Industrial Revolution sort of times, but when it comes to consulting, this is totally the wrong way of thinking. Here’s the big thing which you have to learn. People don’t care about you. Seriously, nobody cares about you, especially in business. Don’t take this the wrong way. This isn’t supposed to be some personal attack or anything like that. This is a business lesson. In business, people don’t care about you, plain and simple. People don’t care about your qualifications. If you’ve got an MBA, or MB-whatever, any letters behind your name, people don’t care. If you have a fancy suit, people don’t care. Go to a fancy office, nobody cares. If you’ve got a really awesome social media profile, cool photos of you eating sushi, cool photos with some dog, no one cares. If you’ve got a fancy book, no one cares. The New York Times Bestseller, no one cares. Your partnership with Oprah, even, no one cares. No one cares about any of this stuff. That might surprise a lot of you. You might be like, “What? Surely if we had an MBA and surely if we had a nice suit and a nice office and if we had a really awesome social media with lots of followers, and if we had a book, a bestselling book, and if we were on Oprah and we can put that all on our website and have a fancy website, surely that would mean that we would make a lot of money, right?” Wrong. This is the current school of thought. This is the current worldview that everyone has. They think that the more social stigma they collect, the more money they’re going to make. That is the wrong way to think. People don’t hire you because you’re famous. People don’t hire you because you’ve got a lot of followers. People don’t hire you for any of this stuff. It’s a totally flawed way of thinking, and not only that, it’s selfish thinking. In business, all someone cares about is their transformation and their results, plain and simple. If you don’t believe me, let’s take a trip to the dentist to really cement this idea and cement this concept for you so you thoroughly understand what I’m talking about. Imagine that you’re going to the dentist and you’ve got a sore tooth, you’ve got this tooth and you’re in excruciating pain, your whole mouth swollen up. You can’t do anything else. 100% of your conscious attention is on this tooth because you’re in agony. Now, let’s say, you arrive at the dentist’s and then you go into the waiting room and you see him and he says to you, “Okay, well, look, it’s going to take me about 10 minutes to remove this tooth and fix everything up, and the price is going to be $1,000.” Then you’re like, “Wait, what? $1,000 for 10 minutes? That doesn’t sound fair. If it only takes you 10 minutes, then it shouldn’t be $1,000.” Then the dentist replies and he’s like, “Well, if you want, I can take a couple of hours.” Just think about that for a second. You’re in excruciating pain. You come in there. This dentist says he can remove the tooth 10 minutes, 1,000 bucks, and then you’re like, “What? That doesn’t find fair.” He’s like, “Okay, well, I can take two hours if you want.” Are you going to get him to take two hours instead? Of course not, you want that tooth out as fast as possible. Truthfully, someone would pay more money to have it done in less time. If some dentist offered a two-hour procedure that cost $1,000 and another dentist offered a one minute procedure that cost $3,000, pretty much, everyone is going to be taking that $3,000 one minute procedure because they don’t want to be in the dentist for that amount of time. People have gone and gotten everything confused. People think it’s all about how much work you do and what sort of degrees and everything you have. People think it’s about you, but it’s not. It’s about the market. It’s about the niche and their problem and solving their problem and getting to their desired situation. What we can learn from the software world and their Minimum Viable Product, MVP. In the software world, we know, where people build applications and things like that, there’s this concept called an MVP. It stands for Minimum Viable Product. Basically, what happened in the software world is a lot of these software applications keep getting built and people started just adding tons of features into these things. They were making them more complicated, more complicated, more complicated, more complicated, and the industry turned into a place where people would just add as many features as possible. That was how they thought that they made their product better than someone else’s. At the end of that like the shopping bag mentality, most software companies thought of their application as a shopping bag, and they figured the more stuff they put in the bag, the better. They would build tons and tons and tons of different features, and they’d end up with these massive complicated rocket spaceship sort of software applications. Then what happened is people were like, “Man, this software is just so confusing. It’s got so many buttons on it. It’s so complicated. All I need to do is just send an email.” Then what started happening is a few people, a few disruptive people came up with the idea called the Minimum Viable Product. That was the minimum amount of features so that you could actually just satisfy the customer, just satisfy, just cover his needs. What happened is if someone needed an application just to send emails, well, they would build a Minimum Viable Product which just mean it could only send emails. They didn’t add any of these other features in there. They just left it bare bones. What started happening is these companies started disrupting the companies that made very complicated software products? Then in the end, a lot of the market were like, “Well, I’d rather a simple program or a simple software application than a big complicated one.” The market started turning toward Minimum Viable Products instead of going with these big, fancy, complicated software programs. The same is true in consulting and in coaching and in offering services, because we have to remember why people hire consultants, and it’s this here. People hire a consultant because they’ve got their current situation, where they are right now in life, exactly where they are right now, and then they’ve got their desired situation, which is because every human has a desired situation. It’s just human nature, so that’s where we want to be in the future. That’s how we want to see ourself. That’s where we want to be. That’s our dream. A consultant is an expert at solving a particular problem and helping somebody make a particular transformation in their life or their business. Simply put, a consultant is someone who helps someone go from their current situation to their desired situation. That’s a consultant. I’m introducing the idea of the Minimum Viable Offer, otherwise known as an MVO. We’re going to refer to it throughout this program as an MVO or a Minimum Viable Offer. Just like in software, they have the Minimum Viable Product, which has the least amount of features possible in order to solve the problem and satisfy the customer’s needs. Well, in this new age of consulting which I’ve created, we’re going to be using Minimum Viable Offers, which means we’re going to be providing the least amount of us, and the least amount of services, the least amount of time humanly possible just to satisfy the customer and solve their problem. Simply put, on this diagram here is the minimum amount of things you can do to bridge this gap for your target niche. You’ve got your target niche. You know their current situation. You know their desired situation. Well, an MVO is the minimum amount of things you can do to bridge this gap for your target niche. Let’s say bye-bye to all of these things, which the classic, old, traditional way of doing consulting and coaching and all of those things. It’s going out the door. This stuff is going in the trash. We’re saying bye-bye to proposals. No more. This program is going to teach you how to never do proposals again. They’re a waste of time. No one even really reads them, and most people that ask you to do a proposal are just too afraid to tell you that they’re not interested anyway, so bye-bye. Deliverables, no, we’re no longer doing deliverables. We’re not going to say, “Well, here’s a list of these deliverables,” because no one wants deliverables. Reports, we’re not going to do any reports. We’re not going to do billable hours. A lot of consulting and coaching companies, they charge you per hour. They might have $100 per hour fee. No, this way of consulting is totally different. We’re going to escape all of these shackles and chains, and bespoke quotes and projects, quoting up different jobs, doing totally custom thing here, totally custom thing there. Nope, that’s not a way to run a business. We’re going to say bye-bye to all of these things, because if you can get somebody results, they don’t care about anything else, and that’s the truth. If you can get someone from their current situation to their desired situation, they don’t even care how you did it. For me to really drive this point home, the humans pretty much … If you want to know what the ultimate offer is, it’s pretty much a solution in pill form, because humans are lazy and they don’t want to do much work. If you can put something in a pill form, then humans are going to buy that stuff. If you could help someone get to their desired situation with a pill, I mean, you’d be one of the richest people in the world. If you could help a company get more customers by just swallowing a pill, they would take the pill any day. Do you think the customers wants to go work with a consultant and spend multiple hours doing all of this stuff? No, they don’t want to talk to anyone on the phone. They don’t want reports. They don’t want deliverables and proposals. They don’t want any of that stuff. We’ve gotten confused. All they wanted is their desired situation. The least amount of things and friction possible to get them there is what they want. A lot of people think that it’s their work and their qualifications and their Facebook page and their show with Oprah and their YouTube channel and, oh my God, it goes on. People are focusing on the wrong things. A lot of people thing you need a really pretty website and you need to do YouTube videos, you need to be on Instagram, you need to do all of this stuff. Well, go look at my website. Go look at my Instagram. Go look at my Facebook. Go look at all of those things, and they’re really bad. I haven’t done a blog post in more than two years. I haven’t done a YouTube video in more than two years. I’m not saying you have to not do anything, but I’m telling you that I have achieved everything I’ve done without any of that stuff. I don’t have a book. I’ve never spoken on a stage. I’m the last person Oprah would know. I am far from famous. Pretty much, no one knows who I am. I’m totally undercover. I’m shocking at social media. I’m an introvert. I don’t do blogs or any of that fancy stuff. Then how come I’m able to make more than $18 million a year? Well, this year, around $50 million without any of that stuff. It’s got to get you to question that stuff, because, truthfully, if you could get somebody results, they don’t care about anything else. While other people have been obsessing over their social media and their websites and all of those things, I’ve been obsessing over my customers. I’ve been making sure that they get results. That’s why if you look in our Facebook page it’s just back-to-back-to-back people getting results, because that’s all that people care about. I don’t care if someone is like, “Dude your website has got a spelling mistake.” I don’t care if someone is like, “Sam, you should be using Instagram because it’s the best place for business.” I don’t even have a Snapchat. If someone tells me to get a Snapchat and they think I’m an idiot for not having it, I think they’re an idiot for thinking Snapchat is more important than their customers’ results. Truthfully, I know that if I can just focus on getting my customers the best results possible, everything else will look after itself. People will talk about my programs. They’ll say, “Sam’s stuff is really good. Sam’s stuff works.” The rumor mill will start up. I know that that’s more powerful than marketing and all of those things. People didn’t buy the iPhone because Steve Jobs was on Oprah or because Steve Jobs had an awesome Instagram with him eating different types of yogurt. That’s not why people bought the iPhone because it was the best damn phone there was. It was a really good value, and so that tell you you’ve got to start thinking about things. No one cares about you, your Instagram, any of those things. People only care about themselves and their transformation and their results. It’s a total shift in thinking. It’s a good shift in thinking, because truthfully, the other way of thinking is pretty selfish and it’s not really serving anybody but yourself. Ironically, it’s not even really serving yourself, because, by doing it, you’re actually hurting yourself. To drive the point in, if you can get somebody results, they don’t care about anything else. Let’s create your Minimum Viable Offer. I’ve driven home the theory behind this thing. I’ve told you why it’s important, and it’s really should be a no-brainer. This is just very simple black and white sort of thing. Minimum Viable Offer is the way things should be. There’s three cardinal rules of a Minimum Viable Offer. Rule number one is talk about the transformation and the results not about what you’ll do for them. A lot of people, when they offer people their services, they say, “Oh, I have this very unique process, and basically, what it involves is I’m going to do 100 hours of this. I’m going to come to your office. I’m going to be sweating. I’m going to hook up all of these computers into your system. I’m going to be doing so much work that you’re going to be blown away.” No one wants that. Truthfully, if I hire someone to do something and they tell me they’re going to be rummaging around my office for days and sweating and doing all this stuff, I don’t want that. That’s the last thing I want. I prefer not to even meet the person. I just prefer for them to fix it and be done. We shouldn’t talk about what we’re going to do for them. We should only talk about the transformation and the results. We should talk about taking them from their current situation to their desired situation and what life is going to be like when we do that. Rule number two is pricing on value, so we want to price on the value of having this transformation not the hard costs or time involved with you delivering it. The classical school of thought, the classical way of thinking is that we should charge per hour, and then the cost of our services will just be determined by how many hours we do. Well, that’s silly, because that is really just encouraging the consultant to spend as much hours as possible on it, which isn’t good for you and it’s not like he’s going to want to try and get it done real quick because he’s getting paid per hour. That’s a silly way of thinking. That’s a totally mad way of pricing things. You shouldn’t price on how much it cost you. You shouldn’t calculate how much gas it cost you to drive out to the office. You shouldn’t calculate the air fees or how much paper you used or how much a staple costs, the pen and the pen that you are writing with. You don’t price things that way either. You price on value. What is it worth for someone to have this problem solved? If someone has got a company and it’s losing $10,000 every single month, well, what’s it worth for them to fix it? Well, it’s worth a lot. They’re currently losing 10 grand a month. If you could help someone solve their problem and it was only going to take you half an hour, you shouldn’t just charge $50. Value pricing, people would think, “Well, if this guy is losing 10 grand a month. It’s only going to take them half an hour. Therefore, I’m going to charge 50 bucks, because if I was on an hourly rate, I’d charge 100 bucks, so $50 is fair.” No, you want to charge based on value. If this guy stands to fix his business and he’s going to stop losing 10 grand a month, well, really, paying even 10 grand for that would be worth it, because in one month, he’s going to have already paid for the service. Now, in the future months, he isn’t losing money anymore. You see, it’s a different shift in thinking, pricing on value instead of the costs of delivering the services. Rule number three, only include the bare minimum of you to achieve the transformation. The classic way of thinking is to put as much of you in there as possible. We want to give them a 50-page report every two days. We want to give them a follow up, but we want to have a check-in call every second day for an hour. We’re going to send them weekly reports. They’re going to have our phone number so they can text us at anytime, 24/7, even if we’re asleep. This is what crazy people do. They just keep giving more and more of themself to the point where they’re … That’s how they think that value is created, just by giving away more and more of themself, and it’s getting to the point where a lot of people will pretty much just cutting their arm off and pretty much offering that to the guy, and it’s crazy. People don’t want you to be waking up in the middle of the night. People don’t want to be texting you. People don’t want any part of you at all. You are not the solution. People want the result. People want the transformation. Truthfully, they want as little of you as possible because all they want is the result. When we’re crafting our Minimum Viable Offer, we want to put in the smallest amount of you possible, and truthfully, if we don’t need to put any of you at all in, that’s better. We want to have that thinking. Only put it in if we absolutely must, only if it’s mandatory in order to achieve the transformation. Let’s talk specifics. If you’re selling done-for-you services, this is where most people are going to start off in the consulting game. If you’re new to consulting, brand new. If you’re in the early stages, done-for-you is where you are going to be starting, because we discussed this in the evolutionary stages of a consultant. A consultant typically starts with done-for-you, because that’s the most desirable. It means that customers are most likely to pay for this one. They want it the most. It’s the easiest to sell. It’s the easiest way for you to get clients and start making some money, but not only that, it’s the best way for you to learn. If you’re new, you need to learn. You can’t go immediately into advising and immediately into coaching and online programs if you haven’t learned and mastered your craft from done-for-you stages. Most people are going to be starting off with done-for-you services. Here’s some different questions, and now, you should have done a lot of these different things when you were doing your market research, and I’m going to show you our Minimum Viable Offer worksheet in just a moment, which is a download available below this video in the resources section. I’m going to walk you through some questions you want to start asking yourself if you’re doing done-for-you services. What is the desired situation of your target market or niche? You know their current situation. What is their desired situation? Where do they want to be in one year, six months? What is it? What is their desired future self? Define it. Write it down. How can you get them there with a done-for-you monthly service? Now we know where they want to go, okay? Nice and clear, we know where they are, current situation. We know where they want to go, desired situation. How can we get them there? Can we get them there with a done-for-you monthly service? If someone has got an accounting business and they want more customers, can we offer Facebook ads and some basic landing pages and funnels in order to get them more customers for their accounting business? What we do is a monthly done-for-you service. What is it costing them to stay where they are without fixing this? Like I was saying, if somebody has a business that’s losing 10 grand a month, if they don’t fix that problem, well, how much is that going to cost them? Well, every single month, that 10 grand is going to keep racking up the bill. Over the course of 12 months, that’s going to cost them $120,000. A lot of people think that if they don’t hire a consultant that they’re saving money. Truthfully, it’s costing them more money. If someone has a problem and they don’t hire us, they don’t pay money to fix it, then eventually, they’re going to end up paying for that anyway and they’re not going to have it fixed. What is it costing them where they are without fixing this? We want to determine a value. We want to think, “Well, how much is this costing?” If you’re in a niche that isn’t business, if you’re in a niche like weight loss or binge eating or yoga or meditation, this isn’t just financial. There can be emotional costs. What is it costing someone emotionally to have this extra weight on them? There’s going to be a lot emotional costs there. They’re not going to have energy. They’re going to feel down. They might miss that new promotion at work, because they just can’t keep up with the day-to-day things. What is the value that the service will bring to them each month? If we fix this problem, what do they stand to make? If we get someone out of the hole, losing 10 grand a month, and now we get them up to making 10 grand a month. Well, now they start to make 10 grand every month. Now they’re really going to start making some money. What is the value that this service will bring to them each month? Really define that. If you’re doing a business thing, define it financially. If you’re in a niche that’s non-business, define it emotionally. Now, what you want to do is price your done-for-you service between about $1,000 and $10,000 a month. Now, how you price things, I think no one should be offering a done-for-you service that’s less than $1,000. Truthfully, if you can’t charge $1,000 a month for your done-for-you service, then you haven’t chosen a problem that’s painful enough. Look, there’s enough people in the world, there’s enough niches, and there’s enough people with problems that, I’m telling you, there are tons of problems out there you could solve that people would happily pay a grand a month for. There are millions of them, so don’t think all of the good things are done. Don’t think, “Oh, I can’t find anything,” because you’re obviously, you haven’t even started or you haven’t tried or you haven’t tried hard enough, because they’re out there. They’re everywhere. You want to be pricing your done-for-you service between a grand and 10 grand a month. You want to think about it like … You want to be pricing on value. If you’re helping someone that save an extra 10 grand a month in their business, and they’re going to be making an extra 100 grand, 120 grand this year, a good way I’d like to think about things is pricing on 10% of value. If we’re going to help somebody solve … What was I saying? If we’re going to help somebody fix the problem in their business that’s costing them $10,000 a month, if we were to price on 10% of that, that would be a $1,000 a month for our done-for-you service. It’s not just financial. It can be emotionally too. There are people who are overweight or unhealthy or people who really want a girlfriend or a wife and they don’t have a relationship. Trust me. People would happily pay $1,000 to solve their problem. These are things which keep them awake at night. These are the things which … These thoughts are in their mind every day. It’s plaguing their lives. People pay any money that they can, even any money that they have to solve a really painful problem. People even find money that they don’t have. They’ll take loans, get out credit cards, they’ll do anything to solve a painful problem. I’m telling you, there’s enough painful problems out there that you can find one where you can charge at least a grand a month. I want everyone in this program to have … If they’re done-for-you services, I want your pricing to be at last $1,000 a month. It could be anywhere up to 10 grand a month or more. Now, if your selling coaching services, so this is if you are a little bit more evolved in the consultant’s journey, which we talked about in the evolutionary stages of consulting, which was a previous video in this week one training. This is if you’ve gone through the done-for-you stuff and you’ve learned your market, you’ve learned your niche and you understand things now. Now, you don’t have to do all of the work for people, because your advice is valuable on its own. Once you start to know enough about something, you don’t have to do all of the work, because people don’t see you as an order taker or a grunt who is going to do all of the work. They more see you as someone who has refined and superior knowledge. Now they’re willing to just pay you for your advice alone and then do the work themself or pay someone else to do the work for them. If you’re selling coaching, which I’m sure most people are going to be starting with done-for-you. You don’t start with coaching, you start with done-for-you first, and then you evolve into coaching. If you’re in coaching, what is the desired situation of your target market or niche? We know where they are right now. We know their current situation. What is their desired situation? What does that future look like? What do they look like themself in their desired future? Let’s define this. Let’s get a pen. Write it down. Let’s put this into a sentence. It’s so important that we put things into sentences. If they’re just thoughts, then we’re going to forget them and we’re not going to make progress, we’re going to gain any traction. That’s the first question. What is the desired situation of your target market or niche? Then the second one, how can you get them there in six to 12 weeks with your training program or advice. Now that we know their current situation and their desired situation, we know what they want. We know the gap which they want to bridge. This is everything to them. They want to become this person. They want to be their best self. They want to get into this future position as quickly and as painfully and as easily as possible. You know this now. Well, how can you get them there in a six to 12-week training program or with six to 12 weeks of advice? You could create an online program, like the one you’re going through now, or you could create a coaching program, which means that the person has a call with you every one week for six weeks, and you’re going to go through a process and solve it for them, or you could do it as a group coaching program, where you get a whole group of people together and you do group calls via webinar or teleconference, whatever, and you coach the group through this process. What you want to do is if you want to do coaching, take the time to really map that out. What would it look like? Can you do it in six weeks, or is it going to take more like 12 weeks? We typically don’t want to go over 12 weeks with a training program. It’s getting a bit too long. Truthfully, most transformations, most things can be fixed in less than 12 weeks, so the shorter, the better. Now, what is it costing them to stay where they are without fixing this? Just like in the done-for-you situation, if someone has a business and they’re losing 10 grand a month, if they don’t fix this problem, it’s going to keep costing them 10 grand a month. Over the course of a year, that’s going to cost them 120 grand. Like I said, a lot of people think they’re saving money by not hiring a consultant. When really, they’re losing money because if they don’t pay for the consultant, they’re just going to keep losing money. Now, what is the value of them achieving this transformation? If they fix this problem, what is it worth to them? Now, you want to price your program between two and a half thousand and 10,000, maybe even more. Again, you want to price on value. If your advice and your coaching program can make an extra 100 grand in their business, then you should probably charge 10,000 for that. If they stand to make about 25 grand, you should charge them two and a half grand for that. It could be emotional. It doesn’t need to be financial. It can be emotional. People pay just as much money. Sometimes people pay way more money to solve emotional things than to just solve financial things. You can price your program between two and a half and 10 grand. Now, typically, if you’re doing coaching or any sort of program, I don’t think you should be charging less than two and a half grand. You want to be solving a problem which is painful enough. You want to be making a very, very profound transformation for someone. There’s no point getting into consulting and coaching and all other stuff just to help someone to make an incremental improvement. You want to choose and tackle a big nasty problem, and you want to help someone make a profound life-changing, earth-shaking transformation, because the bigger the transformation, the nastier the problem, the more money someone is willing to pay, and the more eager they’re going to be to sign up for your services and all of that stuff. Make sure you tackle something meaningful. Now, a word of warning, never skip the stages on this roadmap. In the earlier video in week one, it’s called Evolution of a Consultant. We covered the evolutionary stages of a consultant in the consultant’s journey. If you didn’t watch that, go back and watch it now. It’s critically important. Typically, a consultant goes through these different stages as they evolve. They start off doing generalist stuff. Then niche consulting. Then they master their niche. Then they get a proof of concept. Then they transition in doing coaching and group coaching, one-on-one coaching, all of this sort of stuff. Now, it’s really important that you transition from doing done or you, and then go into coaching, because if you skip done-for-you completely, then you’re probably not going to have much luck coaching or doing online programs or anything because you haven’t had time to master the craft, you haven’t had time to learn how things are done. Never skip the stages on the roadmap. Don’t think you can create an online training program before you’ve learned the ropes doing done-for-you, one-on-one coaching, group coaching, things like that. Now, what if you’re unsure about your offer? Let’s say you have defined your offer, but you’re really unsure about it. Let’s say you’re unsure about your niche. Let’s say you aren’t sure about your offer and your niche. Well, welcome to how everybody. I, myself, used to be unsure about my niche pretty much every single day. I constantly used to think about switching niches, and I did quite a few times. I started side projects. I niche jumped. I call these people niche jumpers, because they’re constantly just jumping into a new niche because they’ve got shiny object syndrome. They see a new niche and they’re “Oh, this one is good,” and they jump to it. A lot of people think the grass is always greener on the other side, but it’s not. The grass is always greener where you water it. It didn’t take long before I noticed it didn’t really matter what niche you picked. If you stuck to it and you mastered it, you could make a lot of money. I just decided to stick with something. I just stuck with consulting. I figured it out. I learned the ropes. I mastered it and, my word, was it worth it. I’m so thankful that I didn’t switch niches. I doubted myself every day. I know all of my top students, the people who make six figures, the people who make millions, all of the people that you know and have seen on my videos and testimonials, they’ve all doubted their niches too. Don’t worry about it. It’s normal. It’s totally normal, totally healthy for you to be unsure about your offer and unsure about your niche. Like I said, everybody is. It’s just how it is. Now, crafting a nerve striking, hair raising, credit card out now offer takes iterations and improvements over time. I think a lot of people think that a really, really awesome offer, people just come up with it, like first pop. You can see, my business now, I’ve got the I’ve got some nice branding. My videos are starting to look a little bit better. I know quite a lot about my niche. My offer is pretty powerful. My messaging is all good and everything and I deliver results for my clients. You might look at them and be like, “Whoa, that’s a nice offer. That’s a really cool offer.” Well, let me tell you that it did not start like that. It started so scrappy and so rough that you probably couldn’t even believe it. I was super, super, super anxious and doubtful when I launched it. This is what most people have to understand. No one starts out with an awesome offer and total confidence in their niche. Everything is going to feel imperfect. You’re going to doubt your niche. You’re going to doubt your offer. You’re going to think that it sucks. That’s how everybody feels about their first version. It’s totally normal. It’s healthy. It’s how everyone has felt, including me, and all of the millionaire students, and all of the other tens of thousands of people that have come through this training. Now, remember the consulting equation? It’s what we covered in the earlier video which was Natural Law in the Consulting Equation. Well, it looks like this. We’ve got the niche, the offer, and the result. What happens in this middle stage is the niche comes into contact, it collides with our offer, and the two wrestling there, and then the outcome of that is the result. Well, we use scientific method and cause and effect to figure out what works in terms of our niche and offer. We start out by forming a hypothesis that includes a niche, an offer, and a result. Then once we have that hypothesis, we go to the market, which is our laboratory, and see whether we are right or not as well as collect feedback. I think a lot of people think when they pick their niche and come up with their offer that that’s it. It’s set in stone. It’s like we’re grabbing a big truck of concrete. We’re getting this think called a niche. We’re putting it in a mold, and then we’re just pouring a ton of concrete on it and it’s fixed, and it’s there forever, and it’s just stuck. I think that’s how most people think that they pick their niche and how they craft their offer and all of this. It couldn’t be further from the truth. When you pick your niche and when you craft your offer, it’s totally flexible. You’re going to change it. You’re going to improve it. You’re going to iterate it. You might change niches. You might offer something completely different. It is an iterative process. No one can get it right in their own head, and no one can get it right on their first try because we’re not our customers. We have to come up with what we call a hypothesis, which is something which we think is going to work. We come up with what we think is going to work based on our research and based on our observations and everything, and then we take our hypothesis to our laboratory, our lab, and this the market. The only place where you can test a hypothesis is in the market. The market is the true judge of everything. Your own brain isn’t the judge of anything. Your own brain is a place where people get lost, people end up hurling themselves into festering pits of self-doubt. People end up just tormenting themselves in their own brains thinking about stuff. A lot of people think that they’re smart by overthinking a whole bunch of stuff. Well, they’re not. People who overthink a lot of stuff just end up torturing themselves with worry. What we do is we use our own brain to come up with a hypothesis, what we think is going to work, and then the only way we can actually tell if that’s going to work or not is by going to the market, our niche, or our laboratory. Then we test in the real world with real people and we see whether we are right or not. We see whether our hypothesis was correct. We get what we call feedback. Like I said, nothing is a failure in business. People have got this weird understanding of failure like if someone sees no worth, if it doesn’t work, then it’s bad and we should get under our duvet cover, curl up into a ball and just start crying. No, that’s not how it works. When someone says no to you in business, it’s not like you’re getting dumped by your girlfriend of boyfriend. When someone says no to you in business, you are getting feedback. We want feedback. It’s good. When someone says no to us, we say, “Okay, well, can I ask why?” They tell us, and now we learn, and now we go back to our hypothesis and we take notes. We’re like, “Well, we learned this from this experiment.” Then we go back out to the market. We try it again. We keep trying it again. We keep trying it again. We might get a yes. We might get a no. Either way, it doesn’t matter, because every no is providing us with feedback, and every yes is providing us with feedback. Yes is also providing us with money and clients too, but we have to start seeing things as feedback. The only way to get feedback is by going to the market. Our process looks like this. Our niche, and our offer, and our result, and this middle stage here which I’ve got highlighted in gray, this is our variable. This is our offer. This is the thing which we’re going to be tweaking and testing. We’re going to come up with a hypothesis about what our offer is, and then we’re going to go to the market, and we’re going to be asking them, we’re going to be pitching them our offer. We’re going to see how they react. Based on how they react, we can either tell hypothesis, change things around a bit, collect feedback, and we’re going to keep ever so slightly changing our offer, changing things just a little bit, and we’re going to be playing around in this middle section here until the result on the other side is exactly what we want. We picked our niche. We know our niche. Then we ask our niche what their problem was, what their current situation was, what their desired situation was. Their desired situation is the result, so we put that on the result side. We know the left side of the equation and we know the right side of the equation. We know the niche is this person or this group of people, and we know the result is their desired situation, which they told us. The only missing variable is the offer. Well, after those, come up with a hypothesis, and then test that. We have to go to the market with what we think it is, and then we’re going to interact with the market, and we’re going to see if our offer is right or not based on whether it gets them the result or not. We have to iterate and improve on this section. It’s a process, and it takes some time to get it perfect, but don’t worry, you don’t have to have a perfect offer to start making money. You can start making money and getting clients with an imperfect offer. It’s just, I think, a lot of people, they compare themselves to a company like my one or an offer like my one, and they’re like they think they need to get it to this level before they can even start. That’s not true at all. If you try and get it to this level, it’s impossible. It would take you five years and will cost millions of dollars to get to this point. It’s impossible to do on your first go. Let me tell you this right now. Nobody comes up with a savage offer on the first attempt. By savage, I mean an awesome offer, something which really gets people’s attention, just gets them to pull their credit card out and pay. No one comes up with that, with a savage offer on the first attempt. All dangerous offers started out as guesses and hypothesizes and involve iterations and improvements to get them to where they are now. Everyone’s offer, my offer or my millionaire students’ offers, all of my six-figure students’ offers, all people you know and think of, they all had to go through an iterative process to get their offer all sharpened and honed. Not iterations and improvements inside the entrepreneurs’ head. This is very important. I think a lot of people think that they’re doing constructive iterations and improvements, they’re testing their hypothesis in their head. It doesn’t work. I remember I told you the example, you are standing on one side of the road, Susie is sitting at a bus stop on the other side of the road, and we have to guess what does Susie want for lunch. I mentioned how long we could think about that one for. We could read every book. We could read everything on the internet, and we could talk with every consultant in the world, we’re not going to know what Susie wants for lunch. Only Susie knows what Susie wants for lunch. At some point, it’s better to just walk across the road and ask, and that’s why we come up with a hypothesis, and then we go over to the market and we test. Iterations and improvements with real feedback from the market itself, and this is what I call the true laboratory. A lot of entrepreneurs sit in their bedrooms and they sit behind their computers, and they never talked to their market. They never do anything, and they wonder why they don’t make any money and they wonder why people don’t buy their stuff. Well, it’s because you need to get your stuff into the true laboratory. You’re not even in the laboratory when you’re in your own head. You need to use the market. You need to get into the true laboratory. This is what we’re trying to do in the real laboratory. It’s like a chemistry experiment. It’s like a science experiment. We’ve got our niche. We choose our niche. We define who they are, then we come up with our offer based on what the current situation and the desired situation of the niche is. Then the only way to test whether we’ve selected the right niche and whether we’ve crafted the right offer is to go the market itself and pitch and sign clients up and test. Give them our offer. Provide our services until they get the result. It’s the only way to learn. This is the only way to get feedback. You have to go to the true laboratory, which is the market. Let’s talk about why people mess this up. Most people mess this up because they form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis without speaking to the market. They form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis, no kidding, without ever speaking to the market at all. They think, “Oh, I’m going to start a business. I’m going to become a consultant.” Then they sit on their couch and they think in their own head. They’re like, “What do I think people want. I know I’m going to offer people this. I’m going to help people with their logos, and I’m going to help people organize their desktops, and I’m going to help people use Google Drive. Yeah, that’s what people want.” That’s not what people want. You have to go to the market. If you come up with a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis in your own brain, then it’s not going to work. Another one is they form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis, and then never test it with the market. They form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis, and then they think about it in their own brain, “Do I think this is going to work, or do I not think this is going to work? I’m sure it’s going to work. No, I’m sure it’s not going to work.” They have this argument with themselves day after day, month after month, year after year, until they’ve tortured themselves and hurled themselves into a snake-infested pit of self-doubt. You can’t test anything in your own head. Your own head is dangerous. You need to take it out to the market. It needs to get some oxygen. It needs to breathe, and it needs to see whether it can work in the real world. Forming a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis and expecting it to work on the first version without adjustments. Someone might come up with a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis, and then they might go out and speak to the first prospect that they see, and the first prospect says, “Oh no, sorry, I don’t really want this.” Then they run home. Curl up into a ball. Get under the duvet and cry. Of course it’s probably not going to work on the first time. I mean, I’ve seen people’s Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis work on the first time, but it’s just not normal. Mine didn’t. Most people don’t, because it’s your guess. If you guess something, then it’s probably not going to be right, but that’s fine, because in business, it’s about collecting feedback. Failure is not failure. It’s feedback. If someone says no, we ask why. Well, now we learn. Now we can make a better guess next time. We go to the next person. We try them. If they say no, we try this next person, and over a few iterations and improvements using this process, we can figure out what the right thing is, and then, bam, we get a strike. We get our client. It’s just a process of iterations and improvements. Someone might form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis and not make any revisions or adjustments based on market feedback. I see this one quite often. Someone might form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis, like I saw someone the other day and they said that they offered SEO to dentists, and they wanted to grow their business, they wanted to grow their business to 100 grand a month. I said, “Okay, well, if people aren’t buying it, then we have to be open that maybe dentists don’t want SEO,” because he had gone and convinced himself that they want SEO, but they don’t. They want a result, and there’s other ways to get people a result without SEO. He’d keep going out to the market, keep going out to the market, and the market was giving him feedback, but he wasn’t listening. His ears were closed. Someone might form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. Go out to the market, and then not make any adjustments. They just keep it fixed, rigid, and they’re like, “I wonder why people aren’t buying it.” Well, you’ve got to listen to the feedback. You’ve got to adjust it and make revisions and adjustments, iterations and improvements. Another one is forming a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis and confusing constants for variables and making a big mess. Let me explain this in a bit more detail. Let’s get this straight right now. You can only have one variable at a time. In a scientific experiment, you have a constant and a variable and a result. I’ll give you very basic stuff here. Let’s say we want to measure the boiling temperature of water with different … We want to measure how long it takes for water to boil with a Bunsen burner based on the different Bunsen burners. Well, if we’re going to do that experiment, we need to keep the water the same. We want to have the same volume of water, and we want to have the same beaker every single time. That has to be kept constant, and then our variable is the thing which we’re testing, which is different Bunsen burners. If we go out and we change the water every time, we put a massive jug of water in one time, tiny amount of water in the next time, some salt water in the next time, and we’re changing these Bunsen burners at the same time, our experiment is going to be a big mess. We’re not going to know anything. We have to hold a constant, and then we have to have a variable. It’s the same in business, because we use a scientific method for everything we do with consulting, because this process isn’t about chance. This process is precise science. Here is how it works for us. We’ve got a constant, a variable, and constant. What we know is our niche, because we pick our niche and we know who they are. That’s a constant. Then we know their desired result, because we find out what their current situation is. We find out what their desired situation is, and then their desired situation is the result. Desired situation, result, the niche is the niche. We’ve got both sides of this equation here. We’ve got the constant and we’ve got the other constant. Now, we’re only going to be changing and playing with one thing here, which is the variable. That is our offer. We come up with an offer and we test it, and if it doesn’t work, we get feedback, and then we might adjust the offer a bit. Then we go and test it again. It doesn’t work, so we keep adjusting the offer and we keep going back to the market and testing. Over a few tests, we’re going to figure out what the right variable is. We’re going to find out what offer, what exact thing we can offer when paired with a niche equals the result that they want. There’s just no doubt about it. We will find it, and we’ll find it surprisingly quick. Where most people go wrong is they have multiple variables. They go to the niche and they have their offer, and they make an offer to them, and the person says, “No, I’m not interested.” Then they go home and they decide to change their niche, and then they change the offer too. Then they go back and now they’ve got two variables. Now, well, we’ve just blown up the whole experiment. You can’t do that. You can’t change two things at once. You can’t change your niche and change your offer and keep doing that. You’re just going to make a big, big mess, and you’re not going to learn anything it’s a waste of time. You have to keep a constant and you have to have a variable. We pick a niche, and then we try different variables with this niche. If we try a whole bunch of different variables and we can’t seem to crack the niche, then sure, we might have to swap out the niche, but for most of the time, we’re keeping that niche the same, we’re keeping that niche as a constant. Let me give you an example. Our niche constant could be accountants. We decided we want to help accountants. Then our offer variable could be Facebook ads and funnels. Then the result, constant, is they want more clients. Accountants want more clients. This could be our hypothesis, our Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. We think this is our niche, accountants, they want more clients, and then our offer, we think we’re going to use Facebook ads and funnels, now we go out in the market and we test that. It either works or it doesn’t, and we collect feedback and we adjust the offer slightly each time. Let’s make this extremely simple. I want to really get this point simple, because a lot of people torment themself when they come up with an offer. They’re like, “Oh, I can’t pick my niche. Oh, I don’t know what to offer.” Pick anything as your niche, offer anything as your offer, and just make a start, because then you’re moving. You need to get some motion before you can actually start playing around with things. It doesn’t matter how long the scientist sits on his coach thinking about what Bunsen burner is going to work. It’s better for him just to get up and start trying some random Bunsen burners. That’s how it works in business too. People sit at the starting lines for too long. People sit on their coach like the scientist trying to think. You don’t know. It’s impossible to think that. We’re taught in society that thinking is real good. If you think for long enough, you’re going to find the answer. That couldn’t be further from the truth. You need some data. You need to go to the market. You need things to compute. Your brain can’t find the answer. If we make this as simple as humanly possible, we have a lock, a lock on the door. Now, the lock is your niche and their problem. Let’s say this is accountants and they are struggling to get clients. Then we’ve got unlocking the lock. What does that mean? Well, that’s getting the niche their results. That’s getting accountants more clients, right? We’ve got a lock, and we’ve got unlocking it is the result. Then we’ve got the key. Now, the key is your offer. Your offer is supposed to go into the lock, which the niche, and it’s supposed to get them the result they want that’s supposed to open the door, right? Very simple. Most people don’t ask the market anything. They don’t pick a niche. They don’t come up with a random offer. They come up with a random offer, and they assume a random result. Seriously, this is how most people start a business. They think, “I’m going to start a business,” and then they’re like, “Screw talking to the market. Those people don’t know anything. I know what people want. People want help with Google Docs. Yup, that’s what they want.” Then they don’t pick a niche. They’re like, “Why pick a niche? I’m just going to market to everybody in the world, because people who choose niches are suckers, because there’s only a small group of people. I can target 8 billion people.” Then they come up with a random offer, so then they think, “Yeah, I’m going to help everyone in the world with Google Docs, and I don’t really know what that’s going to do for them, but it’s going to help them with Google Docs, because, yeah, that’s an awesome offer.” They assume a random result. They’re going to be like, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure if people had help with Google Docs, then they’d be able to make more money. Yeah, that’s right.” It might sound comical. It might sound like I’m being an idiot, but I’m really being serious here. This is how most people come up with the offers. This isn’t stupid people. I’m talking about a lot of people. I see grown adults people who have university degrees. I see people who are pretty smart come up with things like this. It’s crazy. People act kind of crazy when they start a business. Imagine this. Imagine walking to a random door. Just imagine you walk up to a random door and assume that what’s behind that door is good. You’re like, “Oh, I know something awesome is behind this random door.” Then picking a random key to try and open it. You’re just like, “No, I’m just going to pick anything. Here, this key. I know this key will work.” Then trying to open it and then being sad that it didn’t open, so quitting and never trying again. Yup, that’s most people, and I’m not even joking. Our scientific method, how was it different. How are we different from most people? Well, we pick a good door and a good lock to try and open, which is our niche and their problem. We pick a niche. We do our research. We really pick something. We have a focus. Then we do our research to make sure that what’s behind the door is something that the niche actually wants. We don’t assume the niche wants anything. We find out for sure. We don’t assume that Susie wants sushi for lunch. We walk across the road. We ask Susie. We find out if she wants a kebab. We’re like, “Okay, well, we’re going to do that.” We do our research and we find out what our niche wants. We find out their current situation. We find out their desired situation, and we make sure that what’s behind the door is something that this market is going to want. Then we do the research to make sure that what we have is the best possible … We do our research to make sure that we have the best possible guess at what key will open it. That’s our offer and our message. We look at who is doing the best in this market. We talk to different people. We do our research on blogs. We complete our worksheet. We do everything in week one, and we come up with what we have, our Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. Then we form a Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis on what we think is going to unlock the door. We come up with our hypothesis which is what we think we’re going to work before we go out to the market and test it. Then once we formed that hypothesis, we then test it on the market. We go out to the market. We start selling it, and we see what people say. We see if they say yes or no. We see if it’s right or wrong. We collect feedback. Remember, nothing is a failure. It’s always feedback. Then we adjust our variable and our Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis based on feedback from the market and we try again. We go out to the market. We pitch them. We get some feedback. We come back. We adjust a little bit. We keep going back to the market. We keep going back. We keep going back. We keep going back, changing things a little bit each time, trying out different keys, seeing what fits. It looks like this, remember? Niche-Offer-Result, we’ve got a constant, a variable, and a constant. We’re only changing the variable and we’re keeping these other things constant and we’re seeing which one fits. We’re seeing which key fits, because when you find that key that fits, bam, you’re making money, bam, you’ve got clients. There’s nothing more awesome in the world when you find the right key. I figured out the right key for a lot of things, and that’s how my business just literally just prints out money, like 100 grand a day, just printing it, because I’ve used this method and I have figured out all of these things. It wasn’t by chance. I can tell you right now, I didn’t sit on my couch and think. I didn’t just come up with something in the shower. I didn’t just have a dream one day. I went out and I tried things. I collected feedback. I adjusted it. This is how all nerve striking offers evolve. Every single awesome offer you could possibly think of in the world, this is how it evolved. Enough of talking about the theory of it, I’m sure you thoroughly understand Minimum Viable Offers now. I’m sure you understand all of the driving forces and the concepts and everything behind it. You know how it works. You know the theory. Let’s put things into action. Let’s create your Minimum Viable Offer right now. We’ve got two worksheets to complete in this module. Your MVO worksheet, which stands for your Minimum Viable Offer worksheet and your Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis worksheet, this one is an ongoing work in progress, so you’re going to do a lot of these worksheets over the course … I’m still doing these worksheets because I’m still trying to improve my Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. Let’s pull this up right now. These are available for download below. These are available for download below this video on the resources section. We start with your Minimum Viable Offer worksheet. Now, you can pull this up. You can download it as a PDF, or you can download as a PDF and then click the link there, and it’ll open a Google Doc. You can complete this. You could print it out and write it by hand or you could just complete the Google Doc and save it into Google Docs, totally up to you. What is the niche? Question number one, write it down. Define it. What is their current situation? We should know these things by now. We could just pretty much copy what we’ve written down in the other worksheets, but we want to keep writing these things down, so we keep drumming it into our brain. I still try and write this stuff down every day, because I don’t want to forget it. I’m like, “What is my niche’s current situation? What is my niche’s desired situation?” What is it costing them to stay where they are? Defining that, we talked about it before. What would it be worth to them to get their desired situation? What do they stand to gain? We talked about that before. Then what are most niche participants doing to try to bridge to their desired situation and how well is it working for them. This is a good question to ask. People in the accounting industry that want more clients, what are they doing? They know what they want, so they’re obviously doing something. Find out what they’re doing and write it down. It doesn’t matter if what they’re doing is wrong. It is wrong, otherwise, they wouldn’t have this problem, but we want to know what they’re doing. Then what are most niche service providers offering participants to their desired situation? Other people the market, people who are doing what you’re doing, what are they offering to this niche? What they’re offering, how well is that working? Not just for the participant, is it helping the accounting get more clients, but also, how is it going for the service provider. Is he getting clients? Is he making money? Does he have a good business? Do a quick analysis. Write it down, what’s going on. Then what are the niche participants who are crushing it doing? You can ask accountants, who in the accounting industry is just destroying it? Who in the accounting industry is the rock star in the Rolls-Royce? Who is doing the best? Find out who they are, write it down, and then what are they doing? Write down what they’re doing, and how was what they’re doing different to everybody else. We need to get an understanding for who is doing what. The people who are struggling, what are they doing? Then the service providers, what are they offering, and how well is that working for the service providers who are selling it and for the people who are buying it? Then the rock stars, the Rolls-Royces, what are they doing? We want to see how all of these things are different. It’s really important to keep track of these. Once you’ve completed this Minimum Viable Offer worksheet, very simple worksheet. It’s time to craft your first Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. This is where things start to get fun. We’ve been dealing with a lot of theory, which is really important because we need to understand how things work first. If someone just goes out and starts taking violent ruthless action without any understanding for the forces at play, and any understanding for the theory and the conceptual understanding of this. This is going to be like trying to do something. You can have no idea what is going on. The theory is really important, but now once we get this worksheet done, it’s time to get into some real fun stuff, which is we’re almost ready to go to market. The next one, once you’ve done that, is your Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis worksheet. It’s available for download below this video in the resources section. It’s a PDF. You can download it. You can print it out and complete is a printed out copy, or you can click this link in the PDF and it will open up a Google Doc. You can complete it digital version, totally up to you. We copy this from our other worksheet. What’s the niche? What’s the current situation? What’s the desired situation? Then what version number is this hypothesis? We have our niche and we have our offer, and now that’s our Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis, but the first time we do it, this is going to be version number one, because what we do is each time we change things a bit, we create a new hypothesis. We keep track of things. This worksheet, you can use again and again over the course of years. I’m not saying it takes years to start making money. I’m just saying you can use this. I still use this stuff. I’m on to my I don’t even know how many version of my Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. It’s hundreds. You keep creating new ones each time you’re testing something new. You’d write version number one, and then when it comes to what works and what doesn’t, let’s determine signal from noise. What I mean by that is signal is things that are working and things that get results, and noise is things that don’t work and don’t get results, but they’re usually real hyped up and often have people salivating over them even though they’re of no use anyway, like getting on Oprah, kind of. That’s something that everyone wants, but many broke people have been on Oprah and they go to a surge of customers for a week, and then no customers, and then their business eventually collapse. It’s not what they wanted anyway. Signal versus noise, what are the things that work and what are the things that don’t work? Separate them, very important to do, because a lot of things that the niche participants thinks are signal are actually noise. You want to get some clarity on these things. Then number six, based on the above, what is the minimum work possible that you could do to help your niche go from their current situation to their desired situation? If you’re doing done-for-you, map out exactly what you’ll be doing for them and how long it will take, really design your service, and if you’re doing coaching, map out a six to 12-week program that will achieve this. You can take the time to do that. Then what is a fair but still on the high side price that you could charge for this offer? Come up with a price for this. Now, if you’re doing done-for-you, it should be at least 1,500 bucks a month or at least 1,000 a month. If you’re doing coaching, it should be at least 2,500. Now we’re going to grade things. Very simple, on a scale of 1 to 10, how certain are you of your niche, on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being totally certain, with 10 being uncertain? Grade it. Don’t think too much about it. Just circle some. It’s important to just keep a score of these things. How painful is the current situation of the niche from their point of view on a scale of 1 to 10? Grade it. How urgent is the desire for the niche to achieve their desired situation? How bad do they want this, 1 to 10? Grade it. How complex is it to offer the solution? For you to get them what they want, how complicated is it? We don’t want to do something that is so insanely complicated, because we’re going to have a very hard time doing it. We want to do something that’s simple but powerful, so grade it, 1 to 10. How possible do you think it is to truly achieve the desired situation of the niche on the scale of 1 to 10? Do you think that you’re really pushing it to believe that you can the desired result for this niche, or do you believe that you 100% you can do it, hands down? Grade it. Now, you want to add your rankings up from questions eight to 12, and you’ll get a total out of 50. Then you want to write that total in there. Then what timeframe do you think it would take for you to achieve the desired situation in days? If you’re going to be working with this niche and helping them grow from their current situation to their desired situation, how long do you think it would take you to get them there? Define it in days. You could say, “10 days, 30 days, 100 days,” whatever. Write it down. Now you’re going to have two things. You’re going to have a grade out of 50 and you’re going to have a timeframe in days. The higher your score, the better. The shorter the days, the better. We’re looking for something that’s short amount of days and a high score. To give you an example, for me, I’m pretty much 49, 50, and my days it’s like 30 days. I’m a real tight timeframe and I’m real high score, because I’ve worked through iterations and improvements. I’ve really tested this thing. I’ve been in the laboratory, which is the market. I’m constantly out in that market. I am like a hawk in the market. I’ve got my finger on the pulse of the market every minute of every day. If it moves a bit, I know about it. I’m keeping a close eye on that thing. I’ve got my eye closer. I’m monitoring this market closer than anyone else on earth. That’s how I know what’s going on and I’m able to make iterations and improvements, and I’m able to keep a high score here and a tight timeframe here. I’m able to dominate my niche because of that, so what is yours? Now, we’ve form our, what we call, part one, which is our pre-market hypothesis. This is what we think is going to happen, very important, what we think is going to happen. We don’t know if it’s going to right or not. Like I said, you can think all you want, you can get feedback from your mom and your dad or your friend, or your Uncle John. You can get as much feedback as you want, but the only way we’re ever going to know for sure is by going and getting what we call live market feedback, going to the market, pitching them, making offers, and getting yeses or nos, signing up clients, doing real world stuff. That’s what we call part two, live market feedback. When you start going to your market, and when you start making them offers, and some people are going to go and make offers to their market right now, because if you know people in your market or if you can reach out to people in your market right now, do it, absolutely do it. Nothing should be stopping you from doing that right now. However, if you’re new to this and you want to step through the processes, it’s okay. You can start taking action after we’ve covered the sales script and everything, which is in week three. You can focus on week one on just getting your everything right in terms of your message, market, offer, all of that stuff. Then in week two, we can do some mindset stuff to make sure you’re feeling confident and everything. Then in week three, we’ll teach you how to sell. Then in week three, you can start taking and going out to the market. Typically, most people they wait until about week three to start going to the market. However, don’t let that stop you. If you want to go to the market right now, do it. I encourage it. Now, I want to walk through this section here now. However, please understand that you’re not able to complete this until you’ve actually gone out to the market. Most of you aren’t going to complete any of this stuff until week three, but I’m just going to walk over it now. Even though this is in week one, I’m teaching you about it now, because when we’re doing sales stuff in week three, you’re going to be coming back to these worksheets and updating them. What we do is as we start going to the market and pitching people, making offers, closing deals, we want to start crossing off the numbers as you start speaking with the market and testing your hypothesis by making them the offer in this hypothesis worksheet. You should make at least 20 to 30 offers before you judge your Niche-Offer-Market hypothesis. A lot of people judge their hypothesis. They think, “Oh, this is a failure,” or with the first person they talk to. Seriously, you can’t judge anything off one conversation. You need to have enough conversations so that you can get what we call statistical significance. 20 to 30 still isn’t even really statistical significance if there’s any smart stats people in here. I don’t want anyone to pull me out from that. This is mountains better than what most people do. Really, you’ll do more than this, but this is … I know most people don’t even do this, so this is light years of improvement for most people. If you form your Niche-Offer-Market hypothesis, you go out there and you test it and the feedback isn’t great after two calls, so what? It doesn’t matter. They could just be two people who … Two dud people. Even me, I still get more nos than yeses, but you’re always going to nos than yeses, and so just because I get a no, it doesn’t meant I run home and change everything. Even if I get a bunch of nos, I don’t run home and change everything. I do enough calls, and then I look at the overall. I see, “Okay, is this good or bad.” You want to get into the habit of doing at least 20 to 30 offers to real people in your niche before you judge anything. As you make each call, you can just cross these off. First call, bam, cross it off, second, third, da-da-da-da, cross them off, and you should do at least 20 to 30. If you want to do more, you’re more than welcome to, but at least 20 to 30. Then what objections is the market giving you? If they’re saying, “No, I’m not interested, ask them why, write them down. What are the reasons why people are saying no? What objections? What resistance are you coming up against? What is the market liking or interested in? The things that you’re talking about, what things piqued their interest? What things make them sit up in their chair and open their eyes wide? What things do they like? Write them down. How are the conversations ending and what’s the conclusion of each call. At the end, what’s happening? Write it down. Then what patterns are emerging? After you’ve done 10, 20 calls, you should be able to look back and be like, “What similarities are popping up here? What patterns are popping up?” Write them down. Everyone might be saying the same thing, write it down. Based on the above, state ways in which you can improve your Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. After you’ve collected some data by going out to the market and selling, you can write down things which you can improve on. Then after you’ve done 20 to 30 offers to your niche, using your Niche-Market-Offer hypothesis, collect all the feedback, and form ideas of improvement, now you can move on to another Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis. You can create version two. Then you go out and do 20 to 30 more, create version three. Then you go out and do 20 or 30 more, version four. Then you go out and do 20 to 30 more, version five. Now, I’m not saying that you have to do all of these different versions of your Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis to make money. A lot of people will start making money on version one, before they even get to the end of 30 calls. I’m just saying that just because you’re making money, doesn’t mean you stop improving, because I don’t know about you, I’m assuming that people once they start making some money, they’re just going to want to make more. I mean, I think it’s kind of crazy if someone gets a client for 2 grand a month, that is 24 grand a year, and then they’re like, “Oh, I know, I’m not going to do anything now.” It’s silly. If you can do something, you should do more of it. You should make it better. I’ve designed this course not to just teach you how to get a client, but I’ve designed this course to really make you a beast. I’ve designed this course to make you absolutely reign over your market, control everything. The market is not going to know where you came from, because this is seriously dangerous information if it’s in the right hands. I want to teach people how to dominate. I don’t want to teach people how to just get a client or two. You go through iterations and improvements. You keep improving this hypothesis. You keep coming back to the laboratory, which is the market. You keep testing. You keep testing, because as you get that key sharper, which is your offer, as you learn more, as you keep getting better, you start making more and more and more and more money, and things get easier and easier and easier for you. Before long, people are buying from you. You couldn’t even try and stop them. For me, every time I go to sleep, by the time I wake up, pretty much, made 30, 40 grand. I’m not even joking. It’s just by the time I wake up, and then by the end of the day, it’s about 100, 220. It wouldn’t change if I was asleep for the whole day or in another country or anything. That’s a lot of money. Most people are like, “Oh man, if I just made 100 grand a year, I could do all this cool stuff.” I’m making 100 grand a day, and I’ve being serious. You keep improving this hypothesis if you want to absolutely crush it, this is what you do. Back to this, you want to complete your Minimum Viable Offer worksheet, print it out or to complete the Google Doc. Then you want to complete your Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis worksheet. You’ll only be able to complete part one, because part two, you actually have to start selling. Now, some people will start selling now, that’s cool. You can start completing that part now, but if you want to wait until you’ve done the mindset and the sales stuff, that’s fine. You can wait until week three and you won’t be able to complete that part of it until then. It’s important to understand this isn’t a do it once, sit and forget thing. You’re constantly improving this. You Niche-Offer-Result hypothesis worksheet is an ongoing and constant and continual work in progress. Remember, it’s all about testing your hypothesis against the market, not about testing it in your head, not about asking other people in the Facebook group what they think about your offer, because the people in the Facebook group might not be in your niche. Let me give you an example. Let’s say I’m selling $100,000 construction cranes, full-blown cranes that lift stuff up to 50-story buildings, right? They’re $100 million. Am I going to go into the Facebook group and ask people will they buy my offer? No, I couldn’t even afford those cranes. You’re asking the wrong people. The Facebook group is great to get motivation. It’s great to get some feedback and everything. Your mind is great for thinking and your parents and friends and family, they’re great for stuff too, but when it comes to testing your offer and your ideas, no one can tell you what’s going to work other than the market. The market is all that matters. The market is the only true laboratory. Any other laboratory is a figment in your imagination, only the market, and you want to test your niche, you want to test your hypothesis against the market, collect feedback, and iterate and improve from there. Just remember, it’s like this, three-sided equation, you’ve got your constant, your variable, and your constant. We know our niche. We know what they desired result is, and then we just have to try different variables until we figure out which one fits, and then we want to keep improving from there and keep improving and keep improving. No awesome offer was created on the first guess, and the only thing that’s separating you and your offer, from me and mine in making 100 grand a day, plus, is market feedback, iterations, and improvements. That’s it. You could make this much. You just have to iterate, improve, keep going. That concludes today’s training on crafting your Minimum Viable Offer. This is a really important module, probably one of the most important in week one. Make sure you complete those worksheets. Take the time to do it. Put in the work because I know this feels like stuff … A lot of people, they’re like, “Oh, I just want to do the Facebook ads,” or “Oh, I just want to sell stuff.” This is the real gold mine. By the time we go to Facebook ads, I’m going to show you how to do Facebook ads better than anyone else on the planet, but it’s not going to work well if you’ve got some lame offer. Even with my skills in Facebook and my skills at selling, I can’t sell a bad offer. I can’t advertise a bad offer on Facebook. It won’t work. The most important thing is the offer. In Facebook ads, just like throwing gasoline on the fire. If I don’t have a good flame, there’s no point on throwing gas on it. Probably just put it out. That’s what we’re doing in week one. We’re building a strong flame, so that by the time we teach you how to sell, by the time we get your mindset all tuned up, and by the time we get you doing Facebook ads and things like that, it’s just going to go (makes explosion sound) and things are just going to explode. Take the time, put in the effort, really make this stuff awesome in week one, because your foundation is everything. Like I said, you can’t build an awesome house on bad foundation. It’s just going to fall over. Take the time to do it, put in the work, and I promise you, it will pay dividends for the rest of your life. That’s it for this module. Make sure you do the work. Make sure you do the worksheets, and I’ll see you in the next training right now. Thanks for-
– Resonating your message
In this video we’re going to discuss your marketing message and how you communicate your offer to your niche. You’ll learn how to craft a message that raises hairs on your prospect arms and how to continuously improve your message using our message formula and scientific process.
Here’s what we cover:
* What is your “Message” and why is it important?
* How to transition from selling raw materials to selling solutions and futures
* The mechanics of a nerve striking message that raises hairs on your prospects arms
* The “Message Equation” and how to use it
* How to construct your “Message Hypothesis” to go to market and start collecting feedback
* Resonating your Message through our iterative scientific process
Message hypothesis worksheet
Signal VS noise pinup
Hey everybody, Sam Ovens here and welcome to the final training video for week one in the Consulting Accelerator Program. I hope you’ve been enjoying it so far, hope you’ve been enjoying week one and I hope you’re coming to this last video having done all of the worksheets and watching all of the videos in full. Don’t watch this video until you’ve watched all of the other videos in full and completed all of the action items and all of the worksheets because like I said, this program is made to be completed in sequential order for a very good reason because when it’s completed in sequential order, you get results. Things work. When I say things work, you get clients, you make money, you change your life, big impactful things in there so you definitely want to follow the program, follow the program process because this stuff works. In this video here, we’re going to be talking about resonating your message. We’re going to talk about what your message is like what is your message, why is it important and how do we use your message and what makes a good message, what makes a bad message and how do you create your message. We’re also going to talk about resonating like what do I mean when I say the word resonating. This is a very powerful training and it’s going to help you take your message from … It’s going to take it from a very blunt object and you’re going to be able to really sharpen this thing up, razor sharp to have. One of the sharpest, if not the sharpest messages in your entire market because this is a very powerful training module. Let’s jump right into it. Here’s a quick overview of what we’re going to talk about. What is your message and why is it important? How to transition from selling raw materials to selling solutions and futures and the mechanics of a nerve-striking message that raises hairs on your prospect’s arms. There’s some visceral language in that sentence there and that good message does, it strikes a nerve, it gets attention and it makes people sit up in their chair a little bit. We’re going to talk about what goes into creating one of those messages and how you can create your very own one today with this training. Today, I’m going to talk about the message equation. You’ve probably noticed by now that for everything in consulting, I have created … I’ve really boiled it down, distilled and turned it into a precise exact science like a lot of people think that business is up to hope and chance and a lot of people think that things just happen like things are random. The whole are of starting a business and the whole area of making money, changing your life and starting a consulting business specifically until this point in time has been a very gray area but I’ve turned it into a precise and exact science. I’ve created equations for everything and just like we’ve had the consulting equation. We’ve talked about the governing equation for evolution or we’re going to talk about the message equation. How we can use a very simple equation to craft and hone the perfect message and then we’re going to talk about how to construct what I call your message hypothesis. Just like in the previous training video, how we had your niche offer result hypothesis. Now, we’re going to talk about your message hypothesis and how you’re going to come up with that so that you can go to market and start collecting feedback. When I say go to market, I mean go out and start communicating with your niche, real life people in your niche, making offers to people, selling stuff to people, making money and getting clients and really starting to make a difference and have some impact. The fun stuff. We’ve been working on a lot of theoretical things which have been very important because I need to show you inside your own hid how consulting works. You need to really click and be like, “Ah, that’s how things work.” That was important to do, however, now we get in towards the end of this theoretical stuff now that we’ve got a solid concrete understanding of how it works. We’re going to get into the fun stuff which is taking action, starting to get out there into the market and starting to get clients and make money. When I say go to market, we’re going to use this message hypothesis that you come up with today to actually go out to the market and start communicating with people. Things are about to start getting exciting. Then I’m going to talk about resonating your message through our iterative scientific process. Just like a good offer, just like a good anything, on your first attempt, on your first guess, it’s probably not going to be perfect and that’s just normal. I’m going to talk about how to continuously improve and iterate on your message so that you can really start sharpening it up and getting it into a world class message that really gets people, gets everyone in your market to sit up straight, raises the hairs on their arms and they just get out their credit card and buy. That’s what a good message does. I’m not just going to show you how to create a message but I’m going to show you how to continuously sharp and hone and refine that message to get it to that point where it can do that because there’s nothing more awesome than when you have a message that’s crafted to their point. What is your message? What do I mean when I talk about your message? Well, let’s break it down. Let’s get a very clear understanding of what your message actually is. You’ve got your market niche. This is the niche that you selected. Say it’s an accountants or yoga instructors or plumbers, whatever, you’ve got your market niche then you’ve got you, the observer and you’re the observer because you’re looking from the outside of the niche into the niche and you’re observing their behavior, you’re observing their wants, their needs, their desires, their problems. We’re looking from a highly … we’re being an observer. We’re taking a view on the market and we’re being like, “What do these people need? What do these people want?” Other things that these people are doing, are they wrong or are they right? How can I help these people? That’s what you’re doing as the observer and then you’re coming up with your offer. In the previous video, the one … just before this week, we talked about crafting your MVO, your minimum viable offer. This is the minimum viable thing that you can do, the minimum viable service that you can offer to these people, your niche in order to help them bridge the gap between their current situation and their desire situation. The minimum thing that you can possibly provide to help get them at the future that they want. That’s your offer. We’ve got these three things together at this point. We’ve got your niche, we’ve got your the observer, we have trained you on how to take a view on the market, you understand the mechanics and the forces that drive a good consulting business. We’ve crafted your minimum viable offer. We’re got your offer ready. We’ve got these three things ready right now. If we group you, the observer and your offer together and then on the other side, we’ve got your market niche. You need a way to communicate with these people. You need a way to get the attention of your market niche and you need a way to get your offer in front of these people like just having a offer and just knowing how consulting works and having a niche, it’s not enough. There’s a missing link and if you had the best offer in the world and you knew the most you could possibly know about consulting and you had the best niche in the world, nothing’s going to happen. No sparks are going to start flying like that because you need a way to get it in front of them and your message is the thing that we use to get you and your offer in front of your market niche. Your message is how you communicate your offer to a market and get the attention. It’s really how … It’s the link that enables you to communicate and get the attention of your niche. You want to think of your message like this. Why don’t I mention your market niche is over there on this left side and then you’re the observer and your offer are over here on this right hand side. Then you’ve got two antennas like a TV antenna, just any antenna. You’ve got your one up and then your market niche has got their one up. You want to imagine everyone always has their antenna up. Where you’ve got to start sending a signal, you’ve got to stop thing a signal over to your market niche. A really good messages, a good message uses the right channel and resonates with the market niche to get their attention and communicate effectively. A channel, we’re going to talk about later on in this program but different channels, we could use direct mail. We could use email. We could use Facebook advertising which I’m going to teach how to be an absolute ninja in later on in this training. There’s lot of different ways that we could use as a channel but then your message is what goes down that channel. When I say resonate, I mean really get on the same wavelength, really transmit that signal from your side over to their side and communicate effectively. The term I invented is called market-message resonance and this is when the market which is your niche and your message really resonates and gets on that same wavelength. You can think about it like this. You’ve got these different wavelengths and they’re going across, your market niche has got their wavelength and then you’re playing around with your message and you’re trying to guess which wavelength to get it on as well. Market-message resonance is when you tune your message to get on the same wavelength as your market niche. It’s pretty much impossible to get a market message on the first part to have it perfectly resonate with your niche. You start out, you have a guess and you think this is going to work and then it’s an iterative process to get it to perfect. Once you do get it, bam, right on the perfect wavelength, it’s like nothing else. It’s like all your market knows about, all they hear about, all they think about, all they even dream about is you and that’s when you’ve got the right wavelength. In this video, I’m going to show you really how to get on that same wavelength and how to achieve what I call market-message resonance. Once you’d tune your message to be on the same wavelength as your market niche, you will easily get their attention. It’s like all they can do is think about you. This what happens when you get on the right wavelength. A simple way to think about it is to think of it like a radio station. When you’re in a tunnel or you’re in the countryside, you get a lot of noise and no signal. Noise is that sounds that’s like … I’m sure everyone’s heard that. When you’re pressing the buttons on your radio trying to get this station and you’re just getting some random nothing. It’s just like, that’s noise. When you’re in the countryside or in a tunnel, you get a lot of noise and you don’t get any signal and the signal was when you could hear music or hear the voices of something and you can’t hear anything. It’s very frustrating. I’m sure everyone’s been in that situation where they’re like, “Ah, this is frustrating. This static sound, this noise sound is horrible. I just want to get a clear signal.” Sure everyone’s been in that situation before. Most businesses think their niche doesn’t buy, won’t listen or is stupid because they don’t seem to get their attention and sell them. I hear people every single day like business owners, consultants, coaches, you name it, just every type of business. I hear everyone saying that their niche sucks. I hear everyone saying that their niche doesn’t have any money and I hear everyone saying that, “Oh, my niche is stupid. They won’t listen to me or they think they know better than me and they won’t buy or they keep saying they want to think about all of these different things.” Of course, they’re blaming the niche. They’re like, “Oh, it’s the niche’s fault.” Or “It’s this guy’s fault. He’s stupid.” Well, truthfully, it’s not really them. It means that your message isn’t really communicating well because when you have a message that communicates well, you won’t complain about your niche. I’m here today to tell you that most businesses are shouting but all their market hears is noise. Most businesses think that their niche won’t listen, most businesses think that their niche doesn’t have any money and they’re shouting like they’re literally on Instagram, they’re on Facebook live yelling down the pipes at people. They’re literally shouting and they’re loud and they’re spending money on ads and everything but it just doesn’t seem to work because even though they’re loud, all their market hears is noise. Here’s a printout which I’ve got. It’s another pin up. It’s available for download below this video. This is something you might want to pin up on the wall or keep handy because it’s really important to think about your message this way. Here’s the quote. Most businesses are shouting but all their market hears is noise. Volume without signal only frustrates people and hurts their ears. Instead of shouting, listen for feedback. Tune your message until it resonates deep into your market’s bones. This is a pin up which you can have just to remember that just because you’re making a lot of noise, just because you’re doing some ads or something, just because you’re doing posts, just because you’ve taught to 20 prospects, just because you’ve done anything, it doesn’t mean that your markets actually hearing you. A radio station can still be putting out a signal but if it’s on the wrong wavelength, you aint hearing any music. It’s very important to know that you want to make sure that your message is resonating with your market, you want to make sure that you guys are on the same wavelength and they’re picking up on that message and it’s really striking nerves because when you get your message tuned properly. Believe me. It is a very, very, very powerful force that will surprise you and your entire market. When you get a message right, it’s like all people ever see and all people ever hear and all people ever think about is you. You don’t have to be very loud, you don’t have to shout to achieve that. It’s actually quite the opposite. I don’t really do any shouting, I don’t really do … I’m a pretty quiet, reserved person. I’m an introvert. I don’t post on the internet very often at all, almost never but when it comes to getting the attention of my market, I have tuned my message to really shake and resonate deep into the market’s bones. It’s because I have used this process which I’m going to show you today in this video, it’s very powerful. What makes a good message? Well, here’s a good example I like to use. Here’s a raw lettuce, just a lettuce like you grab from the supermarket and if you go by a lettuce, it’s around 49 cents. This is what we call the raw material. This is just a lettuce straight out of the ground as just a lettuce. Now we have sliced, bagged lettuce and what’s really interesting is that the sliced lettuce in the bag is only half of the actual lettuce that you get if you buy the whole lettuce. You’re getting half as much actual food but somehow, it’s so much more expensive. Now, this is six and a half times the price. How do you sell someone half of something and charge them six and a half times the price? You can go into any supermarket and go and look at this and it will make you wonder. How does someone sell half the food and charge six and a half times the price? Because surely, people would just, people wouldn’t buy there. Surely, people just want more lettuce. They don’t want less lettuce and paying more for it. Well, it’s a very, very good lesson in business and especially in creating a good offer and a good message because one is the raw material and one is the solution to a problem. What I mean is just because people want lettuce, if people want lettuce then it means that they’re wanting the raw material, however there are a lot of people who are very busy like there’s business people, there’s new moms and dads who aren’t used to having children and they’re very short on time and they’ve hadn’t much sleep. To people like that, time is more important than anything else. If you want to wash a lettuce, if you want to slice it up and everything, let’s say that it takes … I don’t know, 15 minutes or something. If someone that at their job makes like $100 an hour or something, 15 minutes is the equivalent of $25. Someone who very quickly runs the math in the supermarket, if they’re working and they were used to being paid a 100 bucks an hour, they’re like, “Okay, I got to slice all those other lettuce. Well, if it takes me 15 minutes to prepare it, the equivalent of costing a 25 bucks, however I can just get this one for 349. You see? Buying, selling the sliced lettuce that’s already washed and everything, it’s actually a solution to a problem. It’s a way for busy people to get more time and time is worth money. It’s very smart. They’re actually selling half the lettuce and they’re selling it for six times the price. In this world, you get everything handed to you, you get riches, you get respect, you get attention, you get the ultimate life, the ultimate business, you get everything when you sell solutions to problems. However, when you sell raw materials, you’re in a nonstop, never ending uphill battle against everyone else who’s trying to beat you on price because every man with a farm who has lettuces is trying to beat this 49 cents price, however if you’re selling solutions to problems, you’re in another market on your own. This is really important. This is the shift in thinking because there’s a lot of people out there, the traditional school of thought and consulting and everything is … Well, we’re charge per hour and we just give people hours. People don’t buy hours and anyone that goes looking for hours is looking for the wrong thing. People buy solutions. All right? It’s all about solving a problem. It’s all about taking someone from their current situation, to their desired situation and the way we bridge that gap is by positioning our consulting offer as the vehicle to get them now. You want to transition from selling raw materials and processes to selling solutions. Remember back in the training, some of the earlier training modules in week one, we talked about how your niche is the perfect overlap of these three things. Your skills that you have or you can learn, the industries that you know and the market’s needs and desires. I see that most people think it’s their skills that are important but the most important force by far like by at least 500% more like 1,000% is the market’s needs and desires. The most important thing of all is the market’s needs and desires. the market’s needs, wants and desires are the most important thing and I know I might be sounding like a robot by now but we’ve gone through a lot of training in week one and I’ve really driven this point home but it’s so important because a lot of people think that it’s about them, a lot of people think it’s about their skills whether they’ve got testimonials, whether they’ve got an MBA, whether they’ve got a suit or a fancy Instagram or whatever. I’m here today to tell you that it’s not about any of that. It’s about the market’s needs, wants and desires and it’s about solving the myth, it’s about getting someone from their current situation to their desired situation. Here’s this diagram which I use a lot because it’s very simple, very basic and it really allows … It brings clarity to the whole topic. Someone has their current situation in the current self and then they have their desired situation and their desired self. A consultant is an expert at solving a particular problem in helping somebody make a particular transformation in their life or business. Your market doesn’t care about what you have. Here’s a wake-up call. Your market doesn’t hear about what fancy process you’ve got. They don’t care about whether you use Lean Six Sigma or whether you’ve got or have an MBA or doctorate in law, they don’t care about that. They don’t care about what software you’ve got on your computer, they don’t care about how many hours you’re going to spend, they don’t care about any of that stuff. Zero. All they care about his getting to their desired situation. That’s it. A good message communicates this and resonates with the market to get their attention. A good message says to people, I understand your pains, I understand you as a person, I understand your market, I understand what you’re going through, I know what it’s like and I can help you get to where you want to go. I know the future that you want for your life or yourself, your family, your business. I know it down to every little point. A really good message, it understands what the market wants, either then they do themself. That’s a real good message, that’s when you’re really resonating but a good message communicates this and it resonates with the market to get their attention. We’ve covered the theory. You know what a marketing message is, you know how you communicate your offer to your niche market and it’s how you really get those, it’s how you get in front of that niche market and it’s how you things start happening. Let’s start putting this into action. Let’s start taking some action and completing some worksheets and actually starting to craft your message. We’re going to go over a couple of questions. First of all, what problems does your market have? When you did your market research and completed your worksheets such as your niche, definition worksheet and your ideal client avatar. You would’ve identified the problems, pains and desires that they have. You will have that from your completed worksheets and in those worksheets, you will have identified what keeps your ideal client awake at night, sick with worry, what is their thing that is just donning on them all the time? What is that thing that they’re just dragging around like it’s like a ball and chained just shackled to their ankle. They’re pulling it around everywhere. It’s invisible to everyone else but they know what it is and when you have a good message, you know what that is too. Write a list of the problems that they have. When you’ve completed these worksheets, you should have answered these questions and now select the most painful problem from the list. Now, can you help them solve this problem? Don’t worry about completing these questions here because I know you will have completed these in the worksheets but I’m just bringing these back up again to bring them top of mind so we can have a good discussion in this module. Can you help solve this problem for your ideal client? If you can, congratulations. You no longer sell processes, hours and deliverables. You now sell a solution to your market’s most painful problem. You went from being a nobody or you went from being a monkey see, monkey do imitator in the market which they have the effectiveness of a mosquito. Market participants don’t want to hear from people who just imitate everyone else. It’s like they just get swatted away. They’re like an annoying pesky mosquito. However, when you really get a message that resonates, when you understand your market, their current situation, their desired situation, you know what they want, then you no longer sell processes and you’re no longer a nobody or mosquito but you go to being a godsend because when you can help someone get to where they want to go, you’re everything to that person. You’re like that person’s savior. I’m not exaggerating at all. This is what business is like. I think a lot of people think that you get into business and you don’t really help anyone, you provide any value but money is a tight, money is tied to value. In this world and in this economy, if you want to make a ton of money, then you have to provide a ton of value. There is no other way to to do it. That’s how it’s done. The reason why Google makes so much money is because Google provides a lot of value. How many people Google things each day? Apple makes a lot of money because they provide the awesome phones and computers and everything. Companies and people that make a lot of money provide a lot of value and the best way to provide a lot of value is to solve a really painful problem and you go from being just a me to sort of monkey see, monkey do, mosquito-like person to being a total Godsend when you do this and you make the transition from selling raw materials or processes to telling the solution and desired future. Another good exercise to do is to define the cost of having the problem. What does it cost this person or business to have this problem? Start by defining it financially, define it emotionally. A really good message ties the emotional side and the financial side together. Weak messages only cover financial stuff. They say, “Oh, it’s just about making money or it’s just about getting clients.” Or they just talk about the emotions. How would you like to be really happy and and have a really nice time? A really strong message brings them both together. It’s like twines these things together. You’ve got the financial side and the emotional side because to everyone, both are important. There are spiritual people who I’m sure they’ll tell you that it’s very hard to be happy and live by how they think life should be lived when you don’t have any money. There’s financial people who will tell you that it doesn’t matter how much money you have, you’re totally miserable if you’re not happy, if you don’t have your emotional sides covered too. Both are as importantly as each other and a really powerful message brings them both together. Now you want to define what this problem could ultimately leads to if left unresolved. What’s the worst case if they don’t fix it? I know you would have completed these in the worksheets we’ve done but I’m just bringing them back up again to get them top of mind because I’m going to show you how we’re going to work with this in just a minute. What’s it worth to have this problem solved? What does this person stands to gain financially if they solve this problem? If they get this fixed, finance-wise, what’s in it for them? What does this person stand to gain emotionally? How’s their life going to improve? Their relationship with their wife or their girlfriend or their relationship with their body and their health? How good can things get for this person if they solve this problem? If we do solve this and we get them to their desired situation, how awesome can things really get? You really want to paint the picture of how life could be so good that the person can literally taste it in a spit as they hear those words. That’s a powerful message. Now, remember the consulting equation. We covered it in one of the earlier videos in week one and the video was called natural law and the consulting equation. Well, it looks like this. You’ve got your niche times you offer equals your result. We pick our niche then find out what result they want by figuring out what did desired situation is. We know these two sides, we know these two constants, the niche and the result. Now, it’s up to us to figure out what offer keys with the niche to get the result, that’s what we do as a consultant, we go through our iterative scientific method to figure out the right offer and then boom, we’ve got it and we’re making money and we’ve got a business. When it comes to creating a message, a really good message, I have a process just as predictable, just as precise as the consulting equation so we simply take the variables from the consulting equation and plug them into something that I call the message equation. Here’s the message equation. It looks like this. I help blank to blank by blank so I help blank to blank by blank. Now, these three blanks are places which we put different variables from the consulting equation into. It looks like this. I help niche to get result by offer. Very simple so it could be like this. I help accountants to get more customers by doing Facebook ads and funnels or I help yoga instructors to get more customers by Instagram marketing or I help young woman with binge eating issues to get rid of … become free of their binge eating habits by going through a proven five-week process. I help niche to get result by offer and we have your consulting equation already constructed because you will have done the other training modules in week one. You will have completed the worksheets and you already have this. You know what your niche is, you know what the result they want is and you know what the offer is. Now, we simply just plug them in here, you plug in your niche, you plug in the result they want and then you say buy this thing. This is the formula for a very powerful message because remember, all people care about is themselves and getting their desired situation. That is literally what every human being on the face of the earth desires. They desire their future dream. People have dreams, aspirations, desires so I help this niche to get their result by this thing. This is how you construct a powerful message. It’s very simple, it’s profoundly simple and it really cuts right to the point. It’ll allows you to strike a nerve with the market. Let’s craft your message right now and we’ve got some worksheets to complete. By the time you get to this part of this video, I am really hoping that you listen to me at all the different times that I said, make sure you do the videos, watch them one by one in a sequential process and do the work, complete the worksheets, otherwise, none of this is going to make sense. I mean it, I meant it then, I mean it now. If you haven’t done that, go back and do it because you need to have done all of these different worksheets to complete this next worksheet we’re going to talk about. At this stage, you should have done your niche definition worksheet which was on a previous lesson, the ten smart market diagnosis questions, the ideal client avatar worksheet, the minimum viable offer worksheet and the niche offer result hypothesis. Now, this is a total of five worksheets, you should have done them all. You should have completed them and you should have them handy on your computer or printed out next to you right now so that we can create this next worksheet which is called the message hypothesis worksheet. Let’s pull the message hypothesis worksheet up on the screen right now. This is available for download below this video in the resources section and it is a PDF and what you can do is you can download it to your computer and you can print it out and complete it with pen and paper or you can just click this link here to be taken to the Google Doc and you complete the … and you can complete it using Google Docs, the digital online version, totally up to you. Part one, pre market of the message hypothesis worksheet. Some of the stuff is going be repetitive of from the other worksheet. That’s fine. You can just copy this over. The reason why I keep asking these questions is so we have reference to it on each worksheet and also, you can never write this stuff down too many times like what is my niche? What is their current situation? What is the desired situation like this is all they really, all that exists in business. You can’t understand this enough. There is no such thing as understanding your niche in their current situation and their desired situation too much. The more I get you to start repeating this, the more I start drumming this in to your brain, the better it is for you because you’re going to really start to think like them. They’re going to be on your mind all the time and you’re going to be much more comfortable speaking with them and dealing with them. That’s why I keep getting you to do it. What is your niche? Write it down. What is their current situation? Write it down. What is the desired situation? Write it down then what version and number is this hypothesis? If this is the first time you’re doing this worksheet, you write number one, however, like the other niche offer result hypothesis worksheet, these are made to be never ending. We come up with the first version of your message hypothesis which is what message we think is going to work, what message we think is going to resonate with your market and then we go to the market and we test it and we see if it does. We collect feedback and then we iterate and improve it because in business, there’s no such thing as really finishing something completely like I think a lot of people believe that you create an offer, you create a message and then you forget about it and that’s it. Well, you can forget about it for like a little bit but really if you treat things that way in business, someone else comes along and does something better than you and business is really a never ending process. You’ve got to get into that mindset. I remember too when I went to college and by the time you were done with the paper, you were done with it. By the time you’re done with a level, what university you like, if you did, one, you were done with it, by the time you did your degree, you were done. All right, you could forget about it but business is not the same. Business is the real world and I learned that. I was like, “Oh well, we’re never really done with these things, they’re constant and continual ongoing processes where we keep improving things.” Even though we’re going to come up with your message hypothesis now, if you want to be savagely effective in your market, you want to continuously keep improving your hypothesis, keep improving your message to get it razor sharp to the point where all your market can do is think about you. What does this niche have or does this niche have their own language/slang and if so, what are some of the keywords and phrases and statements that they use? We want to understand does this niche have their own language? Like builders and plumbers use a lot of slang and I’m sure all sorts of different niches use different slang. For example in the online marketing and digital marketing, people use funnels and clicks. There’s all sorts of words. After you’ve done your research and your market like write down what their language is like, what are some of the keywords or phrases that they use? To create a good message, we really need to understand what language they use. Now, number six, define your message in a simple sentence or two using the message equation which we talked about before and the equation is I help niche to get result by your offer. You want to write your message here, very simple, don’t over complicate it. You just need to follow the formula. I help accountants to get more high value clients by Facebook ads and funnels. something simple like that. Do that. Now, write your message or hypothesis. On a scale of one to ten for how well it resonates with your prospects before we go and get real life feedback from the market. Based on completing these questions above, doing your research and defining your I help blank to blank by blank statement here, how confident are you with this message? How well do you think it’s going to resonate with your market based on what you know? I want you to give it a rating out of one to ten and ten is being crystal clear and one is being not very clear at all, mostly noisy and you can get a grading here. Now, each time we iterate and improve your message, we’re going to see how this improves, your confidence in your message because you’re going to start off probably not having the highest rating on your message hypothesis. That’s totally fine. No one does. When I got started in business, mine was like a one. If I could have selected zero on this scale, I would have selected zero and is important for me to tell you that people, no one starts really confident, no one starts with an awesome badass message like “Me, myself and everyone I know started with a message that quite honestly it sucked.” It didn’t resonate with the market and everyone’s the same but the thing is is that you have to start with something. You have to write down your message, there’s no such thing as a wrong one and then we go test it with the market and we iterate it and we improve it. If I started with a message that was a one out of ten, only really like four, five years ago, now I’ve made more than $20 million, make more of a hundred grand a day now. It doesn’t matter. All of my millionaire students they started with a message that wasn’t awesome too, same with the six figure ones, everyone. Don’t worry. If you think that your message isn’t awesome right now because it probably won’t be and the only way to get in or some messages to go to the market, see how they react to it, collect feedback and iterate it and improve it. That’s part one of the message hypothesis worksheet and part one is pre market. Pre market means we come up with this before we actually go to the market. Part two is live market feedback. I’m gonna walk you through this part now, even though you won’t be to complete this part until you’ve actually gone out to the market and you’ve started making contact with them and you’re most welcome to start making contact with you market right now in week one. You can totally do that, however, most a lot of people are probably going to want to wait until when we do the mindset training in week two and then we do the sales training in week three. If you wanted to wait until week three, that’s totally fine as well. What you’re going to do is you’re going to start going out to your market and you’re going to start generating strategy sessions with them and doing strategy sessions and each time you do a strategy session, you’re going to check off each one so you do the first one, your second one, your third one, so on and so forth. Now, it’s really important that you should do at least 20 to 30 offers, 20 to 30 strategy sessions where you pitched your client before you judge your message hypothesis because a lot of people go out there and they form a message and they think, “Okay, I’m going to go out and test.” Then they do one call and the person says no and then they’re like, they run home, get under the [inaudible 00:44:26] and cry. If you go and you do one of anything, I’m not surprised it doesn’t work. Even today, me with my thorough understanding of consulting and my massive collection of results and everything and I know this stuff through and through. I created all of this stuff. I invented it all and even now with my knowledge and understanding of all of this, if I went out and made an offer to someone, most of the time I’d get a no because I get more nos than yeses but my conversion rate is probably around 30% on a real good day, it’s up at 40% so that means that if I talked to ten people, only three would buy and seven would say no to me. There’s a high chance that seven in a row could say no. Seven people could tell me no in a row and I still wouldn’t care because I’m like, “This happens.” I know how numbers work. You can get seven no’s in a row and then get three yeses in a row. I’ve had sometimes where I’ve gone at 15 no’s in a row and then I’ve had like almost nine yeses in a row. Numbers have a funny way of sorting themselves out. It’s like regression to the main, there’s a whole bunch of complicated stuff. We don’t even need to get into it. It’s not worth knowing but you basic … the basic takeaway of it is that numbers aren’t evenly distributed across the dataset. If you’re out, I think a lot of people think that they should have a … If they have a 30% conversion rate, then that means that one in every three people is going to say yes and then they go and do three, no one says yes so they’re like, “Oh my God, my conversation rate is zero percent. That’s not true.” You have to do a large enough number to get an accurate idea of your conversation rate. You also have to do a large enough number of … you have to do a large enough of number strategy sessions and pitches before you can really judge your message and I recommend that numbers 20 to 30 so you should go about making your offers to people and at the point where you’ve made in between 20 and 30 offers, then you want to come back and make some refinements to your message hypothesis and come up with a new hypothesis and go out and test that and you want to keep going again and again and you want to keep sharpening this message and you want to get it to that point where it’s really resonating and it’s really shaking people. It’s important that I tell you that you don’t need to do like multiple iterations before you start making money. You can start making money and you can get clients on your first message hypothesis. I’m just saying that most people I’m guessing are going to want to keep improving, most people if they get one client then they’re going to want more. Like I said, I didn’t create this training to just show you how to get one client. I created this training to make you rich and create profound change because I don’t think that … one client is cool and everything. You’d be like, “Oh, I got my money back from this course and everything but I didn’t put this much effort of my life into this training just to help you get a client. I want people to make six figures, seven figures. I want people to live their dreams and in order to do that, you’re going to get multiple clients in an order to really crush it, you’re going to want to keep improving upon your message. That’s why we get you to do this and then what words or phrases do you hear your prospects repeating over and over again? This is a good question. When you’re doing your sales calls, I’m going to get you to record them all and I’m going to teach you the hands down, the most powerful and potent sales script that exists on the planet today for selling consulting services. I know because the best salespeople in the world have said, “This thing is intense.” I’m going to teach you that in week three and this thing is going to turn you into a beast when it comes to sales. One thing I get you to do is to record your sales calls so that we can go back and listen to them and see how you went and all of that stuff. Well, when you’re doing your sales calls and your strategy sessions and when you’re listening to your recordings and stuff, you want to think what words or phrases do you hear people say over and over again. People saying the same words and phrases across all different calls. If they are, write them down, these are patterns starting to emerge. What stories do your prospects like to tell that seem to recur across multiple calls? Are your prospects telling stories like saying things a rule, a particular way or they’re complaining about a thing or do they would like to tell story about a particular job or dealing with a particular or supplier or something. What stories do they tell? Write them down. This is a powerful one. What metaphors or analogies do your prospects use? Metaphors are really powerful and sometimes people within a particular niche they share metaphors and analogies to communicate with each other or sometimes to describe someone’s own situation, they refer to a metaphor because it does so clearly. When people do stuff like that, you want to really pay attention because the people that pick up on these things, they understand their market on a whole another level and the other people that are able to create really nerve-striking, arm hair-raising offers and messages so listen out for those and write them down. What things does your prospect appear to be bored or saddened talking about? What topics if you bring them up or what words if you say them, what things dull down the conversation like what things make people who sounds sad? The life kind of drops out of the conversation like what are those things? Write them down and then on the opposite side, what things does your prospect appear to be excited and energized talking about? Are there different words, phrases, or topics or things that if you talk about them, it’s like the prospects that’s up in these chairs, it’s like back straight, all of a sudden, their eyes are open, they’re alert but you’ve got them awake. There’s words and phrases that get people to start doing things like that. You want pay attention, you want to write those down. What words, sentences and phrases that you used did not resonate with your prospect? Was there anything that was pretty much just like useless like sometimes people will say something and the prospect doesn’t even listen. Most of what most business owners say is noise and they’re not even saying anything. If it doesn’t mean anything to the prospect, they don’t hear it. It’s real simple. What things that you say don’t seem to have any effect or just don’t even seem to get heard? You want to start writing them down because as we improve and as we iterate on our message hypothesis, we want to start cutting out the things that don’t work. As we work on our sale script and the way we pitch our offer and our Facebook ads and things, we’re going to come back to these worksheets and we’re going to look at things and be like, “Oh, this words are just no no’s. We don’t talk about these things because they do they’re useless what they make people feel bad in our market so it’s really important to start collecting this information.” What words or sentences or phrases did resonate with your prospects? On the opposite side, what things did you say that really got people’s attention and to emphasize your key points when you were talking like when you’re giving your message, when you’re doing your strategy sessions, quite often when people are trying to make a point, they use metaphors and analogies so just like we’re keeping a record of your prospects metaphors and analogies that he or she uses we want to start writing down and keeping record of the metaphors and analogies that you use yourself. What you want to do is write your message hypothesis on a scale of 1 to 10 for how well it resonated with your prospects after feedback. One being no resonance, ten being crystal clear resonant. We got you to rate your message hypothesis on a scale of one to ten and that the pre market section which is how well you think it’s going to go and then what we do is we compare your pre market rating with your post market rating and we can see. Your post market rating is then something which you can take and improve upon again and it’s just a constant process of creating a hypothesis, going to the market and testing it, coming back with feedback, coming up with a new hypothesis, going back to the market testing it, it’s a process. We keep making a hypothesis. We keep going to the market we keep testing it and we’re getting clients, we’re making money at the same time but we keep sharpening up that sword because if we … most businesses they get their message until it’s good enough and then they go sell and they forget about their message and then they end up forgetting or their message ends up wearing off overtime and then all of a sudden they’re like, “Oh my God, my message isn’t working anymore.” That’s the bad way to do business. It’s better to continuously sharpen it even when it doesn’t need sharpening because that way you’re so far ahead of every other person in your market that it’s like people can’t ever catch up. You want to be so far heat of your competitors, this is this is the hungry side of me talking, you don’t have to be like this but I like to be at least, at the very least like ten times ahead of my competitors because if I’m not, I’m like, “Well damn, this is not a big enough lead. I want to be ten times, this year I want to get way more times ahead. To do that, you want to continuously keep sharpening that message can keep forming new hypothesis, keep testing. Now, based on the above, state ways in which you can improve your niche offer result hypothesis. This should say your message hypothesis so fix that one up. Based on this, how can you improve it? Write it down and how can we make our message stronger, more potent, more powerful and then after making at least 20 to 30 offers during at least 20 to 30 strategy sessions to your niche using your message hypothesis, collect the feedback in this form and then come up with ideas for improvement and then repeat it again. Once you’ve done this and you’ve done 20 to 30 calls, you go back to the beginning and then you fill out this form again and this time you change it to version number two. This is version number two and then we go out and we test it again. We collect feedback and we go create version number three. We test it again, we get feedback version number four and I’m pretty sure you understand me now like it’s an ongoing process and the beauty of doing it in this ongoing way is that you just keep getting better and you keep getting better and you’ll be … honestly, you’ll be surprised at how good you get in a very short amount of time, because most business owners don’t think like this. Most business owners don’t even plan, most business owners don’t have a hypothesis. You say hypothesis to most business owners, they’ll be like, “What are you talking about?” This is the difference. I’m teaching you how to behave and do business like a billionaire. This is next level business training. Most people don’t do stuff like this. Most people don’t plan, most people test, most people don’t measure. We’re different and that’s why we’re going to get results like no one else does. That’s your message hypothesis worksheet and what you want to do is complete that right now. Pause this video, take the time to complete it and obviously you’re only going to be able to complete part one which is the pre market, the pre market stuff. You’re not going to be able to complete part two yet which is the life market feedback until you actually start making sales. You’re most welcome to make sales right now, go for it if you want to. However, a lot of people are going to want to do the mindset training first and then get the sales training before they do that in weeks two and three. Now, and I’m sounding like a robot and I’m repeating this a lot but it’s so important that I tell you that this is an iterative process because I think a lot of people get … I don’t think I know because I’ve had more than ten and a half thousand students in this program now and I’ve been doing consulting for like five, six years now. I know, they’re not even thinking. I know that a lot of people come into business and they think that whatever they come up with on their first attempt is that they think that if that doesn’t work, they’ve failed and they think that it should work or else it fails. It’s the wrong way to think. There’s flawed thinking. I know society stores that thinking into us but it’s wrong. Proper businessman think I’m going to form a hypothesis. This is a guess at what I think the market wants. They go out there and they test it. If people will say no, they don’t care. They’re like, “That’s feedback.” They ask people, “Why?” They find out why and then they come back to the drawing board and they improve it. They change to a new hypothesis and then they go out and they test that again. Nothing is a failure in this training. It’s only feedback. If we get a yes, awesome. We get a client, we make money but if we get a no, it’s okay. It’s feedback, not failure. We need feedback to improve our process, our offer, our message, everything. We conduct our research, form a hypothesis and then go out to the market to test our hypotheses and collect feedback. We use our message equation to iterate and improve again and again. Here’s our message formula or a message equation again. We’ve got our niche on the left. Then our message in the middle and it comes into contact with a niche and then we’ve got our result which is on the right hand side. Remember that market to message resonance is when you’d tune your message to get on the same wavelength as your market niche. You’ve got on the right hand side, you’ve got you, the observer and you’ve got your offer and then on the left hand side, you’ve got your market niche, you’ve got two antennas, just imagine that your market niche is on a one wavelength but the red line that you can see, the red squiggly line you can see. Then you’ve got you and your messages this blue or purple wiggly line. Now, when those waves match and they start resonating together, that is when you’ve got your message right. That is when all your market can do is think about you, dream about you. All they’re doing is seeing you everywhere, they’re talking about you, it’s like, “Man, where did this guy come from? He’s just everywhere.” that’s when you’ve got my market message resonance. That’s where you’re vibrating and you’re on their wavelength so much that there’s just no escaping you. This process helps you achieve and it’s important that you understand that you don’t just get this on your first go. You get it by forming a hypothesis going to the market, testing, iterating and improving and that’s why we have a process for doing this. Here’s a print out. Here’s a pin up that you can put up on your wall and we talked about this earlier in the video that’s very important. Most businesses are shouting but all the market hears is noise. A volume without signal only frustrates people and hurts the ears. Instead of shouting, listen for feedback. Tune your message till it resonates deep into your market’s bone. This is an important thing to remember because you don’t want to be that person that says, “My niche sucks, my niche doesn’t have any money. My niche can’t afford anything. My niche is stupid. My niche won’t listen. My niche is anything. I hear people say this all the time. It’s never their fault, it’s always their niche. Seriously, in every niche there is in the world pretty much, people are making a lot of money. They have just understood the niche better than you and they’re on a different wavelength than you. It’s like they’re communicating to the niche, they’re selling things to the niche, everything is going well for them but when you’re on a different wavelength, it’s like no one can hear you anyway. There’s a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs out there that’s just shouting, making a lot of noise but nothing’s resonating and that’s an important thing to remember because you … just because you’re saying stuff, you don’t want to think that your market can hear you because if you’re saying the wrong thing, then your market can’t even hear the words you’re saying because people have a filtered hearing system. My people only are listening for certain things. If they don’t hear things that relate to their life and their situation and their desires, that pretty much just goes in one ear out the other but when you strike on those nerves, when you get things that they care about, when you use the language that they use and when you craft your message properly the way I’ve shown you in this module, it will resonate. It will start to get them sitting up in their chair, start to get the hairs on their arms raising up and you’ll have their attention. That’s a good message. It’s important to tell you that there is no message in the entire world that was awesome on the first attempt. It takes iterations and improvements to achieve mastery. Remember that. I can really guarantee this to you. I can guarantee you that armed with this training alone, you are at the absolute forefront of your market and you’re going to crush the competition. This training which I’ve put together for you here, it is something else. It is worlds apart from anything else that’s out there in the marketplace right now. You’re very lucky to be in this training and you’re very lucky to be paying attention in watching these videos. If you complete these exercises, you’re going to just run lapse around the competition and there’s no exaggeration at all. I know a business owners, I know a lot of them and a lot of them do pretty good too and they’re still … they don’t think like this. They don’t take the time to craft the message like this and if you do this stuff, if you put this into action if you do this work, you’re in for some awesome experiences as an entrepreneur and as a business owner because this stuff is on another level. Here’s what what everybody else is saying. Here’s why when you follow this process, your message is going to be so powerful compared to everybody else’s and this is what everyone is saying. They’re saying I am, I am a consultant that helps accountants get more clients like I am. Well, they say I do, they’re like, “I do digital marketing for accountants. I do digital marketing for lawyers or I do Facebook funnels. I do you executive training for CEOs.” They say, “I own. I own a very, very big awesome consulting business.” or “I own a consulting business that helps these people.” They say we are. Now, these are all words that come from ego. They come from the ego. They come from you and someone talking about themselves and whenever you use these words I am, I do, I own, we are, they’re bad because you don’t remember, your market doesn’t care about you or your market cares about is themself and all you should care about is your market because if you do that, if you become market obsessed instead of self-obsessed, you will make serious amounts of money because most people out there these days, they’re too worried about their Instagram account, they’re too worried about how their website looks. They’re getting fancy photos with photographers and wearing all of these different clothes and it’s all about them. That’s pretty selfish and it’s not that I don’t want you doing that, it’s just that that doesn’t work and I’m here to teach you guys how to get results. If that worked, believe me, I’d be presenting it in these videos. I’d say we need to be doing this, we need to get out, we need to hire a photographer, we need to get this fancy suit, we need to get this pocket square going on, we need to get this fancy haircut, believe me I’d be teaching how to do it if it worked but it doesn’t work because no one cares about you. All they care about is themself and we want to become market obsessed instead of self-obsessed and this is why most people’s messages suck and it’s not about you, it’s all about the market and that’s why when we create our message, it’s I help blank to blank by blank. It’s I help accountants to get their dream and their desire and their desired situation by doing this process. When we use that formula, it’s all about them and it’s not about us and it cuts through the noise. It really resonates, gets on the same wavelength as our market is on and it helps us get clients. That’s it for this training video on how resonating your message, how to craft your message and really tune it, fine tune it to resonate on the same wavelength as you market. What I want you to do is I want you to complete that worksheet, you’re only going to be able to do part one, you won’t be able to do part two now unless you’re one of those people that’s hungry and starts making … starts going pitching … right now, if you want to, by all means go and do that but for most people, you’re not going to be able to complete part two until you stop pitching stuff in week three. That’s it for this video. Thanks for watching. Please make sure you go and watch all the videos in full, please make sure you complete all of the worksheets and then go to the action items section which is below this and what I want you to do is I want you to upload and submit your action items so each week you have to submit your action items. It’s a really good thing to do so you’ve got everything stored safely in one place. If you lose your laptop, if your computer breaks, if anything happens, you’re going to have all of your information uploaded and stored safely and securely in one place and that’s what our action items system allows you to do, it also allows you to tick off your progress throughout this program so that you can track your progress and everything. Very important to do that, go to the action items section, answer those questions, check off all of those items, upload your worksheets and then let’s get week one signed off from you. Let’s go and move in to week two where we’re going to talk about mindset and we really going to get into some awesome things that I can’t wait to see you all in week two and teach you this revolutionary new way of thinking and seeing the world. Thanks everyone. I’ll see you in the next training. Thanks.